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// GPL
<head><title>Simple Spreadsheet Function Reference</title>
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<h2>Simple Spreadsheet Function Reference</h2>
<a target="_blank" href="">Simple Spreadsheet Online Manual</a>
<!-- TODO2 move view modes to online manual -->
<b>View modes</b>
Values: shows all calculated values on the screen (default)
Auto-Calculate: All values are automatically calculated
Manual: Disables automatic recalculation (gives better performance)
Refresh: Recalculates all values if Auto-Refresh is disabled
Formulas: shows all formulas on the screen
Styles: shows all styles on the screen
<b>Cell References</b>
= A1 // gives A1
= A2:A4 // gives array of A2,A3,A4
= [A2,A4] // gives array of A2,A4
= a1 // does not give A1
<b>Aggregate Functions</b>
= sum(A2:A4) // gives A2+A3+A4
= sum(A2:B3) // gives A2+A3+B2+B3
= avg(2,3,4) // gives (2+3+4)/3 = 3
= min(2,3,4) // gives 2
= max(2,3,4) // gives 4
= count(A2:A4) // gives 3
<b>Math Functions</b>
Math.abs(a) // the absolute value of a
Math.acos(a) // arc cosine of a
Math.asin(a) // arc sine of a
Math.atan(a) // arc tangent of a
Math.atan2(a,b) // arc tangent of a/b
Math.ceil(a) // integer closest to a and not less than a
Math.cos(a) // cosine of a
Math.exp(a) // exponent of a
Math.floor(a) // integer closest to and not greater than a
Math.log(a) // log of a base e
Math.max(a,b) // the maximum of a and b
Math.min(a,b) // the minimum of a and b
Math.pow(a,b) // a to the power b
Math.random() // pseudorandom number in the range 0 to 1
Math.round(a) // integer closest to a
Math.sin(a) // sine of a
Math.sqrt(a) // square root of a
Math.tan(a) // tangent of a
conventional decimal numbers: 5, 137, 1.3
decimal numbers in exponential form: 6.67e-11, -1.127e20
octal numbers, for example: 01234, -077, 0312
(Positive octal numbers must begin with 0 (zero) and negative octal numbers must begin with -0.)
hexadecimal numbers, for example: 0xFF -0xCCFF 0xabcdef
(Positive hexadecimals must begin with 0x and negative hexadecimals must begin with -0x.)
Math.PI // pi = 3.14159265...
Math.E // e = 2.71828182...
Math.LOG2E // log of e base 2
Math.LOG10E // log of e base 10
Math.LN2 // log of 2 base e
Math.LN10 // log of 10 base e
Math.SQRT2 // square root of 2
Math.SQRT1_2 // square root of 1/2
<b>Base conversion</b>
= (32767).toString(16) // this gives "7fff"
= (255).toString(8) // this gives "377"
= (1295).toString(36) // this gives "zz"
= (127).toString(2) // this gives "1111111"
<b>Arithmetic operations</b>
Unary operations have one argument (in the following examples, the argument is a):
-a // change the sign of a
~a // bitwise NOT a
++a // add 1 to a (before using a)
a++ // add 1 to a (after using a)
--a // subtract 1 from a (before using a)
a-- // subtract 1 from a (after using a)
Binary operations operations have two arguments (in the following examples, the arguments are a and b):
a * b // multiply a by b
a / b // divide a by b
a % b // find the remainder of division of a by b
a + b // add a and b
a - b // subtract b from a
a &amp; b // bitwise a AND b
a | b // bitwise a OR b
a ^ b // bitwise a XOR b
Shifts are the following operations:
a &lt;&lt; b // shift a by b bits to the left
// (padding with zeros)
a &gt;&gt; b // shift a by b bits to the right
// (copying the sign bit)
a &gt;&gt;&gt; b // shift a by b bits to the right
// (padding with zeros)
<b>Random Numbers</b>
= Math.random() // gives random, 0 to 1
If you need random floating-point numbers in the range from A to B, use this code:
= A + (B-A)*Math.random() // gives random, from A to B
Math.round(10*X)/10; // round to tenths
Math.round(100*X)/100; // round to hundredths
Math.round(1000*X)/1000; // round to thousandths
string is the string from which you want to extract a substring.
start is the number specifying the position of the character at which the substring begins. (The character at start itself will be included in the substring.)
end is the number specifying the position of the character at which the substring ends. (The character at end will not be included in the substring.)
Note that the first character in the string corresponds to position 0, and the last character to position string.length-1.
'Hello'.substring(0,2) // 'He'
'Hello'.substring(0,4) // 'Hell'
<b>String operations</b>
string.toUpperCase(); // Converts the string to upper case.
string.toLowerCase(); // Converts the string to lower case.
string.indexOf("B"); // Returns the index of the given character in a string.
string.lastIndexOf("B"); // Returns the last index of a given character in a string.
string.split(","); // Splits a string into an array of substrings.
string.charAt(1); // Returns the character at a given index.
string.charCodeAt(1); // Converts the char at the given index to an ASCII value.
String.fromCharCode(65,66,67); // Return a string from a number of Unicode character values.
string.replace(new RegExp("A","gi"),"B");
// Can be used to replace a string given as a regular expression with another string.
// Can be used to match a regular expression against a string. It returns an array of the matches.^[a-z]*@[a-z]*$/i);
// Can be used to with a regular expression to search for a special format.
<b>String Quoting</b>
= 'I\'m not a JavaScript hacker.'
= D2==10?"yes it is 10!":"other case"
<b>Graph functions</b>
=graph(<i>graph type</i>,<i>graph title</i>,<i>values y-axis</i>,<i>labels x-axis</i>,<i>caption x-axis</i>,<i>caption y-axis</i>,<i>width</i>,<i>height</i>)
The <i>graph</i> function creates an image with one graph inside.
Graph types: bar, pie, line, linesteps, scatter
Optional: caption x-axis, caption y-axis, width, height
Example: =graph('bar',E11,F12:F15,E12:E15,'quarter','value')
=graph2(<i>graph type</i>,<i>graph title</i>,<i>values y-axis graph 1</i>,<i>values y-axis graph 2</i>,<i>labels x-axis</i>,<i>caption x-axis</i>,<i>caption y-axis</i>,<i>width</i>,<i>height</i>)
The <i>graph2</i> function creates an image with two graphs inside.
Graph2 types: bar, baraccumulate, line, linesteps
Optional: caption x-axis, caption y-axis, width, height
Example: =graph2('bar','Bar graph (2 bars)',F12:F15,G12:G15,E12:E15)
<b>Multiline editing</b>
Use "\n" in the formula to force a line-break and open the multiline editor
<b>HTML editing</b>
Use "html:" at the beginning of the formula to force the interpretation as HTML code.
Using "html:" as prefix automatically opens the HTML editor.
<b>Styles: Font decoration / font effects</b> (use the style field next to the formula)
<b>bold</b>: font-weight:bold;
<i>italic</i>: font-style:italic;
<u>underlined</u>: text-decoration:underline;
<strike>strikethrough</strike>: text-decoration:line-through;
<b><i>bold italic</i></b>: font-weight:bold;
<font style="font-size:120%;">font-size "120%"</font>: font-size:120%;
<font style="font-size:18px;">font-size "18px"</font>: font-size:18px;
<font style="font-family:Helvetica;">font-family "Helvetica"</font>: font-family:Helvetica;
<font style="font-family:Verdana;">font-family "Verdana"</font>: font-family:Verdana;
<font style="font-family:sans-serif;">font-family "sans-serif"</font>: font-family:sans-serif;
<font style="font-family:Courier;">font-family "Courier"</font>: font-family:Courier;
<font style="color:red;">font color red</font>: color:red;
<font style="color:blue;">font color blue</font>: color:blue;
<font style="color:green;">font color green</font>: color:green;
<font style="background-color:yellow;">background color yellow</font>: background-color:yellow;
<font style="background-color:red;">background color red</font>: background-color:red;
<font style="background-color:lightgreen;">background color light-green;</font> background-color:lightgreen;
<b>Styles: Text alignment</b>
Text align left: text-align:left;
Text centered: text-align:center;
Text align right: text-align:right;
Text justified: text-align:justify;
Override automatic line-break: white-space:nowrap;
Cell width "250px": width:250px;
Cell height "100px": height:250px;
<b>Styles: Data formats</b>
Currency Euro (10 =&gt; 10 <20>): format:euro;
Currency Dollar (10 =&gt; $10): format:dollar;
Percent value (10 =&gt; 10%): format:percent;
Time format (14:11:12 =&gt; 2:11:12 pm): format:time;
Date format (1.2.2004 =&gt; 2/1/2004): format:date;
Full date format (02/26/2006 =&gt; Sunday, February 26 2006): format:datefull;
Datetime format (03/27/2007 9:11:12 =&gt; 3/27/2007 9:11:12 am): format:datetime;
Full datetime format (03/27/2007 9:11:12 =&gt; Tuesday, March 27 2007, 9:11:12 am): format:datefulltime;
<b>Styles: Cell protection</b>
Lock the value of a cell: readonly:true;
<b>Keyboard access keys [Alt+x or Alt+Shift+x]</b>
* g = switch to goto field
* x = cut cell
* c = copy cell
* v = paste cell
* e = empty cell
* p = print
* n = create a new spreadsheet
* l = load a spreadsheet
* s = save spreadsheet (if run inside Simple Groupware)
* q = close Simple Spreadsheet (if run inside Simple Groupware)
* m = change auto-refresh
* r = refresh (if auto-refresh is off)
* h = function reference
* 1 = values view
* 2 = formulas view
* 3 = styles view
<b>Keyboard shortcuts</b>
* enter / start typing = edit cell
* ctrl+x or shift+del = cut cell
* ctrl+c or ctrl+ins = copy cell
* ctrl+v or shift+ins = paste cell
* del = empty cell
* cursor up = go up
* cursor down = go down
* cursor left = go left
* cursor right = go right
* home = go to first cell in row or page left/up if already in first cell
* end = go to last cell in row or page right if already in last cell
* page up = go 10 rows down
* page down = go 10 rows up
// TODO2 dates / date functions
- Copyright <20> 1999-2000, Alexei Kourbatov