#!/bin/bash # WPDL VERSION="" CONF="/home/$USER/.config/wpdl.conf" source $CONF source /etc/wpdl/parse # updater if [ "$1" = "-u" ]; then # setting USER variable USER=$(logname) # root check ROOT=$(whoami) if [ "$ROOT" != "root" ]; then echo "ERR_ROOT_PRIVS_REQUIRE" echo "(try re-running this script with sudo.)" exit fi # contact tildegit to check for a new release parse # compare versions WPSET_REMOTEVER=$(echo "$DOWNLOAD_VERSION") WPSET_LOCALVER=$(wpset -v) if [ "$WPSET_REMOTEVER" == "$WPSET_LOCALVER" ]; then # tell user that there's nothing to do echo "you are already running the latest available version of wallman." exit else # download the update cd /home/$USER/ FOLDER_CHECK=$(ls | grep brendotools-wallman) if [ "$FOLDER_CHECK" != "" ]; then rm -rf brendotools-wallman* fi git clone https://tildegit.org/BrendanTCC/brendotools-wallman/ cd brendotools-wallman git checkout tags/$DOWNLOAD_VERSION # set the version because GOOD GOD I'M A LAZY CUNT echo wpset | sed "s/VERSION\=\"\"/VERSION\=\"$DOWNLOAD_VERSION\"" # install the update mv wpset /bin/wpset chmod +x /bin/wpset mv parse /etc/wpdl/parse chmod +x /etc/wpdl/parse cd /home/$USER/ rm -rf brendotools-wallman/ echo "done." WPSET_LOCALVER=$(wpset -v) if [ "$WPSET_LOCALVER" == "$WPSET_REMOTEVER" ]; then echo "success! wpset version updated to $WPSET_LOCALVER." else echo "something's gone wrong. wpset version is '$WPSET_LOCALVER' when it should be $WPSET_REMOTEVER.\ try manually moving the file and running wpset -v." fi fi # version if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then echo "$VERSION" exit fi # set last wp if [ "$1" = "last" ]; then feh --bg-max $WALL_LOC/$LAST exit fi function wplist() { curl -u $SSH_USER: sftp://$SSH_HOST/home/$SSH_USER/wp.list } function listupdate() { echo "updating wallpaper list..." ssh $SSH_USER@$SSH_HOST "bash /home/$SSH_USER/bin/wplist" &> /dev/null } listupdate if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "usage: wpset " echo "to list available wallpapers: wpset -l" echo "[for startup script] to set last wp: wpset last" exit fi # wallpaper list if [ "$1" = "-l" ]; then wplist exit fi if [ "$1" = "list" ]; then wplist exit fi # check for locally installed walls and set em if it's there WPCHECK=$(ls $WALL_LOC | grep $1) if [ "$WPCHECK" = "$1" ]; then feh --bg-max $WALL_LOC/$1 echo "$1" > $WALL_LOC/.lastwp exit else # wallpaper lookup WPLIST=$(wplist | grep $1) if [ "$WPLIST" = "$1" ]; then # download the actual script curl -s sftp://$SSH_HOST/home/$SSH_USER/bin/wpdl -u $SSH_USER: -o wpdl chmod +x wpdl clear $PWD/wpdl $* rm wpdl [ -e wp.list ] && rm $PWD/wp.list else clear echo "could not find the wallpaper you requested, here's a list of what's available:" wplist fi fi