NEF an even smaller static site generator
from the mind that brought you UNK, comes the new and improved SON OF UNK, NEF. Where UNK was a bloated one thousand bytes, the entirety of NEF is four hundred forty-four, over a fifty per cent reduction in size.


clone this repo. NEF requires a POSIX environment.


create the following files and directories in the same directory as NEF:


the L file is basically a big here-doc, meaning that you can write arbitrary shell in it however you'd like. the following variables and functions are made available to L's environment (in addition, of course, to whatever NEF's environment is): the default L also runs each input file through the X function (UNK devotees will be aware of the X function; it's basically shab but stupider and smaller), meaning that input files can basically function as templates themselves, and create their own fun.

uh, yeah, that's it

look, the script is a super short POSIX shell script. it's barely usable by itself. you're probably going to throw it out and write something else -- that's what I do.


UNK used the WTFPL, which is the shortest license I've been able to find. however, for NEF, 443 bytes is far too long: it basically doubles the size of the repo! so I wrote my own license, which I'm calling the good choices license, or GCL for short. you can read the LICENSE file, or just read it here:
(c) 2020 Case Duckworth <> Everyone is permitted to do whatever with this software, without limitation. This software comes without any warranty whatsoever. Don't hurt yourself. Make good choices.
a trim 169 bytes, exclusive of the copyright information!


uh... send me an email? yeah. do that.