2019-07-10 00:53:41 -04:00

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<title>Welcome To BrowzOS</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="description" content="An open-source, web-based project to simulate an operating system from inside a web browser.">
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<div class="c2"><span class="c1">BrowzOS</span>
<p class="c0">The Web Browser's Operating System</p>
<p>Introducing BrowzOS, an open-source project to create a full-fledged, online
operating system (well, a sort of simulated operating system); the goal of this
project is to give BrowzOS the ability to manipulate files and folders on a client
and/or server computer's hard drive from <strong>within a web browser</strong> instead of using the
client's currently installed programs, as well as to encourage programmers to create
online applets (be they in any scripting language, Flash, Shockwave, Java, etc.)
with the ability to function as such. In spite of this, anyone is free to use
BrowzOS for any purpose, including the creation of applets that do NOT have
client (or server) computer file access.</p>
<p>Here's how it works; open a web browser,
log into the BrowzOS website and the operating system's ready to go. The web page
will lead users to a Desktop and a Dock, all in one window (similar to Mac OS X,) from
which any user can run &quot;applications&quot; such as games, a word processor,
a media player and other common &quot;programs&quot; found on any other operating system.</p>
<p>OK, so this sounds pretty neat, but of course this <strong>does</strong> have a few
<ol><li>For the most part, this website works with all mainstream GRAPHICAL web
browsers; that is, to say, BrowzOS will NOT work in command line browsers such
as Links, Lynx or Arachne.<br><br><li>
As with any other website containing applets and scripts, BrowzOS is NOT
lightning-fast; this is because scripts have to be interpreted by the client
computer's web browser.<br><br><li>
Even though the point of the BrowzOS project is to provide an alternative to
software currently installed on a client computer, this does NOT mean BrowzOS
can ultimately replace such operating systems as Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
(obviously because BrowzOS is completely dependent on web browsers, which are
completely dependent on being installed on a hard drive and executed from a
mainstream operating system).</ol>
<p>For experienced programmers, BrowzOS is a great platform for creating and
testing applets of all kinds, especially the types that directly access the client
and/or server computer's hard
drive. Of course, all programmers who would like to use this operating system for
programming are free to create whatever applet they wish (such as streaming
audio/video players, standard Flash/Shockwave/Java game applets, online
emulators, online rich-text editors, etc.)</p>
<p>For the average computer user, BrowzOS will (hopefully) eliminate (or
minimize) the need to download and install software from the web, especially trial
programs, bloatware and other programs that simply fail because of improper
installation. Since this is an open-source project intended to be a platform for
creating &quot;alternative&quot; programs (to replace those found on a typical computer,) BrowzOS will (hopefully) reduce software piracy through the creation of TRULY
free, open-source alternatives to such programs as word processors, spreadsheet
programs and other expensive applications on the market.</p>
<p>For the amateur/hobbyist web designer, BrowzOS is an excellent addition to
anyone's website; its construction is completely modular and simple to modify;
replacing the current &quot;applications,&quot; &quot;icons&quot; and even rearranging the position of
the Dock and Desktop has never been easier. As a matter of fact, BrowzOS can even
be manipulated to present information in a very professional manner (such as r&eacute;sum&eacute;s,
photos, programming projects and just about anything imaginable).</p>
<p class="c5" style="text-decoration: underline;">THIS WEBSITE IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN!!!!!</p>
<p class="c5">All applets and scripts in this website are either freely
distributed or open-source, following various different licenses that may or may
not be compatible with the <a href="gpl-3.0.html">GNU General Public License</a>
or each other.</p>
<p class="c5"><a href="download/">The page sources for this site are freely
available</a> and accessible under the terms of the<a href="agpl-3.0.html">
GNU Affero General Public License</a>.</p>
<p class="c5">Any Questions? Suggestions? Want to contribute to this
project? Join or visit the <a href="../forum/">forum</a>.</p>
<p class="c5"><a href="#" onclick="'desktop.html','_blank','width=screen.width,height=screen.height,scrollbars=0,status=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,top=0,left=0,resizable=0'); return false;">Proceed to the BrowzOS Desktop</a></p>
<p class="c5"><a href="#" onclick="'desktop_offline.html','_blank','width=screen.width,height=screen.height,scrollbars=0,status=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,top=0,left=0,resizable=0'); return false;">Proceed to the offline version of the BrowzOS Desktop</a></p>
<p class="c5"><a href="#" onclick="'desktop.php','_blank','width=screen.width,height=screen.height,scrollbars=0,status=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,top=0,left=0,resizable=0'); return false;">Proceed to the BrowzOS Desktop with log-in screen</a></p>
<p class="c5">Use either Administrator or UserName as usernames. Then, use PassWord or LogIn as their respective passwords.</p>