agnostic-apollo b950efec27 Added: Add support for `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGER` and `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_VARIANT` to build APKs with different package manager configurations
The `TermuxBootstrap` class has been added that defines the `PackageManager` and `PackageVariant` classes for the supported package manager configurations for the app. The variant is defined by the `project.ext.packageVariant` value in the `app/build.gradle` and its value is used by the `build.gradle` to pack its respective bootstrap zips in the app APK at build time and the value is used to set `TermuxBootstrap.TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGER` and `TermuxBootstrap.TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_VARIANT` static values that are used at runtime by the app to run variant specific code. The manager is automatically extracted from the variant as the substring before first dash `-`.

The default variant is `apt-android-7` and it can either be replaced in `app/build.gradle` manually or the `TERMUX_PACKAGE_VARIANT` env variable can be exported in which the build command is run.

The `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGER` and `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_VARIANT` environmental variables will be exported by the app and they will also be added in Termux app info in about page and reports, allowing users and devs to know which variant is currently installed.

Bootstrap of a different variant must not be manually installed by the user after app installation by replacing `$PREFIX` since app code is dependant on the variant used to build the APK.

Currently, `apt-android-7` and `apt-android-5` variants will be built for by the workflows but they will fail for `apt-android-5` since `build.gradle` support is currently not enabled and will be enabled by a pull request that adds support for Android 5. The workflow needs to try to build the `apt-android-5` variant so that pull request builds are generated.
2022-04-28 09:33:20 +05:00
main Added: Add support for `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_MANAGER` and `TERMUX_APP_PACKAGE_VARIANT` to build APKs with different package manager configurations 2022-04-28 09:33:20 +05:00
test/java/com/termux Changed: Move UrlUtils to TermuxUrlUtils 2022-01-23 01:36:41 +05:00