Anna “CyberTailor” 4935f3fe45
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
cli: add version part filter
2024-04-23 23:23:55 +05:00

233 lines
5.9 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: WTFPL
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Anna <>
# No warranty
""" Basic command-line functionality. """
import threading
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable, Generator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import field
from functools import cached_property
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Any
import click
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from find_work.cache import CacheKey
from find_work.config import load_config
class ProgressDots:
""" Print a dot to the terminal every second. """
def __init__(self, active: bool) -> None: = active
self._timer: threading.Timer | None = None
def _tick(self) -> None:
click.echo(" .", nl=False, err=True)
self._timer = threading.Timer(1.0, self._tick)
def _start(self) -> None:
if not
self._timer = threading.Timer(1.0, self._tick)
def _stop(self) -> None:
if not or self._timer is None:
def __call__(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
class OptionsBase(ABC):
""" Base class for all options. """
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
setattr(self, key, value)
class ModuleOptionsBase(OptionsBase, ABC):
""" Base class for module-specific options. """
#: Extra options used in the command scope.
extra_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None
def cache_order(self) -> list[str]:
class BugzillaOptions(ModuleOptionsBase):
""" Bugzilla subcommand options. """
# Product name.
product: str = ""
# Component name.
component: str = ""
# Bug summary.
short_desc: str = ""
# Sort by date last modified or by ID.
chronological_sort: bool = False
def cache_order(self) -> list[str]:
return ["chronological_sort", "short_desc", "product", "component"]
class PgoOptions(ModuleOptionsBase):
""" Gentoo Packages subcommand options. """
def cache_order(self) -> list[str]:
return []
class PkgcheckOptions(ModuleOptionsBase):
""" pkgcheck subcommand options. """
# Repository name or absolute path.
repo: str = ""
# Class of the pkgcheck warning, e.g. DeprecatedEapi
keywords: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
# Message of the pkgcheck warning, e.g. 'uses deprecated EAPI 5'
message: str = ""
def cache_order(self) -> list[str]:
return ["repo", "keywords", "message"]
class RepologyOptions(ModuleOptionsBase):
""" Repology subcommand options. """
# Repository name.
repo: str = ""
def cache_order(self) -> list[str]:
return ["repo"]
class Message(Enum):
""" Typical messages. """
CACHE_READ = auto()
CACHE_LOAD = auto()
CACHE_WRITE = auto()
NO_WORK = auto()
class Options(OptionsBase):
""" Global options. """
# Enable/disable colors.
colors: bool | None = None
# Maintainer email.
maintainer: str = ""
# Enable/disable progress reporting.
verbose: bool = True
# Filter installed packages only
only_installed: bool = False
# Byte string used for creating cache key.
cache_key: CacheKey = field(default_factory=CacheKey)
#: Subcommand options.
bugzilla: BugzillaOptions = field(default_factory=BugzillaOptions)
pgo: PgoOptions = field(default_factory=PgoOptions)
pkgcheck: PkgcheckOptions = field(default_factory=PkgcheckOptions)
repology: RepologyOptions = field(default_factory=RepologyOptions)
def echo(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Simple alias to :py:function:`click.echo`.
click.echo(*args, **kwargs)
def vecho(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Alias to :py:function:`click.echo` but with our verbosity settings.
if self.verbose:
click.echo(*args, **kwargs)
def secho(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Alias to :py:function:`click.secho` but with our color settings.
kwargs.pop("color", None)
click.secho(*args, color=self.colors, **kwargs) # type: ignore
def say(self, msgid: Message) -> None:
Output one of pre-configured messages to the terminal.
:param msgid: message type
match msgid:
case Message.CACHE_LOAD:
self.vecho("Checking for cached data", nl=False, err=True)
case Message.CACHE_READ:
self.vecho("Reading cached data", nl=False, err=True)
case Message.CACHE_WRITE:
self.vecho("Caching data", nl=False, err=True)
case Message.EMPTY_RESPONSE:
self.secho("Hmmm, no data returned. Try again with different "
"arguments.", fg="yellow")
case Message.NO_WORK:
self.secho("Congrats! You have nothing to do!", fg="green")
case _:
raise TypeError(f"Unknown message identifier: {msgid}")
def apply_custom_flags(callback: Callable) -> Callable:
A decorator function to load custom global flags from configuration files.
for flag in load_config().flags:
names = [f"--{}"]
names += flag.shortcuts
callback = click.option(*names, help=flag.description, is_flag=True)(callback)
return callback