
84 lines
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;;; eshell.el --- eshell-specific configuration -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Case Duckworth
;; Author: Case Duckworth <(rot13-string "npqj@npqj.arg")>
;;; Commentary:
;; Much like ~/.emacs.d/gnus.el, this is eshell-specific configuration that's
;; loaded whenever `eshell' is loaded.
;;; Code:
(require 'setup)
(require 'eshell)
(require 'em-alias)
;;; Environment
(setenv "PAGER" "cat")
;;; Aliases
(dolist (definition '(("e" . "find-file $1")
("ff" . "find-file $1")
("emacs" . "find-file $1")
("ee" . "find-file-other-window $1")))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'eshell-write-aliases-list) #'ignore))
(eshell/alias (car definition) (cdr definition))))
;;; Functions
;; https://karthinks.com/software/jumping-directories-in-eshell/
(defun eshell/z (&optional regexp)
"Navigate to a previously visited directory in eshell, or to
any directory proferred by `consult-dir'."
(let ((eshell-dirs (delete-dups
(mapcar 'abbreviate-file-name
(ring-elements eshell-last-dir-ring)))))
((and (not regexp) (featurep 'consult-dir))
(let* ((consult-dir--source-eshell `(:name "Eshell"
:narrow ?e
:category file
:face consult-file
:items ,eshell-dirs))
(consult-dir-sources (cons consult-dir--source-eshell
(eshell/cd (substring-no-properties
(consult-dir--pick "Switch directory: ")))))
(t (eshell/cd (if regexp (eshell-find-previous-directory regexp)
(completing-read "cd: " eshell-dirs)))))))
;;; Extra eshell packages
(setup (:straight esh-autosuggest)
(:hook-into eshell-mode))
(setup (:straight eshell-syntax-highlighting)
(eshell-syntax-highlighting-global-mode +1))
(setup (:straight-when fish-completion
(executable-find "fish"))
(:autoload global-fish-completion-mode)
(global-fish-completion-mode +1))
(setup (:straight-when eshell-vterm
(require 'vterm nil :noerror))
(eshell-vterm-mode +1)
(defalias 'eshell/v 'eshell-exec-visual))
;;; Miscellaneous
;; Fix modeline
(when (boundp 'simple-modeline--mode-line)
(setq mode-line-format '(:eval simple-modeline--mode-line)))
(provide 'eshellrc)
;;; eshell.el ends here
;; Local Variables:
;; flymake-inhibit: t
;; End: