#+TITLE: Some dreams/ideas what to make * Utils ** coreutils will be moved to coreutils/TODO ** binutils - Assembler - Dissambler - Linker - hexdump (xxd) ** diffutils ** util-linux ** inetutils * Libs - libc * Compilers ** ORCC will be moved to orcc/README.org * Orion - Kernel separated from other software and is placed in one repo - Software repos separated per util or collection of utils (see Utils) - Ports is in `ports` repo and also can be found on `(MIRROR_OR_MAIN-WEBPAGE)/pub/ports` * TUI Text Editor - Have some shell (like M-x in emacs or : in vim) - Execute shell commands - Scrolling using some keybindings - Have CLI mode - Configuring/Scripting/Plugins (using some language) - Be able to open more then one file (buffers * Other - x86 emulator - Own processor emulator :) - lex implementation - bison implementation - m4 - ed - standart editor