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from abots.helpers import eprint
from os import stat, remove
from os.path import dirname, basename, isfile, isdir, join as path_join
from shutil import copyfile
from time import strftime
from operator import itemgetter
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from threading import Lock
from sqlite3 import connect, register_converter, PARSE_DECLTYPES
from sqlite3 import ProgrammingError, Error as SQLiteError
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
register_converter("BOOLEAN", lambda value: bool(int(value)))
class SQLite:
def __init__(self, db_file, lock=Lock()):
self.db_file = db_file
self.path = dirname(self.db_file)
self.filename = basename(self.db_file)
self.connection = None
self.cursor = None
self.memory = False
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
self.lock = lock
def _load(self):
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
settings = dict()
settings["check_same_thread"] = False
settings["isolation_level"] = "DEFERRED"
settings["detect_types"] = PARSE_DECLTYPES
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
self.connection = connect(self.db_file, **settings)
self.connection.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")
self.connection.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
except SQLiteError as e:
self.connection = connect(":memory:")
self.memory = True
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
# self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
def _unload(self):
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
# Must be called from `backup`
def _remove_old_backups(self, backup_dir, backups):
contents = listdir(backup_dir)
files = [(f, stat(f).st_mtime) for f in contents if isfile(f)]
# Sort by mtime
remove_files = files[:-backups]
for rfile in remove_files:
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
def _convert(self, values):
convert = lambda value: value if not None else "NULL"
return (convert(value) for value in values)
def stop(self):
def backup(self, backup_dir=None, backups=1):
if backup_dir is None:
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
backup_dir = self.path
if not isdir(backup_dir):
eprint("ERROR: Backup directory does not exist")
return None
suffix = strftime("-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
backup_name = f"{self.filename} {suffix}"
backup_file = path_join(backup_dir, backup_name)
# Lock database
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
with closing(self.connection.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute("begin immediate")
copyfile(self.db_file, backup_file)
# Unlock database
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
self._remove_old_backups(backup_dir, backups)
def execute(self, executor, values=tuple(), fetch=False, commit=False):
with closing(self.connection.cursor()) as cursor:
args = (executor, values) if "?" in executor else (executor,)
if commit:
with self.transaction():
result = cursor.execute(*args)
result = cursor.execute(*args)
if not fetch:
return True
return cursor.fetchall()
except ProgrammingError as e:
return False
def fetch(self, executor, values=tuple(), commit=False):
return self.execute(executor, values, fetch=True, commit=commit)
e.g. create_table("test", ["id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", "value TEXT"])
def create_table(self, name, fields, commit=False):
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
fields_string = ",".join(fields)
executor = f"CREATE TABLE {name} ({fields_string})"
return self.execute(executor, commit=commit)
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
e.g. insert("test", {"value": "abc"})
def insert(self, table, insertion, commit=False):
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
assert isinstance(insertion, dict), "Expected dict"
keys = ",".join(insertion.keys())
places = ",".join(["?"] * len(insertion))
values = tuple(self._convert(insertion.values()))
executor = f"INSERT INTO {table} ({keys}) VALUES({places})"
return self.execute(executor, values, commit=commit)
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
def update(self, table, modification, where, commit=False):
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
assert isinstance(modification, dict), "Expected dict"
assert isinstance(where, tuple), "Expected tuple"
assert len(where) == 2, "Expected length of '2'"
assert isinstance(where[0], str), "Expected str"
assert isinstance(where[1], tuple), "Expected tuple"
keys = ",".join(f"{key} = ?" for key in modification.keys())
mod_values = tuple(self._convert(modification.values()))
where_query = where[0]
where_values = where[1]
values = mod_values + where_values
executor = f"UPDATE {table} SET {keys} WHERE {where_query}"
return self.execute(executor, values, commit=commit)
def delete(self, table, where, commit=False):
assert isinstance(where, tuple), "Expected tuple"
assert len(where) == 2, "Expected length of '2'"
assert isinstance(where[0], str), "Expected str"
assert isinstance(where[1], tuple), "Expected tuple"
where_query = where[0]
where_values = where[1]
values = where_values
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executor = f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {where_query}"
return self.execute(executor, values, commit=commit)
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
def lookup(self, table, search, where=None):
if type(search) != list:
search = [search]
keys = ",".join(search)
executor = f"SELECT {keys} FROM {table}"
if where:
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
assert isinstance(where, tuple), "Expected tuple"
assert len(where) == 2, "Expected length of '2'"
assert isinstance(where[0], str), "Expected str"
assert isinstance(where[1], tuple), "Expected tuple"
where_query = where[0]
where_values = where[1]
executor = f"{executor} WHERE {where_query}"
2019-07-27 18:58:48 +00:00
results = self.fetch(executor, where_values)
results = self.fetch(executor)
found = list()
for result in results:
remap = dict()
for index, term in enumerate(search):
remap[term] = result[index]
return found
def lookup_one(self, table, search, where=None):
result = self.lookup(table, search, where)
return result[0] if len(result) > 0 else None
2019-05-06 18:40:45 +00:00
def lookup_all(self, table, where=None):
return self.lookup(table, ["*"], where)
def get_all_tables(self):
executor = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"
tables = self.fetch(executor)
return (table[0] for table in tables)
def drop_table(self, name, commit=False):
executor = f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {name}"
return self.execute(executor, commit=commit)
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def transaction(self):
with self.lock: