]> Executable required. The %1$s is to \"%2$s\" null or empty. The regular file path is null or empty. The regular file is null or empty. The executable file path is null or empty. The executable file is null or empty. The directory file path is null or empty. The directory file is null or empty. The %1$s is not found at path \"%2$s\". Regular file not found at %1$s path. The %1$s at path \"%2$s\" is not a regular file. Non-regular file found at %1$s path. Non-directory file found at %1$s path. Non-symlink file found at %1$s path. The %1$s found at path \"%2$s\" is not one of allowed file types \"%3$s\". Validating file existence and permissions of %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Validating directory existence and permissions of %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Creating %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed. Creating %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Cannot overwrite %1$s while creating symlink at \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\" since destination file type \"%4$s\" is not a symlink. Creating %1$s at path \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\" failed.\nException: %4$s %1$s from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\" failed.\nException: %4$s %1$s from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\" cannot be done since they point to the same path. Cannot overwrite %1$s while %2$s it from \"%3$s\" to \"%4$s\" since destination file type \"%5$s\" is different from source file type \"%6$s\". Cannot move %1$s from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\" since destination is a subdirectory of the source. The %1$s still exists after deleting it from \"%2$s\". Deleting %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed. Deleting %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Clearing %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Reading string from %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Writing string to %1$s at path \"%2$s\" failed.\nException: %3$s Unsupported charset \"%1$s\" Checking if charset \"%1$s\" is suppoted failed.\nException: %2$s The file permission string to check is invalid. The %1$s at path is not readable. Permission Denied. The %1$s at path is not writable. Permission Denied. The %1$s at path is not executable. Permission Denied. Please grant permissions on next screen &TERMUX_APP_NAME; requires \"Display over other apps\" permission to start terminal sessions from background on Android >= 10. Grants it from Settings -> Apps -> &TERMUX_APP_NAME; -> Advanced Share With If you think this report should be reported, then copy its text from the options menu (3-dots on top right) and post an issue on one of the following links at which the report belongs at. Log Level "Off" "Normal" "Debug" "Verbose" "*Unknown*" Logcat log level set to \"%1$s\"