
112 lines
3.0 KiB
Executable File

package generate
import (
const (
outStdout = "stdout"
outFile = "file"
outGoGen = "go-generate"
errMsgParsingSeq = "there was ana error parsing the sequence"
errMsgEmptyFilePath = "required file path is empty"
errMsgWritingFile = "there was an error writing the file"
errMsgMissingGoPkg = "required go package name is empty"
var (
goGenTmp = `
// Auto generated by lipsenq
package %s
var GeneratedLipmaaLayerSequences = []uint{%v}
seqConf = struct {
Layer, Depth uint
Sequences []uint
FilePath string
GoGenPackageName string
Format string
seqCmd = cobra.Command{
Use: "sequences",
Short: "Generate Lipmaa Layer Sequences",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
seq := codec.CalculateLipmaaLayerSequence(
seqConf.Layer, seqConf.Depth, seqConf.Sequences,
seqBuff, err := json.Marshal(seq)
if err != nil {
exitWithErrMsg(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", errMsgParsingSeq, err.Error()))
switch seqConf.Format {
case outGoGen:
if seqConf.GoGenPackageName == "" {
exitWithErrMsg(cmd, errMsgMissingGoPkg)
var seqStr []string
for _, s := range seq {
seqStr = append(seqStr, strconv.Itoa(int(s)))
goGenTmp := fmt.Sprintf(
seqConf.GoGenPackageName, strings.Join(seqStr, ","),
if seqConf.FilePath == "" {
if err := writeToFile(seqConf.FilePath, []byte(goGenTmp)); err != nil {
exitWithErrMsg(cmd, err.Error())
case outFile:
if err := writeToFile(seqConf.FilePath, seqBuff); err != nil {
exitWithErrMsg(cmd, err.Error())
func exitWithErrMsg(cmd *cobra.Command, msg string) {
fmt.Printf("\nError: %s\n\n", msg)
func writeToFile(p string, d []byte) error {
if p == "" {
return errors.New(errMsgEmptyFilePath)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(p, d, 0644); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, errMsgWritingFile)
return nil
func init() {
seqCmd.Flags().UintVarP(&seqConf.Layer, "layer", "l", uint(1),
"The layer that you would like to start the sequence generation from")
seqCmd.Flags().UintVarP(&seqConf.Depth, "depth", "d", uint(1),
"The Layer that you would like to stop the sequence generation at")
seqCmd.Flags().UintSliceVarP(&seqConf.Sequences, "sequences", "s", []uint{0},
"A list of sequences that you'de like to start with")
seqCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&seqConf.Format, "format", "f", outStdout,
"The kind of format you want")
seqCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&seqConf.FilePath, "output", "o", "",
"Where you want to output written to")
seqCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&seqConf.GoGenPackageName, "go-package", "g", "",
"A package name for the go-generate format")