# Pigeon CLI A single executable to manage a Pigeon node. # Project Status Don't use the Go version yet. If you want something stable, there is a [Ruby version that is feature complete](https://tildegit.org/PigeonProtocolConsortium/Pigeon-Ruby). # TODO - [ ] Finish http://go-database-sql.org/nulls.html - [ ] Fix go module nonsense. Read a tut or sth https://thenewstack.io/understanding-golang-packages/ - [ ] Add a real testing lib to DRY things up. - [ ] Get a good CI system going? Run tests at PR time, provide prebuilt binaries, prevent coverage slips, etc.. - [ ] Finish all the things below: |Done?|Verb |Noun | Flag / arg 1 | Flag 2 | |-----|------------|--------|---------------|-----------| | |show |identity| | | | |create |draft | | | | |show |blob | | | | |show |draft | | | | |create |blob | file path | | | |create |blob | pipe | | | |update |draft | --key=? | --value=? | | |publish |draft | | | | |follow |peer | user mhash | | | |unblock |peer | user mhash | | | |block |peer | user mhash | | | |create |bundle | | | | |find |message | --all | | | |find |message | --last | | | |ingest |bundle | | | | |show |message | message mhash | | | |show |peers | | | | |show |peers | --blocked | | | |unfollow |peer | | | | X |create |identity| | | | X |help | | | | | X |version | | | | # Run Tests Without coverage: ``` go test -v ./... ``` With coverage: ``` go test -coverprofile coverage.out go tool cover -html=coverage.out ``` # Build Project ``` go build --o=pigeon-cli ```