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Org Mode
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2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
#+TITLE: TODO stuff for emacs config
#+SUBTITLE: Yes I have one of these…
#+AUTHOR: Case Duckworth
* Packages
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
** DONE insert-kaomoji
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
- [X] Add =(¬‿¬)═ɜ ɛ═(⌐‿⌐ )= to list
- [X] and =▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▋ Ò╭╮Ó=
- [X] Clean up code and package it properly
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
*** DONE FIX the damn thing Ò╭╮Ó
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
I just have to make sure it's loading correctly in my own config… bleh
- and add:
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
- [X] =ヽ(°〇°)ノ=
- [X] =୧((#Φ益Φ#))=
- [X] =(╥﹏╥)=
- [X] =Σ ◕ ◡ ◕=
- [X] =╭∩╮︶_︶╭∩╮=
- [X] =(งツ)ว=
- [X] =ʕ ᴖᴥᴖʔ=
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
2021-09-23 22:11:19 +00:00
** TODO =append-scratch= mode or something
- save the scratch buffer at times (see [[https://github.com/Fanael/persistent-scratch][GitHub - Fanael/persistent-scratch]],
[[https://umarahmad.xyz/blog/quick-scratch-buffers/][Quick persistent scratch buffers]]), but *IMPORTANTLY*
+ append-only to persistent file
+ have a keybinding to save buffer to file, then clear buffer
+ =persistent-scratch-save-to-file= ?
- *NO WAIT* just add a function to interface with the previous scratch buffers.
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
** TODO keep-acs (name?)
- keepassxc-cli
- interface with emacs
- plug into =auth-sources=
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
** TODO banish-mouse-x
allow more configuration of where the mouse goes:
- '(banish . corner)
- '(banish . (x . y))
2021-09-13 22:16:17 +00:00
** TODO add functionality to =electric-cursor-mode=
- Enable idle cursor changing, dependent on mode
- see [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/cursor-chg.el][cursor-chg.el]]
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
* Configuring
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
** DONE Install =el-patch=?
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
2021-09-08 13:43:20 +00:00
** DONE Look at [[https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-mode-line-idle][ideasman42 / emacs-mode-line-idle]]
2021-09-04 03:52:46 +00:00
2021-09-04 03:54:00 +00:00
** TODO Look into =which-key= [[https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key#2017-12-13-added-which-key-enable-extended-define-key][bind naming]]
2021-09-09 22:27:26 +00:00
** TODO Look at [[https://github.com/karthink/.emacs.d/blob/master/lisp/setup-icomplete.el#L768][embark-complete setup]]
from karthink (and prot)
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
** TODO [[https://github.com/ahungry/md4rd][md4rd]]
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
** DONE [[https://github.com/gRastello/ytel][ytel]]
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
** TODO [[https://passionsplay.com/blog/create-minimal-emacs-environments-with-a-shell-script/][Create Minimal Emacs Environments with a Shell Script]]
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
** DONE Twitch IRC
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
- [[https://gist.github.com/hunterbridges/ab095066d40f2e1a243e][How to connect to Twitch with an IRC client (As of Oct 2015) · GitHub]]
- irc.twitch.tv
** TODO Figuire out “boring”-aware =consult-buffer=
- call boring-aware with =C-x b=
- call normal with =C-u C-x b=
- look at =consult--source-buffer= and define one there
2021-09-13 22:16:17 +00:00
** TODO Fix =title-case= to work with “hard” spaces
e.g., “A gold watch” title-cases to “A gold Watch”
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
* Productivity
2021-09-10 23:27:27 +00:00
** TODO LOOK AT [[https://github.com/odeke-em/drive][DRIVE]]
- google drive go client
- can pull to txt/docx/whatev
- can =drive push -convert= to docs format
- :OOOOOO this would be HOUGHE
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
** TODO Set up Org Capture
*** Inspo: From wsinatra
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
;; Custom capture templates
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("t" "Todo" entry (file org-default-notes-file)
"* TODO %?\n%u\n%a\n"
:clock-in t :clock-resume t)
("e" "Event" entry (file org-default-notes-file)
"* EVENT %? :EVENT:\n%t"
:clock-in t :clock-resume t)
("i" "Idea" entry (file org-default-notes-file)
"* %? :IDEA: \n%t"
:clock-in t :clock-resume t)
("p" "Project"
entry (file org-default-notes-file)
"* PROJ %?\n%u\n%a\n"
:clock-in t :clock-resume t)
("n" "Next Task"
entry (file+headline org-default-notes-file "Tasks")
"** NEXT %? \nDEADLINE: %t")))
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
*** Also cf. [[https://blog.jethro.dev/posts/org_mode_workflow_preview/][Org-mode Workflow: A Preview · Jethro Kuan]]
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
* Buffer display stuff
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
;; from alphapapa
(cl-defun ap/display-buffer-in-side-window (&optional (buffer (current-buffer)))
"Display BUFFER in dedicated side window."
(let ((display-buffer-mark-dedicated t))
(display-buffer-in-side-window buffer
'((side . right)
(no-delete-other-windows . t))))))
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
- [[https://old.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/pka1sm/my_first_package_aside_for_easier_configuration/][My first package: Aside, for easier configuration and use of side windows :
- [[https://github.com/alphapapa/burly.el][GitHub - alphapapa/burly.el: Save and restore frames and windows with their
buffers in Emacs]]
- [[https://depp.brause.cc/shackle/][shackle: Enforce rules for popup windows]]
- [[https://github.com/kaushalmodi/.emacs.d/blob/master/setup-files/setup-shackle.el][.emacs.d/setup-shackle.el at master · kaushalmodi/.emacs.d · GitHub]]
- [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/3icpv8/help_with_shackle_configuration/][help with shackle configuration : emacs]]
- [[https://mullikine.github.io/posts/making-shackle-split-sensibly/][Sensible Splits: Extending shackle.el // Bodacious Blog]]
- [[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18598863][Oh man, your link led me to shackle[1] to make transient buffers behave and
I ha... | Hacker News]]
- [[https://emacsninja.com/posts/design-is-hard.html][Emacs Ninja - Design Is Hard]]
- Alternatively: [[https://web.archive.org/web/20160409014815/https://www.lunaryorn.com/2015/04/29/the-power-of-display-buffer-alist.html][Emacs Spotlight: Configure buffer display - Emacs. What else?]]
2021-09-03 21:20:16 +00:00
* Random shit
** A way to map over buffers
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
(dolist (buf (mapcan
(lambda (buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(with-current-buffer buf ;; whatever u wanna do on each buffer goes here
(lui-set-prompt (concat
(acdw-irc/margin-format (buffer-name)
'face 'circe-prompt-face
'read-only t
'intangible t
'cursor-intangible t)
" "))
(setq-local fringes-outside-margins t
right-margin-width 5
scroll-margin 0
word-wrap t
wrap-prefix (repeat-string acdw-irc/left-margin " ")
line-number-mode nil)))
2021-09-08 13:43:20 +00:00
** ZNC Connecting (from #systemcrafters)
2021-10-05 13:32:32 +00:00
daviwil | minikN: I connect to the hostname/port of my ZNC server, but the
2021-10-07 00:43:20 +00:00
trick is that the username is the nick you want to use on the
server and the password is your znc username and password joined
with a colon, like daviwil:b4dp4ssw0rd
minikN | so you don't specify the network in your password? like
benoitj | daviwil: nice password you have there
daviwil | minikN: nope, I only have one network anyway
- acdw > daviwil: I just see *******
benoitj | I use two networks
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
** Teach =link-hint= about =lui-buttons=
See =lui-next-button-or-complete=, etc. Also possibly:
- [[https://github.com/abo-abo/avy/issues/255][Feature request: ability to select objects in overlays · Issue #255 · abo-abo/avy · GitHub]]
- [[https://github.com/noctuid/link-hint.el/issues/24][Enhancement: Detect links in overlays · Issue #24 · noctuid/link-hint.el ·
(I /think/ a button is an overlay….)
** Write =self-promote-shamelessly= function
Link to the line of a file on a git forge with a command, for linking.
https://tildegit.org/acdw/emacs/src/branch/main/init.el#L1166, e.g.
- *OR* install this: [[https://github.com/sshaw/git-link][GitHub - sshaw/git-link: Emacs package to get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab/... URL for a buffer location]]
2021-10-05 13:32:32 +00:00
** DONE Fix =acdw-org/count-words-stupidly=
2021-09-09 21:34:43 +00:00
It adds one for blank lines.
2021-10-05 13:32:32 +00:00
** TODO [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25161792/emacs-org-mode-how-can-i-fold-everything-but-the-current-headline][Org mode hide all but current heading]]