
150 lines
5.8 KiB

use std::{env, fs, io::{stdin, stdout, Write}, path::Path, process::{exit, Child, Command, Stdio}};
fn main() {
let mut status = 0;
let user = env::var("USER").unwrap();
let home_dir = format!("{}{}", "/home/", user);
let mut pwd = env::current_dir().unwrap();
loop {
// use the `>` character as the prompt
// need to explicitly flush this to ensure it prints before read_line
print!("$ ");
let mut input = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
// read_line leaves a trailing newline, which trim removes
// this needs to be peekable so we can determine when we are on then last command
let mut commands = input.trim().split(" | ").peekable();
let mut previous_command = None;
while let Some(command) = {
// Other shell variables that can be changed
// everything after the first whitespace character is interpreted as args to the command
let mut parts = command.trim().split_whitespace();
let command =;
let args = parts;
match command {
| "true" | ":" => {
status = 0;
| "false" => {
status = 1;
| "echo" => {
let args: Vec<&str> = args // .peekable().peek().map_or("", |x| *x).split(" ")
for arg in args {
if arg.contains("$") {
match arg {
| "$?" => {
print!("{}", status);
| "$PWD" => {
print!("{}", pwd.display());
| "$USER" => {
print!("{}", user);
| "$HOME" => {
print!("{}", home_dir);
| arg => {
print!(" ");
} else {
print!("{} ", arg);
print!(" ");
| "cd" => {
let new_dir = args.peekable().peek().map_or(home_dir.clone(), |x| (*x).to_string());
let root = Path::new(&new_dir);
if let Err(e) = env::set_current_dir(&root) {
eprintln!("{}", e);
previous_command = None;
// current_dir() follows symlinks which isn't always accurate.
pwd = root.to_path_buf();
| "pwd" => {
let args: Vec<&str> = args.collect();
let mut output = Output::Logical;
for i in args {
if &i[..] == "-L" {
output = Output::Logical;
} else if &i[..] == "-P" {
output = Output::Physical;
match output {
| Output::Logical => println!("{}", get_logical_dir()),
| Output::Physical => {
println!("{}", fs::canonicalize(get_logical_dir()).unwrap().to_string_lossy())
println!("{}", pwd.display());
| "exit" => return,
| "#" => {},
| command => {
let stdin = previous_command.map_or(Stdio::inherit(), |output: Child| Stdio::from(output.stdout.unwrap()));
let stdout = if commands.peek().is_some() {
// there is another command piped behind this one
// prepare to send output to the next command
} else {
// there are no more commands piped behind this one
// send output to shell stdout
let output = Command::new(command).args(args).stdin(stdin).stdout(stdout).spawn();
match output {
| Ok(output) => {
previous_command = Some(output);
| Err(e) => {
previous_command = None;
eprintln!("{}", e);
if let Some(mut final_command) = previous_command {
// block until the final command has finished
fn get_logical_dir() -> String {
// current_dir follows symlinks which isn't what we want with
// logical pwd.
match env::var("PWD") {
| Ok(d) => d,
| Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Could not read environment variable $PWD: {}", e);
enum Output {