
462 lines
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package com.termux.shared.settings.properties;
import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableBiMap;
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives;
import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An implementation similar to android's {@link android.content.SharedPreferences} interface for
* reading and writing to and from ".properties" files which also maintains an in-memory cache for
* the key/value pairs when an instance object is used. Operations are done under
* synchronization locks and should be thread safe.
* If {@link SharedProperties} instance object is used, then two types of in-memory cache maps are
* maintained, one for the literal {@link String} values found in the file for the keys and an
* additional one that stores (near) primitive {@link Object} values for internal use by the caller.
* The {@link SharedProperties} also provides static functions that can be used to read properties
* from files or individual key values or even their internal values. An automatic mapping to a
* boolean as internal value can also be done. An in-memory cache is not maintained, nor are locks used.
* This currently only has read support, write support can/will be added later if needed. Check android's
* SharedPreferencesImpl class for reference implementation.
* https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r3:frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/SharedPreferencesImpl.java
public class SharedProperties {
* The {@link Properties} object that maintains an in-memory cache of values loaded from the
* {@link #mPropertiesFile} file. The key/value pairs are of any keys that are found in the file
* against their literal values in the file.
private Properties mProperties;
* The {@link HashMap<>} object that maintains an in-memory cache of internal values for the values
* loaded from the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file. The key/value pairs are of any keys defined by
* {@link #mPropertiesList} that are found in the file against their internal {@link Object} values
* returned by the call to
* {@link SharedPropertiesParser#getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context, String, String)} interface.
private Map<String, Object> mMap;
private final Context mContext;
private final File mPropertiesFile;
private final Set<String> mPropertiesList;
private final SharedPropertiesParser mSharedPropertiesParser;
private final Object mLock = new Object();
/** Defines the bidirectional map for boolean values and their internal values */
public static final ImmutableBiMap<String, Boolean> MAP_GENERIC_BOOLEAN =
new ImmutableBiMap.Builder<String, Boolean>()
.put("true", true)
.put("false", false)
/** Defines the bidirectional map for inverted boolean values and their internal values */
public static final ImmutableBiMap<String, Boolean> MAP_GENERIC_INVERTED_BOOLEAN =
new ImmutableBiMap.Builder<String, Boolean>()
.put("true", false)
.put("false", true)
private static final String LOG_TAG = "SharedProperties";
* Constructor for the SharedProperties class.
* @param context The Context for operations.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} object to load properties from.
* @param propertiesList The {@link Set<String>} object that defined which properties to load.
* If this is set to {@code null}, then all properties that exist in
* {@code propertiesFile} will be read by {@link #loadPropertiesFromDisk()}
* @param sharedPropertiesParser The implementation of the {@link SharedPropertiesParser} interface.
public SharedProperties(@Nonnull Context context, @Nullable File propertiesFile, Set<String> propertiesList, @Nonnull SharedPropertiesParser sharedPropertiesParser) {
mContext = context;
mPropertiesFile = propertiesFile;
mPropertiesList = propertiesList;
mSharedPropertiesParser = sharedPropertiesParser;
mProperties = new Properties();
mMap = new HashMap<>();
* Load the properties defined by {@link #mPropertiesList} or all properties if its {@code null}
* from the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file to update the {@link #mProperties} and {@link #mMap}
* in-memory cache.
* Properties are not loading automatically when constructor is called and must be manually called.
public void loadPropertiesFromDisk() {
synchronized (mLock) {
// Get properties from mPropertiesFile
Properties properties = getProperties(false);
// We still need to load default values into mMap, so we assume no properties defined if
// reading from mPropertiesFile failed
if (properties == null)
properties = new Properties();
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
Properties newProperties = new Properties();
Set<String> propertiesList = mPropertiesList;
if (propertiesList == null)
propertiesList = properties.stringPropertyNames();
String value;
Object internalValue;
for (String key : propertiesList) {
value = properties.getProperty(key); // value will be null if key does not exist in propertiesFile
Logger.logDebug(LOG_TAG, key + " : " + value);
// Call the {@link SharedPropertiesParser#getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context,String,String)}
// interface method to get the internal value to store in the {@link #mMap}.
internalValue = mSharedPropertiesParser.getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(mContext, key, value);
// If the internal value was successfully added to map, then also add value to newProperties
// We only store values in-memory defined by propertiesList
if (putToMap(map, key, internalValue)) { // null internalValue will be put into map
putToProperties(newProperties, key, value); // null value will **not** be into properties
mMap = map;
mProperties = newProperties;
* Get the {@link Properties} object for the {@link #mPropertiesFile}. The {@link Properties}
* object will also contain properties not defined by the {@link #mPropertiesList} if cache
* value is {@code false}.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the {@link #mProperties} in-memory cache is returned. Otherwise
* the {@link Properties} object is directly read from the {@link #mPropertiesFile}.
* @return Returns the {@link Properties} object if read from file, otherwise a copy of {@link #mProperties}.
public Properties getProperties(boolean cached) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (cached) {
if (mProperties == null) mProperties = new Properties();
return getPropertiesCopy(mProperties);
} else {
return getPropertiesFromFile(mContext, mPropertiesFile);
* Get the {@link String} value for the key passed from the {@link #mPropertiesFile}.
* @param key The key to read from the {@link Properties} object.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the value is returned from the {@link #mProperties} in-memory cache.
* Otherwise the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the {@link #mPropertiesFile}
* and value is returned from it against the key.
* @return Returns the {@link String} object. This will be {@code null} if key is not found.
public String getProperty(String key, boolean cached) {
synchronized (mLock) {
return (String) getProperties(cached).get(key);
* Get the {@link #mMap} object for the {@link #mPropertiesFile}. A call to
* {@link #loadPropertiesFromDisk()} must be made before this.
* @return Returns a copy of {@link #mMap} object.
public Map<String, Object> getInternalProperties() {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mMap == null) mMap = new HashMap<>();
return getMapCopy(mMap);
* Get the internal {@link Object} value for the key passed from the {@link #mPropertiesFile}.
* The value is returned from the {@link #mMap} in-memory cache, so a call to
* {@link #loadPropertiesFromDisk()} must be made before this.
* @param key The key to read from the {@link #mMap} object.
* @return Returns the {@link Object} object. This will be {@code null} if key is not found or
* if object was {@code null}. Use {@link HashMap#containsKey(Object)} to detect the later.
* situation.
public Object getInternalProperty(String key) {
synchronized (mLock) {
// null keys are not allowed to be stored in mMap
if (key != null)
return getInternalProperties().get(key);
return null;
* A static function to get the {@link Properties} object for the propertiesFile. A lock is not
* taken when this function is called.
* @param context The {@link Context} to use to show a flash if an exception is raised while
* reading the file. If context is {@code null}, then flash will not be shown.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} to read the {@link Properties} from.
* @return Returns the {@link Properties} object. It will be {@code null} if an exception is
* raised while reading the file.
public static Properties getPropertiesFromFile(Context context, File propertiesFile) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
if (propertiesFile == null) {
Logger.logWarn(LOG_TAG, "Not loading properties since file is null");
return properties;
try {
try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile)) {
Logger.logVerbose(LOG_TAG, "Loading properties from \"" + propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" file");
properties.load(new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (context != null)
Toast.makeText(context, "Could not open properties file \"" + propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\": " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Logger.logStackTraceWithMessage(LOG_TAG, "Error loading properties file \"" + propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"", e);
return null;
return properties;
* A static function to get the {@link String} value for the {@link Properties} key read from
* the propertiesFile file.
* @param context The {@link Context} for the {@link #getPropertiesFromFile(Context,File)} call.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} to read the {@link Properties} from.
* @param key The key to read.
* @param def The default value.
* @return Returns the {@link String} object. This will be {@code null} if key is not found.
public static String getProperty(Context context, File propertiesFile, String key, String def) {
return (String) getDefaultIfNull(getDefaultIfNull(getPropertiesFromFile(context, propertiesFile), new Properties()).get(key), def);
* A static function to get the internal {@link Object} value for the {@link String} value for
* the {@link Properties} key read from the propertiesFile file.
* @param context The {@link Context} for the {@link #getPropertiesFromFile(Context,File)} call.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} to read the {@link Properties} from.
* @param key The key to read.
* @param sharedPropertiesParser The implementation of the {@link SharedPropertiesParser} interface.
* @return Returns the {@link String} Object returned by the call to
* {@link SharedPropertiesParser#getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context,String,String)}.
public static Object getInternalProperty(Context context, File propertiesFile, String key, @Nonnull SharedPropertiesParser sharedPropertiesParser) {
String value = (String) getDefaultIfNull(getPropertiesFromFile(context, propertiesFile), new Properties()).get(key);
// Call the {@link SharedPropertiesParser#getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context,String,String)}
// interface method to get the internal value to return.
return sharedPropertiesParser.getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(context, key, value);
* A static function to check if the value is {@code true} for {@link Properties} key read from
* the propertiesFile file.
* @param context The {@link Context} for the {@link #getPropertiesFromFile(Context,File)}call.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} to read the {@link Properties} from.
* @param key The key to read.
* @return Returns the {@code true} if the {@link Properties} key {@link String} value equals "true",
* regardless of case. If the key does not exist in the file or does not equal "true", then
* {@code false} will be returned.
public static boolean isPropertyValueTrue(Context context, File propertiesFile, String key) {
return (boolean) getBooleanValueForStringValue((String) getProperty(context, propertiesFile, key, null), false);
* A static function to check if the value is {@code false} for {@link Properties} key read from
* the propertiesFile file.
* @param context The {@link Context} for the {@link #getPropertiesFromFile(Context,File)} call.
* @param propertiesFile The {@link File} to read the {@link Properties} from.
* @param key The key to read.
* @return Returns the {@code true} if the {@link Properties} key {@link String} value equals "false",
* regardless of case. If the key does not exist in the file or does not equal "false", then
* {@code true} will be returned.
public static boolean isPropertyValueFalse(Context context, File propertiesFile, String key) {
return (boolean) getInvertedBooleanValueForStringValue((String) getProperty(context, propertiesFile, key, null), true);
* Put a value in a {@link #mMap}.
* The key cannot be {@code null}.
* Only {@code null}, primitive or their wrapper classes or String class objects are allowed to be added to
* the map, although this limitation may be changed.
* @param map The {@link Map} object to add value to.
* @param key The key for which to add the value to the map.
* @param value The {@link Object} to add to the map.
* @return Returns {@code true} if value was successfully added, otherwise {@code false}.
public static boolean putToMap(HashMap<String, Object> map, String key, Object value) {
if (map == null) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Map passed to SharedProperties.putToProperties() is null");
return false;
// null keys are not allowed to be stored in mMap
if (key == null) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Cannot put a null key into properties map");
return false;
boolean put = false;
if (value != null) {
Class<?> clazz = value.getClass();
if (clazz.isPrimitive() || Primitives.isWrapperType(clazz) || value instanceof String) {
put = true;
} else {
put = true;
if (put) {
map.put(key, value);
return true;
} else {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Cannot put a non-primitive value for the key \"" + key + "\" into properties map");
return false;
* Put a value in a {@link Map}.
* The key cannot be {@code null}.
* Passing {@code null} as the value argument is equivalent to removing the key from the
* properties.
* @param properties The {@link Properties} object to add value to.
* @param key The key for which to add the value to the properties.
* @param value The {@link String} to add to the properties.
* @return Returns {@code true} if value was successfully added, otherwise {@code false}.
public static boolean putToProperties(Properties properties, String key, String value) {
if (properties == null) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Properties passed to SharedProperties.putToProperties() is null");
return false;
// null keys are not allowed to be stored in mMap
if (key == null) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Cannot put a null key into properties");
return false;
if (value != null) {
properties.put(key, value);
return true;
} else {
return true;
public static Properties getPropertiesCopy(Properties inputProperties) {
if (inputProperties == null) return null;
Properties outputProperties = new Properties();
for (String key : inputProperties.stringPropertyNames()) {
outputProperties.put(key, inputProperties.get(key));
return outputProperties;
public static Map<String, Object> getMapCopy(Map<String, Object> map) {
if (map == null) return null;
return new HashMap<>(map);
* Get the boolean value for the {@link String} value.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @param def The default {@link boolean} value to return.
* @return Returns {@code true} or {@code false} if value is the literal string "true" or "false" respectively,
* regardless of case. Otherwise returns default value.
public static boolean getBooleanValueForStringValue(String value, boolean def) {
return (boolean) getDefaultIfNull(MAP_GENERIC_BOOLEAN.get(toLowerCase(value)), def);
* Get the inverted boolean value for the {@link String} value.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @param def The default {@link boolean} value to return.
* @return Returns {@code true} or {@code false} if value is the literal string "false" or "true" respectively,
* regardless of case. Otherwise returns default value.
public static boolean getInvertedBooleanValueForStringValue(String value, boolean def) {
return (boolean) getDefaultIfNull(MAP_GENERIC_INVERTED_BOOLEAN.get(toLowerCase(value)), def);
* Get the object itself if it is not {@code null}, otherwise default.
* @param object The {@link Object} to check.
* @param def The default {@link Object}.
* @return Returns {@code object} if it is not {@code null}, otherwise returns {@code def}.
public static <T> T getDefaultIfNull(@androidx.annotation.Nullable T object, @androidx.annotation.Nullable T def) {
return (object == null) ? def : object;
* Covert the {@link String} value to lowercase.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the lowercased value.
public static String toLowerCase(String value) {
if (value == null) return null; else return value.toLowerCase();