Case Duckworth ba91b9d3da Move TM to L; change I/ file names
TM->L saves 3b
changing I/ filenames to include the output extension before the input extension
saves 4 bytes, and it's more flexible: it can output any type of files now.
2021-01-30 15:28:28 -06:00

14 lines
502 B

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>$(T|sed 's/<[^>]\+>//g')</title>
$(q -f S/s.css&&e '<link rel=stylesheet href=S/s.css>'||
e '<style>body{max-width:70ch;padding:1em;margin:auto}
$(q "${N%.*}" = index&&(e '<ul id=toc>Pages'
for p in I/*;do q $p = $F&&continue;n="${p#I/}"
e "<li><a href='${n%.*}.htm'>$(sed 1q $p)</a></li>"
done;e '</ul>')||(e '<a id=toc href=index.htm>return</a>'))
<p id=ft>&copy; 2019</p>