Change system to machine

This commit is contained in:
Case Duckworth 2022-01-21 16:40:25 -06:00
parent 44741fed54
commit 2b99cc25d3
7 changed files with 37 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ See `no-littering' for examples.")
"My Syncthing directory.")
;; Load system-specific changes.
(progn (require 'system)
(setq system-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
system-variable-pitch-font "DejaVu Sans")
;; (progn (require 'system)
;; (setq system-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
;; system-variable-pitch-font "DejaVu Sans")
;; (system-settings-load))
;;; Default frame settings
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ See `no-littering' for examples.")
;; Set default faces
(+with-message "Setting default faces"
(let ((font-name system-default-font)
(font-size system-default-height)
(variable-font-name system-variable-pitch-font)
(variable-font-size system-variable-pitch-height))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family system-default-font
(let ((font-name machine-default-font)
(font-size machine-default-height)
(variable-font-name machine-variable-pitch-font)
(variable-font-size machine-variable-pitch-height))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family font-name
:height font-size :weight 'book)
(set-face-attribute 'italic nil :family font-name
:height font-size :slant 'italic)

View File

@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
(:+key "C-x C-j" #'dired-jump)
(with-eval-after-load 'dired
(pcase system-system
(cl-case system-type
((windows-nt ms-dos)
(:straight w32-browser))
(:straight dired-open)
(:option dired-listing-switches
(concat dired-listing-switches " -F")))))
@ -398,12 +398,6 @@
(+kmacro-recording-indicator-mode +1)
(+kmacro-block-undo-mode +1)))
(setup magit
;; This setup is weird because of dependency issues
(:straight (transient :host github :repo "magit/transient" :branch "master")
(magit :host github :repo "magit/magit")
(git-modes :host github :repo "magit/git-modes")))
(setup minibuffer
(:require +minibuffer)
(:with-map minibuffer-local-map
@ -1232,6 +1226,10 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(:file-match (rx ".rkt" eos)
(rx ".scm" eos)))
(setup (:straight (git-modes
:host github :repo "magit/git-modes"))
(:require git-modes))
;; (setup (:straight god-mode)
;; (setq god-mode-enable-function-key-translation nil)
;; (:require god-mode
@ -1330,6 +1328,8 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(:with-mode emacs-lisp-mode
(:bind "C-c e" #'macrostep-expand)))
(setup (:straight (magit :host github :repo "magit/magit")))
(setup (:straight marginalia)
(marginalia-mode +1))
@ -1723,3 +1723,9 @@ See also `crux-reopen-as-root-mode'."
(:require +zzz-to-char)
(:option zzz-to-char-reach (+bytes 1 :kib))
(:global "M-z" #'+zzz-to-char))
(setup (:straight (machine
:host github :repo "duckwork/machine.el"))
(:option machine-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
machine-variable-pitch-font "DejaVu Sans")

View File

@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
;; different definitions. This library is built to assist in working with
;; different system configurations for Emacs.
;;; TODO:
;; machine.el
;; machine-case to switch on machine
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
@ -171,5 +177,3 @@ NOMESSAGE is passed directly to `load'."
(provide 'system)
;;; system.el ends here

View File

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
;;; titlecase.el --- title-case phrases -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; adapted from
;;; Code:
(require 'seq)
(defgroup titlecase nil
"Customizations for titlecasing phrases."
:prefix "titlecase-"
:group 'text)
;;; Lists of words /never/ to capitalize
(defvar titlecase-prepositions
'("'thout" "'tween" "aboard" "about" "above"
"abreast" "absent" "abt." "across" "after" "against" "ago" "aloft" "along"
"alongside" "amid" "amidst" "among" "amongst" "anti" "apart" "apropos"
"around" "as" "aside" "aslant" "astride" "at" "atop" "away" "before"
"behind" "below" "beneath" "beside" "besides" "between" "beyond" "but" "by"
"c." "ca." "circa" "come" "concerning" "contra" "counting" "cum" "despite"
"down" "during" "effective" "ere" "except" "excepting" "excluding" "failing"
"following" "for" "from" "hence" "in" "including" "inside" "into" "less"
"like" "mid" "midst" "minus" "mod" "modulo" "near" "nearer" "nearest"
"neath" "next" "notwithstanding" "o'" "o'er" "of" "off" "offshore" "on"
"onto" "ontop" "opposite" "out" "outside" "over" "pace" "past" "pending"
"per" "plus" "post" "pre" "pro" "qua" "re" "regarding" "respecting" "round"
"sans" "save" "saving" "short" "since" "sub" "t'" "than" "through"
"throughout" "thru" "thruout" "till" "times" "to" "toward" "towards" "under"
"underneath" "unlike" "until" "unto" "up" "upon" "v." "versus" "via"
"vis-à-vis" "vs." "w." "w/" "w/i" "w/o" "wanting" "with" "within"
"List of prepositions in English.
This list is, by necessity, incomplete, even though prepositions
are a closed lexical group in the English language. This list
was pulled and culled from")
(defvar titlecase-articles '("a" "an" "the")
"List of articles in English.")
(defvar titlecase-coordinating-conjunctions '("for" "and" "nor" "but" "or"
"yet" "so")
"List of coordinating conjunctions in English.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-chicago (append titlecase-articles
"Words to lowercase in Chicago Style.
Include: articles, coordinating conjunctions, prepositions, and
\"to\" in an infinitive (though that's caught as a preposition).")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-apa (append titlecase-articles
(seq-filter (lambda (p)
(< (length p) 4))
"Words to lowercase in APA Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-mla (append titlecase-articles
"Words to lowercase in MLA Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-ap (append titlecase-articles
(seq-filter (lambda (p)
(< (length p) 4))
(lambda (p)
(< (length p) 4))
"Words to lowercase in AP Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-bluebook (append titlecase-articles
(lambda (p)
(< (length p) 4))
"Words to lowercase in Bluebook Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-ama (append titlecase-articles
(seq-filter (lambda (p)
(< (length p) 4))
"Words to lowercase in AMA Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-nyt (append titlecase-articles
"Words to lowercase in New York Times Style.")
(defvar titlecase-lowercase-wikipedia
(append titlecase-articles
(seq-filter (lambda (p) (< (length p) 5)) titlecase-prepositions)
"Words to lowercase in Wikipedia Style.")
(defcustom titlecase-style 'chicago
"Which style to use when titlecasing."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Chicago Style" chicago)
(const :tag "APA Style" apa)
(const :tag "MLA Style" mla)
(const :tag "AP Style" ap)
(const :tag "Bluebook Style" bluebook)
(const :tag "AMA Style" ama)
(const :tag "New York Times Style" nyt)
(const :tag "Wikipedia Style" wikipedia)))
(defun titlecase--normalize (begin end)
"Normalize region from BEGIN to END."
(goto-char begin)
(unless (re-search-forward "[a-z]" end :noerror)
(downcase-region begin end)))
(defun titlecase--capitalize-first-word (begin end)
"Capitalize the first word of region from BEGIN to END."
(goto-char begin)
(capitalize-word 1))
(defun titlecase--capitalize-last-word (begin end)
"Capitalize the last word of region from BEGIN to END."
(goto-char end)
(backward-word 1)
(when (and (>= (point) begin))
(capitalize-word 1)))
(defun titlecase-region-with-style (begin end style)
"Titlecase the region of English text from BEGIN to END, using STYLE."
(interactive "*r")
(goto-char begin)
;; If the region is in ALL-CAPS, normalize it first
(unless (re-search-forward "[a-z]" end :noerror)
(downcase-region begin end))
(goto-char begin) ; gotta go back to the beginning
(let (;; Constants during this function's runtime
(case-fold-search nil)
(downcase-word-list (symbol-value
(intern (format "titlecase-lowercase-%s"
;; State variables
(this-word (current-word))
(force-capitalize t))
;; And loop over the rest
(while (< (point) end)
(setq this-word (current-word))
;; Skip ALL-CAPS words
((string-match "^[A-Z]+$" this-word) (forward-word 1))
;; Force capitalization if `force-capitalize' is t
(force-capitalize (progn (capitalize-word 1)
(setq force-capitalize nil)))
;; Special rules for different styles
((and (memq style '(ap))
(> (length this-word) 3))
(capitalize-word 1))
;; Downcase words that should be
((member (downcase this-word) downcase-word-list)
(downcase-word 1))
;; Otherwise, capitalize the word
(t (capitalize-word 1)))
;; If the word ends with a :, ., ?, newline, or carriage-return, force
;; the next word to be capitalized.
(when (looking-at "[:.?;\n\r]")
(setq force-capitalize t))
(skip-syntax-forward "^w" end))
;; Capitalize the last word, only in some styles
(when (memq style '(chicago ap bluebook ama nyt wikipedia))
(backward-word 1)
(when (and (>= (point) begin))
(capitalize-word 1))))))
(defun titlecase-region (begin end)
"Titlecase the region of English text from BEGIN to END.
Uses the style provided in `titlecase-style'."
(interactive "*r")
(titlecase-region-with-style begin end titlecase-style))
(defun titlecase-dwim ()
"Titlecase either the region, if active, or the current line."
(if (region-active-p)
(titlecase-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(titlecase-region (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))
(provide 'titlecase)
;;; titlecase.el ends here

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;;; Code:
(setq system-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
system-default-height 105)
(setq machine-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono"
machine-default-height 105)
;;; bob.el ends here

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; linux.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(setq system-default-height 105)
(setq machine-default-height 105)
;;; linux.el ends here

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
;; Fonts
(setq system-default-font "Cascadia Mono"
system-default-height 90
system-variable-pitch-font "Carlito"
system-variable-pitch-height 1.2)
(setq machine-default-font "Cascadia Mono"
machine-default-height 90
machine-variable-pitch-font "Carlito"
machine-variable-pitch-height 1.2)
;; Add C:\Program Files\* and C:\Program Files (x86)\* to exec-path
(dolist (path (append (file-expand-wildcards "C:/Program Files/*")