package; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.ClipboardManager; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.ListView; import com.termux.R; import com.termux.shared.interact.DialogUtils; import; import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants; import; import; import; import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger; import com.termux.terminal.TerminalColors; import com.termux.terminal.TerminalSession; import com.termux.terminal.TextStyle; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; public class TermuxSessionClient extends TermuxSessionClientBase { private final TermuxActivity mActivity; private static final int MAX_SESSIONS = 8; private final SoundPool mBellSoundPool = new SoundPool.Builder().setMaxStreams(1).setAudioAttributes( new AudioAttributes.Builder().setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION) .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION).build()).build(); private final int mBellSoundId; private static final String LOG_TAG = "TermuxSessionClient"; public TermuxSessionClient(TermuxActivity activity) { this.mActivity = activity; mBellSoundId = mBellSoundPool.load(activity, R.raw.bell, 1); } @Override public void onTextChanged(TerminalSession changedSession) { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; if (mActivity.getCurrentSession() == changedSession) mActivity.getTerminalView().onScreenUpdated(); } @Override public void onTitleChanged(TerminalSession updatedSession) { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; if (updatedSession != mActivity.getCurrentSession()) { // Only show toast for other sessions than the current one, since the user // probably consciously caused the title change to change in the current session // and don't want an annoying toast for that. mActivity.showToast(toToastTitle(updatedSession), true); } termuxSessionListNotifyUpdated(); } @Override public void onSessionFinished(final TerminalSession finishedSession) { if (mActivity.getTermuxService().wantsToStop()) { // The service wants to stop as soon as possible. mActivity.finishActivityIfNotFinishing(); return; } if (mActivity.isVisible() && finishedSession != mActivity.getCurrentSession()) { // Show toast for non-current sessions that exit. int indexOfSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().getIndexOfSession(finishedSession); // Verify that session was not removed before we got told about it finishing: if (indexOfSession >= 0) mActivity.showToast(toToastTitle(finishedSession) + " - exited", true); } if (mActivity.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_LEANBACK)) { // On Android TV devices we need to use older behaviour because we may // not be able to have multiple launcher icons. if (mActivity.getTermuxService().getTermuxSessionsSize() > 1) { removeFinishedSession(finishedSession); } } else { // Once we have a separate launcher icon for the failsafe session, it // should be safe to auto-close session on exit code '0' or '130'. if (finishedSession.getExitStatus() == 0 || finishedSession.getExitStatus() == 130) { removeFinishedSession(finishedSession); } } } @Override public void onClipboardText(TerminalSession session, String text) { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); clipboard.setPrimaryClip(new ClipData(null, new String[]{"text/plain"}, new ClipData.Item(text))); } @Override public void onBell(TerminalSession session) { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; switch (mActivity.getProperties().getBellBehaviour()) { case TermuxPropertyConstants.IVALUE_BELL_BEHAVIOUR_VIBRATE: BellHandler.getInstance(mActivity).doBell(); break; case TermuxPropertyConstants.IVALUE_BELL_BEHAVIOUR_BEEP:, 1.f, 1.f, 1, 0, 1.f); break; case TermuxPropertyConstants.IVALUE_BELL_BEHAVIOUR_IGNORE: // Ignore the bell character. break; } } @Override public void onColorsChanged(TerminalSession changedSession) { if (mActivity.getCurrentSession() == changedSession) updateBackgroundColor(); } /** Try switching to session. */ public void setCurrentSession(TerminalSession session) { if (session == null) return; if (mActivity.getTerminalView().attachSession(session)) { // notify about switched session if not already displaying the session notifyOfSessionChange(); } // We call the following even when the session is already being displayed since config may // be stale, like current session not selected or scrolled to. checkAndScrollToSession(session); updateBackgroundColor(); } void notifyOfSessionChange() { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; TerminalSession session = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); mActivity.showToast(toToastTitle(session), false); } public void switchToSession(boolean forward) { TermuxService service = mActivity.getTermuxService(); TerminalSession currentTerminalSession = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); int index = service.getIndexOfSession(currentTerminalSession); int size = service.getTermuxSessionsSize(); if (forward) { if (++index >= size) index = 0; } else { if (--index < 0) index = size - 1; } TermuxSession termuxSession = service.getTermuxSession(index); if (termuxSession != null) setCurrentSession(termuxSession.getTerminalSession()); } public void switchToSession(int index) { TermuxSession termuxSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().getTermuxSession(index); if (termuxSession != null) setCurrentSession(termuxSession.getTerminalSession()); } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") public void renameSession(final TerminalSession sessionToRename) { if (sessionToRename == null) return; DialogUtils.textInput(mActivity, R.string.title_rename_session, sessionToRename.mSessionName, R.string.action_rename_session_confirm, text -> { sessionToRename.mSessionName = text; termuxSessionListNotifyUpdated(); }, -1, null, -1, null, null); } public void addNewSession(boolean isFailSafe, String sessionName) { if (mActivity.getTermuxService().getTermuxSessionsSize() >= MAX_SESSIONS) { new AlertDialog.Builder(mActivity).setTitle(R.string.title_max_terminals_reached).setMessage(R.string.msg_max_terminals_reached) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null).show(); } else { TerminalSession currentSession = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); String workingDirectory; if (currentSession == null) { workingDirectory = mActivity.getProperties().getDefaultWorkingDirectory(); } else { workingDirectory = currentSession.getCwd(); } TermuxSession newTermuxSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().createTermuxSession(null, null, workingDirectory, isFailSafe, sessionName); if (newTermuxSession == null) return; TerminalSession newTerminalSession = newTermuxSession.getTerminalSession(); setCurrentSession(newTerminalSession); mActivity.getDrawer().closeDrawers(); } } public void setCurrentStoredSession() { TerminalSession currentSession = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); if (currentSession != null) mActivity.getPreferences().setCurrentSession(currentSession.mHandle); else mActivity.getPreferences().setCurrentSession(null); } /** The current session as stored or the last one if that does not exist. */ public TerminalSession getCurrentStoredSessionOrLast() { TerminalSession stored = getCurrentStoredSession(mActivity); if (stored != null) { // If a stored session is in the list of currently running sessions, then return it return stored; } else { // Else return the last session currently running TermuxSession termuxSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().getLastTermuxSession(); if (termuxSession != null) return termuxSession.getTerminalSession(); else return null; } } private TerminalSession getCurrentStoredSession(TermuxActivity context) { String sessionHandle = mActivity.getPreferences().getCurrentSession(); // If no session is stored in shared preferences if (sessionHandle == null) return null; // Check if the session handle found matches one of the currently running sessions return context.getTermuxService().getTerminalSessionForHandle(sessionHandle); } public void removeFinishedSession(TerminalSession finishedSession) { // Return pressed with finished session - remove it. TermuxService service = mActivity.getTermuxService(); int index = service.removeTermuxSession(finishedSession); int size = mActivity.getTermuxService().getTermuxSessionsSize(); if (size == 0) { // There are no sessions to show, so finish the activity. mActivity.finishActivityIfNotFinishing(); } else { if (index >= size) { index = size - 1; } TermuxSession termuxSession = service.getTermuxSession(index); if (termuxSession != null) setCurrentSession(termuxSession.getTerminalSession()); } } public void termuxSessionListNotifyUpdated() { mActivity.termuxSessionListNotifyUpdated(); } public void checkAndScrollToSession(TerminalSession session) { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; final int indexOfSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().getIndexOfSession(session); if (indexOfSession < 0) return; final ListView termuxSessionsListView = mActivity.findViewById(; if (termuxSessionsListView == null) return; termuxSessionsListView.setItemChecked(indexOfSession, true); // Delay is necessary otherwise sometimes scroll to newly added session does not happen termuxSessionsListView.postDelayed(() -> termuxSessionsListView.smoothScrollToPosition(indexOfSession), 1000); } String toToastTitle(TerminalSession session) { final int indexOfSession = mActivity.getTermuxService().getIndexOfSession(session); if (indexOfSession < 0) return null; StringBuilder toastTitle = new StringBuilder("[" + (indexOfSession + 1) + "]"); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(session.mSessionName)) { toastTitle.append(" ").append(session.mSessionName); } String title = session.getTitle(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) { // Space to "[${NR}] or newline after session name: toastTitle.append(session.mSessionName == null ? " " : "\n"); toastTitle.append(title); } return toastTitle.toString(); } public void checkForFontAndColors() { try { File colorsFile = TermuxConstants.TERMUX_COLOR_PROPERTIES_FILE; File fontFile = TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FONT_FILE; final Properties props = new Properties(); if (colorsFile.isFile()) { try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(colorsFile)) { props.load(in); } } TerminalColors.COLOR_SCHEME.updateWith(props); TerminalSession session = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); if (session != null && session.getEmulator() != null) { session.getEmulator().mColors.reset(); } updateBackgroundColor(); final Typeface newTypeface = (fontFile.exists() && fontFile.length() > 0) ? Typeface.createFromFile(fontFile) : Typeface.MONOSPACE; mActivity.getTerminalView().setTypeface(newTypeface); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logStackTraceWithMessage(LOG_TAG, "Error in checkForFontAndColors()", e); } } public void updateBackgroundColor() { if (!mActivity.isVisible()) return; TerminalSession session = mActivity.getCurrentSession(); if (session != null && session.getEmulator() != null) { mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView().setBackgroundColor(session.getEmulator().mColors.mCurrentColors[TextStyle.COLOR_INDEX_BACKGROUND]); } } }