
162 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-10-25 14:27:32 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources [
<!ENTITY TERMUX_PROPERTIES_PRIMARY_PATH_SHORT "~/.termux/termux.properties">
2015-10-25 14:27:32 +00:00
<string name="application_name">&TERMUX_APP_NAME;</string>
<string name="shared_user_label">&TERMUX_APP_NAME; user</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux RUN_COMMAND permission -->
<string name="permission_run_command_label">Run commands in &TERMUX_APP_NAME; environment</string>
<string name="permission_run_command_description">execute arbitrary commands within &TERMUX_APP_NAME;
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux Bootstrap Packages Installation -->
<string name="bootstrap_installer_body">Installing bootstrap packages…</string>
<string name="bootstrap_error_title">Unable to install bootstrap</string>
<string name="bootstrap_error_body">&TERMUX_APP_NAME; was unable to install the bootstrap packages.</string>
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
<string name="bootstrap_error_abort">Abort</string>
<string name="bootstrap_error_try_again">Try again</string>
<string name="bootstrap_error_not_primary_user_message">&TERMUX_APP_NAME; can only be run as the primary user.\nBootstrap binaries compiled for &TERMUX_APP_NAME; have hardcoded $PREFIX path and cannot be installed under any path other than \"%1$s\".</string>
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Terminal Sidebar and Shortcuts -->
2021-03-24 01:47:12 +00:00
<string name="action_new_session">New session</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<string name="action_new_session_failsafe">Failsafe</string>
<string name="title_max_terminals_reached">Max terminals reached</string>
<string name="msg_max_terminals_reached">Close down existing ones before creating new.</string>
<string name="title_rename_session">Set session name</string>
<string name="action_rename_session_confirm">Set</string>
<string name="title_create_named_session">New named session</string>
<string name="action_create_named_session_confirm">Create</string>
<string name="action_toggle_soft_keyboard">Keyboard</string>
<string name="msg_enabling_terminal_toolbar">Enabling Terminal Toolbar</string>
<string name="msg_disabling_terminal_toolbar">Disabling Terminal Toolbar</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Terminal Popup -->
<string name="action_select_url">Select URL</string>
<string name="title_select_url_dialog">Click URL to copy or long press to open</string>
<string name="title_select_url_none_found">No URL found in the terminal.</string>
<string name="msg_select_url_copied_to_clipboard">URL copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="action_share_transcript">Share transcript</string>
<string name="title_share_transcript">Terminal transcript</string>
<string name="title_share_transcript_with">Send transcript to:</string>
<string name="action_autofill_password">Autofill password</string>
<string name="action_reset_terminal">Reset</string>
<string name="msg_terminal_reset">Terminal reset.</string>
<string name="action_kill_process">Kill process (%d)</string>
<string name="title_confirm_kill_process">Really kill this session?</string>
<string name="action_style_terminal">Style</string>
<string name="action_toggle_keep_screen_on">Keep screen on</string>
<string name="action_open_help">Help</string>
<string name="action_open_settings">Settings</string>
<string name="action_report_issue">Report Issue</string>
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<string name="error_styling_not_installed">The &TERMUX_STYLING_APP_NAME; Plugin App is not installed.</string>
<string name="action_styling_install">Install</string>
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux Notifications -->
2019-04-18 17:22:40 +00:00
<string name="notification_action_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="notification_action_wake_lock">Acquire wakelock</string>
<string name="notification_action_wake_unlock">Release wakelock</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux RunCommandService -->
<string name="error_run_command_service_invalid_intent_action">Invalid intent action to RunCommandService: `%1$s`</string>
<string name="error_run_command_service_mandatory_extra_missing">Mandatory extra missing to RunCommandService: \"%1$s\"</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<string name="error_run_command_service_allow_external_apps_ungranted">RunCommandService require `allow-external-apps` property to be set to `true` in `&TERMUX_PROPERTIES_PRIMARY_PATH_SHORT;` file.</string>
2021-04-06 07:21:22 +00:00
<string name="error_run_command_service_api_help">Visit %1$s for more info on RUN_COMMAND Intent usage.</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux Execution Commands -->
<string name="msg_executable_absolute_path">Executable Absolute Path: \"%1$s\"</string>
<string name="msg_working_directory_absolute_path">Working Directory Absolute Path: \"%1$s\"</string>
Add support for sending back background and foreground command results for RUN_COMMAND intent and foreground command results for Termux:Tasker Previously, termux only supported getting result of BACKGROUND commands back if they were started via Termux:Tasker plugin. Getting back result of foreground commands was not possible with any way. Now with RUN_COMMAND intent or Termux:Tasker, the third party apps and users can get the foreground command results as well. Note that by "foreground results" we only mean the session transcript. The session transcript will contain both stdout and stderr combined, basically anything sent to the the pseudo terminal /dev/pts, including PS1 prefixes for interactive sessions. Getting separate stdout and stderr can currently only be done with background commands. Moreover, with RUN_COMMAND intent, third party apps and users can get the background commands results as well. This means separate extras for stdout and stderr. The exit code will also be returned for either case. ### RUN_COMMAND intent The result extras are returned in the TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE bundle via the pending intent received. The RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT extra can be used to send the pending intent with which termux should return the result bundle. The pending intent can be received back by the app with an IntentService. Check RunCommandService for reference implementation. For foreground commands (RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND is false): - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT will contain session transcript. - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR will be null since its not used. - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE will contain exit code of session. For background commands (RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND is true): - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT will contain stdout of commands. - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR will contain stderr of commands. - EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE will contain exit code of command. The internal errors raised by termux outside the shell will be sent in the the EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_ERR and EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_ERRMSG extras. These will contain errors like if starting a termux command failed or if the user manually exited the termux sessions or android killed the termux service before the commands had finished executing. The err value will be Activity.RESULT_OK(-1) if no internal errors are raised. The stdout and stderr will be truncated from the start to max 100KB combined and errmsg will also be truncated from end to max 25KB. This is necessary to prevent TransactionTooLargeException exceptions from being raised if stdout or stderr are too large in length. The original length of stdout and stderr will be provided in EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT_ORIGINAL_LENGTH and EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR_ORIGINAL_LENGTH extras respectively, so that the caller can check if either of them were truncated. ### Termux:Tasker Support for Termux:Tasker for getting back result of foreground commands will require an update to it since it currently immediately returns control to plugin host app like Tasker without waiting if a foreground command is to be executed.
2021-03-25 18:05:55 +00:00
<string name="error_sending_sigkill_to_process">Sending SIGKILL to process on user request or because android is killing the service</string>
<string name="error_failed_to_execute_termux_session_command">"Failed to execute \"%1$s\" termux session command"</string>
<string name="error_failed_to_execute_termux_task_command">"Failed to execute \"%1$s\" termux task command"</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux Report And ShareUtils -->
<string name="action_copy">Copy</string>
<string name="action_share">Share</string>
<string name="title_share_with">Share With</string>
<string name="title_report_text">Report Text</string>
2021-03-24 01:15:45 +00:00
<!-- Termux File Receiver -->
<string name="title_file_received">Save file in ~/downloads/</string>
<string name="action_file_received_edit">Edit</string>
<string name="action_file_received_open_directory">Open directory</string>
Implement GUI based Termux settings manager and a centralized logging framework The settings activity can be accessed by long pressing on terminal view and selecting "Settings" from the popup shown. It uses the Android's Preference framework. Currently only debugging preferences to set log level and enabling terminal view key logging are provided. The Preference framework by default uses the keys set in `app:key` attribute in the respective preferences XML file to store the values in the default `SharedPreferences` file of the app. However, since we rely on `TermuxPreferenceConstants` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` classes to define key names so that they can be easily shared between termux and its plugin apps, we provide our own `PreferenceDataStore` for storing key/value pairs. The key name in the XML file can optionally be the same. Check `DebuggingPreferencesFragment` class for a sample. Each new preference category fragment should be added to `app/settings/` with its data store. This commit may allow support to be added for modifying `termux.properties` file directly from the UI but that requires more work, since writing to property files with comments require in-place modification. The `Logger` class provides various static functions for logging that should be used from now on instead of directly calling android `Log.*` functions. The log level is automatically loaded from shared preferences at application startup via `TermuxApplication` and set in the static `Logger.CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL` variable. Changing the log level through the settings activity also changes the log level immediately. The 4 supported log levels are: - LOG_LEVEL_OFF which will log nothing. - LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL which will start logging error, warn and info messages and stacktraces. - LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG which will start logging debug messages. - LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE which will start logging verbose messages. The default log level is `LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL` which will not log debug or verbose messages. Contributors can add useful log entries at those levels where ever they feel is appropriate so that it allows users and devs to more easily help solve issues or find bugs, specially without having to recompile termux after having to manually add general log entries to the source. DO NOT log data that may have private info of users like command arguments at log levels below debug, like `BackgroundJob` was doing previously. Logging to file support may be added later, will require log file rotation support and storage permissions.
2021-03-13 11:49:29 +00:00
<!-- Termux Settings -->
2021-03-15 22:41:17 +00:00
<string name="title_activity_termux_settings">&TERMUX_APP_NAME; Settings</string>
Implement GUI based Termux settings manager and a centralized logging framework The settings activity can be accessed by long pressing on terminal view and selecting "Settings" from the popup shown. It uses the Android's Preference framework. Currently only debugging preferences to set log level and enabling terminal view key logging are provided. The Preference framework by default uses the keys set in `app:key` attribute in the respective preferences XML file to store the values in the default `SharedPreferences` file of the app. However, since we rely on `TermuxPreferenceConstants` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` classes to define key names so that they can be easily shared between termux and its plugin apps, we provide our own `PreferenceDataStore` for storing key/value pairs. The key name in the XML file can optionally be the same. Check `DebuggingPreferencesFragment` class for a sample. Each new preference category fragment should be added to `app/settings/` with its data store. This commit may allow support to be added for modifying `termux.properties` file directly from the UI but that requires more work, since writing to property files with comments require in-place modification. The `Logger` class provides various static functions for logging that should be used from now on instead of directly calling android `Log.*` functions. The log level is automatically loaded from shared preferences at application startup via `TermuxApplication` and set in the static `Logger.CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL` variable. Changing the log level through the settings activity also changes the log level immediately. The 4 supported log levels are: - LOG_LEVEL_OFF which will log nothing. - LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL which will start logging error, warn and info messages and stacktraces. - LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG which will start logging debug messages. - LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE which will start logging verbose messages. The default log level is `LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL` which will not log debug or verbose messages. Contributors can add useful log entries at those levels where ever they feel is appropriate so that it allows users and devs to more easily help solve issues or find bugs, specially without having to recompile termux after having to manually add general log entries to the source. DO NOT log data that may have private info of users like command arguments at log levels below debug, like `BackgroundJob` was doing previously. Logging to file support may be added later, will require log file rotation support and storage permissions.
2021-03-13 11:49:29 +00:00
<!-- Debugging Preferences -->
<string name="debugging_preferences">Debugging</string>
<!-- Logging Category -->
<string name="logging_header">Logging</string>
<!-- Terminal View Key Logging -->
<string name="terminal_view_key_logging_title">Terminal View Key Logging</string>
<string name="terminal_view_key_logging_off">Logs will not have entries for terminal view keys. (Default)</string>
<string name="terminal_view_key_logging_on">Logcat logs will have entries for terminal view keys. These are very verbose and should be disabled under normal circumstances or will cause performance issues.</string>
<!-- Plugin Error Notifications -->
<string name="plugin_error_notifications_title">Plugin Error Notifications</string>
<string name="plugin_error_notifications_off">Disable flashes and notifications for plugin errors.</string>
<string name="plugin_error_notifications_on">Show flashes and notifications for plugin errors. (Default)</string>
<!-- Crash Report Notifications -->
<string name="crash_report_notifications_title">Crash Report Notifications</string>
<string name="crash_report_notifications_off">Disable notifications for crash reports.</string>
<string name="crash_report_notifications_on">Show notifications for crash reports. (Default)</string>
<!-- Terminal IO Preferences -->
<string name="terminal_io_preferences">Terminal I/O</string>
<!-- Keyboard Category -->
<string name="keyboard_header">Keyboard</string>
<!-- Soft Keyboard -->
<string name="soft_keyboard_title">Soft Keyboard</string>
<string name="soft_keyboard_off">Soft keyboard will be disabled.</string>
<string name="soft_keyboard_on">Soft keyboard will be enabled. (Default)</string>
2015-10-25 14:27:32 +00:00