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package com.termux.shared.settings.properties;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger;
import com.termux.shared.data.DataUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TermuxSharedProperties implements SharedPropertiesParser {
protected final Context mContext;
protected final SharedProperties mSharedProperties;
protected final File mPropertiesFile;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "TermuxSharedProperties";
public TermuxSharedProperties(@Nonnull Context context) {
mContext = context;
mPropertiesFile = TermuxPropertyConstants.getTermuxPropertiesFile();
mSharedProperties = new SharedProperties(context, mPropertiesFile, TermuxPropertyConstants.TERMUX_PROPERTIES_LIST, this);
* Reload the termux properties from disk into an in-memory cache.
public void loadTermuxPropertiesFromDisk() {
* Get the {@link Properties} from the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the {@link Properties} in-memory cache is returned.
* Otherwise the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the
* {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* @return Returns the {@link Properties} object. It will be {@code null} if an exception is
* raised while reading the file.
public Properties getProperties(boolean cached) {
return mSharedProperties.getProperties(cached);
* Get the {@link String} value for the key passed from the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* @param key The key to read.
* @param def The default value.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the value is returned from the the {@link Properties} in-memory cache.
* Otherwise the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the file
* and value is returned from it against the key.
* @return Returns the {@link String} object. This will be {@code null} if key is not found.
public String getPropertyValue(String key, String def, boolean cached) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(mSharedProperties.getProperty(key, cached), def);
* A function to check if the value is {@code true} for {@link Properties} key read from
* the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* @param key The key to read.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the value is checked from the the {@link Properties} in-memory cache.
* Otherwise the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the file
* and value is checked from it.
* @return Returns the {@code true} if the {@link Properties} key {@link String} value equals "true",
* regardless of case. If the key does not exist in the file or does not equal "true", then
* {@code false} will be returned.
public boolean isPropertyValueTrue(String key, boolean cached) {
return (boolean) SharedProperties.getBooleanValueForStringValue((String) getPropertyValue(key, null, cached), false);
* A function to check if the value is {@code false} for {@link Properties} key read from
* the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* @param key The key to read.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the value is checked from the the {@link Properties} in-memory cache.
* Otherwise the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the file
* and value is checked from it.
* @return Returns {@code true} if the {@link Properties} key {@link String} value equals "false",
* regardless of case. If the key does not exist in the file or does not equal "false", then
* {@code true} will be returned.
public boolean isPropertyValueFalse(String key, boolean cached) {
return (boolean) SharedProperties.getInvertedBooleanValueForStringValue((String) getPropertyValue(key, null, cached), true);
* Get the internal value {@link Object} {@link HashMap <>} in-memory cache for the
* {@link #mPropertiesFile} file. A call to {@link #loadTermuxPropertiesFromDisk()} must be made
* before this.
* @return Returns a copy of {@link Map} object.
public Map<String, Object> getInternalProperties() {
return mSharedProperties.getInternalProperties();
* Get the internal {@link Object} value for the key passed from the {@link #mPropertiesFile} file.
* If cache is {@code true}, then value is returned from the {@link HashMap <>} in-memory cache,
* so a call to {@link #loadTermuxPropertiesFromDisk()} must be made before this.
* @param key The key to read from the {@link HashMap<>} in-memory cache.
* @param cached If {@code true}, then the value is returned from the the {@link HashMap <>} in-memory cache,
* but if the value is null, then an attempt is made to return the default value.
* If {@code false}, then the {@link Properties} object is read directly from the file
* and internal value is returned for the property value against the key.
* @return Returns the {@link Object} object. This will be {@code null} if key is not found or
* the object stored against the key is {@code null}.
public Object getInternalPropertyValue(String key, boolean cached) {
Object value;
if (cached) {
value = mSharedProperties.getInternalProperty(key);
// If the value is not null since key was found or if the value was null since the
// object stored for the key was itself null, we detect the later by checking if the key
// exists in the map.
if (value != null || mSharedProperties.getInternalProperties().containsKey(key)) {
return value;
} else {
// This should not happen normally unless mMap was modified after the
// {@link #loadTermuxPropertiesFromDisk()} call
// A null value can still be returned by
// {@link #getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context,String,String)} for some keys
value = getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(mContext, key, null);
Logger.logWarn(LOG_TAG, "The value for \"" + key + "\" not found in SharedProperties cahce, force returning default value: `" + value + "`");
return value;
} else {
// We get the property value directly from file and return its internal value
return getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(mContext, key, mSharedProperties.getProperty(key, false));
* Override the
* {@link SharedPropertiesParser#getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context,String,String)}
* interface function.
public Object getInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context context, String key, String value) {
return getInternalTermuxPropertyValueFromValue(context, key, value);
* A static function that should return the internal termux {@link Object} for a key/value pair
* read from properties file.
* @param context The context for operations.
* @param key The key for which the internal object is required.
* @param value The literal value for the property found is the properties file.
* @return Returns the internal termux {@link Object} object.
public static Object getInternalTermuxPropertyValueFromValue(Context context, String key, String value) {
if (key == null) return null;
For keys where a MAP_* is checked by respective functions. Note that value to this function
would actually be the key for the MAP_*:
- If the value is currently null, then searching MAP_* should also return null and internal default value will be used.
- If the value is not null and does not exist in MAP_*, then internal default value will be used.
- If the value is not null and does exist in MAP_*, then internal value returned by map will be used.
switch (key) {
// boolean
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_BACK_KEY_AS_ESCAPE_KEY:
return (boolean) getUseBackKeyAsEscapeKeyInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_BLACK_UI:
return (boolean) getUseBlackUIInternalPropertyValueFromValue(context, value);
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_VIRTUAL_VOLUME_KEYS_DISABLED:
return (boolean) getVolumeKeysDisabledInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
// int
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_BELL_BEHAVIOUR:
return (int) getBellBehaviourInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
// float
return (float) getTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactorInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
// Integer (may be null)
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_SHORTCUT_CREATE_SESSION:
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_SHORTCUT_NEXT_SESSION:
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_SHORTCUT_PREVIOUS_SESSION:
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_SHORTCUT_RENAME_SESSION:
return (Integer) getCodePointForSessionShortcuts(key, value);
// String (may be null)
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY:
return (String) getDefaultWorkingDirectoryInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_EXTRA_KEYS:
return (String) getExtraKeysInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
case TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_EXTRA_KEYS_STYLE:
return (String) getExtraKeysStyleInternalPropertyValueFromValue(value);
// default boolean behaviour
return (boolean) SharedProperties.getBooleanValueForStringValue(value, false);
// default inverted boolean behaviour
return (boolean) SharedProperties.getInvertedBooleanValueForStringValue(value, true);
// just use String object as is (may be null)
return value;
* Returns {@code true} if value is not {@code null} and equals {@link TermuxPropertyConstants#VALUE_BACK_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_ESCAPE}, otherwise false.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static boolean getUseBackKeyAsEscapeKeyInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(value, TermuxPropertyConstants.VALUE_BACK_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_BACK).equals(TermuxPropertyConstants.VALUE_BACK_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_ESCAPE);
* Returns {@code true} or {@code false} if value is the literal string "true" or "false" respectively regardless of case.
* Otherwise returns {@code true} if the night mode is currently enabled in the system.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static boolean getUseBlackUIInternalPropertyValueFromValue(Context context, String value) {
int nightMode = context.getResources().getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK;
return SharedProperties.getBooleanValueForStringValue(value, nightMode == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES);
* Returns {@code true} if value is not {@code null} and equals
* {@link TermuxPropertyConstants#VALUE_VOLUME_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_VOLUME}, otherwise {@code false}.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static boolean getVolumeKeysDisabledInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(value, TermuxPropertyConstants.VALUE_VOLUME_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_VIRTUAL).equals(TermuxPropertyConstants.VALUE_VOLUME_KEY_BEHAVIOUR_VOLUME);
* Returns the internal value after mapping it based on
* {@code TermuxPropertyConstants#MAP_BELL_BEHAVIOUR} if the value is not {@code null}
* and is valid, otherwise returns {@code TermuxPropertyConstants#DEFAULT_IVALUE_BELL_BEHAVIOUR}.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static int getBellBehaviourInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(TermuxPropertyConstants.MAP_BELL_BEHAVIOUR.get(SharedProperties.toLowerCase(value)), TermuxPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_IVALUE_BELL_BEHAVIOUR);
* Returns the int for the value if its not null and is between
* otherwise returns {@code TermuxPropertyConstants#DEFAULT_IVALUE_TERMINAL_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR}.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static float getTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactorInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return rangeTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactorValue(DataUtils.getFloatFromString(value, TermuxPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_IVALUE_TERMINAL_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR));
* Returns the value itself if it is between
* otherwise returns {@code TermuxPropertyConstants#DEFAULT_IVALUE_TERMINAL_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR}.
* @param value The value to clamp.
* @return Returns the clamped value.
public static float rangeTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactorValue(float value) {
return DataUtils.rangedOrDefault(value,
* Returns the code point for the value if key is not {@code null} and value is not {@code null} and is valid,
* otherwise returns {@code null}.
* @param key The key for session shortcut.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static Integer getCodePointForSessionShortcuts(String key, String value) {
if (key == null) return null;
if (value == null) return null;
String[] parts = value.toLowerCase().trim().split("\\+");
String input = parts.length == 2 ? parts[1].trim() : null;
if (!(parts.length == 2 && parts[0].trim().equals("ctrl")) || input.isEmpty() || input.length() > 2) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Keyboard shortcut '" + key + "' is not Ctrl+<something>");
return null;
char c = input.charAt(0);
int codePoint = c;
if (Character.isLowSurrogate(c)) {
if (input.length() != 2 || Character.isHighSurrogate(input.charAt(1))) {
Logger.logError(LOG_TAG, "Keyboard shortcut '" + key + "' is not Ctrl+<something>");
return null;
} else {
codePoint = Character.toCodePoint(input.charAt(1), c);
return codePoint;
* Returns the path itself if a directory exists at it and is readable, otherwise returns
* @param path The {@link String} path to check.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static String getDefaultWorkingDirectoryInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String path) {
if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) return TermuxPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_IVALUE_DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY;
File workDir = new File(path);
if (!workDir.exists() || !workDir.isDirectory() || !workDir.canRead()) {
// Fallback to default directory if user configured working directory does not exist
// or is not a directory or is not readable.
} else {
return path;
* Returns the value itself if it is not {@code null}, otherwise returns {@link TermuxPropertyConstants#DEFAULT_IVALUE_EXTRA_KEYS}.
* @param value The {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static String getExtraKeysInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(value, TermuxPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_IVALUE_EXTRA_KEYS);
* Returns the value itself if it is not {@code null}, otherwise returns {@link TermuxPropertyConstants#DEFAULT_IVALUE_EXTRA_KEYS_STYLE}.
* @param value {@link String} value to convert.
* @return Returns the internal value for value.
public static String getExtraKeysStyleInternalPropertyValueFromValue(String value) {
return SharedProperties.getDefaultIfNull(value, TermuxPropertyConstants.DEFAULT_IVALUE_EXTRA_KEYS_STYLE);
public boolean isEnforcingCharBasedInput() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_ENFORCE_CHAR_BASED_INPUT, true);
public boolean shouldSoftKeyboardBeHiddenOnStartup() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_HIDE_SOFT_KEYBOARD_ON_STARTUP, true);
public boolean isBackKeyTheEscapeKey() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_BACK_KEY_AS_ESCAPE_KEY, true);
public boolean isUsingBlackUI() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_BLACK_UI, true);
public boolean isUsingCtrlSpaceWorkaround() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_CTRL_SPACE_WORKAROUND, true);
public boolean isUsingFullScreen() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_FULLSCREEN, true);
public boolean isUsingFullScreenWorkAround() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_USE_FULLSCREEN_WORKAROUND, true);
public boolean areVirtualVolumeKeysDisabled() {
return (boolean) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_VIRTUAL_VOLUME_KEYS_DISABLED, true);
public int getBellBehaviour() {
return (int) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_BELL_BEHAVIOUR, true);
public float getTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactor() {
return rangeTerminalToolbarHeightScaleFactorValue((float) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_TERMINAL_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT_SCALE_FACTOR, true));
public String getDefaultWorkingDirectory() {
return (String) getInternalPropertyValue(TermuxPropertyConstants.KEY_DEFAULT_WORKING_DIRECTORY, true);
public void dumpPropertiesToLog() {
Properties properties = getProperties(true);
StringBuilder propertiesDump = new StringBuilder();
propertiesDump.append("Termux Properties:");
if (properties != null) {
for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
propertiesDump.append("\n").append(key).append(": `").append(properties.get(key)).append("`");
} else {
propertiesDump.append(" null");
Logger.logVerbose(LOG_TAG, propertiesDump.toString());
public void dumpInternalPropertiesToLog() {
HashMap<String, Object> internalProperties = (HashMap<String, Object>) getInternalProperties();
StringBuilder internalPropertiesDump = new StringBuilder();
internalPropertiesDump.append("Termux Internal Properties:");
if (internalProperties != null) {
for (String key : internalProperties.keySet()) {
internalPropertiesDump.append("\n").append(key).append(": `").append(internalProperties.get(key)).append("`");
Logger.logVerbose(LOG_TAG, internalPropertiesDump.toString());