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JaydenMW 2021-04-01 21:10:59 +00:00
parent 9fe2801354
commit 1e5591638c

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
The JaydenMW License -- Revision 1, April 1st 2021
<Owner> <Year>
This software may be freely distributed, forked, and copied. The user may use a different license when this software is forked. There is no limitation to what the end user can use this software for. It may be claimed legally and without trouble. The end user is allowed to sell their fork of this software and do anything they need to do with the source code. Full freedom is ensured.
When forked, the original writer of the code does not have to help with technical issues. The writer of this software only needs to help with technical issues if the end user is using the software with its default source.
You do not have to credit the original software writer in your fork however it would be greatly appreciated by the original software writer.
This license was written by JaydenMW. This license was created to ensure full freedom with software. If you would like to add to this license, email me what you want to add or change at willsjayden2@gmail.com
Revision 1
April 1st 2021