;;; +org-attach.el --- Fixes for org-attach -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; `org-attach-attach' doesn't fix the path name. Before I submit a bug, I'm ;; just fixing it by advising `org-attach-attach'. ;;; Code: (defun +org-attach-attach-fix-args (args) "ADVICE for `org-attach-attach' to normalize FILE first. VISIT-DIR and METHOD are passed through unchanged. This should be applied as `:filter-args' advice." (cons (expand-file-name (car args)) (cdr args))) (define-minor-mode +org-attach-fix-args-mode "Fix the arguments passed to `org-attach-attach'. This mode normalizes the filename passed to `org-attach-attach' so that links can be properly made." :lighter "" :keymap nil :global t ; I figure, what does this hurt? (if +org-attach-fix-args-mode (advice-add 'org-attach-attach :filter-args #'+org-attach-attach-fix-args) (advice-remove 'org-attach-attach #'+org-attach-attach-fix-args))) (provide '+org-attach) ;;; +org-attach.el ends here