From 1c929c958994f0835b386e7eb0d1161b96753bcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Case Duckworth Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 19:37:00 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Fuckin --- aoc7.awk | 1 + aoc7.dat | 594 ++++++++++++++++++ | 1846 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 3 files changed, 2440 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 aoc7.awk create mode 100644 aoc7.dat diff --git a/aoc7.awk b/aoc7.awk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3d8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/aoc7.awk @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# aoc7.awk diff --git a/aoc7.dat b/aoc7.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42edb7a --- /dev/null +++ b/aoc7.dat @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +dotted blue bags contain 5 wavy green bags, 3 pale beige bags. +dull lime bags contain 1 dotted olive bag, 3 dim brown bags. +mirrored magenta bags contain 3 mirrored gray bags, 2 plaid beige bags, 4 dull brown bags, 3 pale plum bags. +posh coral bags contain 2 light blue bags, 2 dotted purple bags, 1 pale fuchsia bag, 2 light cyan bags. +bright orange bags contain 2 shiny chartreuse bags. +plaid salmon bags contain 1 faded coral bag, 4 clear lavender bags, 5 wavy tan bags. +wavy lavender bags contain 2 drab purple bags, 2 light brown bags, 2 wavy tomato bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. +clear indigo bags contain 4 dark magenta bags, 2 shiny brown bags. +posh salmon bags contain 4 dull tomato bags, 3 drab black bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 shiny blue bags. +mirrored coral bags contain 4 faded aqua bags, 2 plaid plum bags, 5 striped tan bags, 5 wavy tomato bags. +dotted purple bags contain 1 faded gold bag. +bright purple bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 3 pale maroon bags, 4 dim coral bags, 2 dark blue bags. +drab olive bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. +dim orange bags contain 1 faded turquoise bag. +drab aqua bags contain 1 faded black bag, 4 clear lavender bags. +bright salmon bags contain 2 bright aqua bags. +dim brown bags contain 1 bright yellow bag, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +clear tan bags contain 2 posh tomato bags, 4 bright tan bags, 1 mirrored gray bag. +faded beige bags contain 2 mirrored olive bags, 5 dark chartreuse bags. +drab chartreuse bags contain 1 shiny white bag. +faded coral bags contain 4 dotted green bags, 2 dim violet bags, 3 striped magenta bags. +vibrant crimson bags contain 5 shiny gray bags, 2 muted black bags, 2 posh brown bags. +mirrored aqua bags contain 5 bright brown bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 3 bright bronze bags, 1 shiny magenta bag. +dotted salmon bags contain 2 muted tan bags, 4 light bronze bags. +vibrant salmon bags contain 5 dull yellow bags, 5 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags, 1 drab tan bag. +vibrant olive bags contain 2 pale white bags, 2 dull coral bags, 1 mirrored magenta bag, 2 clear crimson bags. +shiny plum bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 striped tomato bag, 4 clear indigo bags. +pale fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored indigo bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 striped teal bag, 4 drab salmon bags. +wavy beige bags contain 1 mirrored coral bag, 1 bright plum bag, 2 dark lavender bags. +drab silver bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 5 pale gray bags. +light salmon bags contain 2 drab chartreuse bags, 3 faded gray bags, 3 pale gray bags, 1 clear olive bag. +faded red bags contain 5 dull chartreuse bags, 2 plaid aqua bags. +clear maroon bags contain 2 muted lavender bags. +dull green bags contain 3 pale olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 clear teal bags, 5 dotted plum bags. +striped white bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. +pale coral bags contain 5 dim purple bags, 3 faded silver bags, 3 dim blue bags, 3 dotted brown bags. +drab green bags contain 5 pale teal bags. +posh tomato bags contain 4 drab fuchsia bags, 5 dark brown bags. +shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 dim maroon bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 5 pale purple bags, 3 vibrant gold bags. +dark plum bags contain 4 muted tan bags. +faded green bags contain 4 drab lavender bags. +pale tomato bags contain 3 bright maroon bags, 4 pale turquoise bags, 4 dark gold bags, 3 dull indigo bags. +striped aqua bags contain 1 dull gray bag, 5 dim blue bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. +dotted lavender bags contain 4 pale plum bags, 2 bright coral bags. +light gold bags contain 3 light tan bags, 4 clear indigo bags, 3 shiny tan bags. +striped maroon bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 pale black bag. +plaid black bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags. +dim beige bags contain 1 dim teal bag, 1 muted salmon bag. +mirrored teal bags contain 2 bright coral bags, 4 dotted brown bags, 5 vibrant white bags, 3 clear magenta bags. +faded gold bags contain no other bags. +faded yellow bags contain 1 faded brown bag, 3 clear tomato bags. +bright violet bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 5 dark chartreuse bags, 1 shiny black bag, 3 vibrant yellow bags. +shiny fuchsia bags contain 2 dotted plum bags. +dim aqua bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. +dotted fuchsia bags contain 5 muted blue bags, 1 pale brown bag, 2 shiny salmon bags. +dim fuchsia bags contain 3 muted tomato bags, 2 striped lime bags, 2 clear white bags, 2 striped blue bags. +faded teal bags contain 1 wavy gold bag, 1 clear coral bag, 3 pale crimson bags. +dull plum bags contain 1 bright tan bag, 5 light violet bags, 5 shiny black bags. +light cyan bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 1 dim gray bag, 5 faded white bags. +vibrant cyan bags contain 1 dotted gold bag, 1 mirrored indigo bag. +bright coral bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 3 muted tan bags. +dim chartreuse bags contain 3 pale white bags, 5 faded white bags, 3 mirrored magenta bags, 5 faded black bags. +pale green bags contain 3 faded white bags, 5 dotted lavender bags. +wavy gray bags contain 3 wavy tomato bags, 4 dull gray bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 5 pale beige bags. +dotted cyan bags contain 4 bright white bags. +shiny olive bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dim chartreuse bags, 4 pale gold bags, 1 posh crimson bag. +drab maroon bags contain 3 clear olive bags, 4 dotted blue bags, 4 dim magenta bags. +striped purple bags contain 4 wavy beige bags, 1 pale orange bag, 1 pale brown bag. +dull olive bags contain 2 vibrant yellow bags. +faded tomato bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. +dotted maroon bags contain 2 faded cyan bags, 3 muted tomato bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 3 bright orange bags. +wavy turquoise bags contain 1 drab magenta bag. +plaid green bags contain 1 light blue bag, 1 mirrored silver bag, 5 striped gold bags. +drab indigo bags contain 5 dull aqua bags. +plaid crimson bags contain 1 posh yellow bag, 5 shiny cyan bags. +drab salmon bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 bright violet bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 4 shiny gold bags. +dim turquoise bags contain 5 wavy brown bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags. +pale bronze bags contain 2 dotted bronze bags, 5 dim purple bags, 1 plaid red bag. +striped blue bags contain 5 drab fuchsia bags. +wavy aqua bags contain 5 posh plum bags, 1 striped bronze bag, 4 dark magenta bags. +posh beige bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 3 wavy white bags, 2 mirrored gray bags. +plaid magenta bags contain 4 light olive bags, 3 faded salmon bags. +plaid gray bags contain 1 light indigo bag, 5 muted indigo bags. +mirrored white bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 4 dotted beige bags, 5 dotted salmon bags, 5 muted gold bags. +dull chartreuse bags contain 3 muted gray bags. +faded cyan bags contain 4 light violet bags, 4 faded lime bags, 2 bright silver bags, 3 pale olive bags. +mirrored red bags contain 1 dotted violet bag, 5 bright plum bags, 2 pale violet bags, 4 pale plum bags. +shiny purple bags contain 2 pale magenta bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 3 plaid lavender bags, 1 shiny coral bag, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +shiny lime bags contain 1 posh black bag. +mirrored salmon bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 clear gray bags, 1 dim indigo bag, 4 light brown bags. +dotted violet bags contain 2 pale violet bags. +muted orange bags contain 5 dark coral bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 1 dotted green bag. +bright lime bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 4 plaid lavender bags, 3 dull gold bags. +pale lavender bags contain no other bags. +clear aqua bags contain 2 plaid turquoise bags. +clear white bags contain 4 shiny coral bags, 5 striped gold bags, 2 mirrored magenta bags. +clear chartreuse bags contain 1 posh lime bag. +wavy silver bags contain 3 clear orange bags, 2 clear lavender bags. +posh cyan bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag. +light plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag. +dim lime bags contain 5 bright crimson bags, 3 dark green bags, 2 vibrant green bags, 3 pale maroon bags. +dim coral bags contain 4 muted crimson bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. +pale salmon bags contain 5 wavy orange bags, 4 dotted gold bags, 4 posh brown bags. +faded chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted chartreuse bag, 3 wavy orange bags. +faded olive bags contain 5 pale blue bags, 3 dim yellow bags, 1 dotted gray bag, 2 dim crimson bags. +clear lime bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags, 4 wavy red bags. +bright blue bags contain 3 mirrored violet bags, 3 pale gold bags, 4 drab salmon bags, 5 dull silver bags. +muted maroon bags contain 5 dull salmon bags, 3 dim gray bags. +clear teal bags contain 2 muted tomato bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. +shiny white bags contain 1 posh red bag, 3 dotted red bags. +light magenta bags contain 4 drab olive bags. +vibrant coral bags contain 5 pale lavender bags, 5 plaid red bags. +wavy yellow bags contain 3 vibrant beige bags, 4 muted crimson bags, 4 bright white bags, 1 pale maroon bag. +bright black bags contain 2 striped maroon bags. +plaid lavender bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag. +light crimson bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags. +muted salmon bags contain 2 bright orange bags, 3 dotted plum bags, 3 light magenta bags. +striped teal bags contain 4 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dim maroon bag. +dull bronze bags contain no other bags. +dotted bronze bags contain 1 striped orange bag, 5 shiny cyan bags, 2 muted tan bags. +dark gold bags contain 3 pale plum bags, 3 mirrored olive bags. +mirrored lime bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 light violet bags, 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 3 vibrant yellow bags. +clear violet bags contain 2 drab salmon bags, 4 pale gray bags, 4 striped tan bags, 5 mirrored blue bags. +plaid beige bags contain 3 dull gold bags. +shiny salmon bags contain 3 dark chartreuse bags, 4 bright yellow bags, 5 dark gold bags, 2 muted tomato bags. +dull brown bags contain 1 bright silver bag, 4 muted tan bags. +dull orange bags contain 1 dim bronze bag. +vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dotted violet bags, 3 striped lime bags. +light blue bags contain 2 shiny teal bags, 5 striped orange bags, 5 shiny gray bags. +plaid teal bags contain 4 dark turquoise bags, 4 posh indigo bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. +drab black bags contain 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 dim turquoise bags. +light beige bags contain 3 pale aqua bags. +mirrored gray bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags. +faded black bags contain 4 shiny salmon bags. +light yellow bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag. +bright red bags contain 5 bright bronze bags, 3 dull white bags, 3 dim plum bags, 3 light tan bags. +mirrored lavender bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags. +shiny coral bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 pale lavender bag. +clear bronze bags contain 4 mirrored silver bags, 1 dim coral bag, 3 posh teal bags. +dotted yellow bags contain 1 bright crimson bag, 5 dotted olive bags. +light bronze bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 3 shiny crimson bags. +wavy tomato bags contain 5 dull red bags, 3 wavy cyan bags, 4 dark gold bags. +dotted turquoise bags contain 5 muted silver bags. +posh orange bags contain 2 bright beige bags, 5 vibrant chartreuse bags, 3 drab green bags. +wavy bronze bags contain 1 dark coral bag. +plaid tan bags contain 1 vibrant bronze bag. +wavy red bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 2 pale purple bags, 1 bright tan bag. +dull turquoise bags contain 4 dull crimson bags. +faded brown bags contain 5 muted teal bags. +dark violet bags contain 1 dim gold bag, 1 dim beige bag, 5 dull orange bags. +bright brown bags contain 1 plaid aqua bag, 4 light cyan bags. +dull teal bags contain 4 shiny teal bags. +dotted white bags contain 3 pale black bags, 2 drab black bags, 5 faded fuchsia bags, 1 plaid black bag. +dark magenta bags contain 5 shiny teal bags, 4 pale purple bags. +mirrored maroon bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 2 muted orange bags, 5 pale gray bags, 4 drab green bags. +faded magenta bags contain 1 bright green bag, 5 pale lavender bags, 4 posh fuchsia bags, 2 pale teal bags. +wavy violet bags contain 4 bright indigo bags. +posh gold bags contain 1 bright green bag, 3 dim cyan bags. +muted silver bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy indigo bags, 5 striped turquoise bags, 5 clear blue bags. +muted fuchsia bags contain 2 pale olive bags, 1 light maroon bag, 3 plaid blue bags, 1 light blue bag. +posh turquoise bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 vibrant blue bags, 3 posh fuchsia bags. +dull purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 2 vibrant tomato bags, 2 dim brown bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. +light fuchsia bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 4 striped lime bags, 4 faded white bags. +dull gold bags contain 5 plaid tan bags, 2 light bronze bags, 1 striped tan bag. +wavy olive bags contain 4 vibrant maroon bags, 1 drab salmon bag. +pale beige bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 1 dotted orange bag, 4 dim gray bags. +clear crimson bags contain 4 dull blue bags. +dotted tomato bags contain 5 dotted olive bags. +drab purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags. +plaid red bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 5 pale lavender bags, 3 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dotted plum bag. +posh silver bags contain 5 light olive bags, 5 bright white bags, 5 light violet bags, 4 faded orange bags. +muted teal bags contain 2 wavy violet bags. +light red bags contain 2 dull white bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. +bright crimson bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 2 dotted plum bags. +plaid purple bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 5 light lavender bags. +dark gray bags contain 4 dull plum bags, 5 muted tomato bags, 3 drab brown bags. +vibrant gray bags contain 4 posh black bags. +plaid fuchsia bags contain 1 posh lime bag. +striped chartreuse bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 1 bright purple bag, 1 clear white bag. +dull fuchsia bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 striped olive bags, 2 faded white bags. +muted beige bags contain 4 drab chartreuse bags. +vibrant beige bags contain 4 striped crimson bags. +vibrant indigo bags contain 5 dull plum bags, 1 dull maroon bag, 2 striped white bags. +dull silver bags contain 5 dull white bags, 2 dull gold bags, 4 shiny cyan bags, 4 wavy gold bags. +dim blue bags contain 5 posh yellow bags, 5 dim maroon bags. +posh white bags contain 4 dim teal bags, 4 light brown bags. +mirrored tomato bags contain 1 posh purple bag, 3 striped aqua bags. +light black bags contain 1 mirrored chartreuse bag, 3 muted yellow bags, 4 muted tan bags. +plaid silver bags contain 2 dull beige bags, 5 bright tan bags, 5 posh tomato bags. +shiny violet bags contain 1 plaid beige bag, 3 faded teal bags, 4 dotted tomato bags, 1 shiny orange bag. +dull black bags contain 5 vibrant coral bags, 2 clear orange bags. +dim white bags contain 5 drab brown bags, 2 plaid lavender bags. +wavy salmon bags contain 5 dull white bags, 5 vibrant crimson bags, 2 posh silver bags, 1 dim purple bag. +dark green bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 3 light tomato bags, 1 pale olive bag, 5 pale brown bags. +light chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted silver bag, 3 bright maroon bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 5 bright coral bags. +dim green bags contain 3 wavy bronze bags, 3 bright tan bags, 1 dotted magenta bag. +shiny tan bags contain 3 striped turquoise bags, 4 drab brown bags, 2 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags. +muted lime bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 5 vibrant blue bags. +dark coral bags contain 5 plaid chartreuse bags. +striped fuchsia bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 4 dull gray bags, 5 wavy cyan bags, 2 striped orange bags. +shiny maroon bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 5 dull green bags, 4 shiny cyan bags. +dotted red bags contain 5 light violet bags, 4 plaid chartreuse bags. +dim salmon bags contain 1 dim blue bag, 3 dotted indigo bags, 4 pale crimson bags, 3 drab blue bags. +pale magenta bags contain 5 pale violet bags, 1 dark blue bag. +clear coral bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags, 2 shiny cyan bags, 4 dull red bags. +dim black bags contain 4 dim aqua bags, 5 pale blue bags. +clear cyan bags contain 2 light violet bags, 5 drab salmon bags, 4 dark teal bags. +dull gray bags contain 2 bright lavender bags, 3 pale plum bags, 5 dull plum bags. +dull salmon bags contain 4 posh violet bags, 3 mirrored indigo bags, 3 plaid tomato bags. +pale cyan bags contain 2 pale chartreuse bags, 4 light brown bags, 1 plaid beige bag, 3 light maroon bags. +faded indigo bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 mirrored violet bags. +wavy orange bags contain 3 plaid purple bags. +dim plum bags contain 2 wavy tomato bags. +pale turquoise bags contain 2 faded lime bags. +drab orange bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 plaid tomato bags, 3 dotted blue bags, 5 wavy red bags. +mirrored cyan bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags, 4 dim cyan bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. +vibrant purple bags contain 5 dotted turquoise bags. +posh red bags contain 4 faded turquoise bags, 2 light violet bags. +muted crimson bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags. +drab magenta bags contain 1 dull fuchsia bag. +wavy tan bags contain 1 mirrored plum bag. +vibrant tomato bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 clear fuchsia bags, 5 dark yellow bags. +mirrored gold bags contain 3 muted purple bags, 5 dark indigo bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. +mirrored plum bags contain 3 faded turquoise bags. +muted gray bags contain 4 light bronze bags. +light olive bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 wavy orange bags, 3 clear lavender bags. +faded tan bags contain 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab bronze bag, 5 mirrored plum bags. +posh plum bags contain 4 dotted gold bags, 4 dotted plum bags, 2 vibrant gold bags. +faded maroon bags contain 5 dim red bags. +drab teal bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 2 faded silver bags. +clear black bags contain 2 pale red bags, 3 plaid black bags. +mirrored indigo bags contain 3 dim chartreuse bags, 1 wavy violet bag, 1 dull green bag. +pale teal bags contain 4 wavy indigo bags. +drab cyan bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 5 dim red bags. +striped salmon bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 4 wavy orange bags. +faded bronze bags contain 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 dark green bags. +muted magenta bags contain 2 mirrored beige bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 3 light salmon bags. +wavy plum bags contain 5 light cyan bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. +dark lavender bags contain 2 dim coral bags. +faded lavender bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 3 dim yellow bags. +dark maroon bags contain 5 striped orange bags. +clear fuchsia bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 4 posh red bags, 3 plaid purple bags. +shiny magenta bags contain 2 striped maroon bags, 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 drab lime bags. +wavy coral bags contain 4 posh maroon bags, 5 dim white bags, 5 pale indigo bags, 5 dotted maroon bags. +dark silver bags contain 3 posh plum bags. +shiny blue bags contain 1 wavy indigo bag, 4 dark magenta bags, 4 light turquoise bags. +clear lavender bags contain 1 bright violet bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 2 dim blue bags, 5 posh violet bags. +shiny orange bags contain 2 pale tomato bags, 1 pale teal bag. +mirrored beige bags contain 5 dotted gold bags, 1 faded violet bag, 4 striped gray bags. +bright cyan bags contain 4 muted tomato bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 4 bright yellow bags. +vibrant fuchsia bags contain 4 striped tan bags, 1 dark black bag, 4 plaid olive bags, 2 wavy aqua bags. +pale olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 pale plum bags. +dotted crimson bags contain 3 dim gray bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +vibrant orange bags contain 5 striped orange bags, 3 plaid blue bags. +light brown bags contain 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +muted plum bags contain 1 muted indigo bag, 5 plaid yellow bags, 1 vibrant silver bag, 1 drab turquoise bag. +dotted chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted red bags, 5 light lavender bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 muted tomato bags. +bright chartreuse bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 5 shiny salmon bags, 4 bright plum bags, 2 dark lavender bags. +dim gray bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. +faded fuchsia bags contain 2 muted blue bags, 1 mirrored blue bag, 2 dotted green bags, 5 mirrored olive bags. +striped tomato bags contain 4 dull gray bags, 1 vibrant plum bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. +clear turquoise bags contain 4 light orange bags, 3 faded black bags, 5 mirrored lavender bags, 5 posh white bags. +dotted gray bags contain 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 light lavender bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 4 dull bronze bags. +shiny beige bags contain 3 plaid silver bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags, 2 vibrant lavender bags, 2 wavy olive bags. +pale red bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags. +mirrored silver bags contain 2 vibrant maroon bags, 5 plaid chartreuse bags, 4 vibrant plum bags, 5 faded white bags. +plaid aqua bags contain 5 faded aqua bags, 4 dotted fuchsia bags. +dull yellow bags contain 5 bright turquoise bags, 3 posh plum bags, 1 pale white bag. +faded orange bags contain 3 dotted bronze bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. +wavy green bags contain 1 wavy turquoise bag. +posh tan bags contain 5 striped lavender bags, 4 posh tomato bags. +wavy crimson bags contain 4 pale lavender bags, 2 mirrored tan bags, 5 plaid beige bags. +striped yellow bags contain 3 shiny green bags, 5 dark gold bags, 4 drab teal bags, 3 drab olive bags. +pale plum bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 dotted plum bag, 1 bright yellow bag. +pale yellow bags contain 2 bright green bags, 5 dull beige bags, 3 light coral bags, 3 dull red bags. +striped silver bags contain 1 clear crimson bag, 4 shiny salmon bags. +bright silver bags contain 2 shiny black bags, 3 faded gold bags, 5 bright yellow bags. +shiny red bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 5 shiny beige bags. +posh chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted maroon bags, 5 shiny bronze bags, 1 shiny cyan bag, 3 pale aqua bags. +wavy teal bags contain 4 mirrored plum bags, 4 drab silver bags, 3 pale green bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +posh olive bags contain 2 dim salmon bags, 1 faded black bag, 1 light lime bag. +dark fuchsia bags contain 3 mirrored indigo bags. +dark cyan bags contain 4 muted indigo bags, 4 shiny crimson bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. +posh magenta bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 1 dull turquoise bag. +muted red bags contain 3 light violet bags, 2 dark cyan bags. +vibrant gold bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 pale brown bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 plaid lavender bags. +muted purple bags contain 3 dim blue bags, 3 wavy red bags, 1 clear lavender bag. +dim magenta bags contain 5 muted tan bags, 4 striped olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. +faded plum bags contain 1 faded black bag, 1 muted green bag. +light violet bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 dull bronze bag. +faded salmon bags contain 1 pale salmon bag, 1 light teal bag. +posh black bags contain 2 wavy purple bags. +plaid white bags contain 1 shiny salmon bag, 3 posh purple bags. +mirrored green bags contain 3 bright tan bags, 1 plaid white bag, 3 mirrored plum bags. +dark red bags contain 2 bright purple bags, 2 muted white bags, 5 drab cyan bags, 5 plaid olive bags. +vibrant teal bags contain 5 striped olive bags, 1 pale olive bag. +dotted green bags contain 3 dark cyan bags. +dark indigo bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 drab white bags, 2 muted purple bags, 2 plaid silver bags. +drab tan bags contain 3 dotted gray bags, 2 faded black bags, 1 dull brown bag, 2 drab salmon bags. +vibrant chartreuse bags contain 5 pale brown bags. +mirrored olive bags contain 2 dim blue bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 4 light lavender bags. +light silver bags contain 3 drab orange bags, 5 light plum bags, 2 dotted olive bags. +light indigo bags contain 4 pale yellow bags, 1 vibrant violet bag, 4 dull cyan bags, 5 dotted tomato bags. +pale orange bags contain 4 pale silver bags, 4 vibrant tomato bags. +vibrant bronze bags contain 5 dark yellow bags. +dull beige bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 light lavender bags, 3 shiny coral bags. +bright gray bags contain 3 bright silver bags. +vibrant green bags contain 4 muted tan bags, 3 light lavender bags, 5 light magenta bags. +plaid violet bags contain 4 bright lime bags, 2 mirrored olive bags, 4 faded blue bags. +striped bronze bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag. +dim crimson bags contain 3 bright yellow bags, 1 dull gray bag. +posh purple bags contain 3 light fuchsia bags, 5 pale black bags, 5 wavy orange bags, 3 drab blue bags. +clear beige bags contain 4 plaid black bags. +striped gray bags contain 2 pale green bags, 4 light fuchsia bags. +plaid olive bags contain 2 mirrored gray bags. +muted green bags contain 1 plaid coral bag. +clear salmon bags contain 4 muted black bags, 1 bright white bag, 1 drab tomato bag, 2 shiny orange bags. +dark aqua bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag. +drab tomato bags contain 5 dim chartreuse bags. +wavy magenta bags contain 3 posh brown bags. +dull crimson bags contain 1 mirrored tan bag, 4 dotted crimson bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags. +plaid turquoise bags contain 1 dark bronze bag, 4 bright maroon bags. +dim cyan bags contain 4 plaid red bags, 4 bright silver bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. +faded blue bags contain 3 plaid salmon bags, 3 clear cyan bags, 1 wavy aqua bag, 4 mirrored teal bags. +light orange bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags, 3 shiny maroon bags, 4 dim teal bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags. +bright white bags contain 5 drab chartreuse bags. +clear red bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 1 light cyan bag. +drab gold bags contain 4 plaid violet bags, 5 muted gold bags. +muted chartreuse bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag, 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 5 posh black bags. +mirrored black bags contain 1 dim white bag, 1 clear gold bag. +bright indigo bags contain 1 vibrant gold bag, 2 pale purple bags. +muted indigo bags contain 2 dull plum bags. +striped tan bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. +dim tan bags contain 2 dim red bags, 4 light violet bags, 1 clear beige bag. +muted tomato bags contain 1 faded gold bag, 2 bright yellow bags, 3 dotted plum bags. +vibrant turquoise bags contain 2 light tan bags, 4 wavy salmon bags, 1 dark tan bag, 1 dull tan bag. +dotted magenta bags contain 4 plaid blue bags, 1 plaid turquoise bag, 5 striped silver bags. +dark orange bags contain 3 faded bronze bags. +light tomato bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 1 pale brown bag, 4 bright violet bags. +dim teal bags contain 5 dull brown bags. +muted lavender bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. +bright beige bags contain 3 muted black bags, 4 bright blue bags. +light purple bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 2 shiny aqua bags. +plaid blue bags contain 4 dull beige bags, 3 dull brown bags, 3 dotted crimson bags. +striped lavender bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags. +bright tomato bags contain 1 posh violet bag, 3 shiny aqua bags. +wavy indigo bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags, 1 faded turquoise bag, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 bright gray bags. +pale black bags contain 5 bright silver bags, 3 mirrored turquoise bags. +mirrored turquoise bags contain no other bags. +bright plum bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags. +shiny yellow bags contain 1 clear gold bag. +plaid bronze bags contain 1 dotted teal bag, 3 faded white bags, 2 shiny green bags. +striped beige bags contain 3 vibrant teal bags. +wavy cyan bags contain 5 posh yellow bags. +light tan bags contain 2 vibrant red bags. +pale brown bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 drab turquoise bag. +bright teal bags contain 3 dark green bags, 2 dull white bags. +drab yellow bags contain 5 dotted purple bags. +shiny cyan bags contain 4 vibrant yellow bags. +vibrant silver bags contain 5 mirrored yellow bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. +clear plum bags contain 4 pale lavender bags. +posh teal bags contain 2 muted tan bags. +striped crimson bags contain 1 dull plum bag, 2 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 dim maroon bags, 3 bright yellow bags. +dull lavender bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 5 pale silver bags, 5 dim salmon bags, 4 muted salmon bags. +posh indigo bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 5 dark green bags, 5 dark blue bags. +wavy blue bags contain 5 muted yellow bags. +dull magenta bags contain 5 pale brown bags. +mirrored bronze bags contain 3 posh turquoise bags. +posh aqua bags contain 1 dim white bag, 2 clear tomato bags, 2 pale maroon bags. +pale purple bags contain 2 dotted fuchsia bags. +mirrored chartreuse bags contain 5 plaid yellow bags, 5 posh tan bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 3 drab green bags. +dotted black bags contain 5 muted aqua bags, 1 wavy lime bag, 2 bright lime bags. +plaid chartreuse bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 faded gold bags, 1 pale lavender bag. +dotted plum bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 4 dim blue bags. +clear gold bags contain 2 bright tan bags, 5 wavy teal bags. +dark crimson bags contain 4 bright teal bags, 2 wavy gray bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag. +faded gray bags contain 2 mirrored magenta bags. +dim gold bags contain 3 drab white bags. +clear green bags contain 2 pale beige bags. +dotted gold bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. +striped lime bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. +clear brown bags contain 4 dark olive bags, 2 striped yellow bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dotted plum bags. +striped gold bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 3 posh tomato bags, 4 light magenta bags. +muted brown bags contain 1 clear gold bag. +plaid tomato bags contain 4 plaid plum bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags. +dark salmon bags contain 5 pale plum bags, 3 striped lime bags, 4 dotted gray bags. +drab brown bags contain 1 wavy orange bag, 4 dark cyan bags, 1 drab white bag. +pale gray bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 1 bright yellow bag. +plaid maroon bags contain 1 pale coral bag. +dim violet bags contain 5 wavy blue bags, 4 shiny coral bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 posh yellow bags. +faded white bags contain 2 pale plum bags. +mirrored orange bags contain 3 striped maroon bags, 1 dull bronze bag, 2 pale aqua bags. +wavy black bags contain 1 faded violet bag, 1 plaid purple bag, 5 dim coral bags, 2 mirrored plum bags. +dim silver bags contain 2 muted brown bags, 1 posh plum bag. +dark tomato bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 3 vibrant lime bags, 3 drab silver bags. +dotted silver bags contain 2 dotted red bags. +muted yellow bags contain 4 drab purple bags, 3 striped olive bags. +shiny lavender bags contain 5 plaid purple bags, 2 vibrant crimson bags, 4 dull olive bags. +clear tomato bags contain 4 shiny bronze bags. +dark turquoise bags contain 5 dim brown bags. +drab coral bags contain 3 dull orange bags. +dotted beige bags contain 1 wavy lavender bag, 5 dull orange bags, 4 dull lime bags, 3 dull blue bags. +dark teal bags contain 3 muted indigo bags, 5 dark gold bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 plaid tan bags. +light lavender bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 4 muted tomato bags, 4 dull plum bags. +dim lavender bags contain 4 light magenta bags, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. +vibrant brown bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 clear green bag, 3 posh orange bags, 3 mirrored silver bags. +pale tan bags contain 3 bright tomato bags, 5 pale maroon bags, 3 wavy teal bags. +muted black bags contain 1 light lime bag. +posh lime bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 4 posh beige bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +light aqua bags contain 4 posh olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 wavy tan bags, 2 dotted blue bags. +dotted tan bags contain 3 dark yellow bags, 4 posh silver bags, 3 dark beige bags. +shiny black bags contain no other bags. +mirrored fuchsia bags contain 1 bright purple bag, 3 posh lime bags, 5 dim black bags. +dim purple bags contain 3 muted indigo bags. +wavy white bags contain 2 pale olive bags. +bright magenta bags contain 5 dull aqua bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 shiny turquoise bags. +drab white bags contain 1 plaid yellow bag, 2 shiny green bags, 5 posh beige bags, 5 plaid tan bags. +mirrored crimson bags contain 2 shiny teal bags. +pale white bags contain 2 muted indigo bags. +shiny bronze bags contain 5 mirrored crimson bags, 3 pale brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags. +clear blue bags contain 1 drab chartreuse bag, 4 striped turquoise bags, 1 plaid aqua bag, 5 pale aqua bags. +shiny brown bags contain 1 dotted bronze bag, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags, 4 dark lavender bags. +dotted teal bags contain 4 dull olive bags, 4 clear black bags. +posh gray bags contain 1 wavy salmon bag. +dark white bags contain 4 pale lime bags, 4 plaid beige bags, 5 dull fuchsia bags, 1 pale yellow bag. +dull cyan bags contain 4 muted lavender bags, 2 plaid tan bags, 2 dim blue bags. +dark olive bags contain 2 dim indigo bags, 1 dark brown bag, 5 dark yellow bags, 4 dull gray bags. +vibrant tan bags contain 4 bright tan bags, 1 pale tomato bag. +drab beige bags contain 4 muted magenta bags, 2 bright plum bags, 3 pale beige bags. +clear magenta bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 5 vibrant green bags. +posh yellow bags contain no other bags. +vibrant magenta bags contain 2 dark green bags. +posh blue bags contain 2 muted chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant coral bags. +striped violet bags contain 1 dotted orange bag, 5 striped red bags, 5 dull lime bags. +dark yellow bags contain 2 shiny turquoise bags. +bright turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 posh violet bags, 4 bright plum bags. +pale silver bags contain 4 vibrant bronze bags, 4 faded purple bags, 1 shiny green bag, 1 plaid lavender bag. +muted white bags contain 3 mirrored olive bags. +light green bags contain 5 shiny plum bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 faded gold bags. +drab lime bags contain 2 plaid beige bags. +pale chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted brown bags, 1 dark black bag, 3 mirrored plum bags, 1 faded black bag. +mirrored violet bags contain 5 plaid beige bags. +vibrant white bags contain 5 muted tomato bags. +faded violet bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 1 mirrored brown bag. +drab bronze bags contain 3 dim indigo bags, 1 dim magenta bag, 1 bright gray bag. +posh lavender bags contain 1 wavy black bag, 2 wavy magenta bags. +vibrant aqua bags contain 2 light lavender bags, 1 faded crimson bag, 4 dark green bags, 3 mirrored white bags. +bright green bags contain 1 dark gray bag. +shiny turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags. +pale aqua bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 2 drab silver bags, 3 drab salmon bags. +faded silver bags contain 3 striped teal bags, 5 mirrored indigo bags. +shiny indigo bags contain 3 wavy olive bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 4 clear fuchsia bags. +vibrant yellow bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags, 3 dull indigo bags, 1 bright tan bag. +shiny aqua bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 2 shiny teal bags, 5 pale teal bags. +bright maroon bags contain 2 striped lime bags. +dark purple bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 1 bright olive bag, 3 drab orange bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. +drab lavender bags contain 5 wavy beige bags, 4 bright gold bags, 3 wavy cyan bags. +dull white bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 muted purple bag. +clear silver bags contain 1 dull lime bag, 2 dim plum bags, 5 wavy maroon bags, 3 striped cyan bags. +bright lavender bags contain 1 muted tomato bag. +pale crimson bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 4 dotted red bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 5 dull brown bags. +posh maroon bags contain 3 dark magenta bags, 3 pale gray bags. +vibrant lime bags contain 1 dull maroon bag, 4 light purple bags, 5 dull orange bags, 1 dull purple bag. +drab turquoise bags contain no other bags. +dark bronze bags contain 2 light tomato bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 3 posh yellow bags, 5 light lavender bags. +muted cyan bags contain 3 dotted black bags, 1 faded violet bag, 5 bright violet bags. +dim tomato bags contain 3 drab chartreuse bags, 1 striped coral bag, 3 pale tan bags. +light teal bags contain 3 pale gray bags. +muted olive bags contain 1 dull green bag, 3 bright violet bags, 1 dark yellow bag. +mirrored tan bags contain 3 dark salmon bags, 1 vibrant red bag, 1 dull gray bag. +light turquoise bags contain 5 posh red bags, 1 dim chartreuse bag, 3 vibrant beige bags, 2 mirrored lavender bags. +dark brown bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 2 dull bronze bags, 3 striped aqua bags, 1 shiny gold bag. +striped orange bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 1 bright crimson bag, 3 vibrant gold bags. +bright bronze bags contain 3 faded cyan bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 2 bright tan bags. +dotted orange bags contain 4 dim magenta bags, 1 faded white bag, 1 muted tan bag. +dull red bags contain 3 posh yellow bags, 3 pale plum bags. +clear orange bags contain 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dull aqua bags, 1 faded bronze bag, 5 faded chartreuse bags. +dark blue bags contain 2 striped lime bags. +wavy brown bags contain 4 shiny green bags. +wavy purple bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 posh teal bags, 2 dark teal bags. +muted tan bags contain 5 bright violet bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dull beige bags, 1 dim gray bag. +posh crimson bags contain 3 dark bronze bags, 3 pale salmon bags, 2 muted beige bags, 2 bright aqua bags. +pale blue bags contain 3 wavy black bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 5 drab chartreuse bags, 5 bright gray bags. +striped plum bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. +posh green bags contain 5 dull cyan bags, 4 muted tan bags, 1 faded silver bag, 3 vibrant black bags. +mirrored yellow bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 3 bright tan bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. +striped brown bags contain 4 wavy turquoise bags. +dim bronze bags contain 4 faded black bags, 1 striped lavender bag. +plaid cyan bags contain 5 posh lime bags, 2 wavy white bags, 3 posh crimson bags. +plaid brown bags contain 2 dark bronze bags. +vibrant blue bags contain 4 wavy orange bags, 4 drab silver bags, 2 muted tan bags. +dull violet bags contain 5 posh black bags, 4 shiny tomato bags. +striped magenta bags contain 3 faded white bags, 1 vibrant bronze bag. +striped coral bags contain 1 dull blue bag, 5 faded lime bags, 4 vibrant coral bags. +plaid lime bags contain 1 shiny black bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. +dim indigo bags contain 4 dim coral bags, 3 wavy indigo bags, 3 vibrant red bags, 3 wavy orange bags. +pale violet bags contain 2 drab purple bags. +striped turquoise bags contain 4 drab teal bags, 5 striped bronze bags. +striped indigo bags contain 3 striped purple bags, 4 shiny beige bags. +light coral bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 5 pale teal bags, 5 dull red bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags. +drab plum bags contain 4 dull white bags, 3 clear crimson bags, 2 wavy lavender bags. +dim maroon bags contain no other bags. +shiny crimson bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +dull aqua bags contain 3 dark yellow bags. +drab violet bags contain 4 striped aqua bags. +shiny gold bags contain 2 pale brown bags, 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 4 dull magenta bags. +plaid indigo bags contain 4 striped purple bags, 3 clear brown bags. +muted gold bags contain 1 shiny cyan bag. +dotted lime bags contain 3 dotted olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 bright bronze bags, 3 vibrant plum bags. +vibrant red bags contain 2 wavy red bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 dim coral bags. +faded lime bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 4 pale lavender bags. +striped black bags contain 2 light white bags, 4 posh lime bags, 3 posh chartreuse bags. +posh brown bags contain 1 muted white bag, 2 striped teal bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. +dotted aqua bags contain 5 dull orange bags. +clear yellow bags contain 5 pale fuchsia bags, 2 posh cyan bags. +faded crimson bags contain 4 vibrant black bags. +dull tan bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag. +dark chartreuse bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag. +clear purple bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag, 2 striped lavender bags. +pale indigo bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 2 shiny indigo bags. +plaid coral bags contain 2 dark olive bags, 1 pale aqua bag, 5 shiny bronze bags. +faded purple bags contain 4 dull aqua bags, 2 drab turquoise bags, 5 wavy crimson bags, 2 faded turquoise bags. +pale gold bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 muted plum bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 clear lavender bags. +plaid plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag, 3 wavy purple bags. +vibrant violet bags contain 1 posh teal bag, 4 dull gray bags, 5 dim aqua bags, 5 striped yellow bags. +light maroon bags contain 5 clear blue bags. +clear olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 dotted olive bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags. +dotted indigo bags contain 1 muted crimson bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 3 dotted crimson bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +muted coral bags contain 3 faded teal bags, 3 pale crimson bags, 1 posh fuchsia bag. +striped olive bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 1 dull indigo bag, 1 shiny salmon bag, 1 shiny crimson bag. +dull maroon bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 wavy white bags, 5 clear teal bags. +bright aqua bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 3 bright violet bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. +drab fuchsia bags contain 1 pale black bag. +plaid orange bags contain 2 muted orange bags. +faded aqua bags contain 4 striped orange bags, 3 striped aqua bags. +dull coral bags contain 2 dull aqua bags, 5 dim white bags, 1 striped tan bag. +muted blue bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 4 bright lavender bags, 4 dull magenta bags. +striped cyan bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 5 dark cyan bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags, 3 muted gold bags. +muted violet bags contain 4 muted bronze bags, 5 mirrored tan bags, 5 bright yellow bags. +dull blue bags contain 3 striped fuchsia bags, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +bright olive bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 2 vibrant gray bags, 5 posh chartreuse bags, 4 shiny lime bags. +drab red bags contain 1 light lime bag, 1 mirrored black bag, 4 pale purple bags, 2 drab purple bags. +mirrored brown bags contain 3 dull bronze bags, 3 bright lavender bags. +dotted brown bags contain 1 plaid turquoise bag, 1 dull plum bag. +shiny gray bags contain 2 pale magenta bags. +posh fuchsia bags contain 1 clear gold bag, 5 muted tomato bags, 4 muted white bags, 1 dark brown bag. +shiny green bags contain 5 posh teal bags, 2 dark brown bags, 1 faded turquoise bag. +shiny teal bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +pale lime bags contain 5 shiny chartreuse bags, 2 striped gold bags. +bright tan bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 2 dotted plum bags. +wavy maroon bags contain 3 striped yellow bags, 2 plaid red bags, 4 pale teal bags. +light gray bags contain 3 wavy teal bags, 1 clear brown bag, 5 striped tan bags, 3 muted magenta bags. +dark tan bags contain 5 posh purple bags. +light lime bags contain 4 light brown bags, 3 faded violet bags, 5 bright plum bags. +bright gold bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag, 4 wavy red bags. +drab crimson bags contain 2 dotted purple bags, 4 plaid purple bags, 4 vibrant black bags. +pale maroon bags contain 1 dim gray bag. +wavy chartreuse bags contain 3 bright lavender bags. +plaid gold bags contain 5 posh lavender bags. +plaid yellow bags contain 3 shiny black bags. +dim red bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 1 dim gray bag. +faded turquoise bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. +mirrored purple bags contain 3 muted beige bags, 4 faded blue bags. +dark black bags contain 4 bright coral bags. +dull indigo bags contain no other bags. +dark lime bags contain 1 shiny chartreuse bag, 5 drab plum bags, 2 dim yellow bags. +dim yellow bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 2 dim coral bags, 3 dotted red bags. +shiny silver bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +posh bronze bags contain 5 dotted salmon bags, 1 light aqua bag. +dull tomato bags contain 1 clear red bag, 1 dull green bag, 1 dark blue bag, 1 striped maroon bag. +bright fuchsia bags contain 1 dark cyan bag. +striped red bags contain 5 mirrored lime bags, 4 dull magenta bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +striped green bags contain 2 dim white bags. +wavy fuchsia bags contain 3 muted fuchsia bags, 3 drab blue bags. +posh violet bags contain 2 plaid red bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 1 faded white bag. +vibrant maroon bags contain 1 clear fuchsia bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 2 dull gold bags. +dim olive bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 2 muted magenta bags, 3 drab coral bags. +muted turquoise bags contain 1 drab white bag, 4 vibrant crimson bags, 5 dark teal bags, 1 drab bronze bag. +light white bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 faded silver bags, 1 bright beige bag. +dark beige bags contain 4 shiny white bags, 3 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 dotted red bag, 5 plaid crimson bags. +wavy gold bags contain 3 posh teal bags. +muted bronze bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 2 muted black bags. +wavy lime bags contain 3 dim violet bags, 5 posh violet bags, 1 light white bag, 2 posh olive bags. +clear gray bags contain 2 pale purple bags. +vibrant black bags contain 5 plaid black bags. +dotted olive bags contain 4 dotted fuchsia bags. +drab gray bags contain 3 shiny chartreuse bags, 1 dim yellow bag. +shiny tomato bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 4 mirrored coral bags. +dotted coral bags contain 2 plaid cyan bags, 3 light crimson bags, 1 light white bag, 3 drab aqua bags. +drab blue bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 3 dim coral bags. +mirrored blue bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags, 2 bright gold bags, 3 striped lavender bags. +muted aqua bags contain 2 bright turquoise bags. +bright yellow bags contain no other bags. diff --git a/ b/ index f94ea73..3ab6a40 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,14 +1,1858 @@ -#+TITLE:AOC 2020, day 7 +#+TITLE:Advent of Code 2020 +#+SUBTITLE: Day 7 #+AUTHOR:Case Duckworth +#+PROPERTY: header-args :session *AoC-7* + +* Macro: =aoc= + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defmacro aoc (input split &rest body) + "Reduce boilerplate for AoC challenges." + `(let ((lines (split-string ,input ,(or split "\n+")))) + ,@body)) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: aoc * Input +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq input "dotted blue bags contain 5 wavy green bags, 3 pale beige bags. + dull lime bags contain 1 dotted olive bag, 3 dim brown bags. + mirrored magenta bags contain 3 mirrored gray bags, 2 plaid beige bags, 4 dull brown bags, 3 pale plum bags. + posh coral bags contain 2 light blue bags, 2 dotted purple bags, 1 pale fuchsia bag, 2 light cyan bags. + bright orange bags contain 2 shiny chartreuse bags. + plaid salmon bags contain 1 faded coral bag, 4 clear lavender bags, 5 wavy tan bags. + wavy lavender bags contain 2 drab purple bags, 2 light brown bags, 2 wavy tomato bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. + clear indigo bags contain 4 dark magenta bags, 2 shiny brown bags. + posh salmon bags contain 4 dull tomato bags, 3 drab black bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 shiny blue bags. + mirrored coral bags contain 4 faded aqua bags, 2 plaid plum bags, 5 striped tan bags, 5 wavy tomato bags. + dotted purple bags contain 1 faded gold bag. + bright purple bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 3 pale maroon bags, 4 dim coral bags, 2 dark blue bags. + drab olive bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. + dim orange bags contain 1 faded turquoise bag. + drab aqua bags contain 1 faded black bag, 4 clear lavender bags. + bright salmon bags contain 2 bright aqua bags. + dim brown bags contain 1 bright yellow bag, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. + clear tan bags contain 2 posh tomato bags, 4 bright tan bags, 1 mirrored gray bag. + faded beige bags contain 2 mirrored olive bags, 5 dark chartreuse bags. + drab chartreuse bags contain 1 shiny white bag. + faded coral bags contain 4 dotted green bags, 2 dim violet bags, 3 striped magenta bags. + vibrant crimson bags contain 5 shiny gray bags, 2 muted black bags, 2 posh brown bags. + mirrored aqua bags contain 5 bright brown bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 3 bright bronze bags, 1 shiny magenta bag. + dotted salmon bags contain 2 muted tan bags, 4 light bronze bags. + vibrant salmon bags contain 5 dull yellow bags, 5 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags, 1 drab tan bag. + vibrant olive bags contain 2 pale white bags, 2 dull coral bags, 1 mirrored magenta bag, 2 clear crimson bags. + shiny plum bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 striped tomato bag, 4 clear indigo bags. + pale fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored indigo bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 striped teal bag, 4 drab salmon bags. + wavy beige bags contain 1 mirrored coral bag, 1 bright plum bag, 2 dark lavender bags. + drab silver bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 5 pale gray bags. + light salmon bags contain 2 drab chartreuse bags, 3 faded gray bags, 3 pale gray bags, 1 clear olive bag. + faded red bags contain 5 dull chartreuse bags, 2 plaid aqua bags. + clear maroon bags contain 2 muted lavender bags. + dull green bags contain 3 pale olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 clear teal bags, 5 dotted plum bags. + striped white bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. + pale coral bags contain 5 dim purple bags, 3 faded silver bags, 3 dim blue bags, 3 dotted brown bags. + drab green bags contain 5 pale teal bags. + posh tomato bags contain 4 drab fuchsia bags, 5 dark brown bags. + shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 dim maroon bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 5 pale purple bags, 3 vibrant gold bags. + dark plum bags contain 4 muted tan bags. + faded green bags contain 4 drab lavender bags. + pale tomato bags contain 3 bright maroon bags, 4 pale turquoise bags, 4 dark gold bags, 3 dull indigo bags. + striped aqua bags contain 1 dull gray bag, 5 dim blue bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. + dotted lavender bags contain 4 pale plum bags, 2 bright coral bags. + light gold bags contain 3 light tan bags, 4 clear indigo bags, 3 shiny tan bags. + striped maroon bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 pale black bag. + plaid black bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags. + dim beige bags contain 1 dim teal bag, 1 muted salmon bag. + mirrored teal bags contain 2 bright coral bags, 4 dotted brown bags, 5 vibrant white bags, 3 clear magenta bags. + faded gold bags contain no other bags. + faded yellow bags contain 1 faded brown bag, 3 clear tomato bags. + bright violet bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 5 dark chartreuse bags, 1 shiny black bag, 3 vibrant yellow bags. + shiny fuchsia bags contain 2 dotted plum bags. + dim aqua bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. + dotted fuchsia bags contain 5 muted blue bags, 1 pale brown bag, 2 shiny salmon bags. + dim fuchsia bags contain 3 muted tomato bags, 2 striped lime bags, 2 clear white bags, 2 striped blue bags. + faded teal bags contain 1 wavy gold bag, 1 clear coral bag, 3 pale crimson bags. + dull plum bags contain 1 bright tan bag, 5 light violet bags, 5 shiny black bags. + light cyan bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 1 dim gray bag, 5 faded white bags. + vibrant cyan bags contain 1 dotted gold bag, 1 mirrored indigo bag. + bright coral bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 3 muted tan bags. + dim chartreuse bags contain 3 pale white bags, 5 faded white bags, 3 mirrored magenta bags, 5 faded black bags. + pale green bags contain 3 faded white bags, 5 dotted lavender bags. + wavy gray bags contain 3 wavy tomato bags, 4 dull gray bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 5 pale beige bags. + dotted cyan bags contain 4 bright white bags. + shiny olive bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dim chartreuse bags, 4 pale gold bags, 1 posh crimson bag. + drab maroon bags contain 3 clear olive bags, 4 dotted blue bags, 4 dim magenta bags. + striped purple bags contain 4 wavy beige bags, 1 pale orange bag, 1 pale brown bag. + dull olive bags contain 2 vibrant yellow bags. + faded tomato bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. + dotted maroon bags contain 2 faded cyan bags, 3 muted tomato bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 3 bright orange bags. + wavy turquoise bags contain 1 drab magenta bag. + plaid green bags contain 1 light blue bag, 1 mirrored silver bag, 5 striped gold bags. + drab indigo bags contain 5 dull aqua bags. + plaid crimson bags contain 1 posh yellow bag, 5 shiny cyan bags. + drab salmon bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 bright violet bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 4 shiny gold bags. + dim turquoise bags contain 5 wavy brown bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags. + pale bronze bags contain 2 dotted bronze bags, 5 dim purple bags, 1 plaid red bag. + striped blue bags contain 5 drab fuchsia bags. + wavy aqua bags contain 5 posh plum bags, 1 striped bronze bag, 4 dark magenta bags. + posh beige bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 3 wavy white bags, 2 mirrored gray bags. + plaid magenta bags contain 4 light olive bags, 3 faded salmon bags. + plaid gray bags contain 1 light indigo bag, 5 muted indigo bags. + mirrored white bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 4 dotted beige bags, 5 dotted salmon bags, 5 muted gold bags. + dull chartreuse bags contain 3 muted gray bags. + faded cyan bags contain 4 light violet bags, 4 faded lime bags, 2 bright silver bags, 3 pale olive bags. + mirrored red bags contain 1 dotted violet bag, 5 bright plum bags, 2 pale violet bags, 4 pale plum bags. + shiny purple bags contain 2 pale magenta bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. + vibrant plum bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 3 plaid lavender bags, 1 shiny coral bag, 2 vibrant yellow bags. + shiny lime bags contain 1 posh black bag. + mirrored salmon bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 clear gray bags, 1 dim indigo bag, 4 light brown bags. + dotted violet bags contain 2 pale violet bags. + muted orange bags contain 5 dark coral bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 1 dotted green bag. + bright lime bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 4 plaid lavender bags, 3 dull gold bags. + pale lavender bags contain no other bags. + clear aqua bags contain 2 plaid turquoise bags. + clear white bags contain 4 shiny coral bags, 5 striped gold bags, 2 mirrored magenta bags. + clear chartreuse bags contain 1 posh lime bag. + wavy silver bags contain 3 clear orange bags, 2 clear lavender bags. + posh cyan bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag. + light plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag. + dim lime bags contain 5 bright crimson bags, 3 dark green bags, 2 vibrant green bags, 3 pale maroon bags. + dim coral bags contain 4 muted crimson bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. + pale salmon bags contain 5 wavy orange bags, 4 dotted gold bags, 4 posh brown bags. + faded chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted chartreuse bag, 3 wavy orange bags. + faded olive bags contain 5 pale blue bags, 3 dim yellow bags, 1 dotted gray bag, 2 dim crimson bags. + clear lime bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags, 4 wavy red bags. + bright blue bags contain 3 mirrored violet bags, 3 pale gold bags, 4 drab salmon bags, 5 dull silver bags. + muted maroon bags contain 5 dull salmon bags, 3 dim gray bags. + clear teal bags contain 2 muted tomato bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. + shiny white bags contain 1 posh red bag, 3 dotted red bags. + light magenta bags contain 4 drab olive bags. + vibrant coral bags contain 5 pale lavender bags, 5 plaid red bags. + wavy yellow bags contain 3 vibrant beige bags, 4 muted crimson bags, 4 bright white bags, 1 pale maroon bag. + bright black bags contain 2 striped maroon bags. + plaid lavender bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag. + light crimson bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags. + muted salmon bags contain 2 bright orange bags, 3 dotted plum bags, 3 light magenta bags. + striped teal bags contain 4 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dim maroon bag. + dull bronze bags contain no other bags. + dotted bronze bags contain 1 striped orange bag, 5 shiny cyan bags, 2 muted tan bags. + dark gold bags contain 3 pale plum bags, 3 mirrored olive bags. + mirrored lime bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 light violet bags, 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 3 vibrant yellow bags. + clear violet bags contain 2 drab salmon bags, 4 pale gray bags, 4 striped tan bags, 5 mirrored blue bags. + plaid beige bags contain 3 dull gold bags. + shiny salmon bags contain 3 dark chartreuse bags, 4 bright yellow bags, 5 dark gold bags, 2 muted tomato bags. + dull brown bags contain 1 bright silver bag, 4 muted tan bags. + dull orange bags contain 1 dim bronze bag. + vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dotted violet bags, 3 striped lime bags. + light blue bags contain 2 shiny teal bags, 5 striped orange bags, 5 shiny gray bags. + plaid teal bags contain 4 dark turquoise bags, 4 posh indigo bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. + drab black bags contain 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 dim turquoise bags. + light beige bags contain 3 pale aqua bags. + mirrored gray bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags. + faded black bags contain 4 shiny salmon bags. + light yellow bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag. + bright red bags contain 5 bright bronze bags, 3 dull white bags, 3 dim plum bags, 3 light tan bags. + mirrored lavender bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags. + shiny coral bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 pale lavender bag. + clear bronze bags contain 4 mirrored silver bags, 1 dim coral bag, 3 posh teal bags. + dotted yellow bags contain 1 bright crimson bag, 5 dotted olive bags. + light bronze bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 3 shiny crimson bags. + wavy tomato bags contain 5 dull red bags, 3 wavy cyan bags, 4 dark gold bags. + dotted turquoise bags contain 5 muted silver bags. + posh orange bags contain 2 bright beige bags, 5 vibrant chartreuse bags, 3 drab green bags. + wavy bronze bags contain 1 dark coral bag. + plaid tan bags contain 1 vibrant bronze bag. + wavy red bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 2 pale purple bags, 1 bright tan bag. + dull turquoise bags contain 4 dull crimson bags. + faded brown bags contain 5 muted teal bags. + dark violet bags contain 1 dim gold bag, 1 dim beige bag, 5 dull orange bags. + bright brown bags contain 1 plaid aqua bag, 4 light cyan bags. + dull teal bags contain 4 shiny teal bags. + dotted white bags contain 3 pale black bags, 2 drab black bags, 5 faded fuchsia bags, 1 plaid black bag. + dark magenta bags contain 5 shiny teal bags, 4 pale purple bags. + mirrored maroon bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 2 muted orange bags, 5 pale gray bags, 4 drab green bags. + faded magenta bags contain 1 bright green bag, 5 pale lavender bags, 4 posh fuchsia bags, 2 pale teal bags. + wavy violet bags contain 4 bright indigo bags. + posh gold bags contain 1 bright green bag, 3 dim cyan bags. + muted silver bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy indigo bags, 5 striped turquoise bags, 5 clear blue bags. + muted fuchsia bags contain 2 pale olive bags, 1 light maroon bag, 3 plaid blue bags, 1 light blue bag. + posh turquoise bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 vibrant blue bags, 3 posh fuchsia bags. + dull purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 2 vibrant tomato bags, 2 dim brown bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. + light fuchsia bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 4 striped lime bags, 4 faded white bags. + dull gold bags contain 5 plaid tan bags, 2 light bronze bags, 1 striped tan bag. + wavy olive bags contain 4 vibrant maroon bags, 1 drab salmon bag. + pale beige bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 1 dotted orange bag, 4 dim gray bags. + clear crimson bags contain 4 dull blue bags. + dotted tomato bags contain 5 dotted olive bags. + drab purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags. + plaid red bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 5 pale lavender bags, 3 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dotted plum bag. + posh silver bags contain 5 light olive bags, 5 bright white bags, 5 light violet bags, 4 faded orange bags. + muted teal bags contain 2 wavy violet bags. + light red bags contain 2 dull white bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. + bright crimson bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 2 dotted plum bags. + plaid purple bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 5 light lavender bags. + dark gray bags contain 4 dull plum bags, 5 muted tomato bags, 3 drab brown bags. + vibrant gray bags contain 4 posh black bags. + plaid fuchsia bags contain 1 posh lime bag. + striped chartreuse bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 1 bright purple bag, 1 clear white bag. + dull fuchsia bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 striped olive bags, 2 faded white bags. + muted beige bags contain 4 drab chartreuse bags. + vibrant beige bags contain 4 striped crimson bags. + vibrant indigo bags contain 5 dull plum bags, 1 dull maroon bag, 2 striped white bags. + dull silver bags contain 5 dull white bags, 2 dull gold bags, 4 shiny cyan bags, 4 wavy gold bags. + dim blue bags contain 5 posh yellow bags, 5 dim maroon bags. + posh white bags contain 4 dim teal bags, 4 light brown bags. + mirrored tomato bags contain 1 posh purple bag, 3 striped aqua bags. + light black bags contain 1 mirrored chartreuse bag, 3 muted yellow bags, 4 muted tan bags. + plaid silver bags contain 2 dull beige bags, 5 bright tan bags, 5 posh tomato bags. + shiny violet bags contain 1 plaid beige bag, 3 faded teal bags, 4 dotted tomato bags, 1 shiny orange bag. + dull black bags contain 5 vibrant coral bags, 2 clear orange bags. + dim white bags contain 5 drab brown bags, 2 plaid lavender bags. + wavy salmon bags contain 5 dull white bags, 5 vibrant crimson bags, 2 posh silver bags, 1 dim purple bag. + dark green bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 3 light tomato bags, 1 pale olive bag, 5 pale brown bags. + light chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted silver bag, 3 bright maroon bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 5 bright coral bags. + dim green bags contain 3 wavy bronze bags, 3 bright tan bags, 1 dotted magenta bag. + shiny tan bags contain 3 striped turquoise bags, 4 drab brown bags, 2 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags. + muted lime bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 5 vibrant blue bags. + dark coral bags contain 5 plaid chartreuse bags. + striped fuchsia bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 4 dull gray bags, 5 wavy cyan bags, 2 striped orange bags. + shiny maroon bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 5 dull green bags, 4 shiny cyan bags. + dotted red bags contain 5 light violet bags, 4 plaid chartreuse bags. + dim salmon bags contain 1 dim blue bag, 3 dotted indigo bags, 4 pale crimson bags, 3 drab blue bags. + pale magenta bags contain 5 pale violet bags, 1 dark blue bag. + clear coral bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags, 2 shiny cyan bags, 4 dull red bags. + dim black bags contain 4 dim aqua bags, 5 pale blue bags. + clear cyan bags contain 2 light violet bags, 5 drab salmon bags, 4 dark teal bags. + dull gray bags contain 2 bright lavender bags, 3 pale plum bags, 5 dull plum bags. + dull salmon bags contain 4 posh violet bags, 3 mirrored indigo bags, 3 plaid tomato bags. + pale cyan bags contain 2 pale chartreuse bags, 4 light brown bags, 1 plaid beige bag, 3 light maroon bags. + faded indigo bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 mirrored violet bags. + wavy orange bags contain 3 plaid purple bags. + dim plum bags contain 2 wavy tomato bags. + pale turquoise bags contain 2 faded lime bags. + drab orange bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 plaid tomato bags, 3 dotted blue bags, 5 wavy red bags. + mirrored cyan bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags, 4 dim cyan bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. + vibrant purple bags contain 5 dotted turquoise bags. + posh red bags contain 4 faded turquoise bags, 2 light violet bags. + muted crimson bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags. + drab magenta bags contain 1 dull fuchsia bag. + wavy tan bags contain 1 mirrored plum bag. + vibrant tomato bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 clear fuchsia bags, 5 dark yellow bags. + mirrored gold bags contain 3 muted purple bags, 5 dark indigo bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. + mirrored plum bags contain 3 faded turquoise bags. + muted gray bags contain 4 light bronze bags. + light olive bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 wavy orange bags, 3 clear lavender bags. + faded tan bags contain 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab bronze bag, 5 mirrored plum bags. + posh plum bags contain 4 dotted gold bags, 4 dotted plum bags, 2 vibrant gold bags. + faded maroon bags contain 5 dim red bags. + drab teal bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 2 faded silver bags. + clear black bags contain 2 pale red bags, 3 plaid black bags. + mirrored indigo bags contain 3 dim chartreuse bags, 1 wavy violet bag, 1 dull green bag. + pale teal bags contain 4 wavy indigo bags. + drab cyan bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 5 dim red bags. + striped salmon bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 4 wavy orange bags. + faded bronze bags contain 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 dark green bags. + muted magenta bags contain 2 mirrored beige bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 3 light salmon bags. + wavy plum bags contain 5 light cyan bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. + dark lavender bags contain 2 dim coral bags. + faded lavender bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 3 dim yellow bags. + dark maroon bags contain 5 striped orange bags. + clear fuchsia bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 4 posh red bags, 3 plaid purple bags. + shiny magenta bags contain 2 striped maroon bags, 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 drab lime bags. + wavy coral bags contain 4 posh maroon bags, 5 dim white bags, 5 pale indigo bags, 5 dotted maroon bags. + dark silver bags contain 3 posh plum bags. + shiny blue bags contain 1 wavy indigo bag, 4 dark magenta bags, 4 light turquoise bags. + clear lavender bags contain 1 bright violet bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 2 dim blue bags, 5 posh violet bags. + shiny orange bags contain 2 pale tomato bags, 1 pale teal bag. + mirrored beige bags contain 5 dotted gold bags, 1 faded violet bag, 4 striped gray bags. + bright cyan bags contain 4 muted tomato bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 4 bright yellow bags. + vibrant fuchsia bags contain 4 striped tan bags, 1 dark black bag, 4 plaid olive bags, 2 wavy aqua bags. + pale olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 pale plum bags. + dotted crimson bags contain 3 dim gray bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. + vibrant orange bags contain 5 striped orange bags, 3 plaid blue bags. + light brown bags contain 4 dotted chartreuse bags. + muted plum bags contain 1 muted indigo bag, 5 plaid yellow bags, 1 vibrant silver bag, 1 drab turquoise bag. + dotted chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted red bags, 5 light lavender bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 muted tomato bags. + bright chartreuse bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 5 shiny salmon bags, 4 bright plum bags, 2 dark lavender bags. + dim gray bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. + faded fuchsia bags contain 2 muted blue bags, 1 mirrored blue bag, 2 dotted green bags, 5 mirrored olive bags. + striped tomato bags contain 4 dull gray bags, 1 vibrant plum bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. + clear turquoise bags contain 4 light orange bags, 3 faded black bags, 5 mirrored lavender bags, 5 posh white bags. + dotted gray bags contain 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 light lavender bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 4 dull bronze bags. + shiny beige bags contain 3 plaid silver bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags, 2 vibrant lavender bags, 2 wavy olive bags. + pale red bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags. + mirrored silver bags contain 2 vibrant maroon bags, 5 plaid chartreuse bags, 4 vibrant plum bags, 5 faded white bags. + plaid aqua bags contain 5 faded aqua bags, 4 dotted fuchsia bags. + dull yellow bags contain 5 bright turquoise bags, 3 posh plum bags, 1 pale white bag. + faded orange bags contain 3 dotted bronze bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. + wavy green bags contain 1 wavy turquoise bag. + posh tan bags contain 5 striped lavender bags, 4 posh tomato bags. + wavy crimson bags contain 4 pale lavender bags, 2 mirrored tan bags, 5 plaid beige bags. + striped yellow bags contain 3 shiny green bags, 5 dark gold bags, 4 drab teal bags, 3 drab olive bags. + pale plum bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 dotted plum bag, 1 bright yellow bag. + pale yellow bags contain 2 bright green bags, 5 dull beige bags, 3 light coral bags, 3 dull red bags. + striped silver bags contain 1 clear crimson bag, 4 shiny salmon bags. + bright silver bags contain 2 shiny black bags, 3 faded gold bags, 5 bright yellow bags. + shiny red bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 5 shiny beige bags. + posh chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted maroon bags, 5 shiny bronze bags, 1 shiny cyan bag, 3 pale aqua bags. + wavy teal bags contain 4 mirrored plum bags, 4 drab silver bags, 3 pale green bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. + posh olive bags contain 2 dim salmon bags, 1 faded black bag, 1 light lime bag. + dark fuchsia bags contain 3 mirrored indigo bags. + dark cyan bags contain 4 muted indigo bags, 4 shiny crimson bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. + posh magenta bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 1 dull turquoise bag. + muted red bags contain 3 light violet bags, 2 dark cyan bags. + vibrant gold bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 pale brown bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 plaid lavender bags. + muted purple bags contain 3 dim blue bags, 3 wavy red bags, 1 clear lavender bag. + dim magenta bags contain 5 muted tan bags, 4 striped olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. + faded plum bags contain 1 faded black bag, 1 muted green bag. + light violet bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 dull bronze bag. + faded salmon bags contain 1 pale salmon bag, 1 light teal bag. + posh black bags contain 2 wavy purple bags. + plaid white bags contain 1 shiny salmon bag, 3 posh purple bags. + mirrored green bags contain 3 bright tan bags, 1 plaid white bag, 3 mirrored plum bags. + dark red bags contain 2 bright purple bags, 2 muted white bags, 5 drab cyan bags, 5 plaid olive bags. + vibrant teal bags contain 5 striped olive bags, 1 pale olive bag. + dotted green bags contain 3 dark cyan bags. + dark indigo bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 drab white bags, 2 muted purple bags, 2 plaid silver bags. + drab tan bags contain 3 dotted gray bags, 2 faded black bags, 1 dull brown bag, 2 drab salmon bags. + vibrant chartreuse bags contain 5 pale brown bags. + mirrored olive bags contain 2 dim blue bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 4 light lavender bags. + light silver bags contain 3 drab orange bags, 5 light plum bags, 2 dotted olive bags. + light indigo bags contain 4 pale yellow bags, 1 vibrant violet bag, 4 dull cyan bags, 5 dotted tomato bags. + pale orange bags contain 4 pale silver bags, 4 vibrant tomato bags. + vibrant bronze bags contain 5 dark yellow bags. + dull beige bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 light lavender bags, 3 shiny coral bags. + bright gray bags contain 3 bright silver bags. + vibrant green bags contain 4 muted tan bags, 3 light lavender bags, 5 light magenta bags. + plaid violet bags contain 4 bright lime bags, 2 mirrored olive bags, 4 faded blue bags. + striped bronze bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag. + dim crimson bags contain 3 bright yellow bags, 1 dull gray bag. + posh purple bags contain 3 light fuchsia bags, 5 pale black bags, 5 wavy orange bags, 3 drab blue bags. + clear beige bags contain 4 plaid black bags. + striped gray bags contain 2 pale green bags, 4 light fuchsia bags. + plaid olive bags contain 2 mirrored gray bags. + muted green bags contain 1 plaid coral bag. + clear salmon bags contain 4 muted black bags, 1 bright white bag, 1 drab tomato bag, 2 shiny orange bags. + dark aqua bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag. + drab tomato bags contain 5 dim chartreuse bags. + wavy magenta bags contain 3 posh brown bags. + dull crimson bags contain 1 mirrored tan bag, 4 dotted crimson bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags. + plaid turquoise bags contain 1 dark bronze bag, 4 bright maroon bags. + dim cyan bags contain 4 plaid red bags, 4 bright silver bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. + faded blue bags contain 3 plaid salmon bags, 3 clear cyan bags, 1 wavy aqua bag, 4 mirrored teal bags. + light orange bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags, 3 shiny maroon bags, 4 dim teal bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags. + bright white bags contain 5 drab chartreuse bags. + clear red bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 1 light cyan bag. + drab gold bags contain 4 plaid violet bags, 5 muted gold bags. + muted chartreuse bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag, 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 5 posh black bags. + mirrored black bags contain 1 dim white bag, 1 clear gold bag. + bright indigo bags contain 1 vibrant gold bag, 2 pale purple bags. + muted indigo bags contain 2 dull plum bags. + striped tan bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. + dim tan bags contain 2 dim red bags, 4 light violet bags, 1 clear beige bag. + muted tomato bags contain 1 faded gold bag, 2 bright yellow bags, 3 dotted plum bags. + vibrant turquoise bags contain 2 light tan bags, 4 wavy salmon bags, 1 dark tan bag, 1 dull tan bag. + dotted magenta bags contain 4 plaid blue bags, 1 plaid turquoise bag, 5 striped silver bags. + dark orange bags contain 3 faded bronze bags. + light tomato bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 1 pale brown bag, 4 bright violet bags. + dim teal bags contain 5 dull brown bags. + muted lavender bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. + bright beige bags contain 3 muted black bags, 4 bright blue bags. + light purple bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 2 shiny aqua bags. + plaid blue bags contain 4 dull beige bags, 3 dull brown bags, 3 dotted crimson bags. + striped lavender bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags. + bright tomato bags contain 1 posh violet bag, 3 shiny aqua bags. + wavy indigo bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags, 1 faded turquoise bag, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 bright gray bags. + pale black bags contain 5 bright silver bags, 3 mirrored turquoise bags. + mirrored turquoise bags contain no other bags. + bright plum bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags. + shiny yellow bags contain 1 clear gold bag. + plaid bronze bags contain 1 dotted teal bag, 3 faded white bags, 2 shiny green bags. + striped beige bags contain 3 vibrant teal bags. + wavy cyan bags contain 5 posh yellow bags. + light tan bags contain 2 vibrant red bags. + pale brown bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 drab turquoise bag. + bright teal bags contain 3 dark green bags, 2 dull white bags. + drab yellow bags contain 5 dotted purple bags. + shiny cyan bags contain 4 vibrant yellow bags. + vibrant silver bags contain 5 mirrored yellow bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. + clear plum bags contain 4 pale lavender bags. + posh teal bags contain 2 muted tan bags. + striped crimson bags contain 1 dull plum bag, 2 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 dim maroon bags, 3 bright yellow bags. + dull lavender bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 5 pale silver bags, 5 dim salmon bags, 4 muted salmon bags. + posh indigo bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 5 dark green bags, 5 dark blue bags. + wavy blue bags contain 5 muted yellow bags. + dull magenta bags contain 5 pale brown bags. + mirrored bronze bags contain 3 posh turquoise bags. + posh aqua bags contain 1 dim white bag, 2 clear tomato bags, 2 pale maroon bags. + pale purple bags contain 2 dotted fuchsia bags. + mirrored chartreuse bags contain 5 plaid yellow bags, 5 posh tan bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 3 drab green bags. + dotted black bags contain 5 muted aqua bags, 1 wavy lime bag, 2 bright lime bags. + plaid chartreuse bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 faded gold bags, 1 pale lavender bag. + dotted plum bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 4 dim blue bags. + clear gold bags contain 2 bright tan bags, 5 wavy teal bags. + dark crimson bags contain 4 bright teal bags, 2 wavy gray bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag. + faded gray bags contain 2 mirrored magenta bags. + dim gold bags contain 3 drab white bags. + clear green bags contain 2 pale beige bags. + dotted gold bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. + striped lime bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. + clear brown bags contain 4 dark olive bags, 2 striped yellow bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dotted plum bags. + striped gold bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 3 posh tomato bags, 4 light magenta bags. + muted brown bags contain 1 clear gold bag. + plaid tomato bags contain 4 plaid plum bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags. + dark salmon bags contain 5 pale plum bags, 3 striped lime bags, 4 dotted gray bags. + drab brown bags contain 1 wavy orange bag, 4 dark cyan bags, 1 drab white bag. + pale gray bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 1 bright yellow bag. + plaid maroon bags contain 1 pale coral bag. + dim violet bags contain 5 wavy blue bags, 4 shiny coral bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 posh yellow bags. + faded white bags contain 2 pale plum bags. + mirrored orange bags contain 3 striped maroon bags, 1 dull bronze bag, 2 pale aqua bags. + wavy black bags contain 1 faded violet bag, 1 plaid purple bag, 5 dim coral bags, 2 mirrored plum bags. + dim silver bags contain 2 muted brown bags, 1 posh plum bag. + dark tomato bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 3 vibrant lime bags, 3 drab silver bags. + dotted silver bags contain 2 dotted red bags. + muted yellow bags contain 4 drab purple bags, 3 striped olive bags. + shiny lavender bags contain 5 plaid purple bags, 2 vibrant crimson bags, 4 dull olive bags. + clear tomato bags contain 4 shiny bronze bags. + dark turquoise bags contain 5 dim brown bags. + drab coral bags contain 3 dull orange bags. + dotted beige bags contain 1 wavy lavender bag, 5 dull orange bags, 4 dull lime bags, 3 dull blue bags. + dark teal bags contain 3 muted indigo bags, 5 dark gold bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 plaid tan bags. + light lavender bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 4 muted tomato bags, 4 dull plum bags. + dim lavender bags contain 4 light magenta bags, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. + vibrant brown bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 clear green bag, 3 posh orange bags, 3 mirrored silver bags. + pale tan bags contain 3 bright tomato bags, 5 pale maroon bags, 3 wavy teal bags. + muted black bags contain 1 light lime bag. + posh lime bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 4 posh beige bags, 1 bright cyan bag. + light aqua bags contain 4 posh olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 wavy tan bags, 2 dotted blue bags. + dotted tan bags contain 3 dark yellow bags, 4 posh silver bags, 3 dark beige bags. + shiny black bags contain no other bags. + mirrored fuchsia bags contain 1 bright purple bag, 3 posh lime bags, 5 dim black bags. + dim purple bags contain 3 muted indigo bags. + wavy white bags contain 2 pale olive bags. + bright magenta bags contain 5 dull aqua bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 shiny turquoise bags. + drab white bags contain 1 plaid yellow bag, 2 shiny green bags, 5 posh beige bags, 5 plaid tan bags. + mirrored crimson bags contain 2 shiny teal bags. + pale white bags contain 2 muted indigo bags. + shiny bronze bags contain 5 mirrored crimson bags, 3 pale brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags. + clear blue bags contain 1 drab chartreuse bag, 4 striped turquoise bags, 1 plaid aqua bag, 5 pale aqua bags. + shiny brown bags contain 1 dotted bronze bag, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags, 4 dark lavender bags. + dotted teal bags contain 4 dull olive bags, 4 clear black bags. + posh gray bags contain 1 wavy salmon bag. + dark white bags contain 4 pale lime bags, 4 plaid beige bags, 5 dull fuchsia bags, 1 pale yellow bag. + dull cyan bags contain 4 muted lavender bags, 2 plaid tan bags, 2 dim blue bags. + dark olive bags contain 2 dim indigo bags, 1 dark brown bag, 5 dark yellow bags, 4 dull gray bags. + vibrant tan bags contain 4 bright tan bags, 1 pale tomato bag. + drab beige bags contain 4 muted magenta bags, 2 bright plum bags, 3 pale beige bags. + clear magenta bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 5 vibrant green bags. + posh yellow bags contain no other bags. + vibrant magenta bags contain 2 dark green bags. + posh blue bags contain 2 muted chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant coral bags. + striped violet bags contain 1 dotted orange bag, 5 striped red bags, 5 dull lime bags. + dark yellow bags contain 2 shiny turquoise bags. + bright turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 posh violet bags, 4 bright plum bags. + pale silver bags contain 4 vibrant bronze bags, 4 faded purple bags, 1 shiny green bag, 1 plaid lavender bag. + muted white bags contain 3 mirrored olive bags. + light green bags contain 5 shiny plum bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 faded gold bags. + drab lime bags contain 2 plaid beige bags. + pale chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted brown bags, 1 dark black bag, 3 mirrored plum bags, 1 faded black bag. + mirrored violet bags contain 5 plaid beige bags. + vibrant white bags contain 5 muted tomato bags. + faded violet bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 1 mirrored brown bag. + drab bronze bags contain 3 dim indigo bags, 1 dim magenta bag, 1 bright gray bag. + posh lavender bags contain 1 wavy black bag, 2 wavy magenta bags. + vibrant aqua bags contain 2 light lavender bags, 1 faded crimson bag, 4 dark green bags, 3 mirrored white bags. + bright green bags contain 1 dark gray bag. + shiny turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags. + pale aqua bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 2 drab silver bags, 3 drab salmon bags. + faded silver bags contain 3 striped teal bags, 5 mirrored indigo bags. + shiny indigo bags contain 3 wavy olive bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 4 clear fuchsia bags. + vibrant yellow bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags, 3 dull indigo bags, 1 bright tan bag. + shiny aqua bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 2 shiny teal bags, 5 pale teal bags. + bright maroon bags contain 2 striped lime bags. + dark purple bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 1 bright olive bag, 3 drab orange bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. + drab lavender bags contain 5 wavy beige bags, 4 bright gold bags, 3 wavy cyan bags. + dull white bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 muted purple bag. + clear silver bags contain 1 dull lime bag, 2 dim plum bags, 5 wavy maroon bags, 3 striped cyan bags. + bright lavender bags contain 1 muted tomato bag. + pale crimson bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 4 dotted red bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 5 dull brown bags. + posh maroon bags contain 3 dark magenta bags, 3 pale gray bags. + vibrant lime bags contain 1 dull maroon bag, 4 light purple bags, 5 dull orange bags, 1 dull purple bag. + drab turquoise bags contain no other bags. + dark bronze bags contain 2 light tomato bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 3 posh yellow bags, 5 light lavender bags. + muted cyan bags contain 3 dotted black bags, 1 faded violet bag, 5 bright violet bags. + dim tomato bags contain 3 drab chartreuse bags, 1 striped coral bag, 3 pale tan bags. + light teal bags contain 3 pale gray bags. + muted olive bags contain 1 dull green bag, 3 bright violet bags, 1 dark yellow bag. + mirrored tan bags contain 3 dark salmon bags, 1 vibrant red bag, 1 dull gray bag. + light turquoise bags contain 5 posh red bags, 1 dim chartreuse bag, 3 vibrant beige bags, 2 mirrored lavender bags. + dark brown bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 2 dull bronze bags, 3 striped aqua bags, 1 shiny gold bag. + striped orange bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 1 bright crimson bag, 3 vibrant gold bags. + bright bronze bags contain 3 faded cyan bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 2 bright tan bags. + dotted orange bags contain 4 dim magenta bags, 1 faded white bag, 1 muted tan bag. + dull red bags contain 3 posh yellow bags, 3 pale plum bags. + clear orange bags contain 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dull aqua bags, 1 faded bronze bag, 5 faded chartreuse bags. + dark blue bags contain 2 striped lime bags. + wavy brown bags contain 4 shiny green bags. + wavy purple bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 posh teal bags, 2 dark teal bags. + muted tan bags contain 5 bright violet bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dull beige bags, 1 dim gray bag. + posh crimson bags contain 3 dark bronze bags, 3 pale salmon bags, 2 muted beige bags, 2 bright aqua bags. + pale blue bags contain 3 wavy black bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 5 drab chartreuse bags, 5 bright gray bags. + striped plum bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. + posh green bags contain 5 dull cyan bags, 4 muted tan bags, 1 faded silver bag, 3 vibrant black bags. + mirrored yellow bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 3 bright tan bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. + striped brown bags contain 4 wavy turquoise bags. + dim bronze bags contain 4 faded black bags, 1 striped lavender bag. + plaid cyan bags contain 5 posh lime bags, 2 wavy white bags, 3 posh crimson bags. + plaid brown bags contain 2 dark bronze bags. + vibrant blue bags contain 4 wavy orange bags, 4 drab silver bags, 2 muted tan bags. + dull violet bags contain 5 posh black bags, 4 shiny tomato bags. + striped magenta bags contain 3 faded white bags, 1 vibrant bronze bag. + striped coral bags contain 1 dull blue bag, 5 faded lime bags, 4 vibrant coral bags. + plaid lime bags contain 1 shiny black bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. + dim indigo bags contain 4 dim coral bags, 3 wavy indigo bags, 3 vibrant red bags, 3 wavy orange bags. + pale violet bags contain 2 drab purple bags. + striped turquoise bags contain 4 drab teal bags, 5 striped bronze bags. + striped indigo bags contain 3 striped purple bags, 4 shiny beige bags. + light coral bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 5 pale teal bags, 5 dull red bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags. + drab plum bags contain 4 dull white bags, 3 clear crimson bags, 2 wavy lavender bags. + dim maroon bags contain no other bags. + shiny crimson bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 bright cyan bag. + dull aqua bags contain 3 dark yellow bags. + drab violet bags contain 4 striped aqua bags. + shiny gold bags contain 2 pale brown bags, 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 4 dull magenta bags. + plaid indigo bags contain 4 striped purple bags, 3 clear brown bags. + muted gold bags contain 1 shiny cyan bag. + dotted lime bags contain 3 dotted olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 bright bronze bags, 3 vibrant plum bags. + vibrant red bags contain 2 wavy red bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 dim coral bags. + faded lime bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 4 pale lavender bags. + striped black bags contain 2 light white bags, 4 posh lime bags, 3 posh chartreuse bags. + posh brown bags contain 1 muted white bag, 2 striped teal bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. + dotted aqua bags contain 5 dull orange bags. + clear yellow bags contain 5 pale fuchsia bags, 2 posh cyan bags. + faded crimson bags contain 4 vibrant black bags. + dull tan bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag. + dark chartreuse bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag. + clear purple bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag, 2 striped lavender bags. + pale indigo bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 2 shiny indigo bags. + plaid coral bags contain 2 dark olive bags, 1 pale aqua bag, 5 shiny bronze bags. + faded purple bags contain 4 dull aqua bags, 2 drab turquoise bags, 5 wavy crimson bags, 2 faded turquoise bags. + pale gold bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 muted plum bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 clear lavender bags. + plaid plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag, 3 wavy purple bags. + vibrant violet bags contain 1 posh teal bag, 4 dull gray bags, 5 dim aqua bags, 5 striped yellow bags. + light maroon bags contain 5 clear blue bags. + clear olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 dotted olive bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags. + dotted indigo bags contain 1 muted crimson bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 3 dotted crimson bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. + muted coral bags contain 3 faded teal bags, 3 pale crimson bags, 1 posh fuchsia bag. + striped olive bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 1 dull indigo bag, 1 shiny salmon bag, 1 shiny crimson bag. + dull maroon bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 wavy white bags, 5 clear teal bags. + bright aqua bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 3 bright violet bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. + drab fuchsia bags contain 1 pale black bag. + plaid orange bags contain 2 muted orange bags. + faded aqua bags contain 4 striped orange bags, 3 striped aqua bags. + dull coral bags contain 2 dull aqua bags, 5 dim white bags, 1 striped tan bag. + muted blue bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 4 bright lavender bags, 4 dull magenta bags. + striped cyan bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 5 dark cyan bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags, 3 muted gold bags. + muted violet bags contain 4 muted bronze bags, 5 mirrored tan bags, 5 bright yellow bags. + dull blue bags contain 3 striped fuchsia bags, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. + bright olive bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 2 vibrant gray bags, 5 posh chartreuse bags, 4 shiny lime bags. + drab red bags contain 1 light lime bag, 1 mirrored black bag, 4 pale purple bags, 2 drab purple bags. + mirrored brown bags contain 3 dull bronze bags, 3 bright lavender bags. + dotted brown bags contain 1 plaid turquoise bag, 1 dull plum bag. + shiny gray bags contain 2 pale magenta bags. + posh fuchsia bags contain 1 clear gold bag, 5 muted tomato bags, 4 muted white bags, 1 dark brown bag. + shiny green bags contain 5 posh teal bags, 2 dark brown bags, 1 faded turquoise bag. + shiny teal bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. + pale lime bags contain 5 shiny chartreuse bags, 2 striped gold bags. + bright tan bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 2 dotted plum bags. + wavy maroon bags contain 3 striped yellow bags, 2 plaid red bags, 4 pale teal bags. + light gray bags contain 3 wavy teal bags, 1 clear brown bag, 5 striped tan bags, 3 muted magenta bags. + dark tan bags contain 5 posh purple bags. + light lime bags contain 4 light brown bags, 3 faded violet bags, 5 bright plum bags. + bright gold bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag, 4 wavy red bags. + drab crimson bags contain 2 dotted purple bags, 4 plaid purple bags, 4 vibrant black bags. + pale maroon bags contain 1 dim gray bag. + wavy chartreuse bags contain 3 bright lavender bags. + plaid gold bags contain 5 posh lavender bags. + plaid yellow bags contain 3 shiny black bags. + dim red bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 1 dim gray bag. + faded turquoise bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. + mirrored purple bags contain 3 muted beige bags, 4 faded blue bags. + dark black bags contain 4 bright coral bags. + dull indigo bags contain no other bags. + dark lime bags contain 1 shiny chartreuse bag, 5 drab plum bags, 2 dim yellow bags. + dim yellow bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 2 dim coral bags, 3 dotted red bags. + shiny silver bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 bright cyan bag. + posh bronze bags contain 5 dotted salmon bags, 1 light aqua bag. + dull tomato bags contain 1 clear red bag, 1 dull green bag, 1 dark blue bag, 1 striped maroon bag. + bright fuchsia bags contain 1 dark cyan bag. + striped red bags contain 5 mirrored lime bags, 4 dull magenta bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. + striped green bags contain 2 dim white bags. + wavy fuchsia bags contain 3 muted fuchsia bags, 3 drab blue bags. + posh violet bags contain 2 plaid red bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 1 faded white bag. + vibrant maroon bags contain 1 clear fuchsia bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 2 dull gold bags. + dim olive bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 2 muted magenta bags, 3 drab coral bags. + muted turquoise bags contain 1 drab white bag, 4 vibrant crimson bags, 5 dark teal bags, 1 drab bronze bag. + light white bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 faded silver bags, 1 bright beige bag. + dark beige bags contain 4 shiny white bags, 3 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 dotted red bag, 5 plaid crimson bags. + wavy gold bags contain 3 posh teal bags. + muted bronze bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 2 muted black bags. + wavy lime bags contain 3 dim violet bags, 5 posh violet bags, 1 light white bag, 2 posh olive bags. + clear gray bags contain 2 pale purple bags. + vibrant black bags contain 5 plaid black bags. + dotted olive bags contain 4 dotted fuchsia bags. + drab gray bags contain 3 shiny chartreuse bags, 1 dim yellow bag. + shiny tomato bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 4 mirrored coral bags. + dotted coral bags contain 2 plaid cyan bags, 3 light crimson bags, 1 light white bag, 3 drab aqua bags. + drab blue bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 3 dim coral bags. + mirrored blue bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags, 2 bright gold bags, 3 striped lavender bags. + muted aqua bags contain 2 bright turquoise bags. + bright yellow bags contain no other bags. + ") +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +#+begin_example +dotted blue bags contain 5 wavy green bags, 3 pale beige bags. +dull lime bags contain 1 dotted olive bag, 3 dim brown bags. +mirrored magenta bags contain 3 mirrored gray bags, 2 plaid beige bags, 4 dull brown bags, 3 pale plum bags. +posh coral bags contain 2 light blue bags, 2 dotted purple bags, 1 pale fuchsia bag, 2 light cyan bags. +bright orange bags contain 2 shiny chartreuse bags. +plaid salmon bags contain 1 faded coral bag, 4 clear lavender bags, 5 wavy tan bags. +wavy lavender bags contain 2 drab purple bags, 2 light brown bags, 2 wavy tomato bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. +clear indigo bags contain 4 dark magenta bags, 2 shiny brown bags. +posh salmon bags contain 4 dull tomato bags, 3 drab black bags, 5 mirrored chartreuse bags, 4 shiny blue bags. +mirrored coral bags contain 4 faded aqua bags, 2 plaid plum bags, 5 striped tan bags, 5 wavy tomato bags. +dotted purple bags contain 1 faded gold bag. +bright purple bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 3 pale maroon bags, 4 dim coral bags, 2 dark blue bags. +drab olive bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. +dim orange bags contain 1 faded turquoise bag. +drab aqua bags contain 1 faded black bag, 4 clear lavender bags. +bright salmon bags contain 2 bright aqua bags. +dim brown bags contain 1 bright yellow bag, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +clear tan bags contain 2 posh tomato bags, 4 bright tan bags, 1 mirrored gray bag. +faded beige bags contain 2 mirrored olive bags, 5 dark chartreuse bags. +drab chartreuse bags contain 1 shiny white bag. +faded coral bags contain 4 dotted green bags, 2 dim violet bags, 3 striped magenta bags. +vibrant crimson bags contain 5 shiny gray bags, 2 muted black bags, 2 posh brown bags. +mirrored aqua bags contain 5 bright brown bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 3 bright bronze bags, 1 shiny magenta bag. +dotted salmon bags contain 2 muted tan bags, 4 light bronze bags. +vibrant salmon bags contain 5 dull yellow bags, 5 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags, 1 drab tan bag. +vibrant olive bags contain 2 pale white bags, 2 dull coral bags, 1 mirrored magenta bag, 2 clear crimson bags. +shiny plum bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 striped tomato bag, 4 clear indigo bags. +pale fuchsia bags contain 1 mirrored indigo bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 striped teal bag, 4 drab salmon bags. +wavy beige bags contain 1 mirrored coral bag, 1 bright plum bag, 2 dark lavender bags. +drab silver bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 5 pale gray bags. +light salmon bags contain 2 drab chartreuse bags, 3 faded gray bags, 3 pale gray bags, 1 clear olive bag. +faded red bags contain 5 dull chartreuse bags, 2 plaid aqua bags. +clear maroon bags contain 2 muted lavender bags. +dull green bags contain 3 pale olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 clear teal bags, 5 dotted plum bags. +striped white bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. +pale coral bags contain 5 dim purple bags, 3 faded silver bags, 3 dim blue bags, 3 dotted brown bags. +drab green bags contain 5 pale teal bags. +posh tomato bags contain 4 drab fuchsia bags, 5 dark brown bags. +shiny chartreuse bags contain 5 dim maroon bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 5 pale purple bags, 3 vibrant gold bags. +dark plum bags contain 4 muted tan bags. +faded green bags contain 4 drab lavender bags. +pale tomato bags contain 3 bright maroon bags, 4 pale turquoise bags, 4 dark gold bags, 3 dull indigo bags. +striped aqua bags contain 1 dull gray bag, 5 dim blue bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. +dotted lavender bags contain 4 pale plum bags, 2 bright coral bags. +light gold bags contain 3 light tan bags, 4 clear indigo bags, 3 shiny tan bags. +striped maroon bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 pale black bag. +plaid black bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags. +dim beige bags contain 1 dim teal bag, 1 muted salmon bag. +mirrored teal bags contain 2 bright coral bags, 4 dotted brown bags, 5 vibrant white bags, 3 clear magenta bags. +faded gold bags contain no other bags. +faded yellow bags contain 1 faded brown bag, 3 clear tomato bags. +bright violet bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 5 dark chartreuse bags, 1 shiny black bag, 3 vibrant yellow bags. +shiny fuchsia bags contain 2 dotted plum bags. +dim aqua bags contain 1 dim cyan bag. +dotted fuchsia bags contain 5 muted blue bags, 1 pale brown bag, 2 shiny salmon bags. +dim fuchsia bags contain 3 muted tomato bags, 2 striped lime bags, 2 clear white bags, 2 striped blue bags. +faded teal bags contain 1 wavy gold bag, 1 clear coral bag, 3 pale crimson bags. +dull plum bags contain 1 bright tan bag, 5 light violet bags, 5 shiny black bags. +light cyan bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 1 dim gray bag, 5 faded white bags. +vibrant cyan bags contain 1 dotted gold bag, 1 mirrored indigo bag. +bright coral bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 3 muted tan bags. +dim chartreuse bags contain 3 pale white bags, 5 faded white bags, 3 mirrored magenta bags, 5 faded black bags. +pale green bags contain 3 faded white bags, 5 dotted lavender bags. +wavy gray bags contain 3 wavy tomato bags, 4 dull gray bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 5 pale beige bags. +dotted cyan bags contain 4 bright white bags. +shiny olive bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dim chartreuse bags, 4 pale gold bags, 1 posh crimson bag. +drab maroon bags contain 3 clear olive bags, 4 dotted blue bags, 4 dim magenta bags. +striped purple bags contain 4 wavy beige bags, 1 pale orange bag, 1 pale brown bag. +dull olive bags contain 2 vibrant yellow bags. +faded tomato bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. +dotted maroon bags contain 2 faded cyan bags, 3 muted tomato bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 3 bright orange bags. +wavy turquoise bags contain 1 drab magenta bag. +plaid green bags contain 1 light blue bag, 1 mirrored silver bag, 5 striped gold bags. +drab indigo bags contain 5 dull aqua bags. +plaid crimson bags contain 1 posh yellow bag, 5 shiny cyan bags. +drab salmon bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 bright violet bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 4 shiny gold bags. +dim turquoise bags contain 5 wavy brown bags, 4 mirrored yellow bags. +pale bronze bags contain 2 dotted bronze bags, 5 dim purple bags, 1 plaid red bag. +striped blue bags contain 5 drab fuchsia bags. +wavy aqua bags contain 5 posh plum bags, 1 striped bronze bag, 4 dark magenta bags. +posh beige bags contain 1 faded lime bag, 3 wavy white bags, 2 mirrored gray bags. +plaid magenta bags contain 4 light olive bags, 3 faded salmon bags. +plaid gray bags contain 1 light indigo bag, 5 muted indigo bags. +mirrored white bags contain 3 muted gray bags, 4 dotted beige bags, 5 dotted salmon bags, 5 muted gold bags. +dull chartreuse bags contain 3 muted gray bags. +faded cyan bags contain 4 light violet bags, 4 faded lime bags, 2 bright silver bags, 3 pale olive bags. +mirrored red bags contain 1 dotted violet bag, 5 bright plum bags, 2 pale violet bags, 4 pale plum bags. +shiny purple bags contain 2 pale magenta bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 3 plaid lavender bags, 1 shiny coral bag, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +shiny lime bags contain 1 posh black bag. +mirrored salmon bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 clear gray bags, 1 dim indigo bag, 4 light brown bags. +dotted violet bags contain 2 pale violet bags. +muted orange bags contain 5 dark coral bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags, 1 dotted green bag. +bright lime bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 4 plaid lavender bags, 3 dull gold bags. +pale lavender bags contain no other bags. +clear aqua bags contain 2 plaid turquoise bags. +clear white bags contain 4 shiny coral bags, 5 striped gold bags, 2 mirrored magenta bags. +clear chartreuse bags contain 1 posh lime bag. +wavy silver bags contain 3 clear orange bags, 2 clear lavender bags. +posh cyan bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag. +light plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag. +dim lime bags contain 5 bright crimson bags, 3 dark green bags, 2 vibrant green bags, 3 pale maroon bags. +dim coral bags contain 4 muted crimson bags, 1 mirrored plum bag. +pale salmon bags contain 5 wavy orange bags, 4 dotted gold bags, 4 posh brown bags. +faded chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted chartreuse bag, 3 wavy orange bags. +faded olive bags contain 5 pale blue bags, 3 dim yellow bags, 1 dotted gray bag, 2 dim crimson bags. +clear lime bags contain 3 dull fuchsia bags, 4 wavy red bags. +bright blue bags contain 3 mirrored violet bags, 3 pale gold bags, 4 drab salmon bags, 5 dull silver bags. +muted maroon bags contain 5 dull salmon bags, 3 dim gray bags. +clear teal bags contain 2 muted tomato bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. +shiny white bags contain 1 posh red bag, 3 dotted red bags. +light magenta bags contain 4 drab olive bags. +vibrant coral bags contain 5 pale lavender bags, 5 plaid red bags. +wavy yellow bags contain 3 vibrant beige bags, 4 muted crimson bags, 4 bright white bags, 1 pale maroon bag. +bright black bags contain 2 striped maroon bags. +plaid lavender bags contain 1 drab turquoise bag. +light crimson bags contain 2 wavy chartreuse bags. +muted salmon bags contain 2 bright orange bags, 3 dotted plum bags, 3 light magenta bags. +striped teal bags contain 4 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dim maroon bag. +dull bronze bags contain no other bags. +dotted bronze bags contain 1 striped orange bag, 5 shiny cyan bags, 2 muted tan bags. +dark gold bags contain 3 pale plum bags, 3 mirrored olive bags. +mirrored lime bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 light violet bags, 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 3 vibrant yellow bags. +clear violet bags contain 2 drab salmon bags, 4 pale gray bags, 4 striped tan bags, 5 mirrored blue bags. +plaid beige bags contain 3 dull gold bags. +shiny salmon bags contain 3 dark chartreuse bags, 4 bright yellow bags, 5 dark gold bags, 2 muted tomato bags. +dull brown bags contain 1 bright silver bag, 4 muted tan bags. +dull orange bags contain 1 dim bronze bag. +vibrant lavender bags contain 4 dotted violet bags, 3 striped lime bags. +light blue bags contain 2 shiny teal bags, 5 striped orange bags, 5 shiny gray bags. +plaid teal bags contain 4 dark turquoise bags, 4 posh indigo bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. +drab black bags contain 4 vibrant chartreuse bags, 4 dim turquoise bags. +light beige bags contain 3 pale aqua bags. +mirrored gray bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags. +faded black bags contain 4 shiny salmon bags. +light yellow bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag. +bright red bags contain 5 bright bronze bags, 3 dull white bags, 3 dim plum bags, 3 light tan bags. +mirrored lavender bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags. +shiny coral bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 1 pale lavender bag. +clear bronze bags contain 4 mirrored silver bags, 1 dim coral bag, 3 posh teal bags. +dotted yellow bags contain 1 bright crimson bag, 5 dotted olive bags. +light bronze bags contain 4 dim maroon bags, 3 shiny crimson bags. +wavy tomato bags contain 5 dull red bags, 3 wavy cyan bags, 4 dark gold bags. +dotted turquoise bags contain 5 muted silver bags. +posh orange bags contain 2 bright beige bags, 5 vibrant chartreuse bags, 3 drab green bags. +wavy bronze bags contain 1 dark coral bag. +plaid tan bags contain 1 vibrant bronze bag. +wavy red bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 2 pale purple bags, 1 bright tan bag. +dull turquoise bags contain 4 dull crimson bags. +faded brown bags contain 5 muted teal bags. +dark violet bags contain 1 dim gold bag, 1 dim beige bag, 5 dull orange bags. +bright brown bags contain 1 plaid aqua bag, 4 light cyan bags. +dull teal bags contain 4 shiny teal bags. +dotted white bags contain 3 pale black bags, 2 drab black bags, 5 faded fuchsia bags, 1 plaid black bag. +dark magenta bags contain 5 shiny teal bags, 4 pale purple bags. +mirrored maroon bags contain 3 plaid chartreuse bags, 2 muted orange bags, 5 pale gray bags, 4 drab green bags. +faded magenta bags contain 1 bright green bag, 5 pale lavender bags, 4 posh fuchsia bags, 2 pale teal bags. +wavy violet bags contain 4 bright indigo bags. +posh gold bags contain 1 bright green bag, 3 dim cyan bags. +muted silver bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy indigo bags, 5 striped turquoise bags, 5 clear blue bags. +muted fuchsia bags contain 2 pale olive bags, 1 light maroon bag, 3 plaid blue bags, 1 light blue bag. +posh turquoise bags contain 3 light lime bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 vibrant blue bags, 3 posh fuchsia bags. +dull purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 2 vibrant tomato bags, 2 dim brown bags, 2 shiny fuchsia bags. +light fuchsia bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 4 striped lime bags, 4 faded white bags. +dull gold bags contain 5 plaid tan bags, 2 light bronze bags, 1 striped tan bag. +wavy olive bags contain 4 vibrant maroon bags, 1 drab salmon bag. +pale beige bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 1 dotted orange bag, 4 dim gray bags. +clear crimson bags contain 4 dull blue bags. +dotted tomato bags contain 5 dotted olive bags. +drab purple bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 3 mirrored olive bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags. +plaid red bags contain 2 bright cyan bags, 5 pale lavender bags, 3 dark chartreuse bags, 1 dotted plum bag. +posh silver bags contain 5 light olive bags, 5 bright white bags, 5 light violet bags, 4 faded orange bags. +muted teal bags contain 2 wavy violet bags. +light red bags contain 2 dull white bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. +bright crimson bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 2 dotted plum bags. +plaid purple bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 5 light lavender bags. +dark gray bags contain 4 dull plum bags, 5 muted tomato bags, 3 drab brown bags. +vibrant gray bags contain 4 posh black bags. +plaid fuchsia bags contain 1 posh lime bag. +striped chartreuse bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 1 bright purple bag, 1 clear white bag. +dull fuchsia bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 striped olive bags, 2 faded white bags. +muted beige bags contain 4 drab chartreuse bags. +vibrant beige bags contain 4 striped crimson bags. +vibrant indigo bags contain 5 dull plum bags, 1 dull maroon bag, 2 striped white bags. +dull silver bags contain 5 dull white bags, 2 dull gold bags, 4 shiny cyan bags, 4 wavy gold bags. +dim blue bags contain 5 posh yellow bags, 5 dim maroon bags. +posh white bags contain 4 dim teal bags, 4 light brown bags. +mirrored tomato bags contain 1 posh purple bag, 3 striped aqua bags. +light black bags contain 1 mirrored chartreuse bag, 3 muted yellow bags, 4 muted tan bags. +plaid silver bags contain 2 dull beige bags, 5 bright tan bags, 5 posh tomato bags. +shiny violet bags contain 1 plaid beige bag, 3 faded teal bags, 4 dotted tomato bags, 1 shiny orange bag. +dull black bags contain 5 vibrant coral bags, 2 clear orange bags. +dim white bags contain 5 drab brown bags, 2 plaid lavender bags. +wavy salmon bags contain 5 dull white bags, 5 vibrant crimson bags, 2 posh silver bags, 1 dim purple bag. +dark green bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 3 light tomato bags, 1 pale olive bag, 5 pale brown bags. +light chartreuse bags contain 1 dotted silver bag, 3 bright maroon bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 5 bright coral bags. +dim green bags contain 3 wavy bronze bags, 3 bright tan bags, 1 dotted magenta bag. +shiny tan bags contain 3 striped turquoise bags, 4 drab brown bags, 2 wavy tan bags, 3 light fuchsia bags. +muted lime bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 5 vibrant blue bags. +dark coral bags contain 5 plaid chartreuse bags. +striped fuchsia bags contain 4 light lavender bags, 4 dull gray bags, 5 wavy cyan bags, 2 striped orange bags. +shiny maroon bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 5 dull green bags, 4 shiny cyan bags. +dotted red bags contain 5 light violet bags, 4 plaid chartreuse bags. +dim salmon bags contain 1 dim blue bag, 3 dotted indigo bags, 4 pale crimson bags, 3 drab blue bags. +pale magenta bags contain 5 pale violet bags, 1 dark blue bag. +clear coral bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags, 2 shiny cyan bags, 4 dull red bags. +dim black bags contain 4 dim aqua bags, 5 pale blue bags. +clear cyan bags contain 2 light violet bags, 5 drab salmon bags, 4 dark teal bags. +dull gray bags contain 2 bright lavender bags, 3 pale plum bags, 5 dull plum bags. +dull salmon bags contain 4 posh violet bags, 3 mirrored indigo bags, 3 plaid tomato bags. +pale cyan bags contain 2 pale chartreuse bags, 4 light brown bags, 1 plaid beige bag, 3 light maroon bags. +faded indigo bags contain 3 dim maroon bags, 3 mirrored violet bags. +wavy orange bags contain 3 plaid purple bags. +dim plum bags contain 2 wavy tomato bags. +pale turquoise bags contain 2 faded lime bags. +drab orange bags contain 2 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 plaid tomato bags, 3 dotted blue bags, 5 wavy red bags. +mirrored cyan bags contain 5 muted chartreuse bags, 4 dim cyan bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. +vibrant purple bags contain 5 dotted turquoise bags. +posh red bags contain 4 faded turquoise bags, 2 light violet bags. +muted crimson bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags. +drab magenta bags contain 1 dull fuchsia bag. +wavy tan bags contain 1 mirrored plum bag. +vibrant tomato bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 clear fuchsia bags, 5 dark yellow bags. +mirrored gold bags contain 3 muted purple bags, 5 dark indigo bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. +mirrored plum bags contain 3 faded turquoise bags. +muted gray bags contain 4 light bronze bags. +light olive bags contain 3 bright lavender bags, 4 wavy orange bags, 3 clear lavender bags. +faded tan bags contain 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab bronze bag, 5 mirrored plum bags. +posh plum bags contain 4 dotted gold bags, 4 dotted plum bags, 2 vibrant gold bags. +faded maroon bags contain 5 dim red bags. +drab teal bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 2 faded silver bags. +clear black bags contain 2 pale red bags, 3 plaid black bags. +mirrored indigo bags contain 3 dim chartreuse bags, 1 wavy violet bag, 1 dull green bag. +pale teal bags contain 4 wavy indigo bags. +drab cyan bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 5 dim red bags. +striped salmon bags contain 4 clear olive bags, 4 wavy orange bags. +faded bronze bags contain 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 dark green bags. +muted magenta bags contain 2 mirrored beige bags, 1 wavy orange bag, 3 light salmon bags. +wavy plum bags contain 5 light cyan bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. +dark lavender bags contain 2 dim coral bags. +faded lavender bags contain 4 wavy bronze bags, 3 dim yellow bags. +dark maroon bags contain 5 striped orange bags. +clear fuchsia bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 4 posh red bags, 3 plaid purple bags. +shiny magenta bags contain 2 striped maroon bags, 5 mirrored olive bags, 2 drab lime bags. +wavy coral bags contain 4 posh maroon bags, 5 dim white bags, 5 pale indigo bags, 5 dotted maroon bags. +dark silver bags contain 3 posh plum bags. +shiny blue bags contain 1 wavy indigo bag, 4 dark magenta bags, 4 light turquoise bags. +clear lavender bags contain 1 bright violet bag, 4 wavy cyan bags, 2 dim blue bags, 5 posh violet bags. +shiny orange bags contain 2 pale tomato bags, 1 pale teal bag. +mirrored beige bags contain 5 dotted gold bags, 1 faded violet bag, 4 striped gray bags. +bright cyan bags contain 4 muted tomato bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 4 bright yellow bags. +vibrant fuchsia bags contain 4 striped tan bags, 1 dark black bag, 4 plaid olive bags, 2 wavy aqua bags. +pale olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 pale plum bags. +dotted crimson bags contain 3 dim gray bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +vibrant orange bags contain 5 striped orange bags, 3 plaid blue bags. +light brown bags contain 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +muted plum bags contain 1 muted indigo bag, 5 plaid yellow bags, 1 vibrant silver bag, 1 drab turquoise bag. +dotted chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted red bags, 5 light lavender bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 muted tomato bags. +bright chartreuse bags contain 5 dim salmon bags, 5 shiny salmon bags, 4 bright plum bags, 2 dark lavender bags. +dim gray bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. +faded fuchsia bags contain 2 muted blue bags, 1 mirrored blue bag, 2 dotted green bags, 5 mirrored olive bags. +striped tomato bags contain 4 dull gray bags, 1 vibrant plum bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. +clear turquoise bags contain 4 light orange bags, 3 faded black bags, 5 mirrored lavender bags, 5 posh white bags. +dotted gray bags contain 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 5 light lavender bags, 1 vibrant yellow bag, 4 dull bronze bags. +shiny beige bags contain 3 plaid silver bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags, 2 vibrant lavender bags, 2 wavy olive bags. +pale red bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags. +mirrored silver bags contain 2 vibrant maroon bags, 5 plaid chartreuse bags, 4 vibrant plum bags, 5 faded white bags. +plaid aqua bags contain 5 faded aqua bags, 4 dotted fuchsia bags. +dull yellow bags contain 5 bright turquoise bags, 3 posh plum bags, 1 pale white bag. +faded orange bags contain 3 dotted bronze bags, 1 mirrored tan bag. +wavy green bags contain 1 wavy turquoise bag. +posh tan bags contain 5 striped lavender bags, 4 posh tomato bags. +wavy crimson bags contain 4 pale lavender bags, 2 mirrored tan bags, 5 plaid beige bags. +striped yellow bags contain 3 shiny green bags, 5 dark gold bags, 4 drab teal bags, 3 drab olive bags. +pale plum bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 dotted plum bag, 1 bright yellow bag. +pale yellow bags contain 2 bright green bags, 5 dull beige bags, 3 light coral bags, 3 dull red bags. +striped silver bags contain 1 clear crimson bag, 4 shiny salmon bags. +bright silver bags contain 2 shiny black bags, 3 faded gold bags, 5 bright yellow bags. +shiny red bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 5 shiny beige bags. +posh chartreuse bags contain 5 dotted maroon bags, 5 shiny bronze bags, 1 shiny cyan bag, 3 pale aqua bags. +wavy teal bags contain 4 mirrored plum bags, 4 drab silver bags, 3 pale green bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +posh olive bags contain 2 dim salmon bags, 1 faded black bag, 1 light lime bag. +dark fuchsia bags contain 3 mirrored indigo bags. +dark cyan bags contain 4 muted indigo bags, 4 shiny crimson bags, 2 drab turquoise bags. +posh magenta bags contain 5 bright blue bags, 1 dull turquoise bag. +muted red bags contain 3 light violet bags, 2 dark cyan bags. +vibrant gold bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 pale brown bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 plaid lavender bags. +muted purple bags contain 3 dim blue bags, 3 wavy red bags, 1 clear lavender bag. +dim magenta bags contain 5 muted tan bags, 4 striped olive bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. +faded plum bags contain 1 faded black bag, 1 muted green bag. +light violet bags contain 3 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 dull bronze bag. +faded salmon bags contain 1 pale salmon bag, 1 light teal bag. +posh black bags contain 2 wavy purple bags. +plaid white bags contain 1 shiny salmon bag, 3 posh purple bags. +mirrored green bags contain 3 bright tan bags, 1 plaid white bag, 3 mirrored plum bags. +dark red bags contain 2 bright purple bags, 2 muted white bags, 5 drab cyan bags, 5 plaid olive bags. +vibrant teal bags contain 5 striped olive bags, 1 pale olive bag. +dotted green bags contain 3 dark cyan bags. +dark indigo bags contain 3 bright brown bags, 3 drab white bags, 2 muted purple bags, 2 plaid silver bags. +drab tan bags contain 3 dotted gray bags, 2 faded black bags, 1 dull brown bag, 2 drab salmon bags. +vibrant chartreuse bags contain 5 pale brown bags. +mirrored olive bags contain 2 dim blue bags, 2 shiny gold bags, 4 light lavender bags. +light silver bags contain 3 drab orange bags, 5 light plum bags, 2 dotted olive bags. +light indigo bags contain 4 pale yellow bags, 1 vibrant violet bag, 4 dull cyan bags, 5 dotted tomato bags. +pale orange bags contain 4 pale silver bags, 4 vibrant tomato bags. +vibrant bronze bags contain 5 dark yellow bags. +dull beige bags contain 4 dotted gray bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 light lavender bags, 3 shiny coral bags. +bright gray bags contain 3 bright silver bags. +vibrant green bags contain 4 muted tan bags, 3 light lavender bags, 5 light magenta bags. +plaid violet bags contain 4 bright lime bags, 2 mirrored olive bags, 4 faded blue bags. +striped bronze bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag. +dim crimson bags contain 3 bright yellow bags, 1 dull gray bag. +posh purple bags contain 3 light fuchsia bags, 5 pale black bags, 5 wavy orange bags, 3 drab blue bags. +clear beige bags contain 4 plaid black bags. +striped gray bags contain 2 pale green bags, 4 light fuchsia bags. +plaid olive bags contain 2 mirrored gray bags. +muted green bags contain 1 plaid coral bag. +clear salmon bags contain 4 muted black bags, 1 bright white bag, 1 drab tomato bag, 2 shiny orange bags. +dark aqua bags contain 5 light bronze bags, 1 wavy turquoise bag. +drab tomato bags contain 5 dim chartreuse bags. +wavy magenta bags contain 3 posh brown bags. +dull crimson bags contain 1 mirrored tan bag, 4 dotted crimson bags, 5 vibrant indigo bags. +plaid turquoise bags contain 1 dark bronze bag, 4 bright maroon bags. +dim cyan bags contain 4 plaid red bags, 4 bright silver bags, 5 vibrant gold bags. +faded blue bags contain 3 plaid salmon bags, 3 clear cyan bags, 1 wavy aqua bag, 4 mirrored teal bags. +light orange bags contain 4 posh chartreuse bags, 3 shiny maroon bags, 4 dim teal bags, 4 drab chartreuse bags. +bright white bags contain 5 drab chartreuse bags. +clear red bags contain 1 dull magenta bag, 1 light cyan bag. +drab gold bags contain 4 plaid violet bags, 5 muted gold bags. +muted chartreuse bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag, 4 vibrant red bags, 1 drab turquoise bag, 5 posh black bags. +mirrored black bags contain 1 dim white bag, 1 clear gold bag. +bright indigo bags contain 1 vibrant gold bag, 2 pale purple bags. +muted indigo bags contain 2 dull plum bags. +striped tan bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. +dim tan bags contain 2 dim red bags, 4 light violet bags, 1 clear beige bag. +muted tomato bags contain 1 faded gold bag, 2 bright yellow bags, 3 dotted plum bags. +vibrant turquoise bags contain 2 light tan bags, 4 wavy salmon bags, 1 dark tan bag, 1 dull tan bag. +dotted magenta bags contain 4 plaid blue bags, 1 plaid turquoise bag, 5 striped silver bags. +dark orange bags contain 3 faded bronze bags. +light tomato bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 1 pale brown bag, 4 bright violet bags. +dim teal bags contain 5 dull brown bags. +muted lavender bags contain 4 dark yellow bags, 4 shiny teal bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 5 wavy cyan bags. +bright beige bags contain 3 muted black bags, 4 bright blue bags. +light purple bags contain 1 pale lavender bag, 2 shiny aqua bags. +plaid blue bags contain 4 dull beige bags, 3 dull brown bags, 3 dotted crimson bags. +striped lavender bags contain 3 dotted chartreuse bags. +bright tomato bags contain 1 posh violet bag, 3 shiny aqua bags. +wavy indigo bags contain 4 mirrored olive bags, 1 faded turquoise bag, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 bright gray bags. +pale black bags contain 5 bright silver bags, 3 mirrored turquoise bags. +mirrored turquoise bags contain no other bags. +bright plum bags contain 2 faded turquoise bags. +shiny yellow bags contain 1 clear gold bag. +plaid bronze bags contain 1 dotted teal bag, 3 faded white bags, 2 shiny green bags. +striped beige bags contain 3 vibrant teal bags. +wavy cyan bags contain 5 posh yellow bags. +light tan bags contain 2 vibrant red bags. +pale brown bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 drab turquoise bag. +bright teal bags contain 3 dark green bags, 2 dull white bags. +drab yellow bags contain 5 dotted purple bags. +shiny cyan bags contain 4 vibrant yellow bags. +vibrant silver bags contain 5 mirrored yellow bags, 5 dull indigo bags, 3 faded cyan bags, 4 faded turquoise bags. +clear plum bags contain 4 pale lavender bags. +posh teal bags contain 2 muted tan bags. +striped crimson bags contain 1 dull plum bag, 2 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 dim maroon bags, 3 bright yellow bags. +dull lavender bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 5 pale silver bags, 5 dim salmon bags, 4 muted salmon bags. +posh indigo bags contain 5 faded chartreuse bags, 5 dark green bags, 5 dark blue bags. +wavy blue bags contain 5 muted yellow bags. +dull magenta bags contain 5 pale brown bags. +mirrored bronze bags contain 3 posh turquoise bags. +posh aqua bags contain 1 dim white bag, 2 clear tomato bags, 2 pale maroon bags. +pale purple bags contain 2 dotted fuchsia bags. +mirrored chartreuse bags contain 5 plaid yellow bags, 5 posh tan bags, 4 vibrant silver bags, 3 drab green bags. +dotted black bags contain 5 muted aqua bags, 1 wavy lime bag, 2 bright lime bags. +plaid chartreuse bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 faded gold bags, 1 pale lavender bag. +dotted plum bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 4 dim blue bags. +clear gold bags contain 2 bright tan bags, 5 wavy teal bags. +dark crimson bags contain 4 bright teal bags, 2 wavy gray bags, 1 bright chartreuse bag. +faded gray bags contain 2 mirrored magenta bags. +dim gold bags contain 3 drab white bags. +clear green bags contain 2 pale beige bags. +dotted gold bags contain 3 dull indigo bags. +striped lime bags contain 2 dotted chartreuse bags. +clear brown bags contain 4 dark olive bags, 2 striped yellow bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dotted plum bags. +striped gold bags contain 1 wavy white bag, 3 posh tomato bags, 4 light magenta bags. +muted brown bags contain 1 clear gold bag. +plaid tomato bags contain 4 plaid plum bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags. +dark salmon bags contain 5 pale plum bags, 3 striped lime bags, 4 dotted gray bags. +drab brown bags contain 1 wavy orange bag, 4 dark cyan bags, 1 drab white bag. +pale gray bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 1 bright yellow bag. +plaid maroon bags contain 1 pale coral bag. +dim violet bags contain 5 wavy blue bags, 4 shiny coral bags, 4 pale black bags, 3 posh yellow bags. +faded white bags contain 2 pale plum bags. +mirrored orange bags contain 3 striped maroon bags, 1 dull bronze bag, 2 pale aqua bags. +wavy black bags contain 1 faded violet bag, 1 plaid purple bag, 5 dim coral bags, 2 mirrored plum bags. +dim silver bags contain 2 muted brown bags, 1 posh plum bag. +dark tomato bags contain 5 dull magenta bags, 2 faded aqua bags, 3 vibrant lime bags, 3 drab silver bags. +dotted silver bags contain 2 dotted red bags. +muted yellow bags contain 4 drab purple bags, 3 striped olive bags. +shiny lavender bags contain 5 plaid purple bags, 2 vibrant crimson bags, 4 dull olive bags. +clear tomato bags contain 4 shiny bronze bags. +dark turquoise bags contain 5 dim brown bags. +drab coral bags contain 3 dull orange bags. +dotted beige bags contain 1 wavy lavender bag, 5 dull orange bags, 4 dull lime bags, 3 dull blue bags. +dark teal bags contain 3 muted indigo bags, 5 dark gold bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 plaid tan bags. +light lavender bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 4 muted tomato bags, 4 dull plum bags. +dim lavender bags contain 4 light magenta bags, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. +vibrant brown bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 clear green bag, 3 posh orange bags, 3 mirrored silver bags. +pale tan bags contain 3 bright tomato bags, 5 pale maroon bags, 3 wavy teal bags. +muted black bags contain 1 light lime bag. +posh lime bags contain 3 bright crimson bags, 4 posh beige bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +light aqua bags contain 4 posh olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 wavy tan bags, 2 dotted blue bags. +dotted tan bags contain 3 dark yellow bags, 4 posh silver bags, 3 dark beige bags. +shiny black bags contain no other bags. +mirrored fuchsia bags contain 1 bright purple bag, 3 posh lime bags, 5 dim black bags. +dim purple bags contain 3 muted indigo bags. +wavy white bags contain 2 pale olive bags. +bright magenta bags contain 5 dull aqua bags, 3 dull green bags, 2 shiny turquoise bags. +drab white bags contain 1 plaid yellow bag, 2 shiny green bags, 5 posh beige bags, 5 plaid tan bags. +mirrored crimson bags contain 2 shiny teal bags. +pale white bags contain 2 muted indigo bags. +shiny bronze bags contain 5 mirrored crimson bags, 3 pale brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags. +clear blue bags contain 1 drab chartreuse bag, 4 striped turquoise bags, 1 plaid aqua bag, 5 pale aqua bags. +shiny brown bags contain 1 dotted bronze bag, 4 shiny fuchsia bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags, 4 dark lavender bags. +dotted teal bags contain 4 dull olive bags, 4 clear black bags. +posh gray bags contain 1 wavy salmon bag. +dark white bags contain 4 pale lime bags, 4 plaid beige bags, 5 dull fuchsia bags, 1 pale yellow bag. +dull cyan bags contain 4 muted lavender bags, 2 plaid tan bags, 2 dim blue bags. +dark olive bags contain 2 dim indigo bags, 1 dark brown bag, 5 dark yellow bags, 4 dull gray bags. +vibrant tan bags contain 4 bright tan bags, 1 pale tomato bag. +drab beige bags contain 4 muted magenta bags, 2 bright plum bags, 3 pale beige bags. +clear magenta bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 5 vibrant green bags. +posh yellow bags contain no other bags. +vibrant magenta bags contain 2 dark green bags. +posh blue bags contain 2 muted chartreuse bags, 3 vibrant coral bags. +striped violet bags contain 1 dotted orange bag, 5 striped red bags, 5 dull lime bags. +dark yellow bags contain 2 shiny turquoise bags. +bright turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags, 2 posh violet bags, 4 bright plum bags. +pale silver bags contain 4 vibrant bronze bags, 4 faded purple bags, 1 shiny green bag, 1 plaid lavender bag. +muted white bags contain 3 mirrored olive bags. +light green bags contain 5 shiny plum bags, 4 pale lavender bags, 5 faded gold bags. +drab lime bags contain 2 plaid beige bags. +pale chartreuse bags contain 4 dotted brown bags, 1 dark black bag, 3 mirrored plum bags, 1 faded black bag. +mirrored violet bags contain 5 plaid beige bags. +vibrant white bags contain 5 muted tomato bags. +faded violet bags contain 1 dull brown bag, 1 mirrored brown bag. +drab bronze bags contain 3 dim indigo bags, 1 dim magenta bag, 1 bright gray bag. +posh lavender bags contain 1 wavy black bag, 2 wavy magenta bags. +vibrant aqua bags contain 2 light lavender bags, 1 faded crimson bag, 4 dark green bags, 3 mirrored white bags. +bright green bags contain 1 dark gray bag. +shiny turquoise bags contain 2 bright yellow bags. +pale aqua bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 2 drab silver bags, 3 drab salmon bags. +faded silver bags contain 3 striped teal bags, 5 mirrored indigo bags. +shiny indigo bags contain 3 wavy olive bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 4 clear fuchsia bags. +vibrant yellow bags contain 5 dark chartreuse bags, 3 dull indigo bags, 1 bright tan bag. +shiny aqua bags contain 3 striped olive bags, 2 shiny teal bags, 5 pale teal bags. +bright maroon bags contain 2 striped lime bags. +dark purple bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 1 bright olive bag, 3 drab orange bags, 1 mirrored olive bag. +drab lavender bags contain 5 wavy beige bags, 4 bright gold bags, 3 wavy cyan bags. +dull white bags contain 4 posh teal bags, 4 mirrored turquoise bags, 1 muted purple bag. +clear silver bags contain 1 dull lime bag, 2 dim plum bags, 5 wavy maroon bags, 3 striped cyan bags. +bright lavender bags contain 1 muted tomato bag. +pale crimson bags contain 1 striped tan bag, 4 dotted red bags, 3 dotted fuchsia bags, 5 dull brown bags. +posh maroon bags contain 3 dark magenta bags, 3 pale gray bags. +vibrant lime bags contain 1 dull maroon bag, 4 light purple bags, 5 dull orange bags, 1 dull purple bag. +drab turquoise bags contain no other bags. +dark bronze bags contain 2 light tomato bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 3 posh yellow bags, 5 light lavender bags. +muted cyan bags contain 3 dotted black bags, 1 faded violet bag, 5 bright violet bags. +dim tomato bags contain 3 drab chartreuse bags, 1 striped coral bag, 3 pale tan bags. +light teal bags contain 3 pale gray bags. +muted olive bags contain 1 dull green bag, 3 bright violet bags, 1 dark yellow bag. +mirrored tan bags contain 3 dark salmon bags, 1 vibrant red bag, 1 dull gray bag. +light turquoise bags contain 5 posh red bags, 1 dim chartreuse bag, 3 vibrant beige bags, 2 mirrored lavender bags. +dark brown bags contain 2 clear fuchsia bags, 2 dull bronze bags, 3 striped aqua bags, 1 shiny gold bag. +striped orange bags contain 3 shiny gold bags, 1 bright crimson bag, 3 vibrant gold bags. +bright bronze bags contain 3 faded cyan bags, 3 dim blue bags, 2 faded gold bags, 2 bright tan bags. +dotted orange bags contain 4 dim magenta bags, 1 faded white bag, 1 muted tan bag. +dull red bags contain 3 posh yellow bags, 3 pale plum bags. +clear orange bags contain 5 wavy chartreuse bags, 5 dull aqua bags, 1 faded bronze bag, 5 faded chartreuse bags. +dark blue bags contain 2 striped lime bags. +wavy brown bags contain 4 shiny green bags. +wavy purple bags contain 2 dim maroon bags, 1 vibrant coral bag, 4 posh teal bags, 2 dark teal bags. +muted tan bags contain 5 bright violet bags, 4 dotted red bags, 5 dull beige bags, 1 dim gray bag. +posh crimson bags contain 3 dark bronze bags, 3 pale salmon bags, 2 muted beige bags, 2 bright aqua bags. +pale blue bags contain 3 wavy black bags, 5 dotted brown bags, 5 drab chartreuse bags, 5 bright gray bags. +striped plum bags contain 4 light turquoise bags. +posh green bags contain 5 dull cyan bags, 4 muted tan bags, 1 faded silver bag, 3 vibrant black bags. +mirrored yellow bags contain 5 shiny fuchsia bags, 3 bright tan bags, 4 drab fuchsia bags. +striped brown bags contain 4 wavy turquoise bags. +dim bronze bags contain 4 faded black bags, 1 striped lavender bag. +plaid cyan bags contain 5 posh lime bags, 2 wavy white bags, 3 posh crimson bags. +plaid brown bags contain 2 dark bronze bags. +vibrant blue bags contain 4 wavy orange bags, 4 drab silver bags, 2 muted tan bags. +dull violet bags contain 5 posh black bags, 4 shiny tomato bags. +striped magenta bags contain 3 faded white bags, 1 vibrant bronze bag. +striped coral bags contain 1 dull blue bag, 5 faded lime bags, 4 vibrant coral bags. +plaid lime bags contain 1 shiny black bag, 3 mirrored coral bags. +dim indigo bags contain 4 dim coral bags, 3 wavy indigo bags, 3 vibrant red bags, 3 wavy orange bags. +pale violet bags contain 2 drab purple bags. +striped turquoise bags contain 4 drab teal bags, 5 striped bronze bags. +striped indigo bags contain 3 striped purple bags, 4 shiny beige bags. +light coral bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 5 pale teal bags, 5 dull red bags, 3 mirrored tomato bags. +drab plum bags contain 4 dull white bags, 3 clear crimson bags, 2 wavy lavender bags. +dim maroon bags contain no other bags. +shiny crimson bags contain 2 dull indigo bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +dull aqua bags contain 3 dark yellow bags. +drab violet bags contain 4 striped aqua bags. +shiny gold bags contain 2 pale brown bags, 2 dotted chartreuse bags, 1 vibrant gold bag, 4 dull magenta bags. +plaid indigo bags contain 4 striped purple bags, 3 clear brown bags. +muted gold bags contain 1 shiny cyan bag. +dotted lime bags contain 3 dotted olive bags, 4 light tan bags, 4 bright bronze bags, 3 vibrant plum bags. +vibrant red bags contain 2 wavy red bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags, 5 dim coral bags. +faded lime bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 4 pale lavender bags. +striped black bags contain 2 light white bags, 4 posh lime bags, 3 posh chartreuse bags. +posh brown bags contain 1 muted white bag, 2 striped teal bags, 1 faded chartreuse bag. +dotted aqua bags contain 5 dull orange bags. +clear yellow bags contain 5 pale fuchsia bags, 2 posh cyan bags. +faded crimson bags contain 4 vibrant black bags. +dull tan bags contain 1 plaid crimson bag. +dark chartreuse bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag. +clear purple bags contain 1 dotted magenta bag, 2 striped lavender bags. +pale indigo bags contain 2 drab tan bags, 2 shiny indigo bags. +plaid coral bags contain 2 dark olive bags, 1 pale aqua bag, 5 shiny bronze bags. +faded purple bags contain 4 dull aqua bags, 2 drab turquoise bags, 5 wavy crimson bags, 2 faded turquoise bags. +pale gold bags contain 3 plaid blue bags, 3 muted plum bags, 4 wavy tomato bags, 3 clear lavender bags. +plaid plum bags contain 1 plaid lavender bag, 3 wavy purple bags. +vibrant violet bags contain 1 posh teal bag, 4 dull gray bags, 5 dim aqua bags, 5 striped yellow bags. +light maroon bags contain 5 clear blue bags. +clear olive bags contain 4 posh yellow bags, 4 dotted olive bags, 2 faded chartreuse bags. +dotted indigo bags contain 1 muted crimson bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 3 dotted crimson bags, 4 dotted chartreuse bags. +muted coral bags contain 3 faded teal bags, 3 pale crimson bags, 1 posh fuchsia bag. +striped olive bags contain 1 plaid chartreuse bag, 1 dull indigo bag, 1 shiny salmon bag, 1 shiny crimson bag. +dull maroon bags contain 4 dull bronze bags, 1 mirrored brown bag, 5 wavy white bags, 5 clear teal bags. +bright aqua bags contain 2 light bronze bags, 3 bright violet bags, 5 posh fuchsia bags. +drab fuchsia bags contain 1 pale black bag. +plaid orange bags contain 2 muted orange bags. +faded aqua bags contain 4 striped orange bags, 3 striped aqua bags. +dull coral bags contain 2 dull aqua bags, 5 dim white bags, 1 striped tan bag. +muted blue bags contain 1 mirrored turquoise bag, 4 bright lavender bags, 4 dull magenta bags. +striped cyan bags contain 1 shiny tan bag, 5 dark cyan bags, 2 pale chartreuse bags, 3 muted gold bags. +muted violet bags contain 4 muted bronze bags, 5 mirrored tan bags, 5 bright yellow bags. +dull blue bags contain 3 striped fuchsia bags, 2 plaid aqua bags, 1 mirrored lime bag. +bright olive bags contain 1 pale turquoise bag, 2 vibrant gray bags, 5 posh chartreuse bags, 4 shiny lime bags. +drab red bags contain 1 light lime bag, 1 mirrored black bag, 4 pale purple bags, 2 drab purple bags. +mirrored brown bags contain 3 dull bronze bags, 3 bright lavender bags. +dotted brown bags contain 1 plaid turquoise bag, 1 dull plum bag. +shiny gray bags contain 2 pale magenta bags. +posh fuchsia bags contain 1 clear gold bag, 5 muted tomato bags, 4 muted white bags, 1 dark brown bag. +shiny green bags contain 5 posh teal bags, 2 dark brown bags, 1 faded turquoise bag. +shiny teal bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 2 plaid aqua bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +pale lime bags contain 5 shiny chartreuse bags, 2 striped gold bags. +bright tan bags contain 5 drab turquoise bags, 2 dotted plum bags. +wavy maroon bags contain 3 striped yellow bags, 2 plaid red bags, 4 pale teal bags. +light gray bags contain 3 wavy teal bags, 1 clear brown bag, 5 striped tan bags, 3 muted magenta bags. +dark tan bags contain 5 posh purple bags. +light lime bags contain 4 light brown bags, 3 faded violet bags, 5 bright plum bags. +bright gold bags contain 1 shiny crimson bag, 4 wavy red bags. +drab crimson bags contain 2 dotted purple bags, 4 plaid purple bags, 4 vibrant black bags. +pale maroon bags contain 1 dim gray bag. +wavy chartreuse bags contain 3 bright lavender bags. +plaid gold bags contain 5 posh lavender bags. +plaid yellow bags contain 3 shiny black bags. +dim red bags contain 2 muted indigo bags, 1 shiny aqua bag, 1 dim gray bag. +faded turquoise bags contain 2 shiny coral bags. +mirrored purple bags contain 3 muted beige bags, 4 faded blue bags. +dark black bags contain 4 bright coral bags. +dull indigo bags contain no other bags. +dark lime bags contain 1 shiny chartreuse bag, 5 drab plum bags, 2 dim yellow bags. +dim yellow bags contain 4 dotted plum bags, 2 dim coral bags, 3 dotted red bags. +shiny silver bags contain 5 drab tan bags, 1 bright cyan bag. +posh bronze bags contain 5 dotted salmon bags, 1 light aqua bag. +dull tomato bags contain 1 clear red bag, 1 dull green bag, 1 dark blue bag, 1 striped maroon bag. +bright fuchsia bags contain 1 dark cyan bag. +striped red bags contain 5 mirrored lime bags, 4 dull magenta bags, 2 vibrant yellow bags. +striped green bags contain 2 dim white bags. +wavy fuchsia bags contain 3 muted fuchsia bags, 3 drab blue bags. +posh violet bags contain 2 plaid red bags, 3 faded turquoise bags, 1 faded white bag. +vibrant maroon bags contain 1 clear fuchsia bag, 5 wavy purple bags, 2 dull gold bags. +dim olive bags contain 2 mirrored yellow bags, 2 muted magenta bags, 3 drab coral bags. +muted turquoise bags contain 1 drab white bag, 4 vibrant crimson bags, 5 dark teal bags, 1 drab bronze bag. +light white bags contain 5 vibrant gold bags, 2 faded silver bags, 1 bright beige bag. +dark beige bags contain 4 shiny white bags, 3 wavy chartreuse bags, 1 dotted red bag, 5 plaid crimson bags. +wavy gold bags contain 3 posh teal bags. +muted bronze bags contain 2 dull bronze bags, 2 muted black bags. +wavy lime bags contain 3 dim violet bags, 5 posh violet bags, 1 light white bag, 2 posh olive bags. +clear gray bags contain 2 pale purple bags. +vibrant black bags contain 5 plaid black bags. +dotted olive bags contain 4 dotted fuchsia bags. +drab gray bags contain 3 shiny chartreuse bags, 1 dim yellow bag. +shiny tomato bags contain 1 bright coral bag, 4 mirrored coral bags. +dotted coral bags contain 2 plaid cyan bags, 3 light crimson bags, 1 light white bag, 3 drab aqua bags. +drab blue bags contain 3 bright coral bags, 3 dim coral bags. +mirrored blue bags contain 5 dotted brown bags, 4 clear chartreuse bags, 2 bright gold bags, 3 striped lavender bags. +muted aqua bags contain 2 bright turquoise bags. +bright yellow bags contain no other bags. +#+end_example + +* Test input + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq test-input "light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags. + dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags. + bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag. + muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags. + shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags. + dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags. + vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags. + faded blue bags contain no other bags. + dotted black bags contain no other bags.") +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags. +: dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags. +: bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag. +: muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags. +: shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags. +: dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags. +: vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags. +: faded blue bags contain no other bags. +: dotted black bags contain no other bags. + * Part 1 ** Problem +You land at the regional airport in time for your next flight. In fact, it looks like you'll even have time to grab some food: all flights are currently delayed due to issues in luggage processing. + +Due to recent aviation regulations, many rules (your puzzle input) are being enforced about bags and their contents; bags must be color-coded and must contain specific quantities of other color-coded bags. Apparently, nobody responsible for these regulations considered how long they would take to enforce! + +For example, consider the following rules: + +#+begin_example +light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags. +dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags. +bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag. +muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags. +shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags. +dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags. +vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags. +faded blue bags contain no other bags. +dotted black bags contain no other bags. +#+end_example + +These rules specify the required contents for 9 bag types. In this example, every faded blue bag is empty, every vibrant plum bag contains 11 bags (5 faded blue and 6 dotted black), and so on. + +You have a shiny gold bag. If you wanted to carry it in at least one other bag, how many different bag colors would be valid for the outermost bag? (In other words: how many colors can, eventually, contain at least one shiny gold bag?) + +In the above rules, the following options would be available to you: + +- A bright white bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly. +- A muted yellow bag, which can hold your shiny gold bag directly, plus some other bags. +- A dark orange bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag. +- A light red bag, which can hold bright white and muted yellow bags, either of which could then hold your shiny gold bag. + +So, in this example, the number of bag colors that can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag is 4. + +How many bag colors can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag? (The list of rules is quite long; make sure you get all of it.) + ** Solution +It looks like I’m going to need to figure out what bags can go in what other bags, and build some kind of like, graph or something. + +*** Step 1: Parse the input + +First thing I have to do is parse the input lines into like, an alist? + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (defun parse-rule (line) + "Parse a line of text into a rule for bags." + (let* ((container-list (split-string line "contain" t + "[ .]")) + (container_ (car container-list)) + (container (substring container_ 0 (1- (length container_)))) + + (contained-list (split-string (cadr container-list) "," t + "[ s]")) + (contained)) + + ;; turn contained-list from a list of strings to a plist + (require 'subr-x) + (dolist (bag contained-list contained) + (let* ((bag-list (split-string bag)) + (bag-number (string-to-number (car bag-list))) + (bag-type (string-join (cdr bag-list) " "))) + (if (= bag-number 0) + (setq contained nil) + ;;(push bag-number contained) + (push bag-type contained)))) + + (cons container contained))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: parse-rule + +*** Step 2: test + +Let’s test it on our test input. + +#+NAME: test-plist +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (setq test-plist + (aoc + test-input nil + (let ((result)) + (dolist (ln lines result) + (let ((bag (parse-rule ln))) + (setq result (plist-put result (cadr bag) (car bag))))) + (reverse result)))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: test-plist +: (dotted\ black\ bag (nil) faded\ blue\ bag (nil) vibrant\ plum\ bag (dotted\ black\ bag faded\ blue\ bag) dark\ olive\ bag (dotted\ black\ bag faded\ blue\ bag) shiny\ gold\ bag (vibrant\ plum\ bag dark\ olive\ bag) muted\ yellow\ bag (faded\ blue\ bag shiny\ gold\ bag) bright\ white\ bag (shiny\ gold\ bag) dark\ orange\ bag (muted\ yellow\ bag bright\ white\ bag) light\ red\ bag (muted\ yellow\ bag bright\ white\ bag)) + +*** Step 3: Expand + +Okay, I’ve built the plist. What’s next? I need to count how many bags can contain somehow a shiny gold bag. That means I need to recursively expand the rules until I can’t anymore. + +#+NAME: test-expand +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (defun expand-bag (bag baglist) + "Recursively expand a bag's definition until you can't anymore." + (let ((contained (plist-get baglist bag)) + (result)) + (unless (equal contained '(nil)) + (dolist (b contained result) + (push (expand-bag b baglist) result))))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: test-expand +: expand-bag + +Hmmmmm. I think I need a different tack. + +** Attempt 2 + +I was trying plists before; let’s try an alist now. + +*** 1. Parse + +We can actually use the same =parse-rule= from before, I think. + +#+NAME: test-alist +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (setq test-alist + (aoc + test-input nil + (let ((result)) + (dolist (ln lines result) + (let ((bag (parse-rule ln))) + (push bag result)))))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: test-alist +: (("dotted black bag") ("faded blue bag") ("vibrant plum bag" "dotted black bag" "faded blue bag") ("dark olive bag" "dotted black bag" "faded blue bag") ("shiny gold bag" "vibrant plum bag" "dark olive bag") ("muted yellow bag" "faded blue bag" "shiny gold bag") ("bright white bag" "shiny gold bag") ("dark orange bag" "muted yellow bag" "bright white bag") ("light red bag" "muted yellow bag" "bright white bag")) + +*** 2. Expand + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (defun expand-bag (bag baglist) + (let ((result) + (contents (cadr bag))) + (dolist (b contents result) + (message "%S %S %S" b contents result) + (unless (equal b '(nil)) + (push (assoc b baglist #'string=) result))))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: expand-bag + +#+NAME: test-expand-alist +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (let ((result)) + (dolist (bag test-alist result) + (push (expand-bag bag test-alist) result))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: test-expand-alist +: ((("bright white bag" ("shiny gold bag")) ("muted yellow bag" ("faded blue bag" "shiny gold bag"))) (("bright white bag" ("shiny gold bag")) ("muted yellow bag" ("faded blue bag" "shiny gold bag"))) (("shiny gold bag" ("vibrant plum bag" "dark olive bag"))) (("shiny gold bag" ("vibrant plum bag" "dark olive bag")) ("faded blue bag" (nil))) (("dark olive bag" ("dotted black bag" "faded blue bag")) ("vibrant plum bag" ("dotted black bag" "faded blue bag"))) (("faded blue bag" (nil)) ("dotted black bag" (nil))) (("faded blue bag" (nil)) ("dotted black bag" (nil))) (nil) (nil)) + +** Attempt 3: /truly/ a different tack + +Attempt 2 was getting nowhere. I think I’m going to try another, /another/ tack. + +Let’s think about this mathematically. Bags that don’t contain any other bags are like prime numbers, because they’re indivisible. All other bags contain some number of different prime-numbered bags, which means that we can figure out a /bag number/ for every bag by assigning successive primes to non-bag-containing bags, then multiplying them all together from there. + +*** First: mark the primes + +**** First-first: a primes library + +from [[][EPFL]]. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + ;;; primes.el --- prime number support for Emacs Lisp library code + + ;; Copyright (C) 1999 + ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. + + ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + ;; any later version. + + ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + ;; GNU General Public License for more details. + + ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the + ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, + ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + + ;; Author: Nelson H. F. Beebe + ;; Maintainer: Nelson H. F. Beebe + ;; Created: 27 February 1999 + ;; Version: 1.00 + ;; Keywords: prime numbers, primality testing + + ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. + + ;;; Commentary: + + ;; A prime number is any integer greater than one which has no exact + ;; integer divisors other than one and itself. + ;; + ;; Prime numbers have increasingly important practical applications + ;; in cryptography, and are also useful in hashing, besides being of + ;; fundamental importance in number theory. + ;; + ;; This is a small collection of functions for: + ;; + ;; * testing integers for primality, + ;; * generating nearby primes, + ;; * finding the n-th prime, + ;; * generating lists of primes in a given range, + ;; * factoring a number into a product of primes, + ;; * finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers, and + ;; * finding the least common multiple of two numbers. + ;; + ;; The functions provided are: + ;; + ;; (gcd n m) [cost: O((12(ln 2)/pi^2)ln n)] + ;; (lcm n m) [cost: O((12(ln 2)/pi^2)ln n)] + ;; (next-prime n) [cost: O(sqrt(N))] + ;; (nth-prime n) [cost: O(N*sqrt(N))] + ;; (prev-prime n) [cost: O(sqrt(N))] + ;; (prime-factors n) [cost: O(N)] + ;; (prime-p n) [cost: O(sqrt(N))] + ;; (primes-between from to) [cost: O((to - from + 1)*sqrt(N))] + ;; (this-or-next-prime n) [cost: O(sqrt(N))] + ;; (this-or-prev-prime n) [cost: O(sqrt(N))] + ;; + ;; The modest collection of functions here is likely to grow, and + ;; perhaps may even be improved algorithmically. The core of most of + ;; these functions is the primality test, (prime-p N), whose running + ;; time is O(sqrt(N)), which becomes excessive for large N. Note that + ;; sqrt(N) == 2^{(lg N)/2}, where lg N, the base-2 logarithm of N, is + ;; the number of bits in N. Thus O(sqrt(N)) means O(2^(bits in N)), + ;; or O(10^(digits in N)). That is, the running time increases + ;; EXPONENTIALLY in the number of digits of N. + ;; + ;; Because knowledge of the cost of these functions may be critical to + ;; the caller, each function's documentation string ends with a + ;; bracketed cost estimate as a final paragraph. + ;; + ;; Faster algorithms capable of dealing with larger integers are + ;; known. For example, Maple V Release 5 (1997) implements a + ;; probabilistic function, isprime(n), that is + ;; + ;; ``very probably'' prime - see Knuth ``The art of computer + ;; programming'', Vol 2, 2nd edition, Section 4.5.4, Algorithm P + ;; for a reference and H. Reisel, ``Prime numbers and computer + ;; methods for factorization''. No counter example is known and + ;; it has been conjectured that such a counter example must be + ;; hundreds of digits long. + ;; + ;; Robert Sedgewick also promises a fast prime test in Part 5 of his + ;; book ``Algorithms in C'', not yet published at the time of writing + ;; this in March 1999. + ;; + ;; Three algorithms for probabilistic primality tests for large + ;; numbers are discussed in Bruce Schneier, ``Applied Cryptography'', + ;; (Wiley, 1994, ISBN 0-471-59756-2), pp. 213--216. + ;; + ;; Other key references, described in more detail in the Emacs Lisp + ;; Manual chapter for this library, include + ;; + ;; Leonard M. Adleman, Algorithmic Number Theory --- The + ;; Complexity Contribution, Proc. 35th IEEE Symposium on the + ;; Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'94), Shafi Goldwasser + ;; (Ed.), IEEE Computer Society Press (Silver Spring, MD), + ;; pp. 88--113, 1994, ISBN 0-8186-6582-3, ISSN 0272-5428. + ;; + ;; Eric Bach and Jeffrey Shallit, Algorithmic Number Theory. + ;; Volume I: Efficient Algorithms, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), + ;; 1996, ISBN 0-262-02405-5. + ;; + ;; Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik, Concrete + ;; Mathematics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 1989, ISBN + ;; 0-201-14236-8. + ;; + ;; Donald E. Knuth, Fundamental algorithms, The Art of Computer + ;; Programming, Volume 1, Third edition, Addison-Wesley (Reading, + ;; MA), 1997, ISBN 0-201-89683-4. + ;; + ;; Donald E. Knuth, Seminumerical algorithms, The Art of Computer + ;; Programming, Volume 2, Third edition, Addison-Wesley (Reading, + ;; MA), 1997, ISBN 0-201-89684-2. + ;; + ;; Steven S. Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual, Springer-Verlag + ;; (New York, NY), 1998, ISBN 0-387-94860-0. + ;; + ;;; Code: + + (defconst primes-version "1.00" + "Version number of primes library.") + + + (defconst primes-date "[27-Feb-1999]" + "Revision date of primes library.") + + + (defun gcd (m n) + "Return the Greatest Common Divisor of integers M and N, or nil if + they are invalid. + + \[cost: O((12(ln 2)/pi^2)ln max(M,N)) == O(0.8427659... max(M,N))]" + ;; For details of this 2300-year algorithm due to Euclid, see, e.g. + ;; Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth and Oren Patashnik, ``Concrete + ;; Mathematics'' (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 1989, ISBN + ;; 0-201-14236-8), pp. 103--104. + ;; + ;; The complexity analysis is surprisingly difficult; see Donald + ;; E. Knuth, ``Seminumerical algorithms, The Art of Computer + ;; Programming, Volume 2'', third edition (Addison-Wesley, Reading, + ;; MA, USA, 1997, ISBN 0-201-89684-2), pp. 356--373. + + (if (and (integerp m) (integerp n)) ; check for integer args + (progn + (setq m (abs m)) ; argument sign does not matter for gcd, so + (setq n (abs n)) ; force positive for the algorithm below + (cond + ((and (= m 0) (= n 0)) 0) ; gcd(0,0) ==> 0 by definition, for convenience + ((and (= m 0) (> n 0)) n) ; gcd(0,n) ==> n + ((and (> m 0) (= n 0)) m) ; gcd(m,0) ==> m + ((and (> m n) (> n 0)) (gcd n m)) ; reinvoke with reversed arguments + (t (gcd (% n m) m)))) ; else reduce recursively + nil)) ; non-integer args: invalid + + + (defun lcm (m n) + "Return the Least Common Multiple of integers M and N, or nil if + they are invalid, or the result is not representable (e.g., the + product M*N overflows). + + \[cost: O((12(ln 2)/pi^2)ln max(M,N)) == O(0.8427659... max(M,N))]" + (cond + ((and (integerp m) (integerp n)) ; check for integer args + (let ((mn) (the-gcd) (the-lcm)) + (if (or (= m 0) (= n 0)) ; fast special case: lcm(0,anything) == 0 + 0 + ;; else compute lcm from (m * n) / gcd(m,n) + ;; + ;; Problem: GNU Emacs Lisp integer multiply does not detect or + ;; trap overflow, which is a real possibility here, and it lacks + ;; a double-length integer type to represent the product m * n. + ;; Since the lcm may still be representable, we do the + ;; intermediate computation in (double-precision) + ;; floating-point, which is still not quite large enough to + ;; represent all products of Emacs 28-bit integers stored in + ;; 32-bit words, then convert back to integer results. The + ;; floor function will signal an error if the result is not + ;; representable. To try to avoid that, we first check that the + ;; equality gcd * lcm = m * n is satisfied, and only if it is, + ;; do we invoke floor. + ;; + ;; TO DO: find better algorithm without these undesirable + ;; properties. + (setq m (abs m)) ; argument sign does not matter for lcm, so + (setq n (abs n)) ; force positive for the algorithm below + (setq the-gcd (gcd m n)) + (setq mn (* (float m) (float n))) + (setq the-lcm (/ mn the-gcd)) + (if (= (* the-gcd the-lcm) mn) ; then got correct answer + (floor the-lcm) + nil)))) ; else out-of-range or invalid + (t nil))) ; non-integer args: invalid + + + (defun prime-factors (n) + "Return a list of prime factors of N. + + If N is prime, there are no factors, except the trivial one of N itself, + so the return value is the list (N). Thus, if (length (prime-factors N)) + is 1, N is prime. + + Otherwise, if N is not an integer greater than 1, the return value is + nil, equivalent to an empty list. + + \[cost: O(N)]" + (interactive) + (let ((result-list nil) + (n-original n)) + (if (and (integerp n) (> n 1)) + (let ((limit (/ n 2)) + (divisor 2)) + (while (<= divisor limit) + ;; To correctly handle factors of multiplicity > 1, we must + ;; be careful to advance the divisor only when it is not a + ;; factor! When n is replaced by n/divisor, we can reset + ;; limit, but only to n/2, not to n. Consider + ;; (prime-factors 15): the first factor found is 3, which + ;; reduces n to 5, which will be the next prime factor + ;; found, but would be lost if we reset limit to 5/2 == 2. + ;; + ;; If this divisor is rejected, as long as it is greater + ;; than 2, and thus, odd, we can step it by 2, halving the + ;; number of loop iterations. + (if (= 0 (% n divisor)) + (setq n (/ n divisor) + limit n + result-list (append result-list (list divisor))) + (if (= divisor 2) + (setq divisor 3) + (setq divisor (+ divisor 2))))) + ;; If we end the while loop with an empty result-list, then + ;; the input N was prime, so set result-list to a one-element + ;; list: + (if (null result-list) + (setq result-list (list n-original))))) + result-list)) + + + (defun prime-p (n) + "Return N if it is a prime number, else nil. + + Because Emacs integers are usually more limited in size than the host + word size would suggest, e.g., + + \[-2^{27}, 2^{27} - 1] == [-134217728, 134217727] + + on a 32-bit machine, avoid passing excessively large integers to this + function, otherwise you may experience this failure: + + \(next-prime 134217689) + Arithmetic domain error: \"sqrt\", -134217728.0 + + While you may be able to use larger integers on some 64-bit machines, + the required run time for this function is then likely to be excessive. + + \[cost: O(sqrt(N))]" + (interactive) + (if (integerp n) + (cond ((< n 2) nil) ;there are no primes below 2 + ((= n 2) 2) ;special case for the only even prime + ((= 0 (% n 2)) nil) ;there are no other even primes + (t (catch 'RESULT ;else we have a positive odd candidate value + (let ((limit (floor (sqrt n))) + (divisor 2)) + (while (<= divisor limit) + (if (= 0 (% n divisor)) + (throw 'RESULT nil)) + (setq divisor (1+ divisor))) + n)))) + nil)) + + + (defun next-prime (n) + "Return the next prime number after N, or else nil. + + \[cost: O(sqrt(N))]" + (if (integerp n) + (cond + ((> n 1) + (let* ((k (if (= 0 (% n 2));start k at next odd number after n + (1+ n) + (+ n 2)))) + (while (not (prime-p k)) ;and loop upward over odd numbers + (setq k (+ k 2))) + k)) + (t 2)) + nil)) + + + (defun nth-prime (n) + "Return the N-th prime number, or else nil. + + The first prime number is 2. + + \[cost: O(N*sqrt(N))]" + (if (integerp n) + (cond + ((<= n 0) nil) ;non-positive args are invalid + ((= n 1) 2) ;special case: only even prime + (t (let ((k 1)) ;n > 1, so test only odd values 3, 5, ... + (while (> n 1) + (setq k (+ k 2)) + (if (prime-p k) ;count down each prime found + (setq n (1- n)))) + k))) ;at loop exit, k is the desired nth-prime + nil)) + + + (defun prev-prime (n) + "Return the prime number before (i.e., less than) N, or else nil. + + \[cost: O(sqrt(N))]" + (if (integerp n) + (cond ((<= n 2) nil) ;invalid: there are no primes before 2 + ((= n 3) 2) ;special case: 2 is the only even prime + (t ;n > 3 + (let* ((k (if (= 0 (% n 2)) ;start k at prev odd number before n + (1- n) + (- n 2)))) + (while (not (prime-p k)) ;and loop downward over odd numbers + (setq k (- k 2))) + k))) + nil)) + + + (defun primes-between (from to) + "Return a list of prime numbers between FROM and TO, inclusive, else nil. + + \[cost: O((to - from + 1)*sqrt(N)/2)]" + (if (and (integerp from) (integerp to)) + (let ((k) + (primes '())) + (if (and (<= from 2) (<= 2 to)) ;handle special case of only even prime + (setq primes '(2))) + (setq k 3) + ;; k is now odd, so we can loop over odd numbers only + (while (<= k to) + (if (prime-p k) + (setq primes (append primes (list k)))) + (setq k (+ k 2))) + primes) ;final successful list + nil)) ;else invalid arguments + + + (defsubst this-or-next-prime (n) + "Return N if it is prime, else return the next prime number after N, + else nil in N is invalid. + + \[cost: O(sqrt(N))]" + (or (prime-p n) + (next-prime n))) + + + (defsubst this-or-prev-prime (n) + "Return N if it is prime, else return the prime number before + (i.e., less than) N. + + \[cost: O(sqrt(N))]" + (or (prime-p n) + (prev-prime n))) + + ;;; primes.el ends here + + ;; Illustration + (defun show-some-primes (file) "Show some prime numbers." (interactive "p") + (princ (primes-between 1 100)) + ) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: show-some-primes + +**** okay + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (setq *curprime* 1) + + (defun format-name (name) + (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" name)) + + (defun format-names (names) + (let ((result "")) + (dolist (n names result) + (string-join + (list + (if (string= n "no other bag") + (prog1 + (number-to-string (nth-prime *curprime*)) + (incf *curprime*)) + (let* ((words (split-string n)) + (word-num (pop words))) + (string-join + (list word-num + (format-name (string-join + words "-")))))) + result))))) + + (defun turn-rule-into-setq (rule) + (let* ((container-list (split-string rule + "contain" + t + "[ .]")) + (container_ (car container-list)) + (container (format-name + (substring container_ 0 + (1- (length container_))))) + + (contained-list (split-string (cadr container-list) + "," + t + "[ s]")) + ) + (format "(setq %s %s)" + container + (format-names contained-list)))) + + (aoc test-input nil + (let ((result)) + (dolist (ln lines result) + (push (turn-rule-into-setq ln) result)))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: ("(setq dotted-black-bag )" "(setq faded-blue-bag )" "(setq vibrant-plum-bag )" "(setq dark-olive-bag )" "(setq shiny-gold-bag )" "(setq muted-yellow-bag )" "(setq bright-white-bag )" "(setq dark-orange-bag )" "(setq light-red-bag )") + +** Try … whatever + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results verbatim + (aoc + test-input nil + (seq-filter (lambda (elt) + (string-match "shiny"))) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: ("dotted black bags contain no other bags." "faded blue bags contain no other bags." "vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags." "dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags." "shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags." "muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags." "bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag." "dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags." "light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.") + * Part 2 ** Problem