require "digest" require "ed25519" require "securerandom" require "set" require "fileutils" module Pigeon SEED_CONFIG_KEY = "SEED" TPL_DIR = File.join(".", "lib", "views") PIGEON_DB_PATH = File.join("pigeon.db") DEFAULT_BUNDLE_PATH = File.join(Dir.pwd, "bundle") PIGEON_BLOB_PATH = File.join(Dir.home, "pigeon_sha256") # MESSAGE TEMPLATE CONSTANTS: HEADER_TPL = "author <%= author %>\nkind <%= kind %>\nprev <%= prev %>\ndepth <%= depth %>\nlipmaa <%= lipmaa %>\n\n" BODY_TPL = "<% body.to_a.each do |k, v| %><%= k %>:<%= v %><%= \"\\n\" %><% end %>\n" FOOTER_TPL = "signature <%= signature %>" COMPLETE_TPL = [HEADER_TPL, BODY_TPL, FOOTER_TPL].join("") CURRENT_DRAFT = "HEAD.draft" NOTHING = "NONE" OUTBOX_PATH = File.join(".pgn", "user") DRAFT_PLACEHOLDER = "DRAFT" CR = "\n" BUNDLE_MESSAGE_SEPARATOR = CR * 2 # /MESSAGE TEMPLATE CONSTANTS # Internal namespaces for PStore keys: ROOT_NS = ".pgn" CONF_NS = "conf" PEER_NS = "peers" USER_NS = "user" BLCK_NS = "blocked" MESG_NS = "messages" MESSAGE_BY_DEPTH_NS = "messages.by_depth" COUNT_INDEX_NS = "messages.count" # ^ Internal namespaces for PStore keys BLOB_SIGIL = "&" MESSAGE_SIGIL = "%" IDENTITY_SIGIL = "@" STRING_SIGIL = "\"" IDENTITY_FOOTER = ".ed25519" BLOB_FOOTER = ".sha256" SIG_FOOTER = ".sig.ed25519" # Error messages PREV_REQUIRES_SAVE = "Can't fetch `prev` on unsaved messages" NO_DRAFT_FOUND = "NO DRAFT FOUND" STRING_KEYS_ONLY = "String keys only" MISSING_BODY = "BODY CANT BE EMPTY" # Constants for internal use only: FOOTERS_REGEX ="#{SIG_FOOTER}|#{IDENTITY_FOOTER}") SIG_RANGE = (SIG_FOOTER.length * -1)..-1 BLOB_BYTE_LIMIT = 360_000 class Helpers VERFIY_ERROR = "Expected field `%s` to equal %s, got: %s" MSG_SIZE_ERROR = "Messages cannot have more than 64 keys. Got %s." class VerificationError < StandardError; end class MessageSizeError < StandardError; end B32_ENC = { "00000" => "0", "00001" => "1", "00010" => "2", "00011" => "3", "00100" => "4", "00101" => "5", "00110" => "6", "00111" => "7", "01000" => "8", "01001" => "9", "01010" => "A", "01011" => "B", "01100" => "C", "01101" => "D", "01110" => "E", "01111" => "F", "10000" => "G", "10001" => "H", "10010" => "J", "10011" => "K", "10100" => "M", "10101" => "N", "10110" => "P", "10111" => "Q", "11000" => "R", "11001" => "S", "11010" => "T", "11011" => "V", "11100" => "W", "11101" => "X", "11110" => "Y", "11111" => "Z", }.freeze B32_DEC = { "0" => 0b00000, "O" => 0b00000, "1" => 0b00001, "I" => 0b00001, "L" => 0b00001, "2" => 0b00010, "3" => 0b00011, "4" => 0b00100, "5" => 0b00101, "6" => 0b00110, "7" => 0b00111, "8" => 0b01000, "9" => 0b01001, "A" => 0b01010, "B" => 0b01011, "C" => 0b01100, "D" => 0b01101, "E" => 0b01110, "F" => 0b01111, "G" => 0b10000, "H" => 0b10001, "J" => 0b10010, "K" => 0b10011, "M" => 0b10100, "N" => 0b10101, "P" => 0b10110, "Q" => 0b10111, "R" => 0b11000, "S" => 0b11001, "T" => 0b11010, "V" => 0b11011, "W" => 0b11100, "X" => 0b11101, "Y" => 0b11110, "Z" => 0b11111, }.freeze def self.lipmaa(n) # The original lipmaa function returns -1 for 0 # but that does not mesh well with our serialization # scheme. Comments welcome on this one. return 0 if n < 1 # Prevent -1, division by zero etc.. m, po3, x = 1, 3, n # find k such that (3^k - 1)/2 >= n while (m < n) po3 *= 3 m = (po3 - 1) / 2 end po3 /= 3 # find longest possible backjump if (m != n) while x != 0 m = (po3 - 1) / 2 po3 /= 3 x %= m end if (m != po3) po3 = m end end return n - po3 end # def self.b32_encode(string) string .each_byte .to_a .map { |x| x.to_s(2).rjust(8, "0") } .join .scan(/.{1,5}/) .map { |x| x.ljust(5, "0") } .map { |bits| B32_ENC.fetch(bits) } .join end # def self.b32_decode(string) string .split("") .map { |x| B32_DEC.fetch(x.upcase) } .map { |x| x.to_s(2).rjust(5, "0") } .join("") .scan(/.{1,8}/) .map { |x| x.length == 8 ? x.to_i(2).chr : "" } .join("") end def self.verify_string(identity, string_signature, string) binary_signature = decode_multihash(string_signature) string_key = identity.multihash binary_key = decode_multihash(string_key) verify_key = verify_key.verify(binary_signature, string) end def self.assert(field, actual, expected) unless actual == expected message = VERFIY_ERROR % [field, actual || "nil", expected || "nil"] raise VerificationError, message end end def self.publish_draft(db, draft) author = db.who_am_i mhash = author.multihash template = depth = db.get_message_count_for(mhash) = author draft.depth = depth draft.prev = db.get_message_by_depth(mhash, depth - 1) draft.lipmaa = Helpers.lipmaa(depth) unsigned = template.render_without_signature draft.signature = author.sign(unsigned) tokens = Lexer.tokenize_unsigned(unsigned, draft.signature) message = Parser.parse(db, tokens)[0] db.reset_draft message end def self.update_draft(db, key, value) draft = db.get_draft draft[key] = value db.save_draft(draft) return draft.body[key] end def self.verify_message(db, msg) msg_hash = msg.multihash body = msg.body key_count = body.count author = signature = msg.signature return db.read_message(msg_hash) if db.message_saved?(msg_hash) if key_count > 64 msg = MSG_SIZE_ERROR % key_count raise MessageSizeError, msg end count = db.get_message_count_for(author.multihash) expected_prev = db.get_message_by_depth(author.multihash, count - 1) || Pigeon::NOTHING assert("depth", count, msg.depth) # TODO: Re-visit this. Our current verification method # is probably too strict and won't allow for partial # verification of feeds. assert("lipmaa", Helpers.lipmaa(msg.depth), msg.lipmaa) assert("prev", msg.prev, expected_prev) tpl = msg.template.render_without_signature Helpers.verify_string(author, signature, tpl) msg.freeze msg end def self.mkdir_p(path) FileUtils.makedirs(path) unless Dir.exists?(path) end def self.write_to_disk(base_path, mhash, data) p = Helpers.hash2file_path(mhash) file_name = p.pop Helpers.mkdir_p(base_path) dir = p.reduce(base_path) do |accum, item| path = File.join(accum, item) Helpers.mkdir_p(path) path end full_path = File.join(dir, file_name) unless File.file?(full_path) File.write(full_path, data) end end def self.hash2file_path(mhash) mhash = mhash.sub(BLOB_SIGIL, "") [ mhash[0...7], mhash[7...14], mhash[14...21], mhash[21...28], mhash[28...35], mhash[35...42], [mhash[42...49], ".", mhash[49...52]].join(""), ] end def self.decode_multihash(string) if string[SIG_RANGE] == SIG_FOOTER return b32_decode(string.gsub(SIG_FOOTER, "")) else return b32_decode(string[1..].gsub(FOOTERS_REGEX, "")) end end def self.blob_multihash?(unknown) (unknown.is_a?(String) && unknown.length == 60 && (unknown[0] == BLOB_SIGIL)) end end end require_relative File.join("pigeon", "version.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "local_identity.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "remote_identity.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "storage.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "message_serializer.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "draft_serializer.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "message.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "draft.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "lexer.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "parser.rb") require_relative File.join("pigeon", "database.rb")