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2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
from src.exceptions import BBJException, BBJParameterError, BBJUserError
from src import db, schema
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
from functools import wraps
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
from uuid import uuid1
import traceback
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
import cherrypy
import sqlite3
import json
dbname = "data.sqlite"
def api_method(function):
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
A wrapper that handles encoding of objects and errors to a
standard format for the API, resolves and authorizes users
from header data, and prepares the arguments for each method.
In the body of each api method and all the functions
they utilize, BBJExceptions are caught and their attached
schema is dispatched to the client. All other unhandled
exceptions will throw a code 1 back at the client and log
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
it for inspection. Errors related to JSON decoding are
caught as well and returned to the client as code 0.
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
""" = True
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
response = None
connection = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
# read in the body from the request to a string...
if cherrypy.request.method == "POST":
body = str(, "utf8")
body = ""
# the body may be empty, not all methods require input
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
if body:
body = json.loads(body)
if isinstance(body, dict):
# lowercase all of its top-level keys
2017-04-03 08:52:51 +00:00
body = {key.lower(): value for key, value in body.items()}
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
username = cherrypy.request.headers.get("User")
auth = cherrypy.request.headers.get("Auth")
if (username and not auth) or (auth and not username):
raise BBJParameterError("User or Auth was given without the other.")
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
elif not username and not auth:
user = db.anon
user = db.user_resolve(connection, username)
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
if not user:
raise BBJUserError("User %s is not registered" % username)
elif auth != user["auth_hash"]:
raise BBJException(5, "Invalid authorization key for user.")
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
# api_methods may choose to bind a usermap into the thread_data
# which will send it off with the response
cherrypy.thread_data.usermap = {}
value = function(self, body, connection, user)
response = schema.response(value, cherrypy.thread_data.usermap)
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
except BBJException as e:
response = e.schema
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
response = schema.error(0, str(e))
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
error_id = uuid1().hex
response = schema.error(1,
"Internal server error: code {} {}"
.format(error_id, repr(e)))
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
with open("logs/exceptions/" + error_id, "a") as log:
traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__, file=log)
print("logged code 1 exception " + error_id)
return json.dumps(response)
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
return wrapper
def create_usermap(connection, obj):
Creates a mapping of all the user_ids that occur in OBJ to
their full user objects (names, profile info, etc). Can
be a thread_index or a messages object from one.
return {
user_id: db.user_resolve(
for user_id in {item["author"] for item in obj}
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def validate(json, args):
Ensure the json object contains all the keys needed to satisfy
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
its endpoint (and isnt empty)
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
if not json:
raise BBJParameterError(
"JSON input is empty. This method requires the following "
"arguments: {}".format(", ".join(args)))
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
for arg in args:
if arg not in json.keys():
raise BBJParameterError(
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
"Required parameter {} is absent from the request. "
"This method requires the following arguments: {}"
.format(arg, ", ".join(args)))
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
class API(object):
This object contains all the API endpoints for bbj.
The html serving part of the server is not written
yet, so this is currently the only module being
def user_register(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Register a new user into the system and return the new object.
Requires the string arguments `user_name` and `auth_hash`.
Do not send User/Auth headers with this method.
validate(args, ["user_name", "auth_hash"])
return db.user_register(
database, args["user_name"], args["auth_hash"])
def user_update(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Receives new parameters and assigns them to the user_object
in the database. The following new parameters can be supplied:
`user_name`, `auth_hash`, `quip`, `bio`, and `color`. Any number
of them may be supplied.
The newly updated user object is returned on success.
if user == db.anon:
raise BBJParameterError("Anons cannot modify their account.")
validate(args, []) # just make sure its not empty
return db.user_update(database, user, args)
def get_me(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Requires no arguments. Returns your internal user object,
including your authorization hash.
return user
def user_get(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Retreive an external user object for the given `user`.
Can be a user_id or user_name.
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
validate(args, ["user"])
return db.user_resolve(
database, args["user"], return_false=False, externalize=True)
def user_is_registered(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Takes the argument `target_user` and returns true or false
whether they are in the system or not.
validate(args, ["target_user"])
return bool(db.user_resolve(database, args["target_user"]))
def check_auth(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Takes the arguments `target_user` and `target_hash`, and
returns boolean true or false whether the hash is valid.
validate(args, ["target_user", "target_hash"])
user = db.user_resolve(database, args["target_user"], return_false=False)
return args["target_hash"] == user["auth_hash"]
def thread_index(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Return an array with all the threads, ordered by most recent activity.
Requires no arguments.
threads = db.thread_index(database)
cherrypy.thread_data.usermap = create_usermap(database, threads)
return threads
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def thread_create(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Creates a new thread and returns it. Requires the non-empty
string arguments `body` and `title`
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
validate(args, ["body", "title"])
thread = db.thread_create(
database, user["user_id"], args["body"], args["title"])
cherrypy.thread_data.usermap = \
create_usermap(database, thread["messages"])
return thread
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def thread_reply(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Creates a new reply for the given thread and returns it.
Requires the string arguments `thread_id` and `body`
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
validate(args, ["thread_id", "body"])
return db.thread_reply(
database, user["user_id"], args["thread_id"], args["body"])
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def thread_load(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Returns the thread object with all of its messages loaded.
Requires the argument `thread_id`
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
validate(args, ["thread_id"])
thread = db.thread_get(database, args["thread_id"])
cherrypy.thread_data.usermap = \
create_usermap(database, thread["messages"])
return thread
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def edit_post(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Replace a post with a new body. Requires the arguments
`thread_id`, `post_id`, and `body`. This method verifies
that the user can edit a post before commiting the change,
otherwise an error object is returned whose description
should be shown to the user.
To perform sanity checks and retrieve the unformatted body
of a post without actually attempting to replace it, use
`edit_query` first.
Returns the new message object.
if user == db.anon:
raise BBJUserError("Anons cannot edit messages.")
validate(args, ["body", "thread_id", "post_id"])
return db.message_edit_commit(
database, user["user_id"], args["thread_id"], args["post_id"], args["body"])
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def is_admin(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Requires the argument `target_user`. Returns a boolean
of whether that user is an admin.
validate(args, ["target_user"])
user = db.user_resolve(database, args["target_user"], return_false=False)
return user["is_admin"]
def edit_query(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Queries the database to ensure the user can edit a given
message. Requires the arguments `thread_id` and `post_id`
(does not require a new body)
Returns the original message object without any formatting
on success.
if user == db.anon:
raise BBJUserError("Anons cannot edit messages.")
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
validate(args, ["thread_id", "post_id"])
return db.message_edit_query(
database, user["user_id"], args["thread_id"], args["post_id"])
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def db_sanity_check(self, args, database, user, **kwargs):
Requires the arguments `key` and `value`. Returns an object
with information about the database sanity criteria for
key. This can be used to validate user input in the client
before trying to send it to the server.
If the argument `error` is supplied with a non-nil value,
the server will return a standard error object on failure
instead of the special object described below.
The returned object has two keys:
"bool": true/false,
"description": null/"why this value is bad"
If bool == false, description is a string describing the
problem. If bool == true, description is null and the
provided value is safe to use.
validate(args, ["key", "value"])
response = dict()
db.validate([(args["key"], args["value"])])
response["bool"] = True
response["description"] = None
except BBJException as e:
if args.get("error"):
response["bool"] = False
response["description"] = e.description
return response
def test(self, **kwargs):
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
return "{\"wow\": \"jolly good show!\"}" = True
2017-04-02 14:53:55 +00:00
def api_http_error(status, message, traceback, version):
return json.dumps(schema.error(2, "HTTP error {}: {}".format(status, message)))
"/": {
"error_page.default": api_http_error
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
def run():
# user anonymity is achieved in the laziest possible way: a literal user
# named anonymous. may god have mercy on my soul.
_c = sqlite3.connect(dbname)
db.anon = db.user_resolve(_c, "anonymous")
if not db.anon:
db.anon = db.user_register(
_c, "anonymous", # this is the hash for "anon"
del _c
cherrypy.quickstart(API(), "/api", CONFIG)
2017-04-02 07:35:58 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("yo lets do that -i shit mang")