#!/usr/bin/env python3 from os.path import dirname, realpath from bot import Bot, Tasks, Responses from actions import actions kingme = [ "#chaos" ] bot = Bot("", 6667, "BabiliBot|py", [ "#bots", "#insane" ]) responses = Responses(bot) for action in actions: if "type" in action and "pattern" in action and "callback" in action: responses.add_trigger( action["type"], action["pattern"], action["callback"] ) def try_to_king_me(channel): bot.send_message("ChanServ", "REGISTER {}", channel) bot.send_message("ChanServ", "SET Successor {} {}", channel, bot.botnick) bot.send_message("ChanServ", "SET Founder {} {}", channel, bot.author) def handle_pm(name, response): print("PM: {} - {}".format(name, response)) def handle_mode(channel, mode): if mode == "-r": try_to_king_me(channel) def handle_invite(channel, name): if channel in kingme: try_to_king_me(channel) users = bot.memories["users"] if name not in users: bot.memories["users"][name] = dict() if "invites" not in users[name]: bot.memories["users"][name]["invites"] = list() bot.memories["users"][name]["invites"].append(channel) def handle_kick(name): users = bot.memories["users"] if name not in users: bot.memories["users"][name] = dict() bot.memories["users"][name]["kicker"] = True def handle_message(name, source, response): responses.parse(name, source, response) if response == "!debug": print("::", bot.memories) if __name__ == "__main__": bot.start(dirname(realpath(__file__)), { "pm": handle_pm, "mode": handle_mode, "invite": handle_invite, "kick": handle_kick, "message": handle_message })