<p><bstyle="color: #FF00FF">HowdoIsignupforanaccount?</b><br>Simplybygoingtoour<ahref="/signup.php">signuppage</a>andfillingintheform.Youcanaskforhelpin#thunix on tilde.chat, or you can <a href="/contact.php">contact us</a>, if you run into any difficulties.</p>
<p><bstyle="color: #FF00FF">Iwanttorun{fillintheblank}server,butIcan't seem to access it? </b></br>The only exposed ports to the internet are services as defined in our <a href="https://tildegit.org/thunix/ansible">ansible playbook.</a> If there is a public service you want to see, open an issue, or do a pull request for it, and we'llprobablyenableitwithoutmuchquestion.</p>
<p><bstyle="color: #FF00FF">Oldthunixdid{fillintheblank},andnowitdoesn't. Make it work like it used to!</b></br>There was a huge changeover. Maybe we can get something going old thunix had, and maybe not. You can mention it in the IRC channel, and we'llseewhatwecando.</p>