Commit Graph

31 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
agnostic-apollo 682ce08314 Create termux-shared library package for all termux constants and shared utils
The termux plugins should use this library instead of hardcoding "com.termux" values in their source code.

The library can be included as a dependency by plugins and third party apps by including the following line in the build.gradle where is the version number, once its published.

`implementation ''`

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.17.0`, `TermuxPreferenceConstants` to `v0.9.0` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` to `v0.6.0`. Check their Changelog sections for info on changes.

Some typos and redundant code has also been fixed.
2021-04-07 11:31:30 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 38323b1c2a Fix RUN_COMMAND Intent plugin api url 2021-04-06 12:21:22 +05:00
agnostic-apollo d4fc34ca2d Move FileUtils to file package and define more file util functions
A lot of utils have been defined now that can be used to safely manage files.

The java API has poor support for detecting symlinks including broken symlinks. Android implementation also has issues. Check FileTypes.getFileType() function for more info. For this reason, the UnixFileAttributes and related classes has been ported from AOSP to get file attributes and type.

Some file utils and android versions use google's Guava library for managing files, specially for safer directory deletion with SecureDirectoryStream.

Some file utils and android versions use for managing files. The library version used is 2.5 and it must not be incremented for compatibility with android version < 8, otherwise runtime crashes will occur.
2021-04-06 06:00:05 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 49f53f55f3 Renamed TextDataUtils to DataUtils 2021-03-28 09:08:45 +05:00
agnostic-apollo d7ea770d47 Move com.termux.models to package 2021-03-27 19:08:26 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 04da4b2268 Send PendingIntent back for pre-execution errors generated for RUN_COMMAND intent
If the pending intent is not null, then the errors will be sent back to the caller without notifying the user, since we will let the caller handle the errors himself. They will still be logged in logcat.

However, if "allow-external-apps" is not true, then a flash and notification will be shown forcefully (regardless of "Plugin Execution Errors" toggle state), so that the user knows someone tried to run a command in termux context, since it may be malicious app or imported (tasker) plugin project and not the user himself. If a pending intent is also sent, then its creator is also logged and shown.
2021-03-26 16:33:46 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 480bad181b Use TermuxConstants for getting urls instead of using hardcoded strings 2021-03-26 01:25:15 +05:00
agnostic-apollo a2209ddd5e Add support for sending back background and foreground command results for RUN_COMMAND intent and foreground command results for Termux:Tasker
Previously, termux only supported getting result of BACKGROUND commands back if they were started via Termux:Tasker plugin. Getting back result of foreground commands was not possible with any way.

Now with RUN_COMMAND intent or Termux:Tasker, the third party apps and users can get the foreground command results as well. Note that by "foreground results" we only mean the session transcript. The session transcript will contain both stdout and stderr combined, basically anything sent to the the pseudo terminal /dev/pts, including PS1 prefixes for interactive sessions. Getting separate stdout and stderr can currently only be done with background commands.

Moreover, with RUN_COMMAND intent, third party apps and users can get the background commands results as well. This means separate extras for stdout and stderr.

The exit code will also be returned for either case.

### RUN_COMMAND intent

The result extras are returned in the TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE bundle via the pending intent received.

The RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT extra can be used to send the pending intent with which termux should return the result bundle. The pending intent can be received back by the app with an IntentService. Check RunCommandService for reference implementation.

For foreground commands (RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND is false):
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT will contain session transcript.
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR will be null since its not used.
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE will contain exit code of session.

For background commands (RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND is true):
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT will contain stdout of commands.
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR will contain stderr of commands.
- EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE will contain exit code of command.

The internal errors raised by termux outside the shell will be sent in the the EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_ERR and EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_ERRMSG extras. These will contain errors like if starting a termux command failed or if the user manually exited the termux sessions or android killed the termux service before the commands had finished executing. The err value will be Activity.RESULT_OK(-1) if no internal errors are raised.

The stdout and stderr will be truncated from the start to max 100KB combined and errmsg will also be truncated from end to max 25KB. This is necessary to prevent TransactionTooLargeException exceptions from being raised if stdout or stderr are too large in length. The original length of stdout and stderr will be provided in EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT_ORIGINAL_LENGTH and EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR_ORIGINAL_LENGTH extras respectively, so that the caller can check if either of them were truncated.

### Termux:Tasker

Support for Termux:Tasker for getting back result of foreground commands will require an update to it since it currently immediately returns control to plugin host app like Tasker without waiting if a foreground command is to be executed.
2021-03-25 23:05:55 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 4e5d14e4a2 Use NotificationUtils to handle TermuxService and RunCommandService notifications 2021-03-25 11:00:00 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 977cb34fc7 Provide better errmsg if executable passed to RunCommandService is null or empty
Previously, the null or empty executable would be expanded to the literal root "/" string path by FileUtils.getCanonicalPath and then FileUtils.validateRegularFileExistenceAndPermissions() validation would fail since path will not be a regular file. So a user will be shown that "/" is not a regular file. Now we show that executable was not even passed.
2021-03-25 10:10:19 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 7ca20fdeb3 Update ExecutionCommand to make current and previous state private to prevent direct modification
- Helper functions are now provided to check for common states. The currentState and previousState must only be modified via setState()
- Some errCode values are also provided to prevent hardcoded value usage.
- The stdout, stderr and arguments will now be truncated for logcat to honour its LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_LEN limits
2021-03-25 09:20:09 +05:00
agnostic-apollo eeb8554535 Fix string resources naming convention 2021-03-24 06:15:45 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 31371b5e3d Fully integrate ExectionCommand into RunCommandService
Users will now also be shown flashes and notifications in addition to log entries for missing allow-external-apps permission or for invalid extras passed like the executable. The flashes and notifications can be controlled with the Termux Settings -> Debugging -> Plugin Error Notifications toggle
2021-03-24 03:56:25 +05:00
agnostic-apollo b4995ef9a7 Refactor RunCommandService
- The `FileUtils` and `PluginUtils` have been added to provide utility functions.
- The executable and working directory validation has been added to check for existence and missing permissions.
- The `expandPath()` function is removed from `RunCommandService`.
- Working directory will automatically be created if under `TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH` if missing.
- Better logging has been added. This will later be used to notify the user in foreground.
- Javadocs have been updated.
2021-03-19 21:18:35 +05:00
agnostic-apollo ec7568d28e Add support for session actions for foreground session commands
The `TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION` extra can be passed to define what should happen when a foreground session
command is received for the `TERMUX_SERVICE.ACTION_SERVICE_EXECUTE` intent to `TermuxService`, like from `RunCommandService` or `Termux:Tasker`. The user can define whether the new session should be automatically switched to or if existing session should remain as the current session. The user can also define if foreground session commands should open the `TermuxActivity` or if they should run in the "background" in the Termux notification. The user can click the notification to open the sessions. Check `TERMUX_SERVICE.VALUE_EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION*` values to see various behaviors.

This also solves the old "issue" that if a foreground command was received while an existing session was already in the foreground, the new session won't be switched to automatically. It only brought the new session to the foreground if the activity was not already in foreground, since a call to `mTermuxSessionClient.setCurrentSession(newSession)` wasn't being made.
2021-03-19 21:18:33 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 2a940dfca6 Move general static functions from TermuxSharedProperties to SharedProperties class
This will allow `SharedProperties` class to be used directly to get property values and their internal values via static functions instead of using `TermuxSharedProperties` where the functions don't belong in.

The `TermuxPropertyConstants` classes has been updated to `v0.4.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-03-16 22:52:20 +05:00
agnostic-apollo d39972b3bf Implement GUI based Termux settings manager and a centralized logging framework
The settings activity can be accessed by long pressing on terminal view and selecting "Settings" from the popup shown. It uses the Android's Preference framework. Currently only debugging preferences to set log level and enabling terminal view key logging are provided. The Preference framework by default uses the keys set in `app:key` attribute in the respective preferences XML file to store the values in the default `SharedPreferences` file of the app. However, since we rely on `TermuxPreferenceConstants` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` classes to define key names so that they can be easily shared between termux and its plugin apps, we provide our own `PreferenceDataStore` for storing key/value pairs. The key name in the XML file can optionally be the same. Check `DebuggingPreferencesFragment` class for a sample. Each new preference category fragment should be added to `app/settings/` with its data store.

This commit may allow support to be added for modifying `` file directly from the UI but that requires more work, since writing to property files with comments require in-place modification.

The `Logger` class provides various static functions for logging that should be used from now on instead of directly calling android `Log.*` functions. The log level is automatically loaded from shared preferences at application startup via `TermuxApplication` and set in the static `Logger.CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL` variable. Changing the log level through the settings activity also changes the log level immediately.

The 4 supported log levels are:
- LOG_LEVEL_OFF which will log nothing.
- LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL which will start logging error, warn and info messages and stacktraces.
- LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG which will start logging debug messages.
- LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE which will start logging verbose messages.

The default log level is `LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL` which will not log debug or verbose messages. Contributors can add useful log entries at those levels where ever they feel is appropriate so that it allows users and devs to more easily help solve issues or find bugs, specially without having to recompile termux after having to manually add general log entries to the source. DO NOT log data that may have private info of users like command arguments at log levels below debug, like `BackgroundJob` was doing previously.

Logging to file support may be added later, will require log file rotation support and storage permissions.
2021-03-13 16:49:29 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 36be41d0de Remove function that reads the "" files from RunCommandService
The `RunCommandService` will now call the `TermuxSharedProperties` for getting current value of `allow-external-apps`, instead of using its own duplicated function to read "" files.
2021-03-11 20:30:16 +05:00
agnostic-apollo ef9e406300 Update TermuxConstants
The `TermuxConstants` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` classes have both been updated to `v0.2.0`. Check their Changelog sections for info on changes.
Some other hardcoded termux paths have been removed as well and are now referenced from `TermuxConstants` class.
2021-03-11 20:11:59 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 14c49867f7 Define `TermuxConstants` class to store all shared constants of Termux app and its plugins
This commit removes almost all hardcoded paths in Termux app and moves the references to the `TermuxConstants` class.

The `TermuxConstants` class should be imported by other termux plugin apps instead of copying and defining their own constants. The 3rd party apps can also import it for interacting with termux apps. App and sub class specific constants are defined in their own nested classes to keep them segregated from each other and for better readability.
2021-03-08 15:09:22 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 5a96075025 Update RunCommandService documentation 2021-02-27 13:23:37 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 108e4cb391 Fix workdir logic in RunCommandService
This commit fixes the workdir logic to not send `EXTRA_CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY` extra to `TermuxService` if workdir is empty, since that will raise `No such file or directory` exceptions if `cwd` is empty when targeting sdk `29`.
2021-02-27 13:14:13 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 80858bab6b Fix path expansion in RunCommandService
This commit fixes `getExpandedTermuxPath()` (previously `parsePath()`) not expanding path if exactly `$PREFIX` is passed and addition of extra trailing slashes in some cases.
2021-02-27 13:10:57 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 00194ebb90 Add logcat errors in RunCommandService
This commit adds `logcat` errors if an invalid intent action is passed or if `allow-external-apps` is not set to `true` while sending an intent to `RunCommandService`, so that users can detect issues.
2021-02-27 13:07:07 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 7063a3a9da Add @override annotation to onStartCommand() function of RunCommandService. 2020-09-18 22:25:05 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 6e02b99ff6 Update RunCommandService docs. 2020-09-18 22:22:35 +05:00
agnostic-apollo 52ce6cc94b Add support for "$PREFIX/" and "~/" prefix in "RUN_COMMAND" intent extras for paths. 2020-09-18 22:21:31 +05:00
agnostic-apollo f91168eff4 Fix issue where termux crashes occasionally in android >= 8 because "startForeground()" function is not being called before running "startForegroundService()" in RunCommandService. 2020-09-18 22:20:23 +05:00
Agnostic Apollo 9e7029b76a Receive "RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS" extra for "RUN_COMMAND_ACTION" intent
as a string array extra instead of a string extra since TermuxService expects it that way.

Added "RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND" boolean extra so that Termux session can be started in background
when running a command.

Updated usage docs.

Check #1029 for details.
2020-07-30 21:39:41 +03:00
Leonid Pliushch 2c5534e2c1
RunCommandService: update information about usage 2020-06-09 16:07:42 +03:00
Leonid Pliushch 5b32540635
minor refactoring: RunCommand => RunCommandService 2020-06-09 15:48:56 +03:00