Added ExectionCommand

ExectionCommand is a class that stores all data related to an execution command like:

- Input parameters like executable and arguments to be used to run the shell command, etc
- Output parameters like stdout, stderr and exitCode.
- Error info generated internally by termux outside the shell in errCode and errmsg.
- Command info like, id, label, description, help info, etc.
- Other config info like for how termux should handle the command.
- The pending intent if any that should be sent after execution to command requester.
- The help for the plugin API that was used to send the intent.
- Current and previous state of the command.

This allow easier management and passing of execution command data between classes and management of it. This will later allow each ExectionCommand command to be linked to a Terminal Session, to handle post processing and failure management.
The ExectionCommand also provides functions to get its data in markdown format, which can be used by failure or success reports generated for the command that are shown to the user. The commandHelp and pluginAPIHelp can also be specially useful to provide info to users on how to manage failures that are generated.
This commit is contained in:
agnostic-apollo 2021-03-24 03:48:24 +05:00
parent 20d20f42c0
commit bccc35bc3f
1 changed files with 531 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
package com.termux.models;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ExecutionCommand {
The {@link ExecutionState#SUCCESS} and {@link ExecutionState#FAILED} is defined based on
successful execution of command without any internal errors or exceptions being raised.
The shell command {@link #exitCode} being non-zero **does not** mean that execution command failed.
Only the {@link #errCode} being non-zero means that execution command failed from the Termux app
/** The {@link Enum} that defines {@link ExecutionCommand} state. */
public enum ExecutionState {
PRE_EXECUTION("Pre-Execution", 0),
EXECUTING("Executing", 1),
EXECUTED("Executed", 2),
SUCCESS("Success", 3),
FAILED("Failed", 4);
private final String name;
private final int value;
ExecutionState(final String name, final int value) { = name;
this.value = value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getValue() {
return value;
/** The optional unique id for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public Integer id;
/** The current state of the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public ExecutionState currentState = ExecutionState.PRE_EXECUTION;
/** The previous state of the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public ExecutionState previousState = ExecutionState.PRE_EXECUTION;
/** The executable for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String executable;
/** The executable Uri for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public Uri executableUri;
/** The executable arguments array for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String[] arguments;
/** The current working directory for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String workingDirectory;
/** If the {@link ExecutionCommand} is a background or a foreground terminal session command. */
public boolean inBackground;
/** If the {@link ExecutionCommand} is meant to start a failsafe terminal session. */
public boolean isFailsafe;
/** The session action of foreground commands. */
public String sessionAction;
/** The command label for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String commandLabel;
/** The markdown text for the command description for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String commandDescription;
/** The markdown text for the help of command for the {@link ExecutionCommand}. This can be used
* to provide useful info to the user if an internal error is raised. */
public String commandHelp;
/** Defines the markdown text for the help of the Termux plugin API that was used to start the
* {@link ExecutionCommand}. This can be used to provide useful info to the user if an internal
* error is raised. */
public String pluginAPIHelp;
/** Defines if {@link ExecutionCommand} was started because of an external plugin request or from
* within Termux app itself. */
public boolean isPluginExecutionCommand;
/** Defines {@link PendingIntent} that should be sent if an external plugin requested the execution. */
public PendingIntent pluginPendingIntent;
/** The stdout of shell command. */
public String stdout;
/** The sterr of shell command. */
public String stderr;
/** The exit code of shell command. */
public Integer exitCode;
/** The internal error code of {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public Integer errCode;
/** The internal error message of {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public String errmsg;
/** The internal exceptions of {@link ExecutionCommand}. */
public List<Throwable> throwableList = new ArrayList<>();
public ExecutionCommand(){
public ExecutionCommand(Integer id){ = id;
public ExecutionCommand(Integer id, String executable, String[] arguments, String workingDirectory, boolean inBackground, boolean isFailsafe) { = id;
this.executable = executable;
this.arguments = arguments;
this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
this.inBackground = inBackground;
this.isFailsafe = isFailsafe;
public String toString() {
if(currentState.getValue() < ExecutionState.EXECUTED.getValue())
return getExecutionInputLogString(this, true);
else {
return getExecutionOutputLogString(this, true);
* Get a log friendly {@link String} for {@link ExecutionCommand} execution input parameters.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to convert.
* @param ignoreNull Set to {@code true} if non-critical {@code null} values are to be ignored.
* @return Returns the log friendly {@link String}.
public static String getExecutionInputLogString(ExecutionCommand executionCommand, boolean ignoreNull) {
if (executionCommand == null) return "null";
StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder();
if(executionCommand.previousState != ExecutionState.PRE_EXECUTION)
if(!ignoreNull || executionCommand.sessionAction != null)
if(!ignoreNull || executionCommand.isPluginExecutionCommand) {
if (!ignoreNull || executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent != null)
return logString.toString();
* Get a log friendly {@link String} for {@link ExecutionCommand} execution output parameters.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to convert.
* @param ignoreNull Set to {@code true} if non-critical {@code null} values are to be ignored.
* @return Returns the log friendly {@link String}.
public static String getExecutionOutputLogString(ExecutionCommand executionCommand, boolean ignoreNull) {
if (executionCommand == null) return "null";
StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder();
logString.append(getExecutionErrLogString(executionCommand, ignoreNull));
return logString.toString();
* Get a log friendly {@link String} for {@link ExecutionCommand} execution error parameters.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to convert.
* @param ignoreNull Set to {@code true} if non-critical {@code null} values are to be ignored.
* @return Returns the log friendly {@link String}.
public static String getExecutionErrLogString(ExecutionCommand executionCommand, boolean ignoreNull) {
StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder();
if(!ignoreNull || (executionCommand.errCode != null && executionCommand.errCode != 0)) {
} else {
return logString.toString();
* Get a log friendly {@link String} for {@link ExecutionCommand} with more details.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to convert.
* @return Returns the log friendly {@link String}.
public static String getDetailedLogString(ExecutionCommand executionCommand) {
if (executionCommand == null) return "null";
StringBuilder logString = new StringBuilder();
logString.append(getExecutionInputLogString(executionCommand, false));
logString.append(getExecutionOutputLogString(executionCommand, false));
return logString.toString();
* Get a markdown {@link String} for {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to convert.
* @return Returns the markdown {@link String}.
public static String getDetailedMarkdownString(ExecutionCommand executionCommand) {
if (executionCommand == null) return "null";
if (executionCommand.commandLabel == null) executionCommand.commandLabel = "Execution Command";
StringBuilder markdownString = new StringBuilder();
markdownString.append("### ").append(executionCommand.commandLabel).append("\n");
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Previous State", executionCommand.previousState.getName(), "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Current State", executionCommand.currentState.getName(), "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Executable", executionCommand.executable, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Working Directory", executionCommand.workingDirectory, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("inBackground", executionCommand.inBackground, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("isFailsafe", executionCommand.isFailsafe, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Session Action", executionCommand.sessionAction, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("isPluginExecutionCommand", executionCommand.isPluginExecutionCommand, "-"));
if (executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent != null)
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Pending Intent Creator", executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent.getCreatorPackage(), "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append("**Pending Intent Creator:** - ");
markdownString.append("\n\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getMultiLineMarkdownStringEntry("Stdout", executionCommand.stdout, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getMultiLineMarkdownStringEntry("Stderr", executionCommand.stderr, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Exit Code", executionCommand.exitCode, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getSingleLineMarkdownStringEntry("Err Code", executionCommand.errCode, "-"));
markdownString.append("\n").append("**Errmsg:**\n").append(TextDataUtils.getDefaultIfNull(executionCommand.errmsg, "-"));
if(executionCommand.commandDescription != null || executionCommand.commandHelp != null) {
if (executionCommand.commandDescription != null)
markdownString.append("\n\n#### Command Description\n\n").append(executionCommand.commandDescription).append("\n");
if (executionCommand.commandHelp != null)
markdownString.append("\n\n#### Command Help\n\n").append(executionCommand.commandHelp).append("\n");
if(executionCommand.pluginAPIHelp != null) {
markdownString.append("\n\n#### Plugin API Help\n\n").append(executionCommand.pluginAPIHelp);
return markdownString.toString();
public String getIdLogString() {
if(id != null)
return "(" + id + ") ";
return "";
public String getCurrentStateLogString() {
return "Current State: `" + currentState.getName() + "`";
public String getPreviousStateLogString() {
return "Previous State: `" + previousState.getName() + "`";
public String getCommandLabelLogString() {
if (commandLabel != null && !commandLabel.isEmpty())
return commandLabel;
return "Execution Command";
public String getExecutableLogString() {
return "Executable: `" + executable + "`";
public String getArgumentsLogString() {
return getArgumentsLogString(arguments);
public String getWorkingDirectoryLogString() {
return "Working Directory: `" + workingDirectory + "`";
public String getInBackgroundLogString() {
return "inBackground: `" + inBackground + "`";
public String getIsFailsafeLogString() {
return "isFailsafe: `" + isFailsafe + "`";
public String getIsPluginExecutionCommandLogString() {
return "isPluginExecutionCommand: `" + isPluginExecutionCommand + "`";
public String getSessionActionLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Session Action", sessionAction, "-");
public String getPendingIntentCreatorLogString() {
if (pluginPendingIntent != null)
return "Pending Intent Creator: `" + pluginPendingIntent.getCreatorPackage() + "`";
return "Pending Intent Creator: -";
public String getCommandDescriptionLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Command Description", commandDescription, "-");
public String getCommandHelpLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Command Help", commandHelp, "-");
public String getPluginAPIHelpLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Plugin API Help", pluginAPIHelp, "-");
public String getStdoutLogString() {
return getMultiLineLogStringEntry("Stdout", stdout, "-");
public String getStderrLogString() {
return getMultiLineLogStringEntry("Stderr", stderr, "-");
public String getExitCodeLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Exit Code", exitCode, "-");
public String getErrCodeLogString() {
return getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Err Code", errCode, "-");
public String getErrmsgLogString() {
return getMultiLineLogStringEntry("Errmsg", errmsg, "-");
public String geStackTracesLogString() {
return Logger.getStackTracesString("StackTraces:", Logger.getStackTraceStringArray(throwableList));
public String geStackTracesMarkdownString() {
return Logger.getStackTracesMarkdownString("StackTraces:", Logger.getStackTraceStringArray(throwableList));
* Get a markdown {@link String} for {@link String[]} argumentsArray.
* If argumentsArray are null or of size 0, then `**Arguments:** -` is returned. Otherwise
* following format is returned:
* **Arguments:**
* **Arg 1:**
* ```
* value
* ```
* **Arg 2:**
* ```
* value
* @param argumentsArray The {@link String[]} argumentsArray to convert.
* @return Returns the markdown {@link String}.
public static String getArgumentsMarkdownString(String[] argumentsArray) {
StringBuilder argumentsString = new StringBuilder("**Arguments:**");
if (argumentsArray != null && argumentsArray.length != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i != argumentsArray.length; i++) {
argumentsString.append(MarkdownUtils.getMultiLineMarkdownStringEntry("Arg " + (i + 1), argumentsArray[i], "-")).append("\n");
} else{
argumentsString.append(" -");
return argumentsString.toString();
* Get a log friendly {@link String} for {@link List<String>} argumentsArray.
* If argumentsArray are null or of size 0, then `Arguments: -` is returned. Otherwise
* following format is returned:
* Arguments:
* ```
* Arg 1: `value`
* Arg 2: 'value`
* ```
* @param argumentsArray The {@link String[]} argumentsArray to convert.
* @return Returns the log friendly {@link String}.
public static String getArgumentsLogString(String[] argumentsArray) {
StringBuilder argumentsString = new StringBuilder("Arguments:");
if (argumentsArray != null && argumentsArray.length != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i != argumentsArray.length; i++) {
argumentsString.append(getSingleLineLogStringEntry("Arg " + (i + 1), argumentsArray[i], "-")).append("`\n");
} else{
argumentsString.append(" -");
return argumentsString.toString();
public static String getSingleLineLogStringEntry(String label, Object object, String def) {
if (object != null)
return label + ": `" + object + "`";
return label + ": " + def;
public static String getMultiLineLogStringEntry( String label, Object object,String def) {
if (object != null)
return label + ":\n```\n" + object + "\n```\n";
return label + ": " + def;
public boolean setState(ExecutionState newState) {
// The state transition cannot go back or change if already at {@link ExecutionState#SUCCESS}
if(newState.getValue() < currentState.getValue() || currentState == ExecutionState.SUCCESS) {
Logger.logError("Invalid ExecutionCommand state transition from \"" + currentState.getName() + "\" to " + "\"" + newState.getName() + "\"");
return false;
// The {@link ExecutionState#FAILED} can be set again, like to add more errors, but we don't update
// {@link #previousState} with the {@link #currentState} value if its at {@link ExecutionState#FAILED} to
// preserve the last valid state
if(currentState != ExecutionState.FAILED)
previousState = currentState;
currentState = newState;
return true;
public boolean setStateFailed(int errCode, String errmsg, Throwable throwable) {
if(errCode < 1)
return false;
return false;
this.errCode = errCode;
this.errmsg = errmsg;
if(this.throwableList == null)
this.throwableList = new ArrayList<>();
if(throwable != null)
return true;