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;;; +jabber.el --- Customizations for jabber.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; Most changes I want to PR and contribute, but a few don't make sense to
;; contribute upstream, at least not now.
;;; Code:
(require 'jabber)
(require 'tracking)
2022-05-06 15:23:02 +00:00
(defgroup +jabber nil
"Extra jabber.el customizations."
:group 'jabber)
(defcustom +jabber-ws-prefix 0
"Width to pad left side of chats."
:type 'string)
(defcustom +jabber-pre-prompt " \n"
"String to put before the prompt."
:type 'string)
(defvar +jabber-tracking-show-p #'jabber-activity-show-p-default
"Function that checks if the given JID should be shown in the mode line.
This does the same as `jabber-activity-show-p', but for the
`tracking-mode' mode-line.")
(defun +jabber-tracking-add (from buffer text proposed-alert)
"ADVICE to add jabber buffers to `tracking-buffers'."
(when (funcall +jabber-tracking-show-p from)
(tracking-add-buffer buffer 'jabber-activity-face)))
(defun +jabber-tracking-add-muc (nick group buffer text proposed-alert)
"ADVICE to add jabber MUC buffers to `tracking-buffers'."
(when (funcall +jabber-tracking-show-p group)
(tracking-add-buffer buffer 'jabber-activity-face)))
;;; Hiding presence messages:
2022-01-28 01:26:33 +00:00
;; https://paste.sr.ht/~hdasch/f0ad09fbcd08e940a4fda71c2f40abc1c4efd45f
;; Tame MUC presence notifications.
;; This patch hides or applies a face to MUC presence notifications in
;; the MUC chat buffer. To control its behavior, customize
;; jabber-muc-decorate-presence-patterns. By default it does nothing.
;; jabber-muc-decorate-presence-patterns is a list of pairs consisting
;; of a regular expression and a either a face or nil. If a the
;; regular expression matches a presence notification, then either:
;; - the specified face is applied to the notification message
;; - or if the second value of the pair is nil, the notification is
;; discarded
;; If no regular expression in the list of pairs matches the notification
;; message, the message is displayed unchanged.
;; For example, the customization:
;; '(jabber-muc-decorate-presence-patterns
;; '(("\\( enters the room ([^)]+)\\| has left the chatroom\\)$")
;; ("." . jabber-muc-presence-dim)))
;; hides participant enter/leave notifications. It also diminishes other
;; presence notification messages to make it easier to distinguish
;; between conversation and notifications.
(defface jabber-muc-presence-dim
'((t (:foreground "dark grey" :weight light :slant italic)))
"face for diminished presence notifications.")
(defcustom jabber-muc-decorate-presence-patterns nil
"List of regular expressions and face pairs.
When a presence notification matches a pattern, display it with
associated face. Ignore notification if face is nil."
:type '(repeat
:tag "Patterns"
(cons :format "%v"
(regexp :tag "Regexp")
(const :tag "Ignore" nil)
(face :tag "Face" :value jabber-muc-presence-dim))))
:group 'jabber-alerts)
(defun jabber-muc-maybe-decorate-presence (node)
"Filter presence notifications."
(cl-destructuring-bind (key msg &key time) node
(let* ((match (cl-find-if
(lambda (pair)
(string-match (car pair) msg))
(face (cdr-safe match)))
(if match
(when face
(list key
(propertize msg 'face face)
:time time))))
(ewoc-enter-last jabber-chat-ewoc node))))))
(defun jabber-muc-process-presence (jc presence)
(let* ((from (jabber-xml-get-attribute presence 'from))
(type (jabber-xml-get-attribute presence 'type))
(x-muc (cl-find-if
(lambda (x) (equal (jabber-xml-get-attribute x 'xmlns)
(jabber-xml-get-children presence 'x)))
(group (jabber-jid-user from))
(nickname (jabber-jid-resource from))
(symbol (jabber-jid-symbol from))
(our-nickname (gethash symbol jabber-pending-groupchats))
(item (car (jabber-xml-get-children x-muc 'item)))
(actor (jabber-xml-get-attribute (car (jabber-xml-get-children item 'actor)) 'jid))
(reason (car (jabber-xml-node-children (car (jabber-xml-get-children item 'reason)))))
(error-node (car (jabber-xml-get-children presence 'error)))
(status-codes (if error-node
(list (jabber-xml-get-attribute error-node 'code))
(lambda (status-element)
(jabber-xml-get-attribute status-element 'code))
(jabber-xml-get-children x-muc 'status)))))
;; handle leaving a room
((or (string= type "unavailable") (string= type "error"))
;; error from room itself? or are we leaving?
(if (or (null nickname)
(member "110" status-codes)
(string= nickname our-nickname))
;; Assume that an error means that we were thrown out of the
;; room...
(let* ((leavingp t)
(message (cond
((string= type "error")
;; ...except for certain cases.
((or (member "406" status-codes)
(member "409" status-codes))
(setq leavingp nil)
(concat "Nickname change not allowed"
(when error-node
(concat ": " (jabber-parse-error error-node)))))
(concat "Error entering room"
(when error-node
(concat ": " (jabber-parse-error error-node)))))))
((member "301" status-codes)
(concat "You have been banned"
(when actor (concat " by " actor))
(when reason (concat " - '" reason "'"))))
((member "307" status-codes)
(concat "You have been kicked"
(when actor (concat " by " actor))
(when reason (concat " - '" reason "'"))))
"You have left the chatroom"))))
(when leavingp
(jabber-muc-remove-groupchat group))
;; If there is no buffer for this groupchat, don't bother
;; creating one just to tell that user left the room.
(let ((buffer (get-buffer (jabber-muc-get-buffer group))))
(if buffer
(with-current-buffer buffer
(list (if (string= type "error")
:time (current-time)))))
(message "%s: %s" (jabber-jid-displayname group) message))))
;; or someone else?
(let* ((plist (jabber-muc-participant-plist group nickname))
(jid (plist-get plist 'jid))
(name (concat nickname
(when jid
(concat " <"
(jabber-jid-user jid)
(jabber-muc-remove-participant group nickname)
(with-current-buffer (jabber-muc-create-buffer jc group)
(list :muc-notice
((member "301" status-codes)
(concat name " has been banned"
(when actor (concat " by " actor))
(when reason (concat " - '" reason "'"))))
((member "307" status-codes)
(concat name " has been kicked"
(when actor (concat " by " actor))
(when reason (concat " - '" reason "'"))))
((member "303" status-codes)
(concat name " changes nickname to "
(jabber-xml-get-attribute item 'nick)))
(concat name " has left the chatroom")))
:time (current-time))))))
;; someone is entering
(when (or (member "110" status-codes) (string= nickname our-nickname))
;; This is us. We just succeeded in entering the room.
;; The MUC server is supposed to send a 110 code whenever this
;; is our presence ("self-presence"), but at least one
;; (ejabberd's mod_irc) doesn't, so check the nickname as well.
;; This check might give incorrect results if the server
;; changed our nickname to avoid collision with an existing
;; participant, but even in this case the window where we have
;; incorrect information should be very small, as we should be
;; getting our own 110+210 presence shortly.
(let ((whichgroup (assoc group *jabber-active-groupchats*)))
(if whichgroup
(setcdr whichgroup nickname)
(add-to-list '*jabber-active-groupchats* (cons group nickname))))
;; The server may have changed our nick. Record the new one.
(puthash symbol nickname jabber-pending-groupchats))
;; Whoever enters, we create a buffer (if it didn't already
;; exist), and print a notice. This is where autojoined MUC
;; rooms have buffers created for them. We also remember some
;; metadata.
(let ((old-plist (jabber-muc-participant-plist group nickname))
(new-plist (jabber-muc-parse-affiliation x-muc)))
(jabber-muc-modify-participant group nickname new-plist)
(let ((report (jabber-muc-report-delta nickname old-plist new-plist
reason actor)))
(when report
(with-current-buffer (jabber-muc-create-buffer jc group)
(list :muc-notice report
:time (current-time)))
;; Did the server change our nick?
(when (member "210" status-codes)
(list :muc-notice
(concat "Your nick was changed to " nickname " by the server")
:time (current-time))))
;; Was this room just created? If so, it's a locked
;; room. Notify the user.
(when (member "201" status-codes)
(list :muc-notice
(insert "This room was just created, and is locked to other participants.\n"
"To unlock it, ")
"configure the room"
'action (apply-partially 'call-interactively 'jabber-muc-get-config))
(insert " or ")
"accept the default configuration"
'action (apply-partially 'call-interactively 'jabber-muc-instant-config))
(insert ".")
:time (current-time))))))))))))
2022-04-27 13:38:03 +00:00
(defun +jabber-colors-update (&optional buffer)
"Update jabber colors in BUFFER, defaulting to the current."
(with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
(when jabber-buffer-connection
(setq jabber-muc-participant-colors nil)
(cond (jabber-chatting-with
(jabber-chat-create-buffer jabber-buffer-connection
(jabber-muc-create-buffer jabber-buffer-connection
(provide '+jabber)
;;; +jabber.el ends here