
294 lines
11 KiB

"""Contains generic rules, which don't interact markets other than their assigned one, & don't cause any mutations."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Generic, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
from attrs import Factory, define
from .. import Rule
from ..caching import parallel
from ..consts import BinaryResolution, PseudoNumericResolution, T
from ..util import normalize_mapping
from . import DoResolveRule, ResolutionValueRule, get_rule
from .abstract import BinaryRule, ResolveRandomSeed, UnaryRule, VariadicRule
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from concurrent.futures import Future
from typing import Any, ClassVar, DefaultDict, Literal, MutableSequence
from ..account import Account
from ..consts import FreeResponseResolution, MultipleChoiceResolution
from import Market
from ..util import ModJSONDict
class NegateRule(UnaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Negate another DoResolveRule."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve False if the below is True, and vice versa"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return not self.child._value(market, account)
class EitherRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the OR of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve True if either of the below resolves True, otherwise resolve False"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return bool(self.rule1._value(market, account)) or bool(self.rule2._value(market, account))
class BothRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the AND of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve True if both of the below resolve to True, otherwise resolve False"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return bool(self.rule1._value(market, account)) and bool(self.rule2._value(market, account))
class NANDRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the NAND of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve True if one or more of the below resolves False, otherwise resolve False"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return not (self.rule1._value(market, account) and self.rule2._value(market, account))
class NeitherRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the NOR of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve False if either of the below resolve to True, otherwise resolve True"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return not (self.rule1._value(market, account) or self.rule2._value(market, account))
class XORRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the XOR of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve False if the below resolve to the same value, otherwise resolve True"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return bool(bool(self.rule1._value(market, account)) ^ bool(self.rule2._value(market, account)))
class XNORRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the XNOR of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "Resolve True if the below resolve to the same value, otherwise resolve False"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return bool(self.rule1._value(market, account)) == bool(self.rule2._value(market, account))
class ImpliesRule(BinaryRule[Optional[BinaryResolution]]):
"""Return the implication of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = (
"Resolve True if the next line resolves False, otherwise resolves to the value of the item after"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
return not self.rule1._value(market, account) or bool(self.rule2._value(market, account))
class ConditionalRule(BinaryRule[BinaryResolution]):
"""Cancels if the premise is false, and resolve to another value otherwise."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = (
"Cancels if the next line resolves False, otherwise resolves to the value of the item after"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> BinaryResolution:
f_val1 = parallel(self.rule1._value, market, account)
f_val2 = parallel(self.rule2._value, market, account)
if not f_val1.result():
return "CANCEL"
return f_val2.result()
class ResolveAtTime(DoResolveRule):
"""Return True if the specified time is in the past."""
resolve_at: datetime
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> bool:
"""Return True iff the current time is after resolve_at."""
return >= self.resolve_at
except TypeError:
return >= self.resolve_at
def _explain_abstract(self, indent: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
return f"{' ' * indent}- Resolve True if the current time is past {self.resolve_at}, otherwise resolve False\n"
class ResolveToValue(Generic[T], Rule[T]):
"""Resolve to a pre-specified value."""
resolve_value: T
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> T:
return self.resolve_value
def _explain_abstract(self, indent: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
return f"{' ' * indent}- Resolves to the specific value {self.resolve_value}\n"
class ModulusRule(BinaryRule[PseudoNumericResolution]):
"""Return the modulus of two other DoResolveRules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "A mod B, where A is the next line and B the line after"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> Literal["CANCEL"] | float:
val1, val2 = self.rule1._value(market, account), self.rule2._value(market, account)
if val1 == "CANCEL" or val2 == "CANCEL":
return "CANCEL"
return val1 % val2
class AdditiveRule(VariadicRule[PseudoNumericResolution]):
"""Return the sum of many other Rules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "The sum of the below"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> Literal["CANCEL"] | float:
"""Return the sum of the underlying rules."""
ret: float = 0
futures = [parallel(rule.value, market, account, format='PSEUDO_NUMERIC') for rule in self.rules]
for f_rule in futures:
val = cast(
if val == "CANCEL":
return "CANCEL"
ret += val
return ret
class MultiplicitiveRule(VariadicRule[PseudoNumericResolution]):
"""Return the product of many other Rules."""
_explainer_stub: ClassVar[str] = "The product of the below"
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> Literal["CANCEL"] | float:
"""Return the product of the underlying rules."""
ret: float = 1
futures = [parallel(rule.value, market, account, format='PSEUDO_NUMERIC') for rule in self.rules]
for f_rule in futures:
val = cast(
if val == "CANCEL":
return "CANCEL"
ret *= val
return ret
class ResolveRandomIndex(ResolveRandomSeed):
"""Resolve to a random index in a market."""
size: Optional[int] = None
start: int = 0
def __init__(
seed: int | float | str | bytes | bytearray,
*args: Any,
size: Optional[int] = None,
start: int = 0,
**kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Ensure that we select a different method depending on the type of range that's requested."""
self.start = start
self.size = size
if size is None:
method = 'choices'
method = 'randrange'
super().__init__(seed, method, *args, **kwargs)
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> int:
if self.method == 'randrange':
self.args = (self.start, self.size)
assert isinstance(, Mapping)
items = [(int(idx), float(obj)) for idx, obj in if int(idx) >= self.start]
self.args = (range(self.start, self.start + len(items)), )
self.kwargs["weights"] = [prob for _, prob in items]
return cast(int, super()._value(market, account))
def _explain_abstract(self, indent: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
ret = f"{' ' * indent}- Resolve to a random index, given some original seed. This one operates on a "
if self.method == 'rand"range':
ret += f"fixed range of integers in ({self.start} <= x < {self.size}).\n"
ret += f"dynamic range based on the current pool and probabilities, but starting at {self.start}.\n"
return ret
class ResolveMultipleValues(ResolutionValueRule):
"""Resolve to multiple values with different shares."""
shares: MutableSequence[tuple[ResolutionValueRule, float]] = Factory(list)
def _value(self, market: Market, account: Account) -> FreeResponseResolution | MultipleChoiceResolution:
ret: DefaultDict[int, float] = defaultdict(float)
for rule, part in self.shares:
val = cast(Dict[Union[str, int], Future[float]], parallel(rule.value, market, format='FREE_RESPONSE'))
for idx, value in val.items():
ret[int(idx)] += value.result() * part
return normalize_mapping(ret)
def _explain_abstract(self, indent: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
ret = f"{' ' * indent}Resolves to the weighted union of multiple other values.\n"
indent += 1
for rule, weight in self.shares:
ret += f"{' ' * indent} - At a weight of {weight}\n"
ret += rule.explain_abstract(indent + 1, **kwargs)
return ret
def from_dict(cls, env: ModJSONDict) -> 'ResolveMultipleValues':
"""Take a dictionary and return an instance of the associated class."""
env_copy: ModJSONDict = {**env}
shares: MutableSequence[tuple[ResolutionValueRule | tuple[str, ModJSONDict], float]] = (
env.get('shares', []) # type: ignore[assignment]
new_shares = []
for rule, weight in shares:
type_, kwargs = cast(Tuple[str, ModJSONDict], rule)
new_rule = get_rule(type_).from_dict(kwargs)
new_shares.append((new_rule, weight))
except Exception:
env_copy['shares'] = new_shares # type: ignore
return super().from_dict(env_copy)