package; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.HashMap; public class ExtraKeysInfo { /** * Matrix of buttons displayed */ private final ExtraKeyButton[][] buttons; /** * This corresponds to one of the CharMapDisplay below */ private String style; public ExtraKeysInfo(String propertiesInfo, String style) throws JSONException { = style; // Convert String propertiesInfo to Array of Arrays JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(propertiesInfo); Object[][] matrix = new Object[arr.length()][]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONArray line = arr.getJSONArray(i); matrix[i] = new Object[line.length()]; for (int j = 0; j < line.length(); j++) { matrix[i][j] = line.get(j); } } // convert matrix to buttons this.buttons = new ExtraKeyButton[matrix.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { this.buttons[i] = new ExtraKeyButton[matrix[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) { Object key = matrix[i][j]; JSONObject jobject = normalizeKeyConfig(key); ExtraKeyButton button; if(! jobject.has("popup")) { // no popup button = new ExtraKeyButton(getSelectedCharMap(), jobject); } else { // a popup JSONObject popupJobject = normalizeKeyConfig(jobject.get("popup")); ExtraKeyButton popup = new ExtraKeyButton(getSelectedCharMap(), popupJobject); button = new ExtraKeyButton(getSelectedCharMap(), jobject, popup); } this.buttons[i][j] = button; } } } /** * "hello" -> {"key": "hello"} */ private static JSONObject normalizeKeyConfig(Object key) throws JSONException { JSONObject jobject; if(key instanceof String) { jobject = new JSONObject(); jobject.put("key", key); } else if(key instanceof JSONObject) { jobject = (JSONObject) key; } else { throw new JSONException("An key in the extra-key matrix must be a string or an object"); } return jobject; } public ExtraKeyButton[][] getMatrix() { return buttons; } /** * HashMap that implements Python dict.get(key, default) function. * Default java.util .get(key) is then the same as .get(key, null); */ static class CleverMap extends HashMap { V get(K key, V defaultValue) { if(containsKey(key)) return get(key); else return defaultValue; } } static class CharDisplayMap extends CleverMap {} /** * Keys are displayed in a natural looking way, like "→" for "RIGHT" */ static final CharDisplayMap classicArrowsDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ // classic arrow keys (for ◀ ▶ ▲ ▼ @see arrowVariationDisplay) put("LEFT", "←"); // U+2190 ← LEFTWARDS ARROW put("RIGHT", "→"); // U+2192 → RIGHTWARDS ARROW put("UP", "↑"); // U+2191 ↑ UPWARDS ARROW put("DOWN", "↓"); // U+2193 ↓ DOWNWARDS ARROW }}; static final CharDisplayMap wellKnownCharactersDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ // well known characters //{Enter_key, Tab_key, Delete_key} put("ENTER", "↲"); // U+21B2 ↲ DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS put("TAB", "↹"); // U+21B9 ↹ LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR put("BKSP", "⌫"); // U+232B ⌫ ERASE TO THE LEFT sometimes seen and easy to understand put("DEL", "⌦"); // U+2326 ⌦ ERASE TO THE RIGHT not well known but easy to understand put("DRAWER", "☰"); // U+2630 ☰ TRIGRAM FOR HEAVEN not well known but easy to understand put("KEYBOARD", "⌨"); // U+2328 ⌨ KEYBOARD not well known but easy to understand }}; static final CharDisplayMap lessKnownCharactersDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ //{Home_key, End_key, Page_Up_and_Page_Down_keys} // home key can mean "goto the beginning of line" or "goto first page" depending on context, hence the diagonal put("HOME", "⇱"); // from IEC 9995 // U+21F1 ⇱ NORTH WEST ARROW TO CORNER put("END", "⇲"); // from IEC 9995 // ⇲ // U+21F2 ⇲ SOUTH EAST ARROW TO CORNER put("PGUP", "⇑"); // no ISO character exists, U+21D1 ⇑ UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW will do the trick put("PGDN", "⇓"); // no ISO character exists, U+21D3 ⇓ DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW will do the trick }}; static final CharDisplayMap arrowTriangleVariationDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ // alternative to classic arrow keys put("LEFT", "◀"); // U+25C0 ◀ BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE put("RIGHT", "▶"); // U+25B6 ▶ BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE put("UP", "▲"); // U+25B2 ▲ BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE put("DOWN", "▼"); // U+25BC ▼ BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE }}; static final CharDisplayMap notKnownIsoCharacters = new CharDisplayMap() {{ // Control chars that are more clear as text //{Function_key, Alt_key, Control_key, Esc_key} // put("FN", "FN"); // no ISO character exists put("CTRL", "⎈"); // ISO character "U+2388 ⎈ HELM SYMBOL" is unknown to people and never printed on computers, however "U+25C7 ◇ WHITE DIAMOND" is a nice presentation, and "^" for terminal app and mac is often used put("ALT", "⎇"); // ISO character "U+2387 ⎇ ALTERNATIVE KEY SYMBOL'" is unknown to people and only printed as the Option key "⌥" on Mac computer put("ESC", "⎋"); // ISO character "U+238B ⎋ BROKEN CIRCLE WITH NORTHWEST ARROW" is unknown to people and not often printed on computers }}; static final CharDisplayMap nicerLookingDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ // nicer looking for most cases put("-", "―"); // U+2015 ― HORIZONTAL BAR }}; /* * Multiple maps are available to quickly change * the style of the keys. */ /** * Some classic symbols everybody knows */ private static final CharDisplayMap defaultCharDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ putAll(classicArrowsDisplay); putAll(wellKnownCharactersDisplay); putAll(nicerLookingDisplay); // all other characters are displayed as themselves }}; /** * Classic symbols and less known symbols */ private static final CharDisplayMap lotsOfArrowsCharDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ putAll(classicArrowsDisplay); putAll(wellKnownCharactersDisplay); putAll(lessKnownCharactersDisplay); // NEW putAll(nicerLookingDisplay); }}; /** * Only arrows */ private static final CharDisplayMap arrowsOnlyCharDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ putAll(classicArrowsDisplay); // putAll(wellKnownCharactersDisplay); // REMOVED // putAll(lessKnownCharactersDisplay); // REMOVED putAll(nicerLookingDisplay); }}; /** * Full Iso */ private static final CharDisplayMap fullIsoCharDisplay = new CharDisplayMap() {{ putAll(classicArrowsDisplay); putAll(wellKnownCharactersDisplay); putAll(lessKnownCharactersDisplay); // NEW putAll(nicerLookingDisplay); putAll(notKnownIsoCharacters); // NEW }}; /** * Some people might call our keys differently */ static private final CharDisplayMap controlCharsAliases = new CharDisplayMap() {{ put("ESCAPE", "ESC"); put("CONTROL", "CTRL"); put("RETURN", "ENTER"); // Technically different keys, but most applications won't see the difference put("FUNCTION", "FN"); // no alias for ALT // Directions are sometimes written as first and last letter for brevety put("LT", "LEFT"); put("RT", "RIGHT"); put("DN", "DOWN"); // put("UP", "UP"); well, "UP" is already two letters put("PAGEUP", "PGUP"); put("PAGE_UP", "PGUP"); put("PAGE UP", "PGUP"); put("PAGE-UP", "PGUP"); // no alias for HOME // no alias for END put("PAGEDOWN", "PGDN"); put("PAGE_DOWN", "PGDN"); put("PAGE-DOWN", "PGDN"); put("DELETE", "DEL"); put("BACKSPACE", "BKSP"); // easier for writing in put("BACKSLASH", "\\"); put("QUOTE", "\""); put("APOSTROPHE", "'"); }}; CharDisplayMap getSelectedCharMap() { switch (style) { case "arrows-only": return arrowsOnlyCharDisplay; case "arrows-all": return lotsOfArrowsCharDisplay; case "all": return fullIsoCharDisplay; case "none": return new CharDisplayMap(); default: return defaultCharDisplay; } } /** * Applies the 'controlCharsAliases' mapping to all the strings in *buttons* * Modifies the array, doesn't return a new one. */ public static String replaceAlias(String key) { return controlCharsAliases.get(key, key); } }