1353 lines
44 KiB

use crate::opcodes::*;
use crate::memory::Memory;
use crate::state::*;
use crate::emulator_state::SharedState;
use std::thread;
use wasm_timer::{SystemTime, Instant};
use std::time::{Duration};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::{Mutex, RwLock, MutexGuard};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
static SHARED_STATE: OnceCell<Mutex<SharedState>> = OnceCell::new();
// lazy_static! {
// pub(crate) static ref SHARED_STATE: Mutex<SharedState> = Mutex::new(SharedState::new());
// }
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn graphic_memory() -> Vec<u8> {
let memory =;
memory[0x2400..0x2400 + crate::memory::GRAPHIC_MEMORY_SIZE].to_vec()
pub enum StepStatus {
pub struct StepResult {
pub status: StepStatus,
pub cycles: u8,
pub struct Emulator {
memory: Box<Memory>,
state: Option<State>,
shift_register: u16,
shift_register_offset: u8,
output_buffer: Vec<char>,
pub const WIDTH: u16 = 224;
pub const HEIGHT: u16 = 256;
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
pub fn start_emulator_wasm() {
println!("Starting emulator wasm");
pub fn spawn_emulator() {
let mut emulator = Emulator::new_space_invaders();
let time_per_frame_ms = 16;
loop {
let start = SystemTime::now();
// Run one frame
let cycles = emulator.run_one_frame(false);
let elapsed = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_millis();
// Wait until we reach 16ms before running the next frame.
// TODO: I'm not 100% sure the event pump is being invoked on a 16ms cadence,
// which might explain why my game is going a bit too fast. I should actually
// rewrite this logic to guarantee that it runs every 16ms
if elapsed < time_per_frame_ms {
std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis((time_per_frame_ms - elapsed) as u64));
let after_sleep = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_micros();
if false {
println!("Actual time frame: {}ms, after sleep: {} ms, cycles: {}",
.set_megahertz(cycles as f64 / after_sleep as f64);
pub fn spawn_emulator_thread() {
// Spawn the game logic in a separate thread. This logic will communicate with the
// main thread (and therefore, the actual graphics on your screen) via the `listener`
// object that this function receives in parameter.
thread::spawn(move || {
extern {
// Use `js_namespace` here to bind `console.log(..)` instead of just
// `log(..)`
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
fn log(s: &str);
// #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
// pub fn log(s: &str) {
// javascript_log(s);
// }
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn log(s: &str) {
println!("{}", s);
impl Emulator {
pub fn new_space_invaders() -> Emulator {
let mut memory = Memory::new();
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
memory.read_file("space-invaders.rom", 0);
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
log("Warning: need to read the rom file in WASM mode");
Emulator::new(Box::new(memory), 0)
pub fn new(memory: Box<Memory>, pc: usize) -> Emulator {
Emulator { memory,
shift_register: 0,
shift_register_offset: 0,
state: Some(State::new(pc)),
output_buffer: Vec::new(),
pub fn start_emulator() -> &'static Mutex<SharedState> {
pub fn run_one_frame(&mut self, verbose: bool) -> u64 {
let mut total_cycles: u64 = 0;
let cycle_max = 33_000;
while total_cycles < cycle_max / 2 {
total_cycles += self.step(verbose).cycles as u64;
while total_cycles < cycle_max {
total_cycles += self.step(verbose).cycles as u64;
pub fn step(&mut self, verbose: bool) -> StepResult {
let shared = SHARED_STATE.get().unwrap();
if shared.lock().unwrap().is_paused() {
return StepResult { status: StepStatus::Paused, cycles: 0 };
let state = &mut self.state.as_mut().unwrap();
let op: u8 =;
let opcode = OPCODES.get(&op).expect(format!("Couldn't find opcode {:02x} at pc {:04x}",
op, state.pc).as_str());
let mut pc_was_assigned = false;
let byte1 = + 1);
let byte2 = + 2);
let word = Memory::to_word(byte1, byte2);
let cycles;
unsafe {
let line1 = self.memory.disassemble(&opcode, state.pc);
println!("{} {:10}", line1.0, state.disassemble());
let mut test_status = StepResult { status: StepStatus::Continue, cycles: 0};
match op {
opcodes::NOP => {
cycles = 4;
opcodes::INX_B => {
state.c = ((state.c as u16) + 1) as u8;
if state.c == 0 {
state.b = ((state.b as u16) + 1) as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INX_D => {
state.e = ((state.e as u16) + 1) as u8;
if state.e == 0 {
state.d = ((state.d as u16) + 1) as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INX_SP => {
if state.sp == 0xffff {
state.sp = 0;
} else {
state.sp += 1;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INX_H => {
state.l = ((state.l as u16) + 1) as u8;
if state.l == 0 {
state.h = ((state.h as u16) + 1) as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCX_B => {
state.c = ((state.c as i8) - 1) as u8;
if state.c == 0xff {
state.b = ((state.b as i8) - 1) as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCX_D => {
state.e = ((state.e as i8) - 1) as u8;
if state.e == 0xff {
state.d = ((state.d as i8) - 1) as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCX_H => {
let m = state.m() as i32 - 1;
state.h = (m >> 8) as u8;
state.l = m as u8;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCX_SP => {
if state.sp == 0 {
state.sp = 0xffff as usize;
} else {
state.sp -= 1;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DAD_B => {
state.add_hl(state.c, state.b);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::DAD_D => {
state.add_hl(state.e, state.d);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::DAD_H => {
// not tested by cpudiag
state.add_hl(state.l, state.h);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::DAD_SP => {
state.add_hl(state.sp as u8, state.sp as u8 - 1);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::RAL => {
// high order bit
let hob = (state.psw.a & 0x80) >> 7;
let carry_value = Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry) as u8;
state.psw.a = (state.psw.a << 1) | carry_value;
state.psw.carry = if hob == 1 { true } else { false };
cycles = 4;
opcodes::RAR => {
// low order bit
let lob = state.psw.a & 1;
let carry_value = Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry) as u8;
state.psw.a = state.psw.a >> 1 | (carry_value << 7);
state.psw.carry = if lob == 1 { true } else { false };
cycles = 4;
opcodes::RRC => {
// low order bit
let lob = state.psw.a & 1;
state.psw.carry = lob != 0;
state.psw.a = (lob << 7) | state.psw.a >> 1;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::RLC => {
// high order bit
let hob = (state.psw.a & 0x80) >> 7;
state.psw.carry = hob != 0;
state.psw.a = (state.psw.a << 1) | hob;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::LDAX_B => {
state.psw.a = self.memory.read_word(state.c, state.b);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::LDAX_D => {
state.psw.a = self.memory.read_word(state.e, state.d);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::STAX_B => {
self.memory.write_word(state.c, state.b, state.psw.a);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::STAX_D => {
self.memory.write_word(state.e, state.d, state.psw.a);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::LHLD => {
state.l =;
state.h = + 1);
cycles = 16;
opcodes::SHLD => {
self.memory.write(word, state.l);
self.memory.write(word + 1, state.h);
cycles = 16;
opcodes::LDA => {
state.psw.a =;
cycles = 13;
opcodes::STA => {
self.memory.write(word, state.psw.a);
cycles = 13;
opcodes::MVI_A => {
state.psw.a = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_B => {
state.b = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_C => {
state.c = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_D => {
state.d = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_E => {
state.e = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_H => {
state.h = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_L => {
state.l = byte1;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MVI_M => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), byte1);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::INR_A => {
state.psw.a = state.inr(state.psw.a);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_B => {
state.b = state.inr(state.b);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_C => {
state.c = state.inr(state.c);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_D => {
state.d = state.inr(state.d);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_E => {
state.e = state.inr(state.e);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_H => {
state.h = state.inr(state.h);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_L => {
state.l = state.inr(state.l);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::INR_M => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.inr(;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::DCR_A => {
state.psw.a = state.dec(state.psw.a);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_B => {
state.b = state.dec(state.b);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_C => {
state.c = state.dec(state.c);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_D => {
state.d = state.dec(state.d);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_E => {
state.e = state.dec(state.e);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_H => {
state.h = state.dec(state.h);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_L => {
state.l = state.dec(state.l);
cycles = 5;
opcodes::DCR_M => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.dec(;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_B_A => {
state.b = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_B => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_C => {
state.b = state.c;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_D => {
state.b = state.d;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_E => {
state.b = state.e;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_H => {
state.b = state.h;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_B_L => {
state.b = state.l;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_A_M => {
state.psw.a =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_B_M => {
state.b =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_C_M => {
state.c =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_D_M => {
state.d =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_E_M => {
state.e =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_H_M => {
state.h =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_L_M => {
state.l =;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_C_A => {
state.c = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_B => {
state.c = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_C => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_D => {
state.c = state.d;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_E => {
state.c = state.e;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_H => {
state.c = state.h;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_C_L => {
state.c = state.l;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_A => {
state.d = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_B => {
state.d = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_C => {
state.d = state.c;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_D => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_E => {
state.d = state.e;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_H => {
state.d = state.h;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_D_L => {
state.d = state.l;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_A => {
// not tested by cpudiag, was bogus
state.e = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_B => {
state.e = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_C => {
state.e = state.c;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_D => {
state.e = state.d;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_E => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_H => {
state.e = state.h;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_E_L => {
state.e = state.l;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_A => {
state.h = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_B => {
state.h = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_C => {
state.h = state.c;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_D => {
state.h = state.d;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_E => {
state.h = state.e;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_H => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_H_L => {
state.h = state.l;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_A => {
state.l = state.psw.a;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_M_B => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.b);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_C => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.c);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_D => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.d);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_E => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.e);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_H => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.h);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_L => {
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.l);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_M_A => {
// self.memory.disassemble_instructions(state.pc, 10);
self.memory.write(state.m(), state.psw.a);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::MOV_L_B => {
state.l = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_C => {
state.l = state.c;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_D => {
state.l = state.d;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_E => {
state.l = state.e;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_H => {
state.l = state.h;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_L_L => {
cycles = 5;
opcodes::LXI_B => {
state.c = byte1;
state.b = byte2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::LXI_D => {
state.e = byte1;
state.d = byte2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::LXI_H => {
state.l = byte1;
state.h = byte2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_A_B => {
state.psw.a = state.b;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::MOV_A_C => {
state.psw.a = state.c;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_A_D => {
state.psw.a = state.d;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_A_E => {
state.psw.a = state.e;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_A_H => {
state.psw.a = state.h;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::MOV_A_L => {
state.psw.a = state.l;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::LXI_SP => {
state.sp = word;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::SUI => {
let value = state.psw.a as i16 - byte1 as i16;
state.psw.a = value as u8;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::SBI => {
let value = state.psw.a as i16 - (byte1 as i16 + state.psw.carry as i16);
state.psw.a = value as u8;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ADD_A => {
state.add(state.psw.a, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_B => {
state.add(state.b, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_C => {
state.add(state.c, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_D => {
state.add(state.d, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_E => {
state.add(state.e, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_H => {
state.add(state.h, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_L => {
state.add(state.l, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADD_M => {
state.add(, 0);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ADC_A => {
state.add(state.psw.a, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_B => {
state.add(state.b, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_C => {
state.add(state.c, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_D => {
state.add(state.d, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_E => {
state.add(state.e, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_H => {
state.add(state.h, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_L => {
state.add(state.l, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ADC_M => {
state.add(, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 7;
opcodes::SUB_A => {
state.sub(state.psw.a, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_B => {
state.sub(state.b, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_C => {
state.sub(state.c, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_D => {
state.sub(state.d, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_E => {
state.sub(state.e, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_H => {
state.sub(state.h, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_L => {
state.sub(state.l, 0);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SUB_M => {
state.sub(, 0);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::SBB_A => {
state.sub(state.psw.a, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_B => {
state.sub(state.b, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_C => {
state.sub(state.c, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_D => {
state.sub(state.d, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_E => {
state.sub(state.e, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_H => {
state.sub(state.h, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_L => {
state.sub(state.l, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 4;
opcodes::SBB_M => {
state.sub(, Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry));
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ADI => {
let value = state.psw.a as i16 + byte1 as i16;
state.psw.a = value as u8;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ACI => {
let value = state.psw.a as i16 + byte1 as i16 + Psw::to_u8(state.psw.carry) as i16;
state.psw.a = value as u8;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::JMP => {
if word == 0 {
let output: String = self.output_buffer.clone().into_iter().collect();
println!("{}", output);
} else {
state.pc = word;
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::RPO => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, ! state.psw.parity);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RPE => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, state.psw.parity);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RNC => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, ! state.psw.carry);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RC => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, state.psw.carry);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RP => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, ! state.psw.sign);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RM => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, state.psw.sign);
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RZ => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory,;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RNZ => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, !;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 5 };
opcodes::RET => {
pc_was_assigned = state.ret(&mut self.memory, true);
cycles = 11;
opcodes::POP_B => {
state.c =;
state.b = + 1);
state.sp += 2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::POP_D => {
state.e =;
state.d = + 1);
state.sp += 2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::POP_H => {
state.l =;
state.h = + 1);
state.sp += 2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::PUSH_B => {
self.memory.write(state.sp - 1, state.b);
self.memory.write(state.sp - 2, state.c);
state.sp -= 2;
cycles = 11;
opcodes::PUSH_D => {
self.memory.write(state.sp - 1, state.d);
self.memory.write(state.sp - 2, state.e);
state.sp -= 2;
cycles = 11;
opcodes::PUSH_H => {
self.memory.write(state.sp - 1, state.h);
self.memory.write(state.sp - 2, state.l);
state.sp -= 2;
cycles = 11;
opcodes::CC => {
if state.psw.carry { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CPO => {
if ! state.psw.parity { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CPE => {
if state.psw.parity { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CM => {
if state.psw.sign { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CP => {
if ! state.psw.sign { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CNZ => {
if ! { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CZ => {
if { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::CNC => {
if ! state.psw.carry { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = if pc_was_assigned { 11 } else { 17 };
opcodes::STC => {
state.psw.carry = true;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::CMC => {
state.psw.carry = ! state.psw.carry;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::CMA => {
state.psw.a ^= 0xff;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::DAA => {
let mut a: u16 = state.psw.a as u16;
// least significant bits
let lsb = a & 0x0f;
if lsb > 9 || state.psw.auxiliary_carry {
a += 6;
state.psw.auxiliary_carry = (lsb + 6) > 0xf;
// most significant bits
let mut msb = (a & 0xf0) >> 4;
if (msb > 9) || state.psw.carry { msb += 6; }
a = (msb << 4) | (a & 0xf);
state.psw.auxiliary_carry = (msb + 6) > 0xf;
state.set_arithmetic_flags(a as i16);
state.psw.a = a as u8;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::CALL => {
cycles = 17;
if cfg!(test) {
// In test mode, this function returns 1 for successful test, 2 for failure
if word == 5 && state.c == 9 {
// print message at address word(D, E)
let ind = Memory::to_word(state.e, state.d);
if ind == 0x174 {
test_status.status = StepStatus::Success("Success".into());
} else if ind == 0x18b {
let sp = state.sp + 4;
let pc = Memory::to_word(,
- 6;
for i in 0..20 {
println!("sp + {}: {:02x}", i, + i));
let s = format!("Failure at pc {:04x}", pc);
test_status.status = StepStatus::Failure(s);
} else { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
} else { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
} else { self.memory, word);
pc_was_assigned = true;
opcodes::ANI => {
let value = state.psw.a & byte1;
state.psw.a = value;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ORI => {
let value = state.psw.a | byte1;
state.psw.a = value;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::XRI => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(byte1);
cycles = 7;
opcodes::XRA_A => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.psw.a);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_B => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.b);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_C => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.c);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_D => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.d);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_E => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.e);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_H => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.h);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_L => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(state.l);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::XRA_M => {
state.psw.a = state.xra(;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ANA_A => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.psw.a);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_B => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.b);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_C => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.c);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_D => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.d);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_E => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.e);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_H => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.h);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_L => {
state.psw.a = state.and(state.l);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ANA_M => {
state.psw.a = state.and(;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::ORA_A => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.psw.a);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_B => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.b);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_C => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.c);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_D => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.d);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_E => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.e);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_H => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.h);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_L => {
state.psw.a = state.or(state.l);
cycles = 4;
opcodes::ORA_M => {
state.psw.a = state.or(;
cycles = 7;
opcodes::XTHL => {
let l =;
self.memory.write(state.sp, state.l);
state.l = l;
let h = + 1);
self.memory.write(state.sp + 1, state.h);
state.h = h;
cycles = 18;
opcodes::JPO => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, ! state.psw.parity);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JPE => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, state.psw.parity);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JNZ => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, !;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JZ => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word,;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JP => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, ! state.psw.sign);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JM => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, state.psw.sign);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JC => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, state.psw.carry);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::JNC => {
pc_was_assigned = state.jump_if_flag(word, ! state.psw.carry);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::XCHG => {
let h = state.h;
state.h = state.d;
state.d = h;
let l = state.l;
state.l = state.e;
state.e = l;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::PUSH_PSW => {
self.memory.write(state.sp - 1, state.psw.a);
self.memory.write(state.sp - 2, (state.psw.value() & 0xff) as u8);
state.sp -= 2;
cycles = 11;
opcodes::POP_PSW => {
state.psw.a = + 1);
state.sp += 2;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::CPI => {
cycles = 7;
opcodes::CMP_B => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_C => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_D => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_E => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_H => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_L => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::CMP_M => {
cycles = 7;
opcodes::CMP_A => {
cycles = 4; // not sure, couldn't find it in the reference
opcodes::SPHL => {
state.sp = ((state.h as u16) << 8) as usize | state.l as usize;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::PCHL => {
state.pc = ((state.h as u16) << 8) as usize | state.l as usize;
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = 5;
opcodes::EI => {
state.enable_interrupts = true;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::DI => {
state.enable_interrupts = false;
cycles = 4;
opcodes::OUT => {
match byte1 {
2 => {
self.shift_register_offset = state.psw.a & 0x7;
3 => {
// sound
4 => {
self.shift_register = ((state.psw.a as u16) << 8)
| (self.shift_register >> 8)
5 => {
// sound
6 => {
// watch dog
_ => {
println!("Unsupported OUT port: {}", byte1);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::IN => {
match byte1 {
1 => {
state.psw.a = SHARED_STATE.get().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get_in_1();
2 => {
state.psw.a = SHARED_STATE.get().unwrap().lock().unwrap().get_in_2();
3 => {
let shift_amount = 8 - self.shift_register_offset;
state.psw.a = (self.shift_register >> shift_amount) as u8;
_ => {
panic!("Unsupported IN port: {}", byte1);
cycles = 10;
opcodes::RST_1 => { self.memory, 1 * 8);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::RST_2 => { self.memory, 2 * 8);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = 10;
opcodes::RST_7 => { self.memory, 7 * 8);
pc_was_assigned = true;
cycles = 10;
_ => panic!("Don't know how to run opcode: {:02x} at {:04x}", op, state.pc),
if ! pc_was_assigned {
state.pc += opcode.size;
if cycles == 0 {
panic!("Cycles not assigned");
if test_status.status != StepStatus::Continue {
} else {
StepResult { status: StepStatus::Continue, cycles }
fn interrupt(&mut self, interrupt_number: u8) {
if self.state.as_ref().unwrap().enable_interrupts {
// log_time(format!("Interrupt {}", interrupt_number).as_str());
let state = self.state.as_mut().unwrap();
self.memory.write(state.sp - 1, ((state.pc as u16 & 0xff00) >> 8) as u8);
self.memory.write(state.sp - 2, (state.pc as u16 & 0xff) as u8);
state.sp -= 2;
// Interrupt 0 goes to $0, 1 to $08, 2 to $10, etc...
state.pc = (interrupt_number as usize) << 3;