boot | ||
etc | ||
home/beastie | ||
img | ||
usr/local/etc | ||
missing_files | ||
pkg_list.txt | || |
My dotfiles!
System and user configuration files backup.
Dependencies for the Beastie theme outside of this repo:
Installed packages:
- catfish
- chromium
- consolekit2
- cowsay
- cwm
- devcpu-data
- devcpu-data-intel
- doas
- drm-kmod
- dunst
- efivar
- emacs
- feh
- firefox
- fish
- fortune-mod-freebsd-classic
- freebsd-doc-en
- freebsd-doc-pt
- gimp
- git
- grub2-bhyve
- gstreamer1-plugins-all
- homebank
- htop
- hw-probe
- hwstat
- ImageMagick7
- kcolorpicker
- keepassxc
- lemonbar
- lfm
- libreoffice
- libreoffice-pt_BR
- libva-intel-driver
- libvdpau-va-gl
- lsblk
- lsw
- lxappearance
- meld
- mixertui
- moc
- most
- mp4v2
- nano
- neofetch
- openvpn
- pciutils
- phonon-vlc
- picom
- pkg
- portmaster
- py-speedtest-cli
- qbittorrent
- qt5-style-plugins
- qt5ct
- qtcurve-qt5
- rar
- rxvt-unicode
- scrot
- shotcut
- supertux2
- supertuxkart
- telegram-desktop
- tigervnc-viewer
- tmux
- typespeed
- uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm
- unrar
- usbutils
- vim
- virtualbox-ose
- vlc
- vm-bhyve
- w3m-img
- webcamd
- wget
- wifimgr
- wtf
- xarchiver
- xclip
- xdg-user-dirs
- xdotool
- xf86-video-intel
- xfe
- xlockmore
- xorg
- xpdf
- youtube_dl
- zsh
- zsh-antigen
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-completions
- zsh-navigation-tools
- zsh-syntax-highlighting