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2021-03-09 20:39:40 +00:00
# JaydenMW -- Project
# Language: Bash
# License: NONE
# This is a script I wrote that prints out system information
DISTRIB=$(cat /etc/ # Finds what distribution is ran
KERN=$(uname -sr) # Finds out what kernel is in use
MEM=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal) # Finds memory information
UPT=$(uptime -p) # Finds system uptime
USR=$(whoami) # Finds username
CURRENT_SHELL=$(ps -p $$ | grep -E -x 'zsh|sh|bash|csh|dash') # Finds Shell
echo ""
echo "Note: This script won't work with: *BSD, Windows*"
echo "Note: This script should work with the fallowing: Gentoo, MacOS* BUT these Operating Systems have not been tested and may not work"
echo ""
echo "OS: $DISTRIB"
echo "UPTIME: $UPT"
echo "KERNEL: $KERN"
echo "MEMORY: $MEM"
echo "USER: $USR"