![](logo.png) # Pigeon Ruby This is a WIP [Pigeon Protocol] client written in Ruby. # Installation We are not yet on Rubygems. The gem will be released after we are fully compliant with the spec and have high test coverage stats. In the meantime: ``` git clone https://tildegit.org/PigeonProtocolConsortium/pigeon_ruby.git cd pigeon_ruby gem build pigeon.gemspec gem install pigeon-0.0.5.gem pigeon-cli identity new # Should work. Raise issue if not. pigeon-cli status pigeon-cli help ``` # Usage: CLI See `pigeon-cli help` for documentation. See `kitchen_sink.sh` examples. # Usage: Ruby Lib TODO # Current Status - [X] pigeon identity new - [X] pigeon identity show - [X] pigeon status - [X] pigeon blob set - [X] pigeon blob get - [X] pigeon peer add - [X] pigeon peer remove - [X] pigeon peer block - [X] pigeon peer all - [X] 100% coverage - [X] Convert `".sig.ed25519"` literals to constants - [X] Rename numerous "pigeon message ..." commands to "pigeon draft ..." - [X] pigeon draft create - [X] pigeon draft append - [X] pigeon draft current - [X] pigeon draft save - [X] pigeon bundle create - [X] Use JSON.stringify() for string keys (instead of `inspect`) - [X] Move literals into `Pigeon` module as constants, again. - [X] pigeon message find - [X] pigeon message find-all for local feed. - [X] pigeon bundle consume (We are minimally feature complete at this point) - [X] Fix the diagram in the spec document - [X] Validate inputs for `Draft#[]=`. - [X] Put all the [HEADER, string, FOOTER].join("") nonsense into Pigeon::Helpers - [X] Use raw SHA256 hashes for blob multihashes, not hex. - [X] Change all the `{40,90}` values in ::Lexer to real length values - [X] Don't double-ingest messages. It will screw up indexes. - [X] 100% test coverage - [X] Implement pigeon message find-all for peer feed. I will need to add index for `author => message_count` - [X] Switch to Crockford base32- Simplifies support for legacy systems. Easy to implement. - [X] Fix `scratchpad.sh` to use Base32 - [X] Rename (RemoteIdentity|LocalIdentity)#public_key to #multihash for consistency with other types. - [X] Fix diagram in spec doc - [X] refactor `Bundle.create` to use `message find-all`. - [X] Rename `message find` to `message read`, since other finders return a multihash. - [X] Message.ingest should be the only code path to message authoring. - [X] Don't allow any type of whitespace in `kind` or `string` keys. Write a test for this. - [X] Run Flog / Flay and friends to find duplications. Will aid in port to other languages. - [X] Make all methods private except those required for the CLI. - [X] Add Lipmaa links like the Bamboo folks do. - [X] Set a max message size. - [X] Clean up all singletons / .current hacks - [X] Reduce cross cutting where collaborating objects need access to `@db` - [X] Ensure all disks writes perform verification! - [X] Make CLI names consistent with API names. Eg: find vs. read. - [X] `find-all` should....find all. Currently finds your messages or maybe peers, but not all. - [X] Add log count to `pigeon-cli status` - [ ] Delete `Draft#put` entirely. - [ ] Check block list before ingesting bundles. - [ ] Update README.md / tutorial.rb (user manual for `Pigeon::Database`). - [ ] Make the switch to LevelDB, RocksDB, [UNQLite](https://unqlite.org/features.html) or similar (currently using Ruby PStore). - [ ] Need a way of importing / exporting a feeds blobs. (see "Bundle Brainstorming" below) - [ ] Need a way of adding peers messages / gossip to bundles. (see "Bundle Brainstorming" below) - [ ] add parsers and validators for all CLI inputs - [ ] Reduce whole darn repo into single module to aide portability. `::Helpers` module is OK. - [ ] Update the bundles.md document once `bundle consume` works. - [ ] 100% documentation - [ ] Update spec document CLI usage examples to reflect API changes in 2020. - [ ] Publish to RubyGems - [ ] Performance benchmarks (Do this second to last!) - [ ] Performance tuning (Do this last!) # After v0.0.1 - [ ] (later, not now) Support partial verification via `lipmaa` property. - [ ] Add mandatory `--since=` arg to `bundle create - [ ] Interest and Disinterest Signalling for document routing: Create a `$gossip` message to express `blob.have`, `blob.want` and to note last message received of a peer. This can steer bundle creation and an eventual `--for` flag at bundle creation time to customize a bundle to a particular user. # Idea Bin - [ ] Map/reduce plugin support for custom indices? - [ ] Ability to add a blob in one swoop using File objects and `Message#[]=`, maybe? # New Bundle Format We have a bundle format that works, but it only exports messages. We need a bundle format that may optionally include blobs as well. Here's how we will support that: 1. Create a `bundle_X/` directory. The name is arbitrary and can be defined by the user. 2. In the root directory of `bundle_x/`, a single `messages.pgn` file contains all messages. * All messages are expected to be sorted by depth * Messages from multiple authors may be included in a single bundle, but the messages must appear in the correct order with regards to the `depth` field. 3. Blobs are stored in a very specific hierarchy to maintain FAT compatibility: * `blobs/sha256/AAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBB/CCCCCCCC/DDDDDDDD/EEEEEEEE/FFFFFFFF/G.HHH` Additional notes: * It is recommended to compress bundles (ex: *.zip files) but these concerns are not handled by the protocol currently. # Unanswered Questions * PEER MESSAGES: I want to add a `--depth` option to bundle exports that would only return messages after the `nth` sequence number. It would not make sense to apply `--depth` to all peer messages in the bundle. It would not be practical to expect the user to provide a `--depth` for every peer every time a bundle is generated. * Create a new `received_on` index that records the local user's `depth` at the time of ingestion?