mirror of https://github.com/termux/termux-app synced 2024-06-22 00:57:07 +00:00
Commit Graph

304 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
19f4084099 Added: Add labels for ExecutionCommand for termux internal commands 2021-08-21 03:41:29 +05:00
486faf7fad Fixed: Stdin not being logged for background execution commands 2021-08-21 03:40:31 +05:00
6409019a40 Added: Add warning that hax support is not provided and asking questions will likely result in issue automatically closed or even ban 2021-08-21 02:55:13 +05:00
7047bbefbb Added: Add warning reports with (partial) screenshots of error reports instead of text will likely be automatically closed/deleted 2021-08-21 02:47:13 +05:00
24ea83d6c0 Added: Bootstrap error and report issue (optionally) will contain primary termux files stat info and logcat dump
Users have been reporting issues with bootstrap installation (and `login` file access) failure on email and github but "most" have been useless since they don't follow instructions to debug the issue and report back. The real reason may depend on device. One could be that `/data/data/com.termux` does not exist on the device in which case termux won't work on the device, at least without root. Other reasons could be wrong ownership or selinux context, selinux denials or attempting to install on external sd card (as reported by a user) where likely files dir was different from `/data/data/com.termux/files`.

This commit will save dev and possibly user time and automatically generate the required info to debug such issues. The `ls` command will generate `stat` info for all the major termux directories and files so that existence or ownership issues can be shown. It will also run `logcat` command to take a dump (last `3000` lines) in case other failures are being logged, like selinux denials as per `avc` entries. It will also show if app is installed on external sd card. This info will automatically be shown on bootstrap install failure report.

Moreover, users can generate termux files `stat` info and `logcat` dump manually too with terminal's long hold options menu `More` -> `Report Issue` option and selecting `YES` in the prompt shown to add debug info. This can be helpful for reporting and debugging other issues. If the report generated is too large, then `Save To File` option in context menu (3 dots on top right) of `ReportActivity` can be used and the file viewed/shared instead.

Users must post complete report (optionally without sensitive info) when reporting issues, instead of (partial) screenshots which won't be accepted anymore.

There has been some design changes in android 11 for `/data/data` and `/data/user/0` directory. You can check javadoc for `isTermuxFilesDirectoryAccessible()` function in [`TermuxFileUtils`](termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/file/TermuxFileUtils.java) for details.
2021-08-21 02:44:51 +05:00
351934a619 Added|Fixed!: Added support to save reports to files and fixed large reports generating TransactionTooLargeException
If `ReportActivity` was started with a large report, i.e a few hundred `KB`, like for terminal transcript or other command output, the activity start would fail. To solve the issue, if the serialized size of the ReportInfo info object is above `DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES` (`100KB`), it will be saved to a file in a cache directory `/data/data/com.termux/cache/report_activity` as a serialized object and loaded when activity is started. The file will be automatically deleted when activity is destroyed (`Activity.onDetroy()`) or when notification that would have started the activity is deleted (`Notification.deleteIntent`). In case, these two didn't happen, then on `TermuxActivity` startup, a thread will be started to delete files older than `14` days so that unneeded left over files are deleted. If user tries to open plugin error or crash report notifications after 14 days, they will get `ReportInfo` file not found errors, assuming `TermuxActivity` was started to run the cleanup routine.

Now these large reports can't be copied or shared with other apps since that would again result in `TransactionTooLargeException` exceptions and `ShareUtils` automatically truncates the data (now from end) to `100KB` length so that the exception doesn't occur. So now a `Save To File` option has been added in context menu (3 dots on top right) of `ReportActivity` so that large or small reports can be saved to a file if needed. They will be save in root of `/storage/emulated/0` or whatever is the default public external storage directory. The filename would depend on type of report. The storage permissions will be asked if missing. On android `11`, if you get permission denied errors even after granting permission, disable permission and grant it again. To solve privacy issues of report being saved to public storage since it may contain private info, an option for custom path will be added in future. The default directory is public storage instead of termux home since its easily accessible via all file managers or from pc. Instructing amateur users to get files via `SAF` from termux home is not something I wanna take on.

Another issue is that `ReportActivity` itself may not be able to show the entire report since Android may throw `OutOfMemoryError` exceptions if device memory is low. To solve this issue, `ReportActivity` will truncate the report to `1MB` from end that's shown to the user. It will add a header showing that report was truncated. To view the full report, the user will have to use the `Save To File` option and view the file in an external app or on pc that supports opening large files. The `QuickEdit` app on Android has been a reliable one in my experience that supports large files, although it has max row/column limits too at a few hundred thousand, depending on android version.

Despite all this, `OutOfMemoryError` exceptions could still be thrown if you try to view too large a report, like a few MB, since original report + the truncated report is still held in memory by the app and will consume `2-3` times memory when saving. It's fun coding for android, right?

The terminal transcript will not be truncated anymore that's generated via `Report Issue` option in terminal.

The `ShareUtils.copyTextToClipboard()` will truncate data now automatically, apparently all phones don't do it automatically and exception is raised.

The `ShareUtils.saveTextToFile()` has been added that will automatically ask for storage permissions if missing.

The `ReportInfo` now expects a `reportSaveFileLabel` and `reportSaveFilePath` arguments so that `ReportActivity` can use them to know where to save the file if users selects `Save To File` option.

The `ReportActivityBroadcastReceiver` must now be registered in `AndroidManifest.xml` if you are using `ReportActivity` in your app. Check `ReportActivity` javadoc for details. Moreover, an incremental call to `ReportActivity.deleteReportInfoFilesOlderThanXDays()` must also be made.
2021-08-20 23:31:12 +05:00
baacabdfbf Added!: Support for delete intent for Notification.Builder in NotificationUtils 2021-08-20 22:12:24 +05:00
35ea19dd75 Added: Support for reading and writing serialized objects to files and deleting files older than x days in FileUtils 2021-08-20 06:36:01 +05:00
7de0613617 Fixed: Catch exception when requesting permissions, like if request code is negative 2021-08-20 06:19:25 +05:00
5e09a501c9 Added: Support for MessageDialogUtils.showMessage() to receive positive and negative button OnClickListeners 2021-08-20 06:19:25 +05:00
60f37bde8d Changed!: StreamGobbler needs to be passed log level parameter
When `Logger.CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL` set by user is `Logger.LOG_VERBOSE`, then background (not foreground sessions) command output was being logged to logcat, however, if command outputted too much data to logcat, then logcat clients like in Android Studio would crash. Also if a logcat dump is being taken inside termux, then duplicate lines would occur, first one due to of original entry, and second one due to StreamGobbler logging output at verbose level for logcat command.

This would be a concern for plugins as well like `RUN_COMMAND` intent or Termux:Tasker, etc if they ran commands with lot of data and user had set log level to verbose.

For plugins, TermuxService now supports `com.termux.execute.background_custom_log_level` `String` extra for custom log level. Termux:Tasker, etc will have to be updated with support. For `RUN_COMMAND` intent, the `com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_LOG_LEVEL` `String` extra is now provided to set custom log level for only the command output. Check `TermuxConstants`.

So one can pass a custom log level that is `>=` to the log level set it termux settings where (OFF=0, NORMAL=1, DEBUG=2, VERBOSE=3). If you pass `0`, it will completely disable logging. If you pass `1`, logging will only be enabled if log level in termux settings is `NORMAL` or higher. If custom log level is not passed, then old behaviour will remain and log level in termux settings must be `VERBOSE` or higher for logging to be enabled. Note that the log entries will still be logged with priority `Log.VERBOSE` regardless of log level, i.e `logcat` will have `V/`.

The entries logcat component has now changed from `StreamGobbler` to `TermuxCommand`. For output at `stdout`, the entry format is `[<pid>-stdout] ...` and for the output at `stderr`, the entry format is `[<pid>-stderr] ...`. The `<pid>` will be process id as an integer that was started by termux. For example: `V/TermuxCommand: [66666-stdout] ...`.

While doing this I realize that instead of using `am` command to send messages back to tasker, you can use tasker `Logcat Entry` profile event to listen to messages from termux at both `stdout` and `stderr`. This might be faster than `am` command intent systems or at least possibly more convenient in some use cases.

So setup a profile with the `Component` value set to `TermuxCommand` and `Filter` value set to `-E 'TermuxCommand: \[[0-9]+-((stdout)|(stderr))\] message_tag: .*'` and enable the `Grep Filter` toggle so that entry matching is done in native code. Check https://github.com/joaomgcd/TaskerDocumentation/blob/master/en/help/logcat%20info.md for details. Also enable `Enforce Task Order` in profile settings and set collision handling to `Run Both Together` so that if two or more entries are sent quickly, entry task is run for all. Tasker currently (v5.13.16) is not maintaining order of entry tasks despite the setting.

Then you can send an intent from tasker via `Run Shell` action with `root` (since `am` command won't work without it on android >=8) or normally in termux from a script, you should be able to receive the entries as `@lc_text` in entry task of tasker `Logcat Entry` profile. The following just passes two `echo` commands to `bash` as a script via `stdin`. If you don't have root, then you can call a wrapper script with `TermuxCommand` function in `Tasker Function` action that sends another `RUN_COMMAND` intent with termux provide `am` command which will work without root.

am startservice --user 0 -n com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService -a com.termux.RUN_COMMAND --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash' --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_STDIN 'echo "message_tag: Sending message from tasker to termux"' --ez com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND true --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND_CUSTOM_LOG_LEVEL '1'
2021-08-20 06:19:25 +05:00
98edf1fbc7 Changed: Use millisecond timestamps for reports 2021-08-20 06:19:25 +05:00
8ee0c5a6ec Fixed: Fix markdown link generation
The `]` characters in label and `)` characters in url must be escaped.
2021-08-20 06:19:25 +05:00
blank X
Add Gemini to the list of protocols 2021-08-12 00:34:21 +07:00
2b7aa5e803 Fix issue where wrong IME inputType would be set if termux was returned to from another app with text input view mode selected 2021-07-30 00:32:46 +05:00
7d76e8b185 Add PASTE extra key for pasting text from clipboard 2021-07-19 17:52:11 +05:00
f4e70678b1 Ensure that markdown code formatting is not broken for ResultSender if data itself contains any backticks 2021-07-14 17:39:05 +05:00
a189f63604 Ensure failsafe session can still be opened if files directory is not accessible and fix comment
The `/data/data/com.termux` directory will not be created if it did not already exist and android did not already create it instead of as mentioned in 6fa4b9b7. Check https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2168#issuecomment-879705552
2021-07-14 13:37:25 +05:00
6fa4b9b7cd Ensure termux files directory is accessible before bootstrap installation and provide better info when running as secondary user/profile
Termux will check if termux files directory `/data/data/com.termux/files` has rwx permission access before installing bootstrap or starting terminal. Missing permission will automatically be set if possible. The `/data/data/com.termux` directory will also be created if it did not already exist, like if android did not already create it.

Users will now also be shown a crash notification if they attempt to start termux as a secondary user or in a work profile with info of the "alternate" termux files directory `/data/user/<id>/com.termux` set by android and the profile owner app if running under work profile (not secondary user). A notification will also be shown if the termux files directory (not "alternate") is not accessible.

Related #2168
2021-07-10 16:00:28 +05:00
9272a757af Bump to v0.117 2021-07-08 13:12:31 +05:00
e0ad9ff573 Allow users to disable terminal margin adjustment from termux settings
Previously in (32135025) support was added with `disable-terminal-margin-adjustment` `termux.properties` property to disable terminal margin adjustment in case in causes screen flickering or other issues on some devices. It has now been removed in (7aefd943) and moved to Termux Settings since if it causes issues at startup and users can't access `termux.properties` file from the terminal, they will have to use SAF or root to access it, which will require an external app.

Users can set the value from the `Termux Settings` -> `Termux` -> `Terminal View` -> `Terminal Margin Adjustment` toggle. The `Termux Settings` can be accessed from left drawer in termux and from the android launcher shortcut for Termux Settings, usually accessible by long holding on Termux icon.
2021-07-08 12:17:49 +05:00
7aefd94369 Revert "Allow users to disable terminal margin adjustment"
This reverts commit 32135025
2021-07-08 11:24:29 +05:00
dc8bdfe675 Attempt to fix bootstrap installation failure that may be caused by invalid mkdirs return value 2021-07-08 10:50:30 +05:00
a53cc88688 Bump gradle dependencies versions 2021-07-08 08:14:42 +05:00
e547c15481 Bump to v0.116 2021-07-01 10:52:51 +05:00
c621c35827 Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 08:36:03 +05:00
8e4da6cbcd Revert "Bump to v0.115"
This reverts commit bde9d01f
2021-07-01 08:29:19 +05:00
bde9d01f76 Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 07:13:03 +05:00
5a511a2ba3 Revert some unneeded changes to Logger done in 679e0de0
Logger was updated to get suppressed exceptions by calling `Throwable[] getSuppressed()` but `printStackTrace()` would already log them, even though shortened stacktrace with `... n more` notation, but this should be enough for debugging since main throwable stacktrace should have enough class line info. Manually logging full suppressed stacktraces would likely trigger `LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD` and split the message into multiple log entries and also duplicate the suppressed stacktraces, so best revert this unless ever necessary.
2021-07-01 07:12:48 +05:00
5c50964b1f Revert "Bump to v0.115"
This reverts commit dea8c987
2021-07-01 06:31:22 +05:00
dea8c9879e Bump to v0.115 2021-07-01 05:15:34 +05:00
2034121798 Fx issues where crash throwable message wasn't been added to crash log 2021-07-01 04:21:36 +05:00
23a900c433 Move Termux app specific logic out of CrashHandler
Create the TermuxCrashUtils class that provides the default path and app for termux instead of hardcoding it in CrashHandler. TermuxCrashUtils can be used by termux plugins as well for their own usage or they can implement the CrashHandler.CrashHandlerClient if they want to log to different files or want custom logic.
2021-07-01 04:21:02 +05:00
93a7525d9b Add comment about mkshrc validity when loading /system/bin/sh for failsafe session 2021-07-01 00:29:26 +05:00
dfd32435af Bump gradle dependencies versions 2021-06-30 06:17:26 +05:00
70e1accafe Change license for non-termux utils to MIT
Changing the license for non-termux utils from GPLv3 to MIT so that they can be used by other termux plugin apps or apps that may be released under a different license. Termux is already using a lot of libraries that are not GPL and such general utils shouldn't be restrictive any ways.

Moreover, `TermuxConstants` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` should be MIT licensed as well so that other non-FOSS or non-GPLv3 apps can use them, like for `RUN_COMMAND` intent.

Any code not listed in exceptions of `LICENSE.md` files is still under GPLv3, mainly termux specific code and it will and should remain that way.

All code in files whose license is changed was authored by me as far as I can tell, but if any code in them is not that I missed, let me know, so that changes can be made since I can't and won't change the license of code authored by someone else. If some other objection is raised, let me know too.

Future contributors should check the `LICENSE.md` files and see if they are okay with contributing code as MIT and if they are not, then they should create separate file/package in termux-shared.
2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
1c7f9166f2 Move Termux app specific logic out of NotificationUtils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
553913cde1 Divide dialog utils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
6bca378cec Move Android specific utils from TermuxUtils to AndroidUtils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
12f910c32d Move Termux app specific logic out of PermissionUtils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
94c5f3674a Do not start login shell and load ~/.profile if starting a failsafe session
This is done by not starting arg `0` with `-`

Fixes #2150.
2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
28b9f93d13 Compile Url match regex once and not on every use
Needed for #2146.
2021-06-30 03:18:44 +05:00
69bebb5916 Add termux.properties property for opening terminal transcript urls on click
The user can add `terminal-onclick-url-open` entry to `termux.properties` file to enable opening url links in terminal transcript on click or on tap. The default value is `false`. So adding the entry `terminal-onclick-url-open=true` to `termux.properties` file will enable url opening. Running `termux-reload-settings` command will also update the behaviour instantaneously if changed.

This commit just adds the property and doesn't implement the functionality. That will later be merged from #2146.
2021-06-30 03:04:56 +05:00
321350256e Allow users to disable terminal margin adjustment
The user can add `disable-terminal-margin-adjustment=true` entry to `termux.properties` file to disable terminal view margin adjustment that is done to prevent soft keyboard from covering bottom part of terminal view on some devices. Margin adjustment may cause screen flickering on some devices and so should be disabled. The default value is `false`. So adding the entry `disable-terminal-margin-adjustment=true` to `termux.properties` file will disable margin adjustment. Exit termux and restart for changes to take affect after updating value.

In case e5a9b99a did not fix screen flickering issues for #2127, then this can be used to disable it. Closes #2127.
2021-06-30 02:49:00 +05:00
e5a9b99afe Fix issues with TermuxActivityRootView margin adjustment
Margin adjustment was causing screen flickering due to invalid values being calculated in landscape and split screen mode.

Attempts to fix issue #2127
2021-06-30 02:31:47 +05:00
53c1a49b5b Make TermuxTask and TermuxSession agnostic to termux environment
Those classes shouldn't be tied to termux environment like variables, interpreters and working directory since commands may need to be executed with a different environment like android's or with a different logic. Now both classes use the ShellEnvironmentClient interface to dynamically get the environment to be used which currently for Termux's case is implemented by TermuxShellEnvironmentClient which is just a wrapper for TermuxShellUtils since later implements static functions.
2021-06-28 05:57:45 +05:00
2aafcf8435 Add support to send back or store RUN_COMMAND intent command results in files and provide way to fix argument splitting sent with am command
### `RUN_COMMAND` Results in Files

Previously in `v0.109` with a2209dd support was added in RUN_COMMAND intent to send back foreground and background command results with `PendingIntent` to the intent sender. However, this was only usable with java code by android apps. But if you were sending the intent with the `am` command from inside a shell, like tasker `Run Shell` action, you could not get the result back directly. You could technically manually save the output of your script in files under `/sdcard` with redirection and wait for them to be created in the `Run Shell` so that you could process the result. However, this was only possible for background commands and the caller would hang indefinitely if a termux internal `errmsg` was generated like it does for termux-tasker, likely caused by incorrect intent extra arguments, an exception being raised when executing the executable/script, or termux being closed with the exit button, etc.

Now native support has been added inside termux to store results of both foreground and background commands inside files, that also sends back internal `errmsgs` as long as result files extras are valid. This can be used to run synchronous commands from inside termux, with other apps that have `Run commands in Termux environment` (`com.termux.permission.RUN_COMMAND`) like Tasker, from pc over `adb` or inside `adb shell` if you have a rooted device, or from pc if you have setup termux `sshd`. The `RUN_COMMAND` intent can only be sent by the `termux` user itself, by an app that has the permission or by the `root` user. The `shell` user of `adb` cannot send it. A script will be provided at a later time that will automatically detect these cases to easily run `RUN_COMMAND` intent commands which will also automatically create temp directories and do cleanup. This can also be useful inside termux itself, like if you want to start a new foreground session and to automatically store its output to a log file when you exit. Support can also be added for this to be done for termux-boot and termux-widget as well but will require updates for them.

There is obviously a security and privacy concern for this if you use shared storage `/sdcard` to store the result files since malicious apps could read them and optionally modify them for MITM attacks if you are reading the result and processing it unsafely. But users access other files from shared storage anyways for other scripts. Saving the result files on shared storage would only be necessary if you want to read the result back, like in Tasker or over adb since non-termux and non-root users can't access termux private app data directory `/data/data/com.termux`. For internal termux usage, this shouldn't be a concern if files are saved inside termux private app data directory.

The extra constant values are defined by [`TermuxConstants`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/termux/TermuxConstants.java) class of the [`termux-shared`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared) library. The [`ResultSender`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/shell/ResultSender.java) class actually sends back the results.

The following extras have been added:

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` extra for the directory path in which to write the result of the execution command for the execute command caller.

- The `boolean` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra for whether the result should be written to a single file or multiple files (`err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr`, `exit_code`) in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY`.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` extra for the basename of the result file that should be created in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` if `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` is `true`.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT` extra for the output [`Formatter`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html) format of the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` result file.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_ERROR_FORMAT` extra for the error [`Formatter`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html) format of the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` result file.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILES_SUFFIX` extra for the optional suffix of the result files that should be created in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` if `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` is `false`.

The `err` and `errmsg` are for internal termux errors like invalid intent extras, etc and not related to the shell commands itself. This is the same way Tasker actions and plugins system work with [`%err` and `%errmsg`](https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/variables.html#localbuiltin). The `err` will be equal to `Errno.ERRNO_SUCCESS` (`-1`) if no internal errors are set. The `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` are for the shell commands. The `exit_code` is normally `0` for success.

There are two modes for getting back the result in results files.

##### `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra is `true`

Only a single file will be created under `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` that will contain the `err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` in a specific format defined by `RESULT_SENDER.FORMAT_*` constants in `TermuxConstants` class depending on the exit status of the command. By default if the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` extra is not passed, the basename of the result file will be set to `<command_path_basename>-<timestamp>.log` where `<timestamp>` will be in the `yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss.SSS` format. The `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT` extra can be passed with a custom format that should be used when `err` equals `-1` and `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_ERROR_FORMAT` extra for when its greater than `-1`. The value `0` is for `Errno.ERRNO_CANCELLED` and should also be considered a failure unlike `exit_code`.

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/top' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-n,5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '0' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_DIRECTORY' '/sdcard/.termux-app' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE' 'true' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME' 'top.log'

##### `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra is `false`

Separate files will be created under `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` for each of the `err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code`. Their basenames (same as mentioned) are defined by the `RESULT_FILE_*` constants in `TermuxConstants` class. If the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILES_SUFFIX` extra is passed, then that will be suffixed to the basename of each file like `err<suffix>`, `stdout<suffix>`, etc.

The `err` file will be created after writing to other result files has already finished and this is the file the caller should optionally wait for  to be created to be notified that the command has finished, like with `test -f "$result_directory/err"` command in an infinite loop (with sleep+timeout) or with `inotify`. After it has been read, caller can start reading from the rest of the result files if they exist. The `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` files will not be created if nothing is to be written to them, so no do wait for these files.

If you are not passing a unique suffix for each intent, then result files of multiple simultaneous intent commands will conflict with each other. So ideally a temp directory should be created for each intent command and that should be passed as `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY`. You can use `mktemp` command to create a unique name and create the directory for you.

temp_directory="$(/system/bin/mktemp -d --tmpdir="/sdcard/.termux-app" "top.XXXXXX")" || return $?

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/top' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-n,5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '1' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_DIRECTORY' "$temp_directory" --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE' 'false'

Use following if in termux and not in tasker/rooted shell.

temp_directory="$(PATH=/system/bin; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:/system/lib; unset LD_PRELOAD; mktemp -d --tmpdir="/sdcard/.termux-app" "top.XXXXXX")" || return $?

Note that since there may be a delay between creation of `result_file`/`err` file and writing to it or flushing to disk, a temp file is created first suffixed with `-<timestamp>` which is then moved to the final destination, since caller may otherwise read from an empty file in some cases otherwise.

Commands will automatically be killed and result up till that point returned if user exits termux app like with the `Exit` button in the notification. The exit code will be `137` (`SIGKILL`).


### `RUN_COMMAND` Arguments Splitting with `am` Command

If `am` command is used to send the `RUN_COMMAND` intent and you want to pass an argument with the `--esa com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS` string array extra that itself contains a normal comma `,` (`U+002C`, `&comma;`, `&#44;`, `comma`), it must be escaped with a backslash `\,` so that the  argument isn't split into multiple arguments. The only problem is that, the arguments received by the termux will contain `\,` instead of `,` since the reversal isn't done as described in the [am command source](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/21bdaf1/cmds/am/src/com/android/commands/am/Am.java#572) while converting to a string array. There is also no way for the `am` command or termux to know whether `\,` was done to prevent arguments splitting or `\,` was a literal string naturally part of the argument.

// Split on commas unless they are preceeded by an escape.
// The escape character must be escaped for the string and
// again for the regex, thus four escape characters become one.
intent.putExtra(key, strings);

To fix this termux now supports an alternative method to handle such conditions. If an argument contains a normal comma `,`, then instead of escaping them with a backslash `\,`, replace all normal commas with the comma alternate character `‚` (`#U+201A`, `&sbquo;`, `&#8218;`, `single low-9 quotation mark`) before sending the intent with the `am` command. This way argument splitting will not be done. You can pass the `com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` `boolean` extra in the `RUN_COMMAND` intent so that termux replaces all the comma alternate characters back to normal commas. It would be unlikely for the the arguments to naturally contain the comma alternate characters for this to be a problem. Even if they do, they might not be significant for any logic. If they are, then you can set a different character that should be replaced, by passing it in the `com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` `String` extra.

If `tudo` or `sudo` are used, then simply using their `-r` and `--comma-alternative` command options can be used without passing the below extras, but native supports is helpful if they are not being used.


The following extras have been added:

- The `boolean` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` extra for whether to replace comma alternative characters in arguments with normal comma `,` (`U+002C`, `&comma;`, `&#44;`, `comma`).
- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` extra for the comma alternative characters in arguments that should be replaced instead of the default comma alternate character `‚` (`#U+201A`, `&sbquo;`, `&#8218;`, `single low-9 quotation mark`).

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/bash' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-c,echo "Argument with commas here _ and here _ that have been converted to an underscore before sending"; sleep 5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '0' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS' 'true' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS' '_'

Note that since `0.109`, the `RUN_COMMAND` intent supports `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_STDIN`, so instead of passing arguments, just pass a script as `stdin` to the `bash` executable so that you don't have to deal with this "mess". You will have to surround the script with single quotes and escape any single quotes inside the script itself, like each single quote `'` with `'\''`.


### Internal Changes

This commit also adds onto 679e0de0 and 4494bc66

The `ExecutionCommand` has been updated and command result variables have been moved to `ResultData` and result configuration to `ResultConfig` since the later two should be agnostic of what type of command there are for. They don't necessarily have to be for terminal/shell commands and can be used for plugin APIs, etc.

The `ResultData` instead of a `String` `errmsg` now stores a list of `Error` objects. This is necessary since multiple errors may be picked up while a command is run, like say working directory is invalid and an error is returned by FileUtils and while sending the result to the caller, the `ResultSender` returns an additional error because result configuration like result directory or result output format was invalid. In these situations `PluginUtils` will show a notification to the user with info of each error thrown.

In addition to above, in `ResultData`, the `stdout` and `stderr` are converted to `StringBuilder` instead of a `String`. This allows for data to be appended to each from various places in code like log debug or error entries for API commands without having to create a new `String` object each time value needs to updated. This can be useful so that the caller doesn't have to check `logcat` for API commands. This does not apply to `ExecutionCommand` since only `TermuxSession` and `TermuxTask` set the data.

The `ResultSender` class is what handles the result of commands whether they need to be sent via `PendingIntent` or to a result directory based on the `ResultConfig` object passed. Result will be sent through both if both of them are not `null`.

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.24.0`. Check its Changelog section for info on changes.
2021-06-28 04:54:39 +05:00
28f81f2cc7 Fix minor typos and potential errors 2021-06-26 08:51:30 +05:00
4494bc66e4 Implement Errno system
This commit adds onto 679e0de0

If an exception is thrown, the exception message might not contain the full errors. Individual failures may get added to suppressed throwables. FileUtils functions previously just returned the exception message as errmsg which did not contain full error info.

Now `Error` class has been implemented which will used to return errors, including suppressed throwables. Each `Error` object will have an error type, code, message and a list of throwables in case multiple throwables need to returned, in addition to the suppressed throwables list in each throwable.

A supportive `Errno` base class has been implemented as well which other errno classes can inherit of which some have been added. Each `Errno` object will have an error type, code and message and can be converted to an `Error` object if needed.

Requirement for `Context` object has been removed from FileUtils so that they can be called from anywhere in code instead of having to pass around `Context` objects. Previously, `string.xml` was used to store error messages in case multi language support had to be added in future since error messages are displayed to users and not just for dev usage. However, now this will have to handled in java code if needed, based on locale.

The termux related file utils have also been moved from FileUtils to TermuxFileUtils
2021-06-26 07:23:34 +05:00
679e0de044 Fix suppressed exceptions not being logged and long logcat message being truncated
If an exception is thrown, the exception message might not contain the full errors. Individual failures may get added to suppressed throwables which can be extracted from the exception object by calling `Throwable[] getSuppressed()`. So just logging the exception message and stacktrace may not be enough, the suppressed throwables need to be logged as well.

The Logger class will now log the suppressed throwables as well if they are found in the exception.

This was mainly a concern for FileUtils where guava MoreUtils library was used to delete directories but exceptions weren't being fully logged on failures, like bootstrap failures, so user wouldn't know what really caused the failure.


The FileUtils will be fixed in a future commit.

This also adds support with "log*Extended()" functions so that logcat entries longer than LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD do not get truncated by android. This is done by splitting the log message into multiple messages if the limit is crossed. This is specially necessary for logging long stacktraces, suppressed throwables and errmsg of ExecutionCommand, etc.
2021-06-26 06:01:06 +05:00
80b495e50b Move storage permission logic to PermissionUtils and add disable battery optimizations code
Option to disable battery optimizations will be added in termux settings later.
2021-06-24 23:59:56 +05:00
69e5deedc7 Move to com.termux domain for termux libraries published with jitpack
A DNS TXT record has been added from git.termux.com to https://github.com/termux at termux.com by @fornwall

dig txt git.termux.com


2021-06-23 03:36:36 +05:00
7f36d7bbd0 Move ReportActivity to termux-shared so that other termux plugins can use it too 2021-06-21 04:59:11 +05:00
b7b12ebe84 Move from github packages to jitpack.io for hosting termux library packages
Github Package hosting is considered a private repository since it requires github APIs keys if a hosted library needs to be imported as a dependency. Importing from private repositories is not allowed as per F-Droid policy so termux plugin apps can't import termux libraries as dependencies so hence we move to Jitpack. Check https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/2011#issuecomment-824837387.

Version number of all published libraries from termux-app must be the same.

Importing can be done with the following way.

Add to root level build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Add to app module level build.gradle if you want to import `termux-shared`

 dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.termux:termux-shared:0.115'

Check https://github.com/jitpack/jitpack.io#building-with-jitpack for other details, like including commit or branch level import.

If you are updating the libraries as well and want to test locally, run `./gradlew publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal` from root directory of termux-app to publish library to local maven repository. You may need to rebuild project before it, library files will be published at `~/.m2/repository/com/github/termux/termux-shared/0.115`. If you want to import the updated library in a project, then uncomment the `mavenLocal()` line in the build.gradle and run sync gradle with project files.

Making changes to library after dependencies have already been cached without incrementing version number may need deleting gradle cache if syncing gradle files doesn't work after publishing changes. Open gradle right sidebar in android studio, then right click on top level entry, then select "Refresh Gradle Dependencies", which will redownload/refresh all dependencies and will take a lot of time. Instead running `find ~/.gradle/caches/ -type d -name "*com.github.termux*" -prune -exec rm -rf "{}" \; -print` and then running gradle sync should be enough.

Using "com.termux" instead of "com.github.termux" will require a DNS TXT record to be added from git.termux.com to https://github.com/termux at termux.com

2021-06-21 03:36:20 +05:00
5f2ccca423 Redo fix execution commands exceptions not being logged or sent back to plugins
The f62febbf commit mentioned that it solved "the bug where Termux:Tasker would hang indefinitely if Runtime.getRuntime().exec raised an exception, like for invalid or missing interpreter errors and Termux:Tasker wasn't notified of it. Now the errmsg will be used to send any exceptions back to Termux:Tasker and other 3rd party calls."

This however was still broken due to local design changes made to TermuxTask after testing was already done. This commit should solve that problem. Moreover, now a notification will be shown if execution commands **fail to start** that are run by plugins that don't expect the result back, like with Termux:Widget or RUN_COMMAND intent. This should make it easier for users to debug problems, since otherwise logcat needs to be looked. But logcat would still need to be looked if commands/scripts fail after they have started due to internal errors. Notifications can be disabled from Termux Settings by disabling the "Plugin Error Notifications" toggle.
2021-06-13 00:44:56 +05:00
f0f6927273 Rename variable 2021-06-13 00:29:52 +05:00
4dfed3320e Bump to v0.114 2021-06-11 02:57:56 +05:00
7ac62c9840 Allow users to disable terminal session change toast
The user can add `disable-terminal-session-change-toast=true` entry to `termux.properties` file to disable terminal session change toast. The default value is `false`. Running `termux-reload-settings` command will also update the behaviour instantaneously if changed.

Closes #2118
2021-06-11 02:54:47 +05:00
fd80cdaf23 Change default extra keys style
If a user does not define a custom value in termux.properties file, then by default 2 rows will be shown with all arrow keys (up/down/left/right) for ease of terminal use.
2021-06-11 02:39:11 +05:00
e119d34bca Fix issue where terminal cursor blinking would not automatically start again if termux activity was restarted after exiting it with double back press 2021-06-10 08:03:12 +05:00
f545ebf0bd Allow users to set terminal cursor style with termux.properties
This `terminal-cursor-style` key can be used to set the terminal cursor style. The user can set a string value to `block` for `■`, `underline` for `_` or `bar` for `|` cursor style. The default value is still `block`. So adding an entry like `terminal-cursor-style=bar` to `termux.properties` file will allow users to change to the `bar` cursor style. After updating the value, termux must be restarted. You can also run `termux-reload-settings` command so that termux loads the updated value, but only new sessions will use the updated value, existing sessions will not be affected unless you Reset them from terminal's long hold options menu `More` -> `Reset` or restart termux activity after double back press to exit.

You can temporarily switch to different cursor styles with (or add to `.bashrc` but resetting will restore default `bar` style):

- block: `echo -e "\033[2 q"`
- underline: `echo -e "\033[4 q"`
- bar: ` echo -e "\033[6 q"`

Closes #2075
2021-06-10 06:14:12 +05:00
0b4bbaf23d Allow users to adjust terminal transcript rows with termux.properties
This `terminal-transcript-rows` key can be used to adjust the terminal transcript rows. The user can set an integer value between `100` and `50000`. The default value is still `2000`. So adding an entry like `terminal-transcript-rows=10000` to `termux.properties` file will allow users to scroll back ~10000 lines of command output. After updating the value, termux must be restarted. You can also run `termux-reload-settings` command so that termux loads the updated value, but only new sessions will use the updated value, existing sessions will not be affected.

You can test this with the following, where `70` is number of `x` characters per line and `10001` is the number of lines to print.
`x="$(printf 'x%.0s' {1..70})"; for i in {1..10001}; do echo "$i:$x"; done`

Be advised that using large values may have a performance impact depending on your device capabilities, so use at your own risk.

Closes #2071
2021-06-10 03:55:31 +05:00
e7dd0eeebe Fix issue where soft keyboard overlaps extra keys or terminal in some cases
Check TermuxActivityRootView javadocs for details.
2021-06-10 03:06:10 +05:00
cb8b0225ca Add pluginIntent field to ExecutionCommand 2021-06-06 06:15:47 +05:00
b711a467c1 Bump to v0.113 2021-05-16 23:44:43 +05:00
89a1e02713 Updates to terminal cursor blinking
Fixed bug where cursor would become invisible when long holding (arrow) keys when editing commands (outside of text editors like nano).

Updated javadocs with info on how cursor blinking works

"Performance Improvements" and removed redundant mRendering check
2021-05-16 23:33:44 +05:00
f8ccbb4953 Log invalid values stored in termux.properties file during load time
All external and internal values were already logged and required log level to be set to "Verbose" in Termux Settings, but now invalid  values and the default value used instead will be logged at log level "Normal" as well.

The `TermuxPropertyConstants` class has been updated to `v0.10.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-16 01:31:34 +05:00
31298b8857 Allow users to enable terminal cursor blinking with termux.properties
This `terminal-cursor-blink-rate` key can be used to enable terminal cursor blinking. The user can set an int value between `100` and `2000` which will be used as blink rate in millisecond. The default value is `0`, which disables cursor blinking. So adding an entry like `terminal-cursor-blink-rate=600` to `~/termux.properties` file will make the cursor attempt to blink every 600ms. Running `termux-reload-settings` command will also update the cursor blinking rate instantaneously if changed.

A background thread is used to control the blinking by toggling the cursor visibility and then invalidating the view every x milliseconds set. This will have a performance impact, so use wisely and at your own risk.

If the cursor itself is disabled, which is controlled by whether DECSET_BIT_CURSOR_ENABLED (DECSET 25, DECTCEM), then blinking will be automatically disabled. You can enable the cursor with `tput cnorm` or `echo -e '\e[?25h'` and disable it with `tput civis` or `echo -e '\e[?25l'`.

Note that you can also change the cursor color by adding `cursor` property to `~/colors.properties` file, like `cursor=#FFFFFF` for a white cursor.

The `TermuxPropertyConstants` class has been updated to `v0.9.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.

Closes #153
2021-05-15 16:35:54 +05:00
6de3713049 Add in-app Donation link in Termux Settings for non google playstore releases
The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.22.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-14 05:19:18 +05:00
79df863b75 Ensure we read/write to/from current SharedPreferences
When getting SharedPreferences of other termux sharedUserId app packages, we get its Context first and if its null, it would mean that the package is not installed or likely has a different signature. For this case, we force exit the app in some places, since that shouldn't occur. Previously, if it was null, we were defaulting to getting SharedPreferences of current package context instead, which would mix keys of other packages with current one. SharedPreferences of other app packages aren't being used currently, so this isn't an issue, this commit just fixes the issue for future.

Force exit will also be triggered if Termux is forked and TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME is not updated to the same value as applicationId since TermuxActivity.onCreate() will fail to get SharedPreferences of TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME.

Moreover, its normally not allowed to install apps with different signatures, but if its done, we "may" need AndroidManifest `queries` entries in andorid 11, check PackageUtils.getSigningCertificateSHA256DigestForPackage() for details.
2021-05-14 03:54:13 +05:00
af115c9966 Add generic functions to show a message in dialog and exit app with an error message 2021-05-13 17:37:01 +05:00
1e30022ce7 Add support for APK signing certificate SHA-256 digest and detecting APK release type and add them to App Info reports
The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.21.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-13 15:40:09 +05:00
4629276500 Changed TermuxAppSharedPreferences function naming convention 2021-05-13 05:08:25 +05:00
d42514d8c9 Moved Termux app settings into dedicated "directory" in Termux Settings and added About page
The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.20.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-13 05:07:45 +05:00
90c9a7b3bc Allow users to disable soft keyboard automatically if hardware keyboard is connected
Users can enable this behaviour by enabling the `Termux Settings` -> `Keyboard I/O` -> `Soft Keyboard Only If No Hardware` toggle.

Currently, for this case, soft keyboard will be disabled on Termux app startup and when switching back from another app. Soft keyboard can be temporarily enabled in show/hide soft keyboard toggle behaviour with keyboard toggle buttons and will continue to work when tapping on terminal view for opening and back button for closing, until Termux app is switched to another app. After returning back, keyboard will be disabled until toggle is pressed again.

This also may help for the Lineage OS bug where blank space is shown where soft keyboard should be if "Show soft keyboard" toggle in "Language and Input" is disabled. Check KeyboardUtils.shouldSoftKeyboardBeDisabled() and https://github.com/termux/termux-app/issues/1995#issuecomment-837080079 for details.

The `TermuxPreferenceConstants` class has been updated to `v0.10.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-12 23:04:58 +05:00
e6dac93352 Preserve the termux.properties literal string values internally that were being converted to boolean on load time
The `TermuxPropertyConstants` class has been updated to `v0.8.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-10 07:10:38 +05:00
e4e638bd31 Allow users to enable/disable keyboard instead of just show/hide with keyboard toggle buttons
This `soft-keyboard-toggle-behaviour` key can be used to change the behaviour. The default behaviour is `show/hide`. The user can set the value to `enable/disable` in `termux.properties` file to change default behaviour of keyboard toggle buttons to enable/disable. In this mode, tapping the keyboard toggle button will disable (and hide) the keyboard and tapping on the terminal view will not open the keybaord automatically, until the keyboard toggle button is pressed again manually. This applies to split screen and floating keyboard as well. The keyboard can also be enabled from Settings -> Keyboard I/O -> Soft Keyboard toggle. Running `termux-reload-settings` command will also update the behaviour instantaneously if changed.

Fixed issue where "hide-soft-keyboard-on-startup" property wouldn't work if Termux app was switched back from another app. Fixes #1098

Fixed issue where soft keyboard may not show on startup on some devices but it still may fail sometimes.

The `TermuxPropertyConstants` class has been updated to `v0.7.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-10 06:03:29 +05:00
fe8c3ba216 Update KeyboardUtils will null checks and add setSoftKeyboardVisibility() 2021-05-10 05:21:54 +05:00
4ecea144bb Create KeyboardUtils 2021-05-09 21:08:54 +05:00
596aa56b38 Update report issue message to ask users to provide details on what they were doing that caused the Termux app crash 2021-05-08 03:24:09 +05:00
4850678d55 Move Build.ID and Build.DISPLAY to Software section of device info markdown 2021-05-08 03:14:20 +05:00
b268b6edf7 Disable error flashes when clearing TMPDIR directory on termux app exit
Rooted users were getting `Clearing $TMPDIR directory at path "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp" failed` flash errors when they exited Termux if directories existed in TMPDIR that only had `root` user ownership, since they would fail to get cleared since clearing was being run as the termux app user instead of as the root user. Now errors will only be logged to logcat.
2021-05-01 23:31:02 +05:00
0aa5a123b7 Bump to v0.112
This only reverts the versioning login change done in a6ae656c since that caused F-Droid bot and Github Packages to fail to pick up new releases. The versions must be bumped directly in `build.gradle` file in future and not through other files like `gradle.properties`.
2021-04-22 19:57:08 +05:00
d6eb5e3511 Fix termux-reset
The TMPDIR was being automatically cleared and recreated even if it didn't already exist when TermuxService was stopped. This left an empty TMPDIR in the PREFIX directory when termux-reset was run and on termux restart the bootstrap wasn't installed again because PREFIX directory already existed. This resulted in a broken environment since no binaries/libs existed under PREFIX and /system/bin/sh was loaded.

This issue was created due to v0.109.
2021-04-20 12:39:54 +05:00
a6ae656c9f Bump to v0.110 2021-04-15 05:14:31 +05:00
3306c3c2a2 Add support to include source jar files for libraries published by termux 2021-04-15 05:01:41 +05:00
ae1c9bacd6 Bump to v0.109 2021-04-13 16:58:18 +05:00
d19cf435be Add ".sh" extension to apt_info_script file 2021-04-13 16:57:24 +05:00
1132028bd2 Add TermuxTerminalViewClientBase to com.termux.shared.terminal package and extend that in TermuxTerminalViewClient 2021-04-13 16:34:24 +05:00
b7b4a0a8a2 Move TermuxTerminalSessionClientBase to com.termux.shared.terminal package 2021-04-13 16:20:47 +05:00
ffd8687b4c Revert "Bump to v0.109" 2021-04-13 16:09:31 +05:00
567eeca782 Bump to v0.109 2021-04-12 20:20:26 +05:00
3d46849673 Replace "if(" with "if (" 2021-04-12 20:19:04 +05:00
6293f5f170 Added APT package info when generating "Report Issue" text
This will now take a few more seconds due to "apt update" command being run.
2021-04-12 19:22:29 +05:00
bbf03a0507 The TermuxConstants class has been updated to v0.19.0. Check its Changelog section for info on changes. 2021-04-12 19:16:21 +05:00
153818f7fb Fix typos 2021-04-12 18:26:18 +05:00
192b208883 Add support for stdin for background TermuxTasks
This will allow passing scripts (to bash or python) or other data to an executable via stdin. Arguments are passed to the executable and not the script.
2021-04-12 18:25:43 +05:00
824b3e657f Rename termux terminal view and session client classes
- com.termux.app.terminal.TermuxViewClient has been renamed to TermuxTerminalViewClient
- com.termux.app.terminal.TermuxSessionClient has been renamed to TermuxTerminalSessionClient
- com.termux.shared.shell.TermuxSessionClientBase has been renamed to TermuxTerminalSessionClientBase

This was required because com.termux.app.terminal.TermuxSessionClient was in conflict with com.termux.shared.shell.TermuxSessionClient interface of com.termux.shared.shell.TermuxSession.
2021-04-12 15:19:25 +05:00
24a5493ea5 Replace "if(" with "if (" 2021-04-12 14:32:02 +05:00
0cd7cb8162 Improve TermuxSession and TermuxTask
TermuxSession, TermuxTask and TermuxSessionClientBase have been moved to termux-shared. They are now not dependent on TermuxService anymore and have become abstract so that they can be called from anywhere. TermuxSession.TermuxSessionClient and TermuxTask.TermuxTaskClient interfaces have been created for callbacks, which the TermuxService now implements.

The TermuxTask now also supports synchronous command execution as well to run shell commands from anywhere for internal use by termux app and its plugins.

TermuxTask now also supports killing the process being run by sending it a SIGKILL. This is used by TermuxService to kill all the TermuxTasks (in addition to TermuxSessions) it manages when it is destroyed, either by user exiting it or by android killing it. Only the tasks that were started by a plugin which **expects** the result back via a pending intent will be killed, but the remaining background tasks will keep on running until the termux app process is killed by android, like by OOM. Check TermuxService.killAllTermuxExecutionCommands() for more details on how TermuxService kills TermuxTasks and TermuxSessions.

Fixed null pointer exception when getting terminal transcript if TerminalEmulator not initialized.
2021-04-12 14:26:53 +05:00
df4d8ac7e5 Add support for reporting issues to the termuxreports@groups.io email 2021-04-11 02:29:00 +05:00
64fb2ce49b Update TermuxConstants
The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.18.0`. Check its Changelog section for info on changes.
2021-04-11 02:28:00 +05:00
0c9b85a4f9 Micro optimization for StreamGobbler 2021-04-10 02:32:21 +05:00
682ce08314 Create termux-shared library package for all termux constants and shared utils
The termux plugins should use this library instead of hardcoding "com.termux" values in their source code.

The library can be included as a dependency by plugins and third party apps by including the following line in the build.gradle where x.xxx is the version number, once its published.

`implementation 'com.termux:termux-shared:x.xxx'`

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.17.0`, `TermuxPreferenceConstants` to `v0.9.0` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` to `v0.6.0`. Check their Changelog sections for info on changes.

Some typos and redundant code has also been fixed.
2021-04-07 11:31:30 +05:00