TERMUX_PKG_HOMEPAGE=https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/ TERMUX_PKG_DESCRIPTION="A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces" TERMUX_PKG_LICENSE="ZLIB" TERMUX_PKG_MAINTAINER="@termux" _COMMIT=633dc522f5114f6d473c910dace62e8ca27a1f7d _COMMIT_DATE=20220527 TERMUX_PKG_VERSION=1.2.12-p${_COMMIT_DATE} TERMUX_PKG_REVISION=1 TERMUX_PKG_SRCURL=https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_image.git TERMUX_PKG_GIT_BRANCH=SDL-1.2 TERMUX_PKG_DEPENDS="libjpeg-turbo, liblzma, libpng, libtiff, libwebp, sdl, zlib, zstd" termux_step_post_get_source() { git fetch --unshallow git checkout $_COMMIT local pdate="p$(git log -1 --format=%cs | sed 's/-//g')" if [[ "$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION" != *"${pdate}" ]]; then echo -n "ERROR: The version string \"$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION\" is" echo -n " different from what is expected to be; should end" echo " with \"${pdate}\"." return 1 fi }