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// bacillus - a A minimalist Build Automation/CI service
// bacillμs (Build Automation/Continuous Integration Low-Linecount μ(micro)-Service)
// listens for HTTP GET or POST events, executing specified actions on receipt of matching endpoint requests.
// Use it to respond to webhooks from SCM managers such as github, gitlab,, etc.
// or from wget or curl requests made from git commit hooks.
// It is intended as a no-dependency, no-nonsense build automation system
// with minimal constraints so you may extend with whatever CI/CD/Devops process you want.
package main
import (
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
2019-01-27 22:53:55 +00:00
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
const (
httpAuthUser = "bacuser"
httpAuthPasswd = "gramnegative" //b64:"YmFjdXNlcjpncmFtbmVnYXRpdmU="
//indStyleNone = "none"
indStyleIndent = "indent"
indStyleBoth = "both"
indStyleColour = "colour"
var (
version string
gitCommit string
server *http.Server
addrPort string // eg. ":9990"
basicAuth bool // flag: basic http auth
strUser string // API user
strPasswd string // API passwd
attachStdout bool
shutdownModeActive bool
killSwitch chan bool
//statUseUnicode bool
indStyle string
instCounter uint32
//runningJobCount uint
cmdMap map[string]string
runningJobs runningJobList //map[string]string
runningJobsLimit uint //max running jobs
demoMode bool // set to true to disable /shutdown and /rudeshutdown
jobHomeDir string
runLogTailLines int
showStagesOnFinished bool
//checkSeq string
//errSeq string
//playSeq string
// instColours is used for colouring job entry output if
// enabled, to aid in visually matching launch/completion
// entries
instColours = []string{
// runningJobInfo stores some essential bits about a
// running job so they can be cancelled, and to track
// stages of jobs if they update their _stage files
// key: jobID
type runningJobInfo struct {
jobCanceller context.CancelFunc
jobTag string
workDir string
// runningJobList is the map of runningJobInfo entries
type runningJobList map[string]*runningJobInfo
// wrapper for io.WriteString() to ignore errors -- error-handling
// is useless to us for this application. Instead just log the error.
// Mostly to make gometalinter shut up.
func writeStr(w io.Writer, s string) {
_, _ = io.WriteString(w, s) // nolint:errcheck
// There is a smattering of HTML and JS in this project, programmatically
// generated.
// No, I did not use templates.
// Yes, I may rewrite in the future to do so, but don't hold your breath.
// I didn't design this thing up-front, I wrote it to scratch an itch.
// That's what 'agile design' gets you :p
// xhrlinkCSSFrag emits CSS style used to mark job manual
// launch ('Play Job') entries in the dashboard.
func xhrlinkCSSFrag() string {
return `<style>
a.xhrlink {
text-decoration: none;
color: inherit;
a.xhrlink:visited {
color: inherit;
a.xhrlink:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: aliceblue;
cursor: pointer;
a.xhrlink:active {
background-color: lightgreen;
// xmlHTTPRequester emits a JS function suitable for calling from an
// html element. Typically used for an onclick event to fire off an
// async GET request.
func xmlHTTPRequester(jsFuncName string, uri string, respHandlerJS string) string {
return `
<!--!A<audio id='jobRunSound' type='audio/mpeg' src='audio/13280__schademans__pipe1.mp3'></audio>-->
function ` + jsFuncName + `() {
// IDGAF about IE 5/6, nor should you
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if( this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 ) {
// whatevs, maybe give feedback to user
` + respHandlerJS + `
};'GET', '` + uri + `', true);
// xhrRunningJobsCountHandler emits a string representation of the
// number of currently running jobs.
func xhrRunningJobsCountHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(runningJobs)))
// xhrLiveRunLogHandler emits an HTML fragment containing the specified
// number of runlog entries.
// params: r.URL.Query()["tl"][0] - uint, # of entries to yield
func xhrLiveRunLogHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tl := 6
v, ok := r.URL.Query()["tl"]
if ok {
fmt.Sscanf(v[0], "%d", &tl) // nolint:errcheck
writeStr(w, liveRunLogHTML(tl)) // nolint:errcheck
// favIconHTML emits an HTML fragment with the page's favIcon.
func favIconHTML() string {
return `<link rel="icon" type="image/jpg" href="/images/logo.jpg"/>`
// logoShortHdrHTML emits an HTML fragment with the project logo/name/version
func logoShortHdrHTML() string {
return `<img style='float:left;' width='16' src='/images/logo.jpg'/><pre><a href='/'>bacill&mu;s ` + version + `</a></pre>`
// logoShortHdrHTML emits an HTML fragment with the project logo/name/version
// and a link to the project's homepage.
func logoHdrHTML() string {
return `<img style='float:left;' width='16' src='/images/logo.jpg'/><pre><a href='/'>bacill&mu;s ` + version + ` <a target='_' href=''>(What's this?)</a></pre>`
// bodyBgndHTMLAttribs emits an HTML fragment specifying the CSS background
// for the page.
func bodyBgndHTMLAttribs() string {
if shutdownModeActive {
return ` style='background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 100%); background-image: url("/images/bacillus-shutdown.jpg"); background-size: cover;'`
return ` style='background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 100%); background-image: url("/images/bacillus.jpg"); background-size: cover;'`
// goBackJS() returns a JS fragment to make a page go back after a
// specified delay.
func goBackJS(pages, ms string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
// Go back after a short delay
setInterval(function(){ /*window.location.href = document.referrer;*/ window.history.go(-%s); }, %s);
`, pages, ms)
// refreshMetaTag returns an HTML fragment defining the page refresh interval.
func refreshMetaTag(stat rune, intervalSecs string) string {
if stat == 'r' {
return `<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="` + intervalSecs + `">`
return ``
// forceReloadOnHistJS() emits a JS fragment suitable for inclusion into
// HTML page <head>ers that forces a page refresh if the page is visited
// via the browser history or back button.
func forceReloadOnHistJS() string {
return `<script>
if(performance.navigation.type == 2) {
// consActiveSpinnerCSS returns a CSS fragment defining the appearance
// and behaviour of a spinner if the enclosing page defines an element
// with ids #spinner, #finOKMarker and #finErrMarker.
func consActiveSpinnerCSS() string {
return `
#spinner {
position: fixed;
right: 0.5em; bottom: 1em;
font-family: monospace;
margin: 0.5em;
padding: 0.2em;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: normal; //bold;
background: skyblue;
border: dotted 2px;
border-radius: 0.5em;
#finOKMarker {
position: fixed;
right: 0.5em; bottom: 1em;
font-family: monospace;
margin: 0.5em;
padding: 0.2em;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: normal;
background: lightgreen;
border: dotted 2px;
border-radius: 0.5em;
#finErrMarker {
position: fixed;
right: 0.5em; bottom: 1em;
font-family: monospace;
margin: 0.5em;
padding: 0.2em;
font-size: 1.5em;
font-weight: bold;
background: red;
border: dotted 2px;
border-radius: 0.5em;
//#stat {
// display: none;
// consActiveSpinnerJS returns JS code to animate a spinner element on
// the enclosing page, having a DOM id of #spinner.
func consActiveSpinnerJS(stat rune, codeColor, statWord string) string {
if stat == 'r' {
return `<script>
appendSpinner = function() {
var spinners = [
[">))'>"," >))'>"," >))'>"," >))'>"," >))'>"," <'((<"," <'((<"," <'((<"],
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('id', 'spinner');
el.innerHTML = '.';
var spinner = spinners[0];
(function(spinner,el) {
var i = 0;
setInterval(function() {
el.innerHTML = spinner[i];
i = (i + 1) % spinner.length;
}, 300);
return `<script>
appendSpinner = function() {
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute('id', '` + codeColor + `');
el.innerHTML = '` + statWord + `';
// compatJS emits a JS fragment to return the proper cross-browser version
// of document.scrollingElement, used to set the vertical scroll position
// of the current page.
func compatJS() string {
return `
bodyOrHtml = function() {
if ('scrollingElement' in document) {
return document.scrollingElement;
// Fallback for legacy browsers
if (navigator.user-Agent.indexOf('WebKit') != -1) {
return document.body;
return document.documentElement;
scrollDown = function() {
setTimeout (function () {
bodyOrHtml().scrollTop = bodyOrHtml().scrollHeight;
}, 5); // hack: delay due to most browsers' auto-scroll reset on page reload
// liveRunLogHTML returns the HTML for 'live' runlog with a specified # of
// tail lines, updated to reflect the current running status of pending jobs.
// The output is meant to be inserted within an enclosing, complete HTML page.
// (For just an HTML fragment of some specific # of most recent entries,
// to be inserted by client-side, see xurLiveRunLogHandler())
func liveRunLogHTML(tl int) (ret string) {
rl, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("run%s.log", strings.Split(addrPort, ":")[1]))
// Split log into header and the rest, with endpoints
// at top and events below, so as log gets longer user
// can still see important bits.
lines := strings.Split(string(rl), "--BACILLUS READY--")
tailLines := strings.Split(lines[1], "\n")
tailCount := len(tailLines)
// Scan backwards in log for completion msgs, match with
// preceding launch msgs to un-mark the in-progress and cancel icons there
// (only 'live' view)
tailLines = patchLiveViewOfRunLogEntries(tailLines, tl)
if tl == 0 || tailCount < tl {
ret += strings.Join(tailLines, "\n")
} else {
ret += strings.Join(tailLines[tailCount-tl:], "\n")
ret = strings.TrimPrefix(ret, "\n")
ret = strings.TrimSuffix(ret, "\n")
// manualJobTriggersJS returns a JS fragment for each defined job,
// meant to be bound to be onclick event of their corresponding
// 'Play Job' links in the dashboard or full runlog pages
// See manualJobTriggersHTML()
func manualJobTriggersJS() (ret string) {
2019-03-12 22:22:49 +00:00
// sort the job keys
keys := make([]string, len(cmdMap))
for k := range cmdMap {
keys = append(keys, k)
// For each endpoint 'fn', add a JS fragment which is a
// function which will be bound elsewhere to the onclick
// event of the job's link in the manual job trigger section
// of the page: see manualJobTriggersHTML().
for _, k := range keys {
if len(cmdMap[k]) > 0 {
fn := strings.Replace(k, "-", "", -1)
ret += xmlHTTPRequester(fn, k, "")
ret += `<script>
setInterval( xhrLiveRunLogUpdate, 2000 );
setInterval( xhrRunningJobsCount, 2000 );
func hasParameterSpecifier(line string) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#-?") ||
strings.HasPrefix(line, "/*-?") ||
strings.HasPrefix(line, "//*-?") {
return true
return false
// isParameterizedBuildScript scans job script scriptFName for build
// parameter form specifiers.
// It returns false if there are none, otherwise true
func isParameterizedBuildScript(scriptFName string) bool {
isParamJob := false
fileBytes, e := ioutil.ReadFile(jobHomeDir + strings.TrimPrefix(scriptFName, ".."))
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", e)
return false
lines := strings.Split(string(fileBytes), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if hasParameterSpecifier(line) {
isParamJob = true
} else if isParamJob {
return isParamJob
// genParameterizedBuildForm scans job script scriptFName for build parameter
// form specifiers, returning an HTML fragment suitable for setting all
// defined parameters.
// nolint:gocyclo
func genParameterizedBuildForm(jobTag, scriptFName string) (ret string) {
paramJobLine := false
scriptFName = strings.TrimPrefix(scriptFName, "../")
fileBytes, e := ioutil.ReadFile(jobHomeDir + "/" + scriptFName)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", e)
lines := strings.Split(string(fileBytes), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
// TODO: parse lines for "#-?" entries, build
// HTML page w/form to set params and pass to job
// via a submit link
if hasParameterSpecifier(line) {
if !paramJobLine {
// First entry, build form prologue
// The hidden ?paramSet will trigger
// the final stage of same endpoint that
// calls this func (launchJob)
// TODO: form action="%s"
ret += `
<h2>` + jobTag + `</h2>
<h3>Build with Parameters </h3>
<hr />
<form action="/` + jobTag + `?paramSet" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="paramSet" />
paramJobLine = true
// Determine type of build param
// [0]:paramMarker (#-?) [1]:type (b|c|s) [2]:name [3]:(vals ...)
paramFields := strings.Split(line, "?")
var paramComment string
if len(paramFields) > 4 {
// has comment
paramComment = paramFields[4]
switch paramFields[1] {
case "s":
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s:<input type='text' name='%s' value='%s' />&nbsp;%s<br />\n",
paramFields[2], paramFields[2], paramFields[3],
case "c":
choices := strings.Split(paramFields[3], "|")
ret += paramFields[2] + ":<select name='" + paramFields[2] + "'>\n"
for _, c := range choices {
ret += " <option value='" + c + "'>" + c + "</option>\n"
ret += "</select>&nbsp;" + paramComment + "<br />\n"
case "b":
// NOTE the 'b' bool type uses HTML input type='checkbox'
// which sends nothing if unset. (eg., the job should
// expect a missing param and assume that means 'false',
// 'off', 'disabled' ...
// In bash syntax that would typically be handled like:
// option=${option:-"false"}
ret += paramFields[2]
ret += " <input type='checkbox' name='" + paramFields[2] + "'"
if paramFields[3] == "on" ||
paramFields[3] == "true" ||
paramFields[3] == "1" ||
strings.HasPrefix(paramFields[3], "enable") {
ret += "value='true' checked"
} // else {
// ret += "value='false'"
ret += "/>&nbsp;" + paramComment + "<br />\n"
} else if paramJobLine {
// End of param specifiers, emit form epilogue
ret += `
<input type="submit" value="Build"/>
return ret
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
func sayingFooterHTML() (ret string) {
prefix := `<pre style='font-size: 8px; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 10px;'>`
suffix := `</pre>`
t := time.Now()
m := moonphase.New(t)
n := m.PhaseSymbol()
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
footerMain := ""
switch n {
case "New Moon":
footerMain = n + " It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a Grue."
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
case "Full Moon":
footerMain = n + " Watch out! Full moon tonight."
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
footerMain = fmt.Sprintf("%s ", n) + `Best viewed using DejaVu font family --- Qui verifiers ratum efficiat? Non I.`
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
ret = prefix + footerMain + suffix
// manualJobTriggersHTML returns an HTML fragment containing href links to
// all defined job endpoints. Note manualJobTriggersJS() must be used
// in conjunction with this output to bind onclick handlers to them.
func manualJobTriggersHTML(fullLogLink bool) (ret string) {
ret = "<pre style='background-color: skyblue;'>"
keys := make([]string, len(cmdMap))
for k := range cmdMap {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
if len(cmdMap[k]) > 0 {
// ===================
// Examine script at (k) for job-param syntax:
// If present, gen code to go to a params page dynamically
// constructed w/param form, rather than a direct XHR to
// launch endpoint
// ===================
if _, e := os.Stat(strings.Replace(cmdMap[k], "..", jobHomeDir, -1)); e != nil {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("-- job script %s not found --\n", cmdMap[k])
} else {
if isParameterizedBuildScript(cmdMap[k]) {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("<a class='xhrlink' title='Play Job with Parameters' href='%s?param'>[&rtri;] %s [action %s]</a>\n",
k, k, cmdMap[k])
} else {
fn := strings.Replace(k, "-", "", -1)
ret += fmt.Sprintf(`<a class='xhrlink' onclick='%s(); return false;' title='Play Job' href='%s'>[&rtrif;] %s [action %s]</a>`+"\n",
fn, k, k, cmdMap[k])
if fullLogLink {
ret += "<a href='/fullrunlog'>... click for full runlog ...</a>"
ret += "</pre>"
// httpAuthSession should be used at the start of all endpoints to
// enforce basic HTTP auth (this function is a nop if auth is disabled
// in server config). Returns true if user is authorized, else
// a 'Not logged in' page is sent to the client and false is returned.
// NOTE basic auth is not secure by itself; the user/password are
// sent to the server in plaintext unless TLS protects the server.
// A reverse proxy enforcing HTTPS on the server is highly recommended.
func httpAuthSession(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (auth bool) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
if !basicAuth {
return true
u, p, ok := r.BasicAuth()
if ok && u == strUser && p == strPasswd {
return true
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Bacillus"`)
writeStr(w, "Not logged in.") // nolint:errcheck
// TODO: types for matching JSON events of
// supported webhooks:, github, gitlab, ... ?
// For now, the 'blind' endpoint is the only one supported,
// meaning the request can't communicate any extra data to the
// job invocation in a GET or POST request.
func runLogHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
writeStr(w, `
xmlHTTPRequester("xhrLiveRunLogUpdate", fmt.Sprintf("/api/lru?tl=%d", runLogTailLines), `document.getElementById('liveRunLog').innerHTML = xhttp.response;`)+
<body `+bodyBgndHTMLAttribs()+`>`)
writeStr(w, manualJobTriggersHTML(true)+
`<pre id='liveRunLog'>`+liveRunLogHTML(runLogTailLines)+`</pre>`)
writeStr(w, manualJobTriggersJS())
writeStr(w, `
func fullRunlogHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
runLog, e := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("run%s.log", strings.Split(addrPort, ":")[1]))
if e != nil {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s", e))
writeStr(w, `
<body>`) // nolint:errcheck
writeStr(w, `
</html>`) // nolint:errcheck
func fullConsoleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
consoleLog, e := ioutil.ReadFile(strings.Replace(r.URL.String()[1:], "/fullconsole", "", 1))
if e != nil {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s", e))
writeStr(w, string(consoleLog))
func consoleHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
// Read file from URL, removing leading / as workdir is rel to us
consoleLog, e := ioutil.ReadFile(r.URL.String()[1:])
if e != nil {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s", e))
lines := strings.Split(string(consoleLog), "\n")
// Prevent log output from creating huge web pages.
tailL := 34
l := len(lines) - tailL
if l < 0 {
l = 0
consStat := lines[0]
fullConsLink := lines[1]
//jobTag := lines[2]
var tail []string
var stat rune
var code int
n, _ := fmt.Sscanf(consStat, "[%c %03d]", &stat, &code)
_ = n
if l > 0 {
tail = lines[len(lines)-tailL:]
_ = fullConsLink
consoleLog = []byte("<a href=\"" + fullConsLink + "\">full log</a>\n" + strings.Join(tail, "\n"))
} else {
tail = lines[2:]
consoleLog = []byte(strings.Join(tail, "\n"))
var codeColor string
var statWord string
if code != 0 {
codeColor = "finErrMarker"
statWord = fmt.Sprintf("E:%d", code)
} else {
codeColor = "finOKMarker"
statWord = "Done"
writeStr(w, `
refreshMetaTag(stat, "5")+
consActiveSpinnerJS(stat, codeColor, statWord)+
window.onload = function() {
scrollDown(); //scrollTo(0,0);
writeStr(w, logoShortHdrHTML())
writeStr(w, "<pre>")
writeStr(w, string(consoleLog))
writeStr(w, "\n</pre>")
writeStr(w, "<pre>"+fmt.Sprintln(r.URL)+"</pre>")
writeStr(w, `
type jobCtx struct {
w http.ResponseWriter
mainCtx context.Context
jobTag string
jobOpts string
jobEnv []string
type hookEvt struct {
Ref string `json:"ref"`
Before string `json:"before"`
After string `json:"after"`
Compare_url string `json:"compare_url"`
Commits []struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Url string `json:"url"`
Author struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Username string `json:"username"`
// execJob spawns the actual job, waiting for it to complete and
// marks the runlog entry to indicate completion status and supply
// the artifact link.
func execJob(j jobCtx, hookData hookEvt) {
// Some wrinkles in the exec.Command API: If there are no args,
// one must completely omit the args ... to avoid strange errors
// with some commands that see a blank "" arg and complain.
cmd := strings.Split(cmdMap[j.jobTag], " ")[0]
cmdStrList := strings.Split(cmdMap[j.jobTag], " ")[1:]
//fmt.Printf("%s %v\n", cmd, cmdStrList)
cmdCancelCtx, cmdCancelFunc := context.WithCancel(j.mainCtx)
defer cmdCancelFunc()
var c *exec.Cmd
if len(cmdStrList) > 0 {
c = exec.CommandContext(cmdCancelCtx, cmd, strings.Join(cmdStrList, " "))
} else {
c = exec.CommandContext(cmdCancelCtx, cmd)
var instColourIdx uint32
if indStyle == indStyleColour || indStyle == indStyleBoth {
instColourIdx = rand.Uint32() % uint32(len(instColours))
} else {
instColourIdx = 0
instColour := instColours[instColourIdx]
dirTmp, _ := filepath.Abs(jobHomeDir)
workDir, terr := ioutil.TempDir(dirTmp, fmt.Sprintf("bacillus_%s_%s_", j.jobOpts, j.jobTag))
c.Dir = workDir
jobID := workDir[strings.LastIndex(workDir, "_")+1:]
var indent int64
var indentStr string
if indStyle == indStyleIndent || indStyle == indStyleBoth {
indent, _ = strconv.ParseInt(jobID, 10, 64)
indentStr = strings.Repeat("-", int(indent%8)+4)
if terr != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR creating workdir (%s) for job %s trigger.]\n", terr, j.jobTag)
} else {
var workerOutputPath string
var workerOutputFile *os.File
consoleFName := "console.out"
workerOutputPath = workDir + "/" + consoleFName
workerOutputRelPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bacillus_%s_%s_%s/%s",
if attachStdout {
c.Stdout = os.Stdout
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
} else {
workerOutputFile, _ = os.Create(workerOutputPath)
c.Stdout = workerOutputFile
c.Stderr = workerOutputFile
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("USER=%s", os.Getenv("USER")))
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("HOME=%s", os.Getenv("HOME")))
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_JOBID=%s", jobID))
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_JOBTAG=%s", j.jobTag))
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_WORKDIR=%s", workDir))
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_ARTFDIR=%s", fmt.Sprintf("%s/../../artifacts/bacillus_%s_%s_%s", workDir, j.jobOpts, j.jobTag, jobID)))
c.Env = append(c.Env, j.jobEnv...)
// Extra environment is provided by webhooks, so we'll set those
// separately if JSON is present.
// It is the job script's responsibility to check for these and,
// if not set, default sensibly (eg., if the push was done by a
// raw git post-receive hook rather than a webhook, there will be
// no BACILLUS_REF; script usually should default to "refs/master")
if hookData.Ref != "" {
2019-09-12 23:17:35 +00:00
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_REF=%s", strings.TrimPrefix(hookData.Ref, "heads/")))
if len(hookData.Commits) > 0 {
c.Env = append(c.Env, fmt.Sprintf("BACILLUS_COMMITID=%s", hookData.Commits[0].Id))
// Job output status is encoded in first line of output log.
// [1 2]
// 1: state: r = running f = finished
// 2: completion status: <n> = exit status, 0 = success; else failure
// status uses UNIX shell exit status convention (base 10 0-255))
// Line 2 is the relative path of the console.log file itself, used to
// build a link to it for the /fullconsole/ endpoint link
// Line 3 is the JOBTAG of the job generating this console.out, used
// by the top "/" endpoint to show recently active jobs (ie., those with
// workdirs still present)
fmt.Fprintf(c.Stdout, "[r 255]\n") //nolint:errcheck
fmt.Fprintf(c.Stdout, "%s\n",
strings.Replace(workerOutputRelPath, jobHomeDir, "/"+jobHomeDir+"/fullconsole", 1)) //nolint:errcheck
fmt.Fprintf(c.Stdout, "%s\n", j.jobTag) //nolint:errcheck
cerr := c.Start()
if cerr != nil {
log.Printf("[exec.Cmd: %+v]\n", c)
writeStr(j.w, "ERR")
log.Printf("%s[ERROR on job %s trigger.]\n", indentStr,
} else {
if len(runningJobs) >= int(runningJobsLimit) {
writeStr(j.w, "WHOA BESSIE")
log.Printf("<!--JOBID:%s:JOBID--><span style='background-color:grey'><span style='background-color:maroon'>XXX</span>%s[%s not launched: running job limit reached]</span><!--COMPLETION-->\n",
"", /*indentStr,*/
runningJobs[jobID] = &runningJobInfo{
jobCanceller: cmdCancelFunc, jobTag: j.jobTag, workDir: workDir}
writeStr(j.w, "OK")
2019-03-12 22:22:49 +00:00
"<span style='background-color:%s'><a style='display:inline;' href='%s' title='Running'>[&acd;]</a>%s[%s{%s}<a style='display:inline;' href='/cancel/?id=%s' title='Cancel'>[&cross;]</a> triggered.]<!--:STAGE:--></span>\n",
jobID, instColour,
j.jobTag, jobID,
werr := c.Wait()
if werr, ok := werr.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
// The program has exited with an exit code != 0
// This works on both Unix and Windows. Although package
// syscall is generally platform dependent, WaitStatus is
// defined for both Unix and Windows and in both cases has
// an ExitStatus() method with the same signature.
var exitStatus uint32
if status, ok := werr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitStatus = uint32(status.ExitStatus())
// exec.Cmd automatically closes its files on exit, so we need to
// reopen here to write the status at offset 0
workerOutputFile, _ = os.OpenFile(workerOutputPath, os.O_RDWR, 0777)
fmt.Fprintf(workerOutputFile, "[f %03d]", int8(exitStatus)) //nolint:errcheck
//log.Print(c.Stderr /*stdErrBuffer*/)
//log.Printf("%s[Exit Status: %d]\n", indentStr, int32(exitStatus)) //#
} else {
// exec.Cmd automatically closes its files on exit, so we need to
// reopen here to write the status at offset 0
workerOutputFile, _ = os.OpenFile(workerOutputPath, os.O_RDWR, 0777)
fmt.Fprintf(workerOutputFile, "[f %03d]", 0) //nolint:errcheck
//workerOutputFile.WriteAt([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[f %03d]", 0)), 0)
stageStr := ""
if showStagesOnFinished {
currentStage, e := ioutil.ReadFile(runningJobs[jobID].workDir + "/_stage")
stageStr = string(currentStage)
if e == nil {
stageStr = " |" +
strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(brevity.PreEllipse(stageStr, ":", 3), ":", " &compfn; ", -1)) +
} else {
stageStr = "|???|"
if werr == nil {
log.Printf("<!--JOBID:%s:JOBID--><span style='background-color:%s'><a href='%s' title='Done'>[&check;]</a>%s[%s{%s}<a href='/artifacts/bacillus_%s_%s_%s/' title='Artifacts'>[&ccupssm;]</a> completed with status 0]%s</span><!--COMPLETION-->\n",
jobID, instColour,
j.jobTag, jobID,
j.jobOpts, j.jobTag, jobID,
} else {
log.Printf("<!--JOBID:%s:JOBID--><span style='background-color:%s'><span style='background-color:red'><a href='%s' title='Done With Errors'>[!]</a></span>%s[%s{%s}<a href='/artifacts/bacillus_%s_%s_%s/' title='Partial Artifacts'>[&ccups;]</a> completed with error %s]%s</span><!--COMPLETION-->\n",
jobID, instColour,
j.jobTag, jobID,
j.jobOpts, j.jobTag, jobID,
delete(runningJobs, jobID)
func jobCancelHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
v, ok := r.URL.Query()["id"]
jobID := "undefined"
if ok {
jobID = v[0]
writeStr(w, `
goBackJS("1", "3000")+`
<body `+bodyBgndHTMLAttribs()+`>
if runningJobs[jobID] != nil && runningJobs[jobID].jobCanceller != nil {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Cancelled jobID %s</pre>\n", jobID))
} else {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>jobID %s already done or not found.</pre>\n", jobID))
writeStr(w, `
// Launch a job listener endpoint, which in the case of simple jobs
// directly calls the job, or, in the case of parameterized jobs,
// dynamically builds and emits a page containing an HTML form with which
// the user may set job parameters before submitting to launch the job.
// The HTML emitted is selected by whether the visiting URL has
// no parameters, ?param or ?usingParams: no parameters directly launches a job,
// ?param emits an HTML form page, and ?usingParams launches the job with the
// submitted parameters from the ?param form page.
func launchJobListener(mainCtx context.Context, cmd, jobTag, jobOpts string, jobEnv []string, cmdMap map[string]string) {
origJobEnv := jobEnv // saved to reset the env on each invocation
http.HandleFunc(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", jobTag),
func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
jobEnv = origJobEnv // reset each time invoked, we append to it
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
// Check if JSON is present (from a webhook)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
var hookData = hookEvt{}
jsonErr := decoder.Decode(&hookData)
_ = jsonErr
// Depending on whether the page being emitted is ?param (form)
// or ?usingParams (form submission/job launch), set how many
// pages the launch confirmation page needs to jump back
// to return to the dashboard or runlog page.
var pagesBack string
_, ok := r.URL.Query()["usingParams"]
if ok {
pagesBack = "2"
} else {
pagesBack = "1"
headerFragS := "<html><head>" + favIconHTML() + logoShortHdrHTML()
headerFragM := goBackJS(pagesBack, "3000")
headerFragE := "</head>"
bodyFragB := "<body " + bodyBgndHTMLAttribs() + ">"
bodyFragM := ""
bodyFragE := "</body></html>"
_, ok = r.URL.Query()["param"]
if ok {
headerFragM = ""
writeStr(w, headerFragS+headerFragM+headerFragE)
writeStr(w, bodyFragB)
if shutdownModeActive {
bodyFragM = fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Server is in shutdown mode, come back later.</pre>\n")
bodyFragM += goBackJS(pagesBack, "3000")
} else if _, ok := r.URL.Query()["param"]; ok {
// Get job-defined parameter form
bodyFragM = genParameterizedBuildForm(jobTag, cmd)
} else if _, ok = r.URL.Query()["usingParams"]; ok {
// If we're called back with ?usingParams, which is submitted
// form data from dynamically-generated ?param form above,
// parse those values from r.URL.Query(), adding to jobEnv[].
r.ParseForm() //nolint:errcheck
for k, v := range r.Form {
if len(v) > 0 {
jobEnv = append(jobEnv, k+`="`+v[0]+`"`)
bodyFragM = fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Triggered parameterized build %s</pre>\n", jobTag)
// Launch parameterized job
go execJob(jobCtx{w, mainCtx, jobTag, jobOpts, jobEnv}, hookEvt{})
//!A writeStr(w, `<audio id='jobRunSound' type='audio/mpeg' src='audio/13280__schademans__pipe1.mp3'></audio>`)
//!A writeStr(w, `<script>document.getElementById("jobRunSound").play();</script>`)
} else {
// Launch simple job
bodyFragM = fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Triggered %s</pre>\n", jobTag)
go execJob(jobCtx{w, mainCtx, jobTag, jobOpts, jobEnv}, hookData)
//!A writeStr(w, `<audio id='jobRunSound' type='audio/mpeg' src='audio/13280__schademans__pipe1.mp3'></audio>`)
//!A writeStr(w, `<script>document.getElementById("jobRunSound").play();</script>`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, bodyFragM+bodyFragE) // nolint:errcheck
// rootPageHandler serves the 'root' ('main' or 'dashboard') page.
func rootPageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// See if there are actions (currently just logout)
_, ok := r.URL.Query()["logout"]
if ok {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Bacillus"`)
//writeStr(w, `<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='/'" /></head>`)
writeStr(w, `<pre><a href='/'>You must log in.</a></pre>`)
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
writeStr(w, `
/*refreshMetaTag('r', "10")+*/
xmlHTTPRequester("xhrLiveRunLogUpdate", "/api/lru?tl=6", `document.getElementById('liveRunLog').innerHTML = xhttp.response;`)+
xmlHTTPRequester("xhrRunningJobsCount", "/api/rjc", `document.getElementById('liveRunLogCount').innerHTML = xhttp.response;`)+
<body `+bodyBgndHTMLAttribs()+`>
writeStr(w, logoHdrHTML())
//!A writeStr(w, "<audio id='jobRunSound' type='audio/mpeg' src='audio/13280__schademans__pipe1.mp3'></audio>")
writeStr(w, `
<a href='/runlog'>/runlog</a>: main log/activity view
<a href='/artifacts'>/artifacts</a>: where jobs (should) leave their stuff
Latest Job Activity (Running jobs:<span id='liveRunLogCount'>`+fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(runningJobs))+`</span> Max `+fmt.Sprintf("%d", runningJobsLimit)+`)
2019-02-02 07:50:05 +00:00
<span id='liveRunLog'>`+liveRunLogHTML(6)+`</span>
[&rtrif;] Start a job manually
[&rtri;] Start a job with parameters
[&cross;] Cancel a running job
[&ccupssm;] View completed job artifacts
[&ccups;] View partial artifacts for a failed job
[<img style='border:none; border-width:0px; width:0.8em; margin:0px; padding:0px;' src='images/run-throbber.gif'/>] Job is running - click to view
[&check;] Job completed with OK(0) status - click to view
<span style='background-color:red'>[!]</span> Job completed with nonzero status - click to view
.. that's <a class="xhrlink" style="text-decoration:none" href="/about">about</a> it.
Oh, and in case you need to...
<a href='/shutdown'>prevent any new jobs for a graceful shutdown</a> (afterwards, use <strong>/rudeshutdown</strong>)
<a href='/cancelshutdown'>cancel a planned shutdown</a>
if basicAuth {
writeStr(w, ` <a href='`+logoutURI+`'>logout</a>
writeStr(w, `
2019-08-29 03:26:41 +00:00
Jobs Served (click Play to manually trigger)`+
writeStr(w, manualJobTriggersJS())
writeStr(w, `
// Perform a logout from HTTP Basic Auth
// Apparently it is quite difficult to clean out HTTP basic auth in modern
// browsers.
// This hack is from
var logoutURI = `javascript:(function(c){var a,b="Logged out.";try{a=document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache")}catch(d){}a||((a=window.XMLHttpRequest?new window.XMLHttpRequest:window.ActiveXObject?new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"):void 0)?("HEAD",c||location.href,!0,"logout",(new Date).getTime().toString()),a.send(""),a=1):a=void 0);a||(b="Your browser is too old or too weird to support log out functionality. Close all windows and restart the browser.");alert(b)})(/*pass safeLocation here if you need*/);`
//var logoutURI = `/?logout`
// cancelShutdownHandler .. does what you'd expect, cancels a planned
// server shutdown.
// NOTE the server does not itself shutdown after scheduling one without
// explicit admin action, by killing the process or manually visiting
// the /rudeshutdown URI endpoint.
func cancelShutdownHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
shutdownModeActive = false
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
writeStr(w, `
goBackJS("1", "3000")+`
if demoMode {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Shutdown mode disabled by admin.</pre>\n"))
} else {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Shutdown mode off.</pre>\n"))
writeStr(w, `
// shutdownHandler puts the server into shutdown mode: refuse to start
// any new jobs until the /cancelshutdown endpoint is visited, or
// the admin kills the server or visits /rudeshutdown to tell it to exit.
func shutdownHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
writeStr(w, `
goBackJS("1", "3000")+`
if demoMode {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Shutdown mode disabled by admin.</pre>\n"))
} else {
shutdownModeActive = true
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>Shutdown mode on. No new jobs can start.</pre>\n"))
writeStr(w, `
// aboutPageHandler displays author/license information.
func aboutPageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !httpAuthSession(w, r) {
writeStr(w, `
//xmlHTTPRequester("xhrLiveRunLogUpdate", fmt.Sprintf("/api/lru?tl=%d", runLogTailLines), `document.getElementById('liveRunLog').innerHTML = xhttp.response;`)+
<body `+bodyBgndHTMLAttribs()+`>`)
writeStr(w, `<p><img src="images/BenderCI.jpg" width="600"/></p>`)
writeStr(w, goBackJS("1", "10000"))
writeStr(w, `<pre>
bacill&mu;s CI server. Written in <a href="">Go</a>
&copy; Copyright 2019 by Russ Magee. All Rights Reserved.
// rudeShutdownHandler tells the server to exit. The /shutdown endpoint
// should be visited and, if possible, running jobs be allowed to finish
// before using this endpoint.
func rudeShutdownHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8")
writeStr(w, `
if demoMode {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>.. rudeshutdown disabled by admin.</pre>\n"))
writeStr(w, `
} else {
writeStr(w, fmt.Sprintf("<pre>.. so cold... so very, very cold..</pre>\n"))
writeStr(w, `
killSwitch <- true
// patchLiveRunEntries looks at a limited back-history of runlog entries
// and updates ones representing currently-running jobs with live status.
// HTML comment blocks inside elements, <!--JOBID:>...<:JOBID--> and <!--:STAGE:-->
// are used to find elements to patch with live run status info.
// Recently-completed jobs also have their in-progress symbol at the start
// replaced if the placeholder comment <!--COMPLETION--> is found in a
// later log entry.
func patchLiveRunEntries(idx, horizon int, fixed []string) []string {
if strings.Count(fixed[idx], "<!--COMPLETION-->") != 0 {
// Found a completed job. Seek a few entries back
// to mark the job launch stmt, hiding the in-progress
// and cancel links within.
var jidStart, jidEnd int
var jobID string
jidStart = strings.Index(fixed[idx], "<!--JOBID:")
if jidStart != -1 {
jidStart += len("<!--JOBID:")
jidEnd = strings.Index(fixed[idx], ":JOBID-->")
if jidStart != -1 && jidEnd != -1 {
jobID = fixed[idx][jidStart:jidEnd]
jobTag := "<!--JOBID:" + jobID + ":JOBID-->"
for seekIdx := idx - 1; seekIdx >= 0 && seekIdx > horizon; seekIdx-- {
// NOTE we're modifying the 'live' view of
// the logfile, not the direct data on disk, so
// no need to replace byte-for-byte.
// (If this func is optimized to be zero-copy
// however, it might need to be.)
if strings.Contains(fixed[seekIdx], jobTag) {
fixed[seekIdx] = strings.Replace(fixed[seekIdx],
"display:inline", "display:none", -1)
if indStyle == indStyleBoth || indStyle == indStyleIndent {
fixed[seekIdx] = strings.Replace(fixed[seekIdx],
"---", "------", 1)
} else if indStyle == "colour" {
fixed[seekIdx] = strings.Replace(fixed[seekIdx],
"[job", " [job", 1)
} else if strings.Contains(fixed[idx], "<!--:STAGE:-->") &&
strings.Contains(fixed[idx], "[&acd;]") {
fixed[idx] = strings.Replace(fixed[idx], "&acd;", "<img style='border:none; border-width:0px; width:0.8em; margin:0px; padding:0px;' src='images/run-throbber.gif'/>", 1)
// Found an fixed[idx] for a running job;
// fetch the stage, if defined, and add it to the
// live line's view.
var jidStart, jidEnd int
var jobID string
jidStart = strings.Index(fixed[idx], "<!--JOBID:")
if jidStart != -1 {
jidStart += len("<!--JOBID:")
jidEnd = strings.Index(fixed[idx], ":JOBID-->")
if jidStart != -1 && jidEnd != -1 {
jobID = fixed[idx][jidStart:jidEnd]
if runningJobs[jobID] != nil {
currentStage, e := ioutil.ReadFile(runningJobs[jobID].workDir + "/_stage")
if e == nil {
stageStr := brevity.PreEllipse(string(currentStage), ":", 3)
fixed[idx] = strings.Replace(fixed[idx], "<!--:STAGE:-->",
" |<strong>"+
strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(stageStr, ":", " &compfn; ", -1))+
"<img style='border:none; border-width:0px; width:0.8em; margin:0px; padding:0px; padding-left:1px;' src='images/stage-throbber.gif'/>"+
"</strong>|", 1)
return fixed
func patchLiveViewOfRunLogEntries(orig []string, horizon int) (fixed []string) {
//FIXME: There is definitely a less copy-intensive way to do this.
// The data being patched is a 'live' view, limited to a tail
// portion of the actual run.log. In light of this we only need
// to reconcile finished jobs back a short distance, larger than
// the displayed tail length, in lines.
// Jobs should take longer than a few seconds, which is the
// refresh interval of the /runlog endpoint; so there *should*
// only be a very small number of entries that have completed
// since the last scan and still visible on the 'live' web view.
// We'll only look for those few, so if there was a spamming run of
// short-lived jobs, we might not mark all of them as completed.
// Meh. Not worth an O(n^2) operation.
fixed = orig
// As described above, prevent excessive processing for live web view
if horizon > 255 {
horizon = 255
l := len(fixed) - 1
if l > 1 {
if l > horizon {
horizon = l - horizon
} else {
horizon = 0
for idx := l; idx > horizon; idx-- {
fixed = patchLiveRunEntries(idx, horizon, fixed)
return fixed
func main() {
var createRunlog bool
flag.StringVar(&addrPort, "a", ":9990", "[addr]:port on which to listen")
flag.BoolVar(&basicAuth, "auth", true, "enable basic http auth login (be sure to also set -u and -p)")
flag.StringVar(&strUser, "u", httpAuthUser, "web UI and endpoint username")
flag.StringVar(&strPasswd, "p", httpAuthPasswd, "web UI and endpoint password")
flag.StringVar(&jobHomeDir, "w", "workdir", "workdir for jobs (relative to bacillus launch dir)")
flag.BoolVar(&createRunlog, "c", false, "set true/1 to create new run.log, overwriting old one")
flag.StringVar(&indStyle, "i", indStyleBoth, "job entry indicator style [none|indent|colour|both]")
flag.IntVar(&runLogTailLines, "rl", 30, "Scroll length of runlog (set to 0 for no limit)")
flag.UintVar(&runningJobsLimit, "jl", 8, "Max. concurrently running jobs")
flag.BoolVar(&attachStdout, "s", false, "set to true to see worker stdout/err if running in terminal")
flag.BoolVar(&showStagesOnFinished, "F", false, "set to true to show stages on finished jobs in runlog")
flag.BoolVar(&demoMode, "D", false, "set true/1 to enable public demo mode -- users cannot /shutdown or /rudeshutdown")
killSwitch = make(chan bool, 1) // ensure a single send can proceed unblocked
mainCtx := context.Background()
cmdMap = make(map[string]string)
runningJobs = make(map[string]*runningJobInfo)
var logfile *os.File
var cerr error
runLogFileName := fmt.Sprintf("run%s.log", strings.Split(addrPort, ":")[1])
if !createRunlog {
logfile, cerr = os.OpenFile(runLogFileName, os.O_RDWR, 0644)
if cerr != nil || createRunlog {
logfile, _ = os.Create(runLogFileName)
log.Printf("[bacillus %s startup]\n", version)
log.Printf("[listening on %s]\n", addrPort)
//log.Printf("Registering handler for /runlog page.\n")
http.HandleFunc("/runlog", runLogHandler)
// Each non-switch argument is taken to be an endpoint (job) descriptor
// Syntax of an endpoint:
// endpoint:jobOpts:EVAR1=val1,EVAR2=val2[,...,EVAR<n>=val<n>]:cmd
for _, e := range flag.Args() {
fields := strings.Split(e, ":")
var tag string
var jobOpts string
var jobEnv []string
var cmd string
if fields[0] != e {
// We use _ as field separator for jobOpts, jobID in workdir/ and
// artifacts/ dirs & job vars so they aren't allowed in the jobTag
tag = strings.Replace(fields[0], "_", "-", -1)
if len(fields) > 1 && len(fields) != 4 {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("\n [%s]\n"+
" All endpoint specs must have exactly 4 fields:\n"+
" endpoint:jobOpts:envVars:cmd\n"+
" (jobOpts and envVars may be empty.)\n",
jobOpts = fields[1]
_ = jobOpts
jobEnv = strings.Split(fields[2], ",")
cmd = fields[3]
cmdMap[tag] = cmd
// Launch webhook listeners for each defined endpoint
// Note presently only 'blind' hooks are supported
// (ie., if webhook request contains POST JSON data,
// it isn't read).
launchJobListener(mainCtx, cmd, tag, jobOpts, jobEnv, cmdMap)
log.Printf("--BACILLUS READY--\n")
2019-01-28 00:26:36 +00:00
// Seek to end in case we're reusing this runlog to preserve previous
// entries (yeah it's cheesy and probably error-prone if server was
2019-01-28 04:57:36 +00:00
// killed during running jobs. Big deal, those entries
// wouldn't show completion anyhow).
_, _ = logfile.Seek(0, 2)
// Make a filesystem available for dir/file storage & retrieval by
// jobs and devs. Jobs are responsible for its proper use.
artifactBaseDir, aerr := filepath.Abs("artifacts")
_ = artifactBaseDir
if aerr == nil {
2019-01-27 22:53:55 +00:00
FileServer{Root: "/artifacts",
2019-01-28 04:57:36 +00:00
Handler: http.FileServer(http.Dir("artifacts"))}))
http.StripPrefix("/images/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("images"))))
//!A http.Handle("/audio/",
//!A http.StripPrefix("/audio/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("audio"))))
// Live runlog is just the tail of full runlog
2019-01-21 20:24:11 +00:00
http.HandleFunc("/fullrunlog/", fullRunlogHandler)
// Endpoint to cancel a job
http.HandleFunc("/cancel/", jobCancelHandler)
// A single endpoint handles the 'live' job output
http.HandleFunc("/"+jobHomeDir+"/", consoleHandler)
// Similarly, a single endpoint handles static full job output
http.HandleFunc("/"+jobHomeDir+"/fullconsole/", fullConsoleHandler)
// Enter shutdown mode (stop launching new jobs)
http.HandleFunc("/shutdown", shutdownHandler)
// Enter shutdown mode (stop launching new jobs)
http.HandleFunc("/cancelshutdown", cancelShutdownHandler)
// Rude exit (regardless of running jobs)
http.HandleFunc("/rudeshutdown", rudeShutdownHandler)
// About page
http.HandleFunc("/about", aboutPageHandler)
// Endpoint for XHR live run log updates
http.HandleFunc("/api/lru", xhrLiveRunLogHandler)
// Endpoint for XHR live run log updates
http.HandleFunc("/api/rjc", xhrRunningJobsCountHandler)
//// Logout sequence page
//http.HandleFunc("/logout", logoutPageHandler)
2019-02-01 17:07:43 +00:00
// And finally, the root fallback to give help on defined endpoints.
http.HandleFunc("/", rootPageHandler)
//go func() {
// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9991", http.FileServer(http.Dir(jobHomeDir))))
// Rather than use http.ListenAndServe() we break out that func
// and retain the http.Server var so we can call Shutdown() or
// Close() if needed.
server = &http.Server{Addr: addrPort, Handler: nil}
go func() {
// .. and wait for a rude shutdown if requested
_ = server.Shutdown(mainCtx)