
378 lines
20 KiB

package com.termux.shared.file;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Environment;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger;
import com.termux.shared.markdown.MarkdownUtils;
import com.termux.shared.models.ExecutionCommand;
import com.termux.shared.models.errors.Error;
import com.termux.shared.models.errors.FileUtilsErrno;
import com.termux.shared.shell.TermuxShellEnvironmentClient;
import com.termux.shared.shell.TermuxTask;
import com.termux.shared.termux.AndroidUtils;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class TermuxFileUtils {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "TermuxFileUtils";
* Replace "$PREFIX/" or "~/" prefix with termux absolute paths.
* @param paths The {@code paths} to expand.
* @return Returns the {@code expand paths}.
public static List<String> getExpandedTermuxPaths(List<String> paths) {
if (paths == null) return null;
List<String> expandedPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
return expandedPaths;
* Replace "$PREFIX/" or "~/" prefix with termux absolute paths.
* @param path The {@code path} to expand.
* @return Returns the {@code expand path}.
public static String getExpandedTermuxPath(String path) {
if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
path = path.replaceAll("^\\$PREFIX$", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH);
path = path.replaceAll("^\\$PREFIX/", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH + "/");
path = path.replaceAll("^~/$", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH);
path = path.replaceAll("^~/", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH + "/");
return path;
* Replace termux absolute paths with "$PREFIX/" or "~/" prefix.
* @param paths The {@code paths} to unexpand.
* @return Returns the {@code unexpand paths}.
public static List<String> getUnExpandedTermuxPaths(List<String> paths) {
if (paths == null) return null;
List<String> unExpandedPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
return unExpandedPaths;
* Replace termux absolute paths with "$PREFIX/" or "~/" prefix.
* @param path The {@code path} to unexpand.
* @return Returns the {@code unexpand path}.
public static String getUnExpandedTermuxPath(String path) {
if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
path = path.replaceAll("^" + Pattern.quote(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH) + "/", "\\$PREFIX/");
path = path.replaceAll("^" + Pattern.quote(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH) + "/", "~/");
return path;
* Get canonical path.
* @param path The {@code path} to convert.
* @param prefixForNonAbsolutePath Optional prefix path to prefix before non-absolute paths. This
* can be set to {@code null} if non-absolute paths should
* be prefixed with "/". The call to {@link File#getCanonicalPath()}
* will automatically do this anyways.
* @param expandPath The {@code boolean} that decides if input path is first attempted to be expanded by calling
* {@link TermuxFileUtils#getExpandedTermuxPath(String)} before its passed to
* {@link FileUtils#getCanonicalPath(String, String)}.
* @return Returns the {@code canonical path}.
public static String getCanonicalPath(String path, final String prefixForNonAbsolutePath, final boolean expandPath) {
if (path == null) path = "";
if (expandPath)
path = getExpandedTermuxPath(path);
return FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(path, prefixForNonAbsolutePath);
* Check if {@code path} is under the allowed termux working directory paths. If it is, then
* allowed parent path is returned.
* @param path The {@code path} to check.
* @return Returns the allowed path if it {@code path} is under it, otherwise {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH}.
public static String getMatchedAllowedTermuxWorkingDirectoryParentPathForPath(String path) {
if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) return TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH;
if (path.startsWith(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_STORAGE_HOME_DIR_PATH + "/")) {
return TermuxConstants.TERMUX_STORAGE_HOME_DIR_PATH;
} if (path.startsWith(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/")) {
return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
} else if (path.startsWith("/sdcard/")) {
return "/sdcard";
} else {
return TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH;
* Validate the existence and permissions of directory file at path as a working directory for
* termux app.
* The creation of missing directory and setting of missing permissions will only be done if
* {@code path} is under paths returned by {@link #getMatchedAllowedTermuxWorkingDirectoryParentPathForPath(String)}.
* The permissions set to directory will be {@link FileUtils#APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS}.
* @param label The optional label for the directory file. This can optionally be {@code null}.
* @param filePath The {@code path} for file to validate or create. Symlinks will not be followed.
* @param createDirectoryIfMissing The {@code boolean} that decides if directory file
* should be created if its missing.
* @param setPermissions The {@code boolean} that decides if permissions are to be
* automatically set defined by {@code permissionsToCheck}.
* @param setMissingPermissionsOnly The {@code boolean} that decides if only missing permissions
* are to be set or if they should be overridden.
* @param ignoreErrorsIfPathIsInParentDirPath The {@code boolean} that decides if existence
* and permission errors are to be ignored if path is
* in {@code parentDirPath}.
* @param ignoreIfNotExecutable The {@code boolean} that decides if missing executable permission
* error is to be ignored. This allows making an attempt to set
* executable permissions, but ignoring if it fails.
* @return Returns the {@code error} if path is not a directory file, failed to create it,
* or validating permissions failed, otherwise {@code null}.
public static Error validateDirectoryFileExistenceAndPermissions(String label, final String filePath, final boolean createDirectoryIfMissing,
final boolean setPermissions, final boolean setMissingPermissionsOnly,
final boolean ignoreErrorsIfPathIsInParentDirPath, final boolean ignoreIfNotExecutable) {
return FileUtils.validateDirectoryFileExistenceAndPermissions(label, filePath,
TermuxFileUtils.getMatchedAllowedTermuxWorkingDirectoryParentPathForPath(filePath), createDirectoryIfMissing,
FileUtils.APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS, setPermissions, setMissingPermissionsOnly,
ignoreErrorsIfPathIsInParentDirPath, ignoreIfNotExecutable);
* Validate if {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH} exists and has
* {@link FileUtils#APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS} permissions.
* This is required because binaries compiled for termux are hard coded with
* {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH} and the path must be accessible.
* The permissions set to directory will be {@link FileUtils#APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS}.
* This function does not create the directory manually but by calling {@link Context#getFilesDir()}
* so that android itself creates it. However, the call will not create its parent package
* data directory `/data/user/0/[package_name]` if it does not already exist and a `logcat`
* error will be logged by android.
* {@code Failed to ensure /data/user/0/<package_name>/files: mkdir failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)}
* An android app normally can't create the package data directory since its parent `/data/user/0`
* is owned by `system` user and is normally created at app install or update time and not at app startup.
* Note that the path returned by {@link Context#getFilesDir()} may
* be under `/data/user/[id]/[package_name]` instead of `/data/data/[package_name]`
* defined by default by {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH} where id will be 0 for
* primary user and a higher number for other users/profiles. If app is running under work profile
* or secondary user, then {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH} will not be accessible
* and will not be automatically created, unless there is a bind mount from `/data/data` to
* `/data/user/[id]`, ideally in the right namespace.
* https://source.android.com/devices/tech/admin/multi-user
* On Android version `<=10`, the `/data/user/0` is a symlink to `/data/data` directory.
* https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-10.0.0_r47:system/core/rootdir/init.rc;l=589
* {@code
* symlink /data/data /data/user/0
* }
* {@code
* /system/bin/ls -lhd /data/data /data/user/0
* drwxrwx--x 179 system system 8.0K 2021-xx-xx xx:xx /data/data
* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2021-xx-xx xx:xx /data/user/0 -> /data/data
* }
* On Android version `>=11`, the `/data/data` directory is bind mounted at `/data/user/0`.
* https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-11.0.0_r40:system/core/rootdir/init.rc;l=705
* https://cs.android.com/android/_/android/platform/system/core/+/3cca270e95ca8d8bc8b800e2b5d7da1825fd7100
* {@code
* # Unlink /data/user/0 if we previously symlink it to /data/data
* rm /data/user/0
* # Bind mount /data/user/0 to /data/data
* mkdir /data/user/0 0700 system system encryption=None
* mount none /data/data /data/user/0 bind rec
* }
* {@code
* /system/bin/grep -E '( /data )|( /data/data )|( /data/user/[0-9]+ )' /proc/self/mountinfo 2>&1 | /system/bin/grep -v '/data_mirror' 2>&1
* 87 32 253:5 / /data rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime shared:27 - ext4 /dev/block/dm-5 rw,seclabel,resgid=1065,errors=panic
* 91 87 253:5 /data /data/user/0 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime shared:27 - ext4 /dev/block/dm-5 rw,seclabel,resgid=1065,errors=panic
* }
* The column 4 defines the root of the mount within the filesystem.
* Basically, `/dev/block/dm-5/` is mounted at `/data` and `/dev/block/dm-5/data` is mounted at
* `/data/user/0`.
* https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt (section 3.5)
* https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/sharedsubtree.txt
* https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/571959
* Also note that running `/system/bin/ls -lhd /data/user/0/com.termux` as secondary user will result
* in `ls: /data/user/0/com.termux: Permission denied` where `0` is primary user id but running
* `/system/bin/ls -lhd /data/user/10/com.termux` will result in
* `drwx------ 6 u10_a149 u10_a149 4.0K 2021-xx-xx xx:xx /data/user/10/com.termux` where `10` is
* secondary user id. So can't stat directory (not contents) of primary user from secondary user
* but can the other way around. However, this is happening on android 10 avd, but not on android
* 11 avd.
* @param context The {@link Context} for operations.
* @param createDirectoryIfMissing The {@code boolean} that decides if directory file
* should be created if its missing.
* @param setMissingPermissions The {@code boolean} that decides if permissions are to be
* automatically set.
* @return Returns the {@code error} if path is not a directory file, failed to create it,
* or validating permissions failed, otherwise {@code null}.
public static Error isTermuxFilesDirectoryAccessible(@NonNull final Context context, boolean createDirectoryIfMissing, boolean setMissingPermissions) {
if (createDirectoryIfMissing)
if (!FileUtils.directoryFileExists(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH, true))
return FileUtilsErrno.ERRNO_FILE_NOT_FOUND_AT_PATH.getError("termux files directory", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH);
if (setMissingPermissions)
FileUtils.setMissingFilePermissions("termux files directory", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH,
return FileUtils.checkMissingFilePermissions("termux files directory", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH,
* Validate if {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH} exists and has
* {@link FileUtils#APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS} permissions.
* .
* The {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH} directory would not exist if termux has
* not been installed or the bootstrap setup has not been run or if it was deleted by the user.
* @param createDirectoryIfMissing The {@code boolean} that decides if directory file
* should be created if its missing.
* @param setMissingPermissions The {@code boolean} that decides if permissions are to be
* automatically set.
* @return Returns the {@code error} if path is not a directory file, failed to create it,
* or validating permissions failed, otherwise {@code null}.
public static Error isTermuxPrefixDirectoryAccessible(boolean createDirectoryIfMissing, boolean setMissingPermissions) {
return FileUtils.validateDirectoryFileExistenceAndPermissions("termux prefix directory", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH,
null, createDirectoryIfMissing,
FileUtils.APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS, setMissingPermissions, true,
false, false);
* Validate if {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_STAGING_PREFIX_DIR_PATH} exists and has
* {@link FileUtils#APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS} permissions.
* @param createDirectoryIfMissing The {@code boolean} that decides if directory file
* should be created if its missing.
* @param setMissingPermissions The {@code boolean} that decides if permissions are to be
* automatically set.
* @return Returns the {@code error} if path is not a directory file, failed to create it,
* or validating permissions failed, otherwise {@code null}.
public static Error isTermuxPrefixStagingDirectoryAccessible(boolean createDirectoryIfMissing, boolean setMissingPermissions) {
return FileUtils.validateDirectoryFileExistenceAndPermissions("termux prefix staging directory", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_STAGING_PREFIX_DIR_PATH,
null, createDirectoryIfMissing,
FileUtils.APP_WORKING_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS, setMissingPermissions, true,
false, false);
* Get a markdown {@link String} for stat output for various Termux app files paths.
* @param context The context for operations.
* @return Returns the markdown {@link String}.
public static String getTermuxFilesStatMarkdownString(@NonNull final Context context) {
Context termuxPackageContext = TermuxUtils.getTermuxPackageContext(context);
if (termuxPackageContext == null) return null;
// Also ensures that termux files directory is created if it does not already exist
String filesDir = termuxPackageContext.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
// Build script
StringBuilder statScript = new StringBuilder();
.append("echo 'ls info:'\n")
.append("/system/bin/ls -lhdZ")
.append(" '/data/data'")
.append(" '/data/user/0'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_INTERNAL_PRIVATE_APP_DATA_DIR_PATH + "'")
.append(" '/data/user/0/" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME + "'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH + "'")
.append(" '" + filesDir + "'")
.append(" '/data/user/0/" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME + "/files'")
.append(" '/data/user/" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME + "/files'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_STAGING_PREFIX_DIR_PATH + "'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH + "'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH + "'")
.append(" '" + TermuxConstants.TERMUX_BIN_PREFIX_DIR_PATH + "/login'")
.append(" 2>&1")
.append("\necho; echo 'mount info:'\n")
.append("/system/bin/grep -E '( /data )|( /data/data )|( /data/user/[0-9]+ )' /proc/self/mountinfo 2>&1 | /system/bin/grep -v '/data_mirror' 2>&1");
// Run script
ExecutionCommand executionCommand = new ExecutionCommand(1, "/system/bin/sh", null, statScript.toString() + "\n", "/", true, true);
executionCommand.commandLabel = TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP_NAME + " Files Stat Command";
executionCommand.backgroundCustomLogLevel = Logger.LOG_LEVEL_OFF;
TermuxTask termuxTask = TermuxTask.execute(context, executionCommand, null, new TermuxShellEnvironmentClient(), true);
if (termuxTask == null || !executionCommand.isSuccessful()) {
Logger.logErrorExtended(LOG_TAG, executionCommand.toString());
return null;
// Build script output
StringBuilder statOutput = new StringBuilder();
statOutput.append("$ ").append(statScript.toString());
boolean stderrSet = !executionCommand.resultData.stderr.toString().isEmpty();
if (executionCommand.resultData.exitCode != 0 || stderrSet) {
Logger.logErrorExtended(LOG_TAG, executionCommand.toString());
if (stderrSet)
statOutput.append("\n").append("exit code: ").append(executionCommand.resultData.exitCode.toString());
// Build markdown output
StringBuilder markdownString = new StringBuilder();
markdownString.append("## ").append(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP_NAME).append(" Files Info\n\n");
AndroidUtils.appendPropertyToMarkdown(markdownString,"TERMUX_REQUIRED_FILES_DIR_PATH ($PREFIX)", TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH);
AndroidUtils.appendPropertyToMarkdown(markdownString,"ANDROID_ASSIGNED_FILES_DIR_PATH", filesDir);
markdownString.append("\n\n").append(MarkdownUtils.getMarkdownCodeForString(statOutput.toString(), true));
return markdownString.toString();