Dammit, lots of changes

This commit is contained in:
Case Duckworth 2022-01-16 23:13:11 -06:00
parent 4362009bad
commit 2243b1e4ef
6 changed files with 181 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -295,23 +295,25 @@
eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input 'all
eshell-smart-space-goes-to-end t
eshell-where-to-jump 'begin)
(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook
(defun +eshell@setup ()
"Eshell improperly does loading. Gah."
(dolist (setting `((outline-regexp . ,eshell-prompt-regexp)
(page-delimiter . ,eshell-prompt-regexp)
. ,`(("Prompt"
,(concat eshell-prompt-regexp
(set (make-local-variable (car setting)) (cdr setting)))
(dolist (binding `(("C-d" . +eshell-quit-or-delete-char)))
(define-key eshell-mode-map
(setf (alist-get 'eshell-mode mwim-beginning-of-line-function)
;; Set local settings
(dolist (setting (list (cons 'outline-regexp eshell-prompt-regexp)
(cons 'page-delimiter eshell-prompt-regexp)
(cons 'imenu-generic-expression
(list "Prompt"
(concat eshell-prompt-regexp
(set (make-local-variable (car setting)) (cdr setting)))
;; Bind keys
(dolist (binding '(("C-d" . +eshell-quit-or-delete-char)))
(define-key eshell-mode-map
(kbd (car binding)) (cdr binding)))
(dolist (environment `(("PAGER" . "cat")))
(setenv (car environment) (cdr environment))))))
;; Environment variables
(dolist (environment '(("PAGER" . "cat")))
(setenv (car environment) (cdr environment)))))
(setup eww
(:also-load +eww)
@ -560,6 +562,10 @@
(with-eval-after-load 'user-save
(advice-add 'org-export-dispatch :before 'user-save-run-hooks)))
(setup password-cache
(:option password-cache t
password-cache-expiry (* 60 60)))
(setup prog
(:local-set comment-auto-fill-only-comments t)
(:hook #'prettify-symbols-mode
@ -591,7 +597,8 @@
(setup time
(:option display-time-format "%H:%M"
display-time-default-load-average nil)
display-time-default-load-average nil
display-time-mail-file :disable)
(display-time-mode +1))
(setup (:straight 0x0)
@ -663,12 +670,6 @@
(add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions fn :append)))))
(setup (:straight (capf-autosuggest
:host nil
:repo "https://repo.or.cz/emacs-capf-autosuggest.git"))
(:hook-into eshell-mode
(setup (:straight circe)
(:require _circe
@ -842,6 +843,8 @@
(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'circe-nick-color-reset))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'+circe-quit-all@kill-emacs))
(setup (:straight clhs))
(setup (:straight consult)
(:also-load +consult)
;; from Consult wiki
@ -1062,6 +1065,11 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(setup (:straight eshell-syntax-highlighting)
(:hook-into eshell-mode))
(setup (:straight eshell-vterm)
(:load-after eshell)
(defalias 'eshell/v 'eshell-exec-visual)
(eshell-vterm-mode +1))
(setup (:straight-when exec-path-from-shell
(eq system-system 'linux))
(require 'exec-path-from-shell)
@ -1130,7 +1138,7 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(let (schemes)
(dolist (scheme '(("scheme" . geiser-chez) ; chez
("petite" . geiser-chez) ; petite
("csi" . geiser-chicken) ; chicken
("csi" . geiser-chicken) ; chicken
("gsi" . geiser-gambit)
("gosh" . geiser-gauche)
("guile" . geiser-guile)
@ -1276,8 +1284,12 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(+sunrise-sunset 'modus-themes-load-operandi 'modus-themes-load-vivendi))
(setup (:straight mwim)
(:+key "C-a" #'mwim-beginning
"C-e" #'mwim-end))
(:require +mwim)
(:option +mwim-passthrough-modes '(comint-mode
(:+key "C-a" #'+mwim-beginning-maybe
"C-e" #'+mwim-end-maybe))
(setup (:straight orderless)
(:also-load +orderless)
@ -1392,6 +1404,17 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(simple-modeline-mode +1))
(setup (:straight-when sly
(defvar +lisp-bin (executable-find "sbcl")))
(:also-load sly-autoloads
(:option inferior-lisp-program +lisp-bin
sly-kill-without-query-p t)
(:with-feature sly-mrepl
(dolist (key '("RET" "<return>"))
(:bind key #'sly-mrepl-return-at-end))
(:bind "C-c C-c" #'sly-mrepl-return)))
(setup (:straight smartscan)
(:with-map smartscan-map
(:bind "M-'" nil))
@ -1423,6 +1446,10 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(auto-save-visited-mode -1)
(super-save-mode +1))
(setup (:straight-when systemd
(executable-find "systemd"))
(:option systemd-man-function 'woman))
(setup (:straight (titlecase
:host github
:repo "duckwork/titlecase.el"
@ -1541,6 +1568,17 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(setup (:straight vlf)
(:require vlf-setup))
(setup (:straight-when vterm
(and module-file-suffix
(executable-find "cmake")))
(:also-load +vterm)
(:option vterm-always-compile-module t
vterm-buffer-name-string "vterm: %s"
vterm-max-scrollback 100000 ; max allowed by vterm-module.h
(advice-add 'counsel-yank-pop-action :around
(setup (:straight web-mode)
(setf (alist-get (rx "." (or "htm" "html" "phtml" "tpl.php"
"asp" "gsp" "jsp" "ascx" "aspx"

View File

@ -76,5 +76,25 @@ any directory proferred by `consult-dir'."
(add-hook 'eshell-post-command-hook #'eshell-record-args nil t)
(remove-hook 'eshell-post-command-hook #'eshell-record-args t)))
(defmacro +eshell-eval-after-load (&rest forms)
"Execute FORMS after Eshell is loaded.
If Eshell is already loaded in the session, immediately execute
I wrote this because Eshell doesn't properly do loading or
something, it's really annoying to work with."
(declare (indent 0))
(defun +eshell@setup ()
"Setup the Eshell session."
(when (featurep 'eshell)
`(dolist (buf (buffer-list))
(with-current-buffer buf
(when (derived-mode-p 'eshell-mode)
'(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'+eshell@setup)))
(provide '+eshell)
;;; +eshell.el ends here

lisp/+mwim.el Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
;;; +mwim.el --- Extras -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'seq)
(defgroup +mwim nil
"Extra `mwim' customizations."
:group 'mwim)
(defcustom +mwim-passthrough-modes nil
"Modes to not move-where-I-mean."
:type '(repeat function))
(defun +mwim-beginning-maybe (&optional arg)
"Perform `mwim-beginning', maybe.
Will just do \\[beginning-of-line] in one of
(if (apply #'derived-mode-p +mwim-passthrough-modes)
(let ((this-mode-map (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-map" major-mode))))
(key "C-a"))
(funcall (or (keymap-lookup this-mode-map key t t)
(keymap-lookup (current-global-map) key t t))))
(call-interactively #'mwim-beginning)))
(defun +mwim-end-maybe (&optional arg)
"Perform `mwim-beginning', maybe.
Will just do \\[end-of-line] in one of
(if (apply #'derived-mode-p +mwim-passthrough-modes)
(let ((this-mode-map (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-map" major-mode))))
(key "C-e"))
(funcall (or (keymap-lookup this-mode-map key t t)
(keymap-lookup (current-global-map) key t t))))
(call-interactively #'mwim-end)))
(provide '+mwim)
;;; +mwim.el ends here

View File

@ -49,6 +49,11 @@
:repeatable t
:after-loaded t)
(defun +setup-straight-shorthand (sexp)
"Shorthand for `:straight' and other local macros."
(let ((recipe (cadr sexp)))
(or (car-safe recipe) recipe)))
(setup-define :straight
(lambda (recipe)
`(unless (ignore-errors (straight-use-package ',recipe) t)
@ -59,11 +64,18 @@
This macro can be used as HEAD, and will replace itself with the
first RECIPE's package."
:repeatable t
:shorthand (lambda (sexp)
(let ((recipe (cadr sexp)))
(if (consp recipe)
(car recipe)
:shorthand #'+setup-straight-shorthand)
(setup-define :straight-after
(lambda (recipe feature)
`(with-eval-after-load ,feature
(setup (:straight ,recipe))))
:indent 1
"Install RECIPE with `straight-use-package', after FEATURE.
This macro can be used as HEAD, and will replace itself with the
first RECIPE's package."
:shorthand #'+setup-straight-shorthand)
(setup-define :straight-when
(lambda (recipe condition)
@ -80,9 +92,7 @@ evaluating the body. This macro can be used as HEAD, and will
replace itself with the RECIPE's package."
:repeatable 2
:indent 1
:shorthand (lambda (sexp)
(let ((recipe (cadr sexp)))
(if (consp recipe) (car recipe) recipe))))
:shorthand #'+setup-straight-shorthand)
(provide '+setup)
;;; +setup.el ends here

lisp/+sly.el Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
;;; +sly.el --- Sly customizations -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'sly)
(defun sly-mrepl-return-at-end ()
(if (<= (point-max) (point))
(if (bound-and-true-p paredit-mode)
(provide '+sly)
;;; +sly.el ends here

lisp/+vterm.el Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
;;; +vterm.el --- Vterm extras -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require +vterm)
(defun +vterm-counsel-yank-pop-action (orig-fun &rest args)
(if (equal major-mode 'vterm-mode)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(yank-undo-function (lambda (_start _end) (vterm-undo))))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'insert-for-yank)
(lambda (str) (vterm-send-string str t))))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(apply orig-fun args)))
(provide '+vterm)
;;; +vterm.el ends here