
330 lines
17 KiB

package com.termux.app.utils;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.app.NotificationManager;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.termux.R;
import com.termux.shared.notification.NotificationUtils;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP.TERMUX_SERVICE;
import com.termux.app.activities.ReportActivity;
import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger;
import com.termux.shared.settings.preferences.TermuxAppSharedPreferences;
import com.termux.shared.settings.preferences.TermuxPreferenceConstants.TERMUX_APP;
import com.termux.shared.settings.properties.SharedProperties;
import com.termux.shared.settings.properties.TermuxPropertyConstants;
import com.termux.app.models.ReportInfo;
import com.termux.app.models.ExecutionCommand;
import com.termux.app.models.UserAction;
import com.termux.shared.data.DataUtils;
import com.termux.shared.markdown.MarkdownUtils;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxUtils;
public class PluginUtils {
/** Required file permissions for the executable file of execute intent. Executable file must have read and execute permissions */
public static final String PLUGIN_EXECUTABLE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = "r-x"; // Default: "r-x"
/** Required file permissions for the working directory of execute intent. Working directory must have read and write permissions.
* Execute permissions should be attempted to be set, but ignored if they are missing */
public static final String PLUGIN_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS = "rwx"; // Default: "rwx"
private static final String LOG_TAG = "PluginUtils";
* Process {@link ExecutionCommand} result.
* The ExecutionCommand currentState must be greater or equal to
* {@link ExecutionCommand.ExecutionState#EXECUTED}.
* If the {@link ExecutionCommand#isPluginExecutionCommand} is {@code true} and
* {@link ExecutionCommand#pluginPendingIntent} is not {@code null}, then the result of commands
* are sent back to the {@link PendingIntent} creator.
* @param context The {@link Context} that will be used to send result intent to the {@link PendingIntent} creator.
* @param logTag The log tag to use for logging.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} to process.
public static void processPluginExecutionCommandResult(final Context context, String logTag, final ExecutionCommand executionCommand) {
if (executionCommand == null) return;
logTag = DataUtils.getDefaultIfNull(logTag, LOG_TAG);
if(!executionCommand.hasExecuted()) {
Logger.logWarn(logTag, "Ignoring call to processPluginExecutionCommandResult() since the execution command has not been ExecutionState.EXECUTED");
Logger.logDebug(LOG_TAG, executionCommand.toString());
boolean result = true;
// If isPluginExecutionCommand is true and pluginPendingIntent is not null, then
// send pluginPendingIntent to its creator with the result
if(executionCommand.isPluginExecutionCommand && executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent != null) {
String errmsg = executionCommand.errmsg;
//Combine errmsg and stacktraces
if (executionCommand.isStateFailed()) {
errmsg = Logger.getMessageAndStackTracesString(executionCommand.errmsg, executionCommand.throwableList);
// Send pluginPendingIntent to its creator
result = sendPluginExecutionCommandResultPendingIntent(context, logTag, executionCommand.getCommandIdAndLabelLogString(), executionCommand.stdout, executionCommand.stderr, executionCommand.exitCode, executionCommand.errCode, errmsg, executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent);
if(!executionCommand.isStateFailed() && result)
* Process {@link ExecutionCommand} error.
* The ExecutionCommand currentState must be equal to {@link ExecutionCommand.ExecutionState#FAILED}.
* The {@link ExecutionCommand#errCode} must have been set to a value greater than
* {@link ExecutionCommand#RESULT_CODE_OK}.
* The {@link ExecutionCommand#errmsg} and any {@link ExecutionCommand#throwableList} must also
* be set with appropriate error info.
* If the {@link ExecutionCommand#isPluginExecutionCommand} is {@code true} and
* {@link ExecutionCommand#pluginPendingIntent} is not {@code null}, then the errors of commands
* are sent back to the {@link PendingIntent} creator.
* enabled, then a flash and a notification will be shown for the error as well
* on the {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PLUGIN_COMMAND_ERRORS_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME} channel instead of just logging
* the error.
* @param context The {@link Context} for operations.
* @param logTag The log tag to use for logging.
* @param executionCommand The {@link ExecutionCommand} that failed.
* @param forceNotification If set to {@code true}, then a flash and notification will be shown
* regardless of if pending intent is {@code null} or
* is {@code false}.
public static void processPluginExecutionCommandError(final Context context, String logTag, final ExecutionCommand executionCommand, boolean forceNotification) {
if(context == null || executionCommand == null) return;
logTag = DataUtils.getDefaultIfNull(logTag, LOG_TAG);
if(!executionCommand.isStateFailed()) {
Logger.logWarn(logTag, "Ignoring call to processPluginExecutionCommandError() since the execution command does not have ExecutionState.FAILED state");
// Log the error and any exception
Logger.logStackTracesWithMessage(logTag, "(" + executionCommand.errCode + ") " + executionCommand.errmsg, executionCommand.throwableList);
// If isPluginExecutionCommand is true and pluginPendingIntent is not null, then
// send pluginPendingIntent to its creator with the errors
if(executionCommand.isPluginExecutionCommand && executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent != null) {
String errmsg = executionCommand.errmsg;
//Combine errmsg and stacktraces
if (executionCommand.isStateFailed()) {
errmsg = Logger.getMessageAndStackTracesString(executionCommand.errmsg, executionCommand.throwableList);
sendPluginExecutionCommandResultPendingIntent(context, logTag, executionCommand.getCommandIdAndLabelLogString(), executionCommand.stdout, executionCommand.stderr, executionCommand.exitCode, executionCommand.errCode, errmsg, executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent);
// No need to show notifications if a pending intent was sent, let the caller handle the result himself
if (!forceNotification) return;
TermuxAppSharedPreferences preferences = new TermuxAppSharedPreferences(context);
// If user has disabled notifications for plugin, then just return
if (!preferences.getPluginErrorNotificationsEnabled() && !forceNotification)
// Flash the errmsg
Logger.showToast(context, executionCommand.errmsg, true);
// Send a notification to show the errmsg which when clicked will open the {@link ReportActivity}
// to show the details of the error
String title = TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP_NAME + " Plugin Execution Command Error";
StringBuilder reportString = new StringBuilder();
reportString.append("\n\n").append(TermuxUtils.getAppInfoMarkdownString(context, true));
Intent notificationIntent = ReportActivity.newInstance(context, new ReportInfo(UserAction.PLUGIN_EXECUTION_COMMAND, logTag, title, null, reportString.toString(), null,true));
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
// Setup the notification channel if not already set up
// Use markdown in notification
CharSequence notificationText = MarkdownUtils.getSpannedMarkdownText(context, executionCommand.errmsg);
//CharSequence notificationText = executionCommand.errmsg;
// Build the notification
Notification.Builder builder = getPluginCommandErrorsNotificationBuilder(context, title, notificationText, notificationText, pendingIntent, NotificationUtils.NOTIFICATION_MODE_VIBRATE);
if(builder == null) return;
// Send the notification
int nextNotificationId = NotificationUtils.getNextNotificationId(context);
NotificationManager notificationManager = NotificationUtils.getNotificationManager(context);
if(notificationManager != null)
notificationManager.notify(nextNotificationId, builder.build());
* Send {@link ExecutionCommand} result {@link PendingIntent} in the
* @param context The {@link Context} that will be used to send result intent to the {@link PendingIntent} creator.
* @param logTag The log tag to use for logging.
* @param label The label of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param stdout The stdout of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param stderr The stderr of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param exitCode The exitCode of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param errCode The errCode of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param errmsg The errmsg of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @param pluginPendingIntent The pluginPendingIntent of {@link ExecutionCommand}.
* @return Returns {@code true} if pluginPendingIntent was successfully send, otherwise [@code false}.
public static boolean sendPluginExecutionCommandResultPendingIntent(Context context, String logTag, String label, String stdout, String stderr, Integer exitCode, Integer errCode, String errmsg, PendingIntent pluginPendingIntent) {
if(context == null || pluginPendingIntent == null) return false;
logTag = DataUtils.getDefaultIfNull(logTag, LOG_TAG);
Logger.logDebug(logTag, "Sending execution result for Execution Command \"" + label + "\" to " + pluginPendingIntent.getCreatorPackage());
String truncatedStdout = null;
String truncatedStderr = null;
String stdoutOriginalLength = (stdout == null) ? null: String.valueOf(stdout.length());
String stderrOriginalLength = (stderr == null) ? null: String.valueOf(stderr.length());
// Truncate stdout and stdout to max TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES
if(stderr == null || stderr.isEmpty()) {
truncatedStdout = DataUtils.getTruncatedCommandOutput(stdout, DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES, false, false, false);
} else if (stdout == null || stdout.isEmpty()) {
truncatedStderr = DataUtils.getTruncatedCommandOutput(stderr, DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES, false, false, false);
} else {
truncatedStdout = DataUtils.getTruncatedCommandOutput(stdout, DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES / 2, false, false, false);
truncatedStderr = DataUtils.getTruncatedCommandOutput(stderr, DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES / 2, false, false, false);
if(truncatedStdout != null && truncatedStdout.length() < stdout.length()){
Logger.logWarn(logTag, "Execution Result for Execution Command \"" + label + "\" stdout length truncated from " + stdoutOriginalLength + " to " + truncatedStdout.length());
stdout = truncatedStdout;
if(truncatedStderr != null && truncatedStderr.length() < stderr.length()){
Logger.logWarn(logTag, "Execution Result for Execution Command \"" + label + "\" stderr length truncated from " + stderrOriginalLength + " to " + truncatedStderr.length());
stderr = truncatedStderr;
String errmsgOriginalLength = (errmsg == null) ? null: String.valueOf(errmsg.length());
// Truncate errmsg to max TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES / 4
// trim from end to preserve start of stacktraces
String truncatedErrmsg = DataUtils.getTruncatedCommandOutput(errmsg, DataUtils.TRANSACTION_SIZE_LIMIT_IN_BYTES / 4, true, false, false);
if(truncatedErrmsg != null && truncatedErrmsg.length() < errmsg.length()){
Logger.logWarn(logTag, "Execution Result for Execution Command \"" + label + "\" errmsg length truncated from " + errmsgOriginalLength + " to " + truncatedErrmsg.length());
errmsg = truncatedErrmsg;
final Bundle resultBundle = new Bundle();
if (exitCode != null) resultBundle.putInt(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE, exitCode);
if (errCode != null) resultBundle.putInt(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_ERR, errCode);
Intent resultIntent = new Intent();
resultIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE, resultBundle);
try {
pluginPendingIntent.send(context, Activity.RESULT_OK, resultIntent);
} catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
// The caller doesn't want the result? That's fine, just ignore
return true;
* Get {@link Notification.Builder} for {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PLUGIN_COMMAND_ERRORS_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID}
* @param context The {@link Context} for operations.
* @param title The title for the notification.
* @param notificationText The second line text of the notification.
* @param notificationBigText The full text of the notification that may optionally be styled.
* @param pendingIntent The {@link PendingIntent} which should be sent when notification is clicked.
* @param notificationMode The notification mode. It must be one of {@code NotificationUtils.NOTIFICATION_MODE_*}.
* @return Returns the {@link Notification.Builder}.
public static Notification.Builder getPluginCommandErrorsNotificationBuilder(final Context context, final CharSequence title, final CharSequence notificationText, final CharSequence notificationBigText, final PendingIntent pendingIntent, final int notificationMode) {
Notification.Builder builder = NotificationUtils.geNotificationBuilder(context,
title, notificationText, notificationBigText, pendingIntent, notificationMode);
if(builder == null) return null;
// Enable timestamp
// Set notification icon
// Set background color for small notification icon
// Dismiss on click
return builder;
* Setup the notification channel for {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PLUGIN_COMMAND_ERRORS_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID} and
* @param context The {@link Context} for operations.
public static void setupPluginCommandErrorsNotificationChannel(final Context context) {
NotificationUtils.setupNotificationChannel(context, TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PLUGIN_COMMAND_ERRORS_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID,
* Check if {@link TermuxConstants#PROP_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_APPS} property is not set to "true".
* @param context The {@link Context} to get error string.
* @return Returns the {@code errmsg} if policy is violated, otherwise {@code null}.
public static String checkIfRunCommandServiceAllowExternalAppsPolicyIsViolated(final Context context) {
String errmsg = null;
if (!SharedProperties.isPropertyValueTrue(context, TermuxPropertyConstants.getTermuxPropertiesFile(), TermuxConstants.PROP_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_APPS)) {
errmsg = context.getString(R.string.error_run_command_service_allow_external_apps_ungranted);
return errmsg;