package com.termux.shared.file.tests; import android.content.Context; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.termux.shared.file.FileUtils; import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class FileUtilsTests { private static final String LOG_TAG = "FileUtilsTests"; /** * Run basic tests for {@link FileUtils} class. * * Move tests need to be written, specially for failures. * * The log level must be set to verbose. * * Run at app startup like in an activity * FileUtilsTests.runTests(this, TermuxConstants.TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH + "/FileUtilsTests"); * * @param context The {@link Context} for operations. */ public static void runTests(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final String testRootDirectoryPath) { try { Logger.logInfo(LOG_TAG, "Running tests"); Logger.logInfo(LOG_TAG, "testRootDirectoryPath: \"" + testRootDirectoryPath + "\""); String fileUtilsTestsDirectoryCanonicalPath = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(testRootDirectoryPath, null, false); assertEqual("FileUtilsTests directory path is not a canonical path", testRootDirectoryPath, fileUtilsTestsDirectoryCanonicalPath); runTestsInner(context, testRootDirectoryPath); Logger.logInfo(LOG_TAG, "All tests successful"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logErrorAndShowToast(context, LOG_TAG, e.getMessage()); } } private static void runTestsInner(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final String testRootDirectoryPath) throws Exception { String errmsg; String label; String path; /* * - dir1 * - sub_dir1 * - sub_reg1 * - sub_sym1 (absolute symlink to dir2) * - sub_sym2 (copy of sub_sym1 for symlink to dir2) * - sub_sym3 (relative symlink to dir4) * - dir2 * - sub_reg1 * - sub_reg2 (copy of dir2/sub_reg1) * - dir3 (copy of dir1) * - dir4 (moved from dir3) */ String dir1_label = "dir1"; String dir1_path = testRootDirectoryPath + "/dir1"; String dir1__sub_dir1_label = "dir1/sub_dir1"; String dir1__sub_dir1_path = dir1_path + "/sub_dir1"; String dir1__sub_reg1_label = "dir1/sub_reg1"; String dir1__sub_reg1_path = dir1_path + "/sub_reg1"; String dir1__sub_sym1_label = "dir1/sub_sym1"; String dir1__sub_sym1_path = dir1_path + "/sub_sym1"; String dir1__sub_sym2_label = "dir1/sub_sym2"; String dir1__sub_sym2_path = dir1_path + "/sub_sym2"; String dir1__sub_sym3_label = "dir1/sub_sym3"; String dir1__sub_sym3_path = dir1_path + "/sub_sym3"; String dir2_label = "dir2"; String dir2_path = testRootDirectoryPath + "/dir2"; String dir2__sub_reg1_label = "dir2/sub_reg1"; String dir2__sub_reg1_path = dir2_path + "/sub_reg1"; String dir2__sub_reg2_label = "dir2/sub_reg2"; String dir2__sub_reg2_path = dir2_path + "/sub_reg2"; String dir3_label = "dir3"; String dir3_path = testRootDirectoryPath + "/dir3"; String dir4_label = "dir4"; String dir4_path = testRootDirectoryPath + "/dir4"; // Create or clear test root directory file label = "testRootDirectoryPath"; errmsg = FileUtils.clearDirectory(context, label, testRootDirectoryPath); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " directory file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(testRootDirectoryPath, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Create dir1 directory file errmsg = FileUtils.createDirectoryFile(context, dir1_label, dir1_path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + dir1_label + " directory file", null, errmsg); // Create dir2 directory file errmsg = FileUtils.createDirectoryFile(context, dir2_label, dir2_path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + dir2_label + " directory file", null, errmsg); // Create dir1/sub_dir1 directory file label = dir1__sub_dir1_label; path = dir1__sub_dir1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.createDirectoryFile(context, label, path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " directory file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Create dir1/sub_reg1 regular file label = dir1__sub_reg1_label; path = dir1__sub_reg1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.createRegularFile(context, label, path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " regular file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.regularFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " regular file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Create dir1/sub_sym1 -> dir2 absolute symlink file label = dir1__sub_sym1_label; path = dir1__sub_sym1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.createSymlinkFile(context, label, dir2_path, path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " symlink file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.symlinkFileExists(path)) throwException("The " + label + " symlink file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Copy dir1/sub_sym1 symlink file to dir1/sub_sym2 label = dir1__sub_sym2_label; path = dir1__sub_sym2_path; errmsg = FileUtils.copySymlinkFile(context, label, dir1__sub_sym1_path, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to copy " + dir1__sub_sym1_label + " symlink file to " + label, null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.symlinkFileExists(path)) throwException("The " + label + " symlink file does not exist as expected after copying it from " + dir1__sub_sym1_label); if(!new File(path).getCanonicalPath().equals(dir2_path)) throwException("The " + label + " symlink file does not point to " + dir2_label); // Write "line1" to dir2/sub_reg1 regular file label = dir2__sub_reg1_label; path = dir2__sub_reg1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.writeStringToFile(context, label, path, Charset.defaultCharset(), "line1", false); assertEqual("Failed to write string to " + label + " file with append mode false", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.regularFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " file does not exist as expected after writing to it with append mode false"); // Write "line2" to dir2/sub_reg1 regular file errmsg = FileUtils.writeStringToFile(context, label, path, Charset.defaultCharset(), "\nline2", true); assertEqual("Failed to write string to " + label + " file with append mode true", null, errmsg); // Read dir2/sub_reg1 regular file StringBuilder dataStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errmsg = FileUtils.readStringFromFile(context, label, path, Charset.defaultCharset(), dataStringBuilder, false); assertEqual("Failed to read from " + label + " file", null, errmsg); assertEqual("The data read from " + label + " file in not as expected", "line1\nline2", dataStringBuilder.toString()); // Copy dir2/sub_reg1 regular file to dir2/sub_reg2 file label = dir2__sub_reg2_label; path = dir2__sub_reg2_path; errmsg = FileUtils.copyRegularFile(context, label, dir2__sub_reg1_path, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to copy " + dir2__sub_reg1_label + " regular file to " + label, null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.regularFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " regular file does not exist as expected after copying it from " + dir2__sub_reg1_label); // Copy dir1 directory file to dir3 label = dir3_label; path = dir3_path; errmsg = FileUtils.copyDirectoryFile(context, label, dir2_path, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to copy " + dir2_label + " directory file to " + label, null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file does not exist as expected after copying it from " + dir2_label); // Copy dir1 directory file to dir3 again to test overwrite label = dir3_label; path = dir3_path; errmsg = FileUtils.copyDirectoryFile(context, label, dir2_path, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to copy " + dir2_label + " directory file to " + label, null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file does not exist as expected after copying it from " + dir2_label); // Move dir3 directory file to dir4 label = dir4_label; path = dir4_path; errmsg = FileUtils.moveDirectoryFile(context, label, dir3_path, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to move " + dir3_label + " directory file to " + label, null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file does not exist as expected after copying it from " + dir3_label); // Create dir1/sub_sym3 -> dir4 relative symlink file label = dir1__sub_sym3_label; path = dir1__sub_sym3_path; errmsg = FileUtils.createSymlinkFile(context, label, "../dir4", path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " symlink file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.symlinkFileExists(path)) throwException("The " + label + " symlink file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Create dir1/sub_sym3 -> dirX relative dangling symlink file // This is to ensure that symlinkFileExists returns true if a symlink file exists but is dangling label = dir1__sub_sym3_label; path = dir1__sub_sym3_path; errmsg = FileUtils.createSymlinkFile(context, label, "../dirX", path); assertEqual("Failed to create " + label + " symlink file", null, errmsg); if(!FileUtils.symlinkFileExists(path)) throwException("The " + label + " dangling symlink file does not exist as expected after creation"); // Delete dir1/sub_sym2 symlink file label = dir1__sub_sym2_label; path = dir1__sub_sym2_path; errmsg = FileUtils.deleteSymlinkFile(context, label, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to delete " + label + " symlink file", null, errmsg); if(FileUtils.fileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " symlink file still exist after deletion"); // Check if dir2 directory file still exists after deletion of dir1/sub_sym2 since it was a symlink to dir2 // When deleting a symlink file, its target must not be deleted label = dir2_label; path = dir2_path; if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file has unexpectedly been deleted after deletion of " + dir1__sub_sym2_label); // Delete dir1 directory file label = dir1_label; path = dir1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.deleteDirectoryFile(context, label, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to delete " + label + " directory file", null, errmsg); if(FileUtils.fileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file still exist after deletion"); // Check if dir2 directory file and dir2/sub_reg1 regular file still exist after deletion of // dir1 since there was a dir1/sub_sym1 symlink to dir2 in it // When deleting a directory, any targets of symlinks must not be deleted when deleting symlink files label = dir2_label; path = dir2_path; if(!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " directory file has unexpectedly been deleted after deletion of " + dir1_label); label = dir2__sub_reg1_label; path = dir2__sub_reg1_path; if(!FileUtils.fileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " regular file has unexpectedly been deleted after deletion of " + dir1_label); // Delete dir2/sub_reg1 regular file label = dir2__sub_reg1_label; path = dir2__sub_reg1_path; errmsg = FileUtils.deleteRegularFile(context, label, path, false); assertEqual("Failed to delete " + label + " regular file", null, errmsg); if(FileUtils.fileExists(path, false)) throwException("The " + label + " regular file still exist after deletion"); FileUtils.getFileType("/dev/ptmx", false); FileUtils.getFileType("/dev/null", false); } public static void assertEqual(@NonNull final String message, final String expected, final String actual) throws Exception { if (!equalsRegardingNull(expected, actual)) throwException(message + "\nexpected: \"" + expected + "\"\nactual: \"" + actual + "\""); } private static boolean equalsRegardingNull(final String expected, final String actual) { if (expected == null) { return actual == null; } return isEquals(expected, actual); } private static boolean isEquals(String expected, String actual) { return expected.equals(actual); } public static void throwException(@NonNull final String message) throws Exception { throw new Exception(message); } }