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2022-08-31 12:00:20 +00:00
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil <:nil \n:nil ::nil timestamp:nil *:nil ':nil
#+HTML_HEAD: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index.html
#+TITLE: GRU DeerTree specifications
[[][GRU DeerTree standard library specifications]]
DeerTree is high-level programming language, focused on simplification of low-level development.
* Lexical items
** Comments
- One line comment starts with ~//~ and ends with a newline.
- Multiple lines comment starts with ~/*~ and ends with ~*/~.
** Tokens
- Token is minimal language unit in DeerTree.
- There several types of tokens in DeerTree: /identifiers/, /keywords/ and /punctuation/.
*** Identifiers
- Identifiers are program elements.
- Keywords can't be used as identifiers.
*** Keywords
- Keywords are predefined and reserved words.
- They are associated with specific features.
**** DeerTree keywords:
fn, import, int, double, long, float, char, byte,
string, bool, true, false, return, if, else, const,
switch, case, for, do, while, break, continue, struct,
enum, union, type, goto, unsigned, extern, strict
(auto), (until), (define) -- this is not needed
*** Punctuation
- Punctutation is character sequence that represents operators and punctuation.
**** DeerTree punctuation:
'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '++', '--'
'&', '&&', '|', '||', '^', '<<', '>>',
'+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '|=', '^=',
'>', '>=', '<', '<=', '=', '==', '!', '~'
'(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', ',', '.', ';', ':'
*** Integer literals
- An integer literal is sequence of digits that represents integer contstant.
- Prefix before integer literal sets non-decimal base of it: ~0b~ or ~0B~ - binary, ~0o~ or ~0O~ - octal, ~0x~ or ~0X~ - hexadecimal.
- Underscores don't change literal value, if they are after base prefix. Underscores can't be before integer literal or after.
**** Integer literals examples:
_12 // invalid: handled as identifier
12_ // invalid: can't be in the end of integer literal, must separate digits
12__34 // invalid: there can't be two underscores in a row
0_xff // invalid: underscore can't be in base prefix
*** Float literals
- A floating-point literal is a decimal or hexadecimal representation of a floating-point constant.
- A decimal floating-point literal consists of an integer part (decimal digits), a decimal point, a fractional part (decimal digits), and an exponent part (e or E followed by an optional sign and decimal digits).
- A hexadecimal floating-point literal consists of a 0x or 0X prefix, an integer part (hexadecimal digits), a radix point, a fractional part (hexadecimal digits), and an exponent part (p or P followed by an optional sign and decimal digits).
- Underscores don't change literal value, if they are after base prefix. Underscores can't be before float literal or after.
**** Integer literals examples:
*** Rune literals
- A rune literal represents a rune constant, an integer value identifying a Unicode code point.
- A rune literal is expressed as one or more characters enclosed in single quotes, as in 'x' or '\n'.
- Within the quotes, any character may appear except newline and unescaped single quote.
- Single quoted character represents the Unicode value of the character itself, while multi-character sequences beginning with a backslash encode values in various formats.
**** After backslash, certain single-character escapes represent special values
\a U+0007 alert or bell
\b U+0008 backspace
\f U+000C form feed
\n U+000A line feed or newline
\r U+000D carriage return
\t U+0009 horizontal tab
\v U+000B vertical tab
\\ U+005C backslash
\' U+0027 single quote (valid escape only within rune literals)
\" U+0022 double quote (valid escape only within string literals)
**** Rune literals examples
'aa' // invalid: too many characters
*** String literals
- A string literal represents a string constant.
- A string is sequence of characters.
- The text between the quotes forms the value of the literal, with backslash escapes interpreted as rune literals.
**** String literals examples
"Hello, World\n"
* TODO Constants
* Variables
- A variable is a location for storing a value.
- Variables have /types/.
- Each element of array acts as a variable.
** Variables examples
int a;
float b;
char[] c;
int a = 12;
a = 34;
b = 56;
a = b;
* TODO Types
- A type can be defined using ~type~ command.
** Boolean types
- A boolean type represents the set of Boolean truth values denoted by the predeclared constants ~true~ and ~false~.
- ~bool~ is predeclared boolean type.
** Numeric types
- A numeric type represents a set of integer or floating-point values.
*** Predeclared numeric types
// TODO: unsigned and others
int - 32-bit integer
double - 64-bit integer
long - 64-bit integer
float - 32-bit floating-point numbers
char - 8-bit integer
byte - alias for char
** String types
- A string type represents the set of string values
- A string value is a (possibly empty) sequence of character
- ~string~ is predeclared string type
** Array types
** Function types
** Dictionary types
* TODO Declarations
** Label scopes
** Constant declarations
** Type declarations
** Variable declarations
[type] [var-name];
[type] [var-name] = [value];
** Function declarations
- A function declaration binds an identifier to function as /function name/
fn [function-name] '(' { arguments_list } ')' { '(' { type } ')' } '{' body '}'
*** Example
fn inc_number(int num) (int) {
return num+1;
* TODO Expressions
* TODO Statements
** Empty statements
** Labeled statements
[identifier] ':' body
** Expression statements
** Increment/Decrement statements
expression ( "++" | "--" )
** Assignments
[identifier] ( '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '|=' | '^=' | '&=' | '=' ) expression
** If statements
"if" '(' condition ')' '{' body '}' ( ( "else if" | "else" ) )
** switch statements
"switch" '(' expression ')' '{' ( "case" expression | "else" ) body '}'
** for statements
"for" '(' condition ')' '{' body '}'
** while statements
"while" '(' condition ')' '{' body '}'
** return statements
- "return" statement terminates execution of function and provided result values.
return { expression }
** break statements
** continue statements
** goto statements
- "goto" statement transfers control to statement with corresponding label
goto [label]
* TODO Built-in functions
** ~sizeof()~
** ~len()~
** ~compare()~
** Printing functions
*** ~print();~
*** ~println();~
*** ~fprint();~
*** ~fprintln()~
*** ~sprint();~
*** ~sprintln()~
*** ~eprint();~
*** ~eprintln()~
** Converting functions
*** ~int()~
*** ~float()~
*** ~char()~
*** ~str()~
* TODO Headers