mirror of https://github.com/termux/termux-app synced 2024-06-17 22:57:08 +00:00
Commit Graph

30 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6213b7f782 Changed: Use double quotes instead of single quotes for all gradle dependencies 2022-05-24 01:19:45 +05:00
53f26c9659 Changed: Refactor am socket server
The `AmSocketServer` now handles the entire logic for processing of am commands sent by clients and its results. This can be used by other apps as well to run their own am servers. The server started by `termux-app` will be managed by `TermuxAmSocketServer`. Read their javadocs for details.

The extended implementation `TermuxAmSocketServerClient` of `AmSocketServer.AmSocketServerClient`/`ILocalSocketManager` will also send a plugin error notification for all errors to the user instead of just logging to logcat since users are not very good at checking those, this should save dev time debugging problems. We may need to ignore notifications for some errors like broken pipe, based on their `Error` objects if they are normally expected, this requires further investigation.

The `TERMUX_APP_AM_SOCKET_SERVER_ENABLED` env variable will also be exported for all shell sessions and tasks for whether the server was successfully started on app startup. The user can disable the server by adding "run-termux-am-socket-server=false" to the "~/.termux/termux.properties" as implemented in 5f8a9222. The env variable will be checked by `$PREFIX/bin/termux-am` before attempting to connect.

The new path for the server socket is `/data/data/com.termux/files/apps/termux-app/termux-am/am.sock` as per `TERMUX_APP.APPS_DIR_PATH` added in bcd8f4c4.
2022-04-23 00:39:00 +05:00
f366db0cb3 Added: LocalFilesystemSocket as an Interface to UNIX sockets in the filesystem. The UID of connecting programs is automatically checked against the processes UID and connections where the UID doesn't match are automatically rejected and logged.
Changed: LocalSocketListener now uses sockets in the filesystem.
2022-04-23 00:36:12 +05:00
50a97b1977 Added: Add ReflectionUtils and add dependency for org.lsposed.hiddenapibypass:hiddenapibypass
The call to bypassHiddenAPIReflectionRestrictions() must be made before trying to reflect hidden or non-sdk APIs.

Reflection will be used for accessing hidden (@hide) APIs by Termux and its plugins later.

2022-01-23 01:40:22 +05:00
9259ef0be1 Changed: Bump to v0.118.0 2022-01-23 01:36:41 +05:00
085b17e496 Changed: Bump dependency versions 2022-01-23 01:36:41 +05:00
c3280a94f0 Added: Add TextIOActivity and TextIOInfo
The `TextIOActivity` can be used to edit or view text based on various config options defined by `TextIOInfo`
and supports `monospace` font and horizontal scrolling for editing scripts, etc.

Current max text limit is `95KB`, which can be increased in future.
2021-09-11 15:15:51 +05:00
1c01f4df08 Changed: Bump gradle library dependency versions 2021-08-21 05:33:00 +05:00
9272a757af Bump to v0.117 2021-07-08 13:12:31 +05:00
a53cc88688 Bump gradle dependencies versions 2021-07-08 08:14:42 +05:00
e547c15481 Bump to v0.116 2021-07-01 10:52:51 +05:00
c621c35827 Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 08:36:03 +05:00
8e4da6cbcd Revert "Bump to v0.115"
This reverts commit bde9d01f
2021-07-01 08:29:19 +05:00
bde9d01f76 Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 07:13:03 +05:00
5c50964b1f Revert "Bump to v0.115"
This reverts commit dea8c987
2021-07-01 06:31:22 +05:00
dea8c9879e Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 05:15:34 +05:00
dfd32435af Bump gradle dependencies versions 2021-06-30 06:17:26 +05:00
e5a9b99afe Fix issues with TermuxActivityRootView margin adjustment
Margin adjustment was causing screen flickering due to invalid values being calculated in landscape and split screen mode.

Attempts to fix issue #2127
2021-06-30 02:31:47 +05:00
69e5deedc7 Move to com.termux domain for termux libraries published with jitpack
A DNS TXT record has been added from git.termux.com to https://github.com/termux at termux.com by @fornwall

dig txt git.termux.com


2021-06-23 03:36:36 +05:00
b7b12ebe84 Move from github packages to jitpack.io for hosting termux library packages
Github Package hosting is considered a private repository since it requires github APIs keys if a hosted library needs to be imported as a dependency. Importing from private repositories is not allowed as per F-Droid policy so termux plugin apps can't import termux libraries as dependencies so hence we move to Jitpack. Check https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2011#issuecomment-824837387.

Version number of all published libraries from termux-app must be the same.

Importing can be done with the following way.

Add to root level build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Add to app module level build.gradle if you want to import `termux-shared`

 dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.termux:termux-shared:0.115'

Check https://github.com/jitpack/jitpack.io#building-with-jitpack for other details, like including commit or branch level import.

If you are updating the libraries as well and want to test locally, run `./gradlew publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal` from root directory of termux-app to publish library to local maven repository. You may need to rebuild project before it, library files will be published at `~/.m2/repository/com/github/termux/termux-shared/0.115`. If you want to import the updated library in a project, then uncomment the `mavenLocal()` line in the build.gradle and run sync gradle with project files.

Making changes to library after dependencies have already been cached without incrementing version number may need deleting gradle cache if syncing gradle files doesn't work after publishing changes. Open gradle right sidebar in android studio, then right click on top level entry, then select "Refresh Gradle Dependencies", which will redownload/refresh all dependencies and will take a lot of time. Instead running `find ~/.gradle/caches/ -type d -name "*com.github.termux*" -prune -exec rm -rf "{}" \; -print` and then running gradle sync should be enough.

Using "com.termux" instead of "com.github.termux" will require a DNS TXT record to be added from git.termux.com to https://github.com/termux at termux.com

2021-06-21 03:36:20 +05:00
4dfed3320e Bump to v0.114 2021-06-11 02:57:56 +05:00
b711a467c1 Bump to v0.113 2021-05-16 23:44:43 +05:00
af115c9966 Add generic functions to show a message in dialog and exit app with an error message 2021-05-13 17:37:01 +05:00
4ecea144bb Create KeyboardUtils 2021-05-09 21:08:54 +05:00
0aa5a123b7 Bump to v0.112
This only reverts the versioning login change done in a6ae656c since that caused F-Droid bot and Github Packages to fail to pick up new releases. The versions must be bumped directly in `build.gradle` file in future and not through other files like `gradle.properties`.
2021-04-22 19:57:08 +05:00
a6ae656c9f Bump to v0.110 2021-04-15 05:14:31 +05:00
3306c3c2a2 Add support to include source jar files for libraries published by termux 2021-04-15 05:01:41 +05:00
567eeca782 Bump to v0.109 2021-04-12 20:20:26 +05:00
0cd7cb8162 Improve TermuxSession and TermuxTask
TermuxSession, TermuxTask and TermuxSessionClientBase have been moved to termux-shared. They are now not dependent on TermuxService anymore and have become abstract so that they can be called from anywhere. TermuxSession.TermuxSessionClient and TermuxTask.TermuxTaskClient interfaces have been created for callbacks, which the TermuxService now implements.

The TermuxTask now also supports synchronous command execution as well to run shell commands from anywhere for internal use by termux app and its plugins.

TermuxTask now also supports killing the process being run by sending it a SIGKILL. This is used by TermuxService to kill all the TermuxTasks (in addition to TermuxSessions) it manages when it is destroyed, either by user exiting it or by android killing it. Only the tasks that were started by a plugin which **expects** the result back via a pending intent will be killed, but the remaining background tasks will keep on running until the termux app process is killed by android, like by OOM. Check TermuxService.killAllTermuxExecutionCommands() for more details on how TermuxService kills TermuxTasks and TermuxSessions.

Fixed null pointer exception when getting terminal transcript if TerminalEmulator not initialized.
2021-04-12 14:26:53 +05:00
682ce08314 Create termux-shared library package for all termux constants and shared utils
The termux plugins should use this library instead of hardcoding "com.termux" values in their source code.

The library can be included as a dependency by plugins and third party apps by including the following line in the build.gradle where x.xxx is the version number, once its published.

`implementation 'com.termux:termux-shared:x.xxx'`

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.17.0`, `TermuxPreferenceConstants` to `v0.9.0` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` to `v0.6.0`. Check their Changelog sections for info on changes.

Some typos and redundant code has also been fixed.
2021-04-07 11:31:30 +05:00