# Emerald GCC [![Drone CI](https://img.shields.io/drone/build/PeroSar/emerald-gcc?logo=drone&logoColor=blue&server=https%3A%2F%2Fdrone.tildegit.org)](https://drone.tildegit.org/PeroSar/emerald-gcc) ## About A toolchain to cross compile to Android. This outputs executables that link against Android's libc(bionic). This is a personal project. ## Why Android’s GCC was deprecated in favor of LLVM Clang and removed from Android in January 2020. Some projects still require GCC for building. ## How to use - Get tarball from latest [gitea release](https://tildegit.org/PeroSar/emerald-gcc/releases) - Extract ```bash $ tar -xJf file.tar.xz ``` - Modify PATH ```bash $ export PATH="$(pwd)/aarch64-linux-android-emerald/bin:$PATH" ``` - Test ```bash $ aarch64-linux-android-gcc --version $ aarch64-linux-android-gcc test.c -o test ``` - Run on Android (e.g. with Termux) ## Target Compiled executables should run properly on Android 8 and above. ## Credits - Patches from [its-pointless](https://github.com/its-pointless) - Patches from [Android GCC 4.9](https://android.googlesource.com/toolchain/gcc) - Sysroot from [NDK](https://github.com/android/ndk) - Wiki pages from [Termux](https://github.com/termux)