require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Pigeon::Message do before(:each) do puts "WARNING: This test deletes the blob dir! Fix ASAP" `rm -rf #{Pigeon::PIGEON_BLOB_PATH}` p = Pigeon::DEFAULT_BUNDLE_PATH File.delete(p) if File.file?(p) end let(:db) do db = db.reset_database db end def create_fake_messages blobs = [db.add_message(db.add_blob("one"), { "a" => "b" }), db.add_message("a", { db.add_blob("two") => "b" }), db.add_message("a", { "b" => db.add_blob("three") })] normal = (1..10) .to_a .map { |_n| { "foo" => ["bar", "123", SecureRandom.uuid].sample } } .map { |d| db.add_message(SecureRandom.uuid, d) } blobs + normal end it "creates a bundle" do expected_bundle ="\n\n") + "\n" db.export_bundle actual_bundle =, Pigeon::MESSAGE_FILE)) expect(expected_bundle).to eq(actual_bundle) end it "does not crash when ingesting old messages" do create_fake_messages db.export_bundle db.import_bundle end it "does not ingest messages from blocked peers" do db.reset_database antagonist = "@PZ1R38E146JX8H6ZMQ6F2EFA2FSCGX7BEF2W79S665Z9NT2VYNKG.ed25519" db.block_peer(antagonist) db.import_bundle("./spec/fixtures/x") expect(db.all_messages.count).to eq(0) end it "ingests a bundle's blobs" do db.reset_database blobs = [ "&622PRNJ7C0S05XR2AHDPKWMG051B1QW5SXMN2RQHF2AND6J8VGPG.sha256", "&FV0FJ0YZADY7C5JTTFYPKDBHTZJ5JVVP5TCKP0605WWXYJG4VMRG.sha256", "&YPF11E5N9JFVB6KB1N1WDVVT9DXMCHE0XJWBZHT2CQ29S5SEPCSG.sha256", ] db.import_bundle("./spec/fixtures/has_blobs") expect(db.all_messages.count).to eq(3) do |h| expect(db.have_blob?(h)).to be true expect(db.get_blob(h)).to be_kind_of(String) end end end