
171 lines
6.0 KiB

use x86_64::{
use x86_64::structures::paging::OffsetPageTable;
/// Initialize a new OffsetPageTable.
/// This function is unsafe because the caller must guarantee that the
/// complete physical memory is mapped to virtual memory at the passed
/// `physical_memory_offset`. Also, this function must be only called once
/// to avoid aliasing `&mut` references (which is undefined behavior).
pub unsafe fn init(physical_memory_offset: VirtAddr) -> OffsetPageTable<'static> {
let level_4_table = active_level_4_table(physical_memory_offset);
OffsetPageTable::new(level_4_table, physical_memory_offset)
/// Returns a mutable reference to the active level 4 table.
/// This function is unsafe because the caller must guarantee that the
/// complete physical memory is mapped to virtual memory at the passed
/// `physical_memory_offset`. Also, this function must be only called once
/// to avoid aliasing `&mut` references (which is undefined behavior).
unsafe fn active_level_4_table(physical_memory_offset: VirtAddr)
-> &'static mut PageTable
use x86_64::registers::control::Cr3;
let (level_4_table_frame, _) = Cr3::read();
let phys = level_4_table_frame.start_address();
let virt = physical_memory_offset + phys.as_u64();
let page_table_ptr: *mut PageTable = virt.as_mut_ptr();
&mut *page_table_ptr // unsafe
use x86_64::PhysAddr;
/// Translates the given virtual address to the mapped physical address, or
/// `None` if the address is not mapped.
/// This function is unsafe because the caller must guarantee that the
/// complete physical memory is mapped to virtual memory at the passed
/// `physical_memory_offset`.
pub unsafe fn translate_addr(addr: VirtAddr, physical_memory_offset: VirtAddr)
-> Option<PhysAddr>
translate_addr_inner(addr, physical_memory_offset)
/// Private function that is called by `translate_addr`.
/// This function is safe to limit the scope of `unsafe` because Rust treats
/// the whole body of unsafe functions as an unsafe block. This function must
/// only be reachable through `unsafe fn` from outside of this module.
fn translate_addr_inner(addr: VirtAddr, physical_memory_offset: VirtAddr)
-> Option<PhysAddr>
use x86_64::structures::paging::page_table::FrameError;
use x86_64::registers::control::Cr3;
// read the active level 4 frame from the CR3 register
let (level_4_table_frame, _) = Cr3::read();
let table_indexes = [
addr.p4_index(), addr.p3_index(), addr.p2_index(), addr.p1_index()
let mut frame = level_4_table_frame;
// traverse the multi-level page table
for &index in &table_indexes {
// convert the frame into a page table reference
let virt = physical_memory_offset + frame.start_address().as_u64();
let table_ptr: *const PageTable = virt.as_ptr();
let table = unsafe {&*table_ptr};
// read the page table entry and update `frame`
let entry = &table[index];
frame = match entry.frame() {
Ok(frame) => frame,
Err(FrameError::FrameNotPresent) => return None,
Err(FrameError::HugeFrame) => panic!("huge pages not supported"),
// calculate the physical address by adding the page offset
Some(frame.start_address() + u64::from(addr.page_offset()))
use x86_64::{
structures::paging::{Page, PhysFrame, Mapper, Size4KiB, FrameAllocator}
/// Creates an example mapping for the given page to frame `0xb8000`.
pub fn create_example_mapping(
page: Page,
mapper: &mut OffsetPageTable,
frame_allocator: &mut impl FrameAllocator<Size4KiB>,
) {
use x86_64::structures::paging::PageTableFlags as Flags;
let frame = PhysFrame::containing_address(PhysAddr::new(0xb8000));
let flags = Flags::PRESENT | Flags::WRITABLE;
let map_to_result = unsafe {
// FIXME: this is not safe, we do it only for testing
mapper.map_to(page, frame, flags, frame_allocator)
map_to_result.expect("map_to failed").flush();
/// A FrameAllocator that always returns `None`.
pub struct EmptyFrameAllocator;
unsafe impl FrameAllocator<Size4KiB> for EmptyFrameAllocator {
fn allocate_frame(&mut self) -> Option<PhysFrame> {
use bootloader::bootinfo::MemoryMap;
/// A FrameAllocator that returns usable frames from the bootloader's memory map.
pub struct BootInfoFrameAllocator {
memory_map: &'static MemoryMap,
next: usize,
impl BootInfoFrameAllocator {
/// Create a FrameAllocator from the passed memory map.
/// This function is unsafe because the caller must guarantee that the passed
/// memory map is valid. The main requirement is that all frames that are marked
/// as `USABLE` in it are really unused.
pub unsafe fn init(memory_map: &'static MemoryMap) -> Self {
BootInfoFrameAllocator {
next: 0,
use bootloader::bootinfo::MemoryRegionType;
impl BootInfoFrameAllocator {
/// Returns an iterator over the usable frames specified in the memory map.
fn usable_frames(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PhysFrame> {
// get usable regions from memory map
let regions = self.memory_map.iter();
let usable_regions = regions
.filter(|r| r.region_type == MemoryRegionType::Usable);
// map each region to its address range
let addr_ranges = usable_regions
.map(|r| r.range.start_addr()..r.range.end_addr());
// transform to an iterator of frame start addresses
let frame_addresses = addr_ranges.flat_map(|r| r.step_by(4096));
// create `PhysFrame` types from the start addresses|addr| PhysFrame::containing_address(PhysAddr::new(addr)))
unsafe impl FrameAllocator<Size4KiB> for BootInfoFrameAllocator {
fn allocate_frame(&mut self) -> Option<PhysFrame> {
let frame = self.usable_frames().nth(; += 1;