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This commit is contained in:
aewens 2019-05-01 02:35:34 +02:00
parent 42f32fce15
commit d25b16bc46
5 changed files with 0 additions and 511 deletions

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@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
This is purely an abstraction layer that allows a (Simple)Proc to interact with
another (Simple)Proc through the Processor's notification/event system. It also
allows a (Simple)Proc to stop itself or use one of the extensions added to the
from import Shared
class Pipe:
def __init__(self, exports):
# This is only here to use existing extensions, not to add new ones
self.extensions = exports.get("extensions", None)
# This is only here to append new notifications, not to read them
self.notifications = Shared(exports.get("notifications", None))
# This is used to append new listeners to subscribe to
self.listeners = exports.get("listeners", None)
# This is used to stop the proc the pipe is connected to
self.condition = exports.get("condition", None)
# This is used to stop the proc the pipe is connected to = exports.get("events", None)
# This is an optional handler used for logging
self.handler = exports.get("handler", None)
# While this one is not used now, it will be very useful for debugging
self.proc = exports.get("proc", None)
# Is set to False if any of the needed exports are missing
self.stable = True
if self.extensions is None:
self._error("events/Pipe.__init__", "extensions")
self.stable = False
if self.notifications is None:
self._error("events/Pipe.__init__", "notifications")
self.stable = False
if self.listeners is None:
self._error("events/Pipe.__init__", "listeners")
self.stable = False
if self.condition is None:
self._error("events/Pipe.__init__", "condition")
self.stable = False
if is None:
self._error("events/Pipe.__init__", "events")
self.stable = False
# Works if, and only if, handler has an error method to call
def _error(self, name, data):
if self.handler is None:
return None
elif getattr(self.handler, "error", None):
return None
self.handler.error(name, data)
# Informs the associated proc to stop running
def stop(self):
if self.condition.is_set():
# Dispatches a new notification to the processor
def notify(self, name, data):
if not self.stable:
return False
print(f"Notifying {name}: {data}")
return self.notifications.safe_put((name, data))
# Informs the pipe to add a new notification listener
def listen(self, notification):
if not self.stable:
return False
if notification in self.listeners:
self._error("events/Pipe.listen", notification)
return False
# Informs the pipe to remove a new notification listener
def silence(self, notification):
if not self.stable:
return False
if notification in self.listeners:
self._error("events/Pipe.listen", notification)
return False
# Utilizes one of the extensions loaded by the processor
def use(self, extension):
if not self.stable:
return False
return self.extensions.get(extension, None)

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@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
events/SimpleProc & events/Proc
This is designed to be used run by events/Processor to allow it to control
whatever class is sent to it. The class will be spawned inside of events/Proxy
so that operate better in a multiprocessing environment. As well, they will be
provided an event/Shared for an event queue as well as a multiprocessing event
to trigger the stop condition.
from import Pipe
from import Every, Proxy, Shared
from abots.helpers import eprint
from multiprocessing import Process
from traceback import print_exc
from time import sleep
# The logic in Proc will have full control of how to process events
class Proc(Process):
def __init__(self, name, logic, exports, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Mainly used for SimpleProc = name
# This is an optional handler used for logging
self.handler = exports.get("handler")
# How long to wait for condition before timing out
self.timeout = exports.get("timeout")
# This is just a wrapper around multiprocessing.manager.Queue = Shared(exports.get("events"))
# This is used to indicate the stop condition for the process
self.condition = exports.get("condition")
# The notifications that the process will listen to
self.listeners = exports.get("listeners")
# Controls the events sent to/received by the Processor
self.pipe = Pipe(exports)
# Mainly used for setting self.logic in run, isolated from SimpleProc
self._logic = logic
# Works if, and only if, handler has an error method to call
def _error(self, name, data):
if self.handler is None:
return None
elif getattr(self.handler, "error", None):
return None
self.handler.error(name, data)
return True
# Checks if method exists in logic, and if so calls it
def call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
logic_method = getattr(self.logic, method, None)
if logic_method is None:
self._error("event/Proc:call", method)
return None
# In case the method errors out, catch it here to prevent crashing
return logic_method(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
status = print_exc()
self._error("event/Proc:call!", status)
return status
# This is launched with `start` because of the Process inheritance
def run(self):
# All actions needed for logic can be leveraged through the pipe
self.logic = self._logic(self.pipe)
# Cleans up the multiprocessing components
def stop(self):
# Stop is called here so it can choose what to do with the queue
# Once it is done, it should set the condition so the events can close
status ="stop")
# Wait until logic is done with the events, then close the queue
return status
# A simplified version where logic will only process the event given
class SimpleProc(Proc):
def __init__(self, name, logic, exports, *args, **kwargs):
# While timeout is still used, it is used only in `run` here
super().__init__(name, logic, exports, *args, **kwargs)
# Since logic can be a function in Proc, it is not initalized here
self.logic = logic
# By default, adds a listener from the proc's name
# This is launched with `start` because of the Process inheritance
def run(self):
while not self.condition.is_set():
while not
# The pipe is sent so logic can use it to react to the event, self.pipe)
# timeout is used here to add a delay in processing, if desired
if self.timeout is not None:
# Cleans up the multiprocessing components
def stop(self):
# If the condition was not already set, do it now
if self.condition.is_set():

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@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
This is where all of the magic happens. The processor will allow you to spin up
a bunch of processes and allow them to communicate over a shared event queue.
It does all of this using a handful of multiprocessing abstractions included in
the "events" sub-module.
from import Proc, SimpleProc
from import Shared
from import Every, Proxy
from abots.helpers import ctos
from time import sleep
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
class Processor(Process):
def __init__(self, handler=None, timeout=None):
# This provides the means to create shareable dictionaries
self.manager = Manager()
# This is an optional handler used for logging
self.handler = handler
# Dictates whether the notifications need a timeout for get/put actions
self.timeout = timeout
# All of the procs handled by the processor
self.procs = dict()
# All of the procs that are actively running = dict()
# Any extensions that have been loaded into the processor
self.extensions = self.manager.dict()
# The shared event queue for notifications for the procs
self.notifications = Shared(self.manager.Queue())
# The stop condition to halt the processor and all of its processes
self.condition = self.manager.Event()
# Used later to export settings inherited by the procs
self.exports = self._export()
# Works if, and only if, handler has an error method to call
def _error(self, name, data):
if self.handler is None:
return None
elif getattr(self.handler, "error", None):
return None
self.handler.error(name, data)
return True
# Creates a dictionary of the shared settings to pass to procs
def _export(self):
exports = dict()
exports["notifications"] = self.notifications.queue
exports["extensions"] = self.extensions
if self.handler is not None:
exports["handler"] = self.handler
return exports
# Determine if a process exists, is formatted correctly, and active
def _check_process(self, name):
proc = self.procs.get(name, None)
if proc is None:
self._error("events/Processor._check_process", name)
return None, None
active =, None)
return proc, active
# Wrapper for calling actions on all procs
def _all(self, action_name, **kwargs):
statuses = dict()
action = getattr(self, action_name, None)
if action is None:
self._error("events/Processor._all", action_name)
return None
for proc_name in self.procs.keys():
proc_kwargs = kwargs.get(proc_name, dict())
# Save the status of the action for any error reporting
statuses[proc_name] = action(proc_name, **proc_kwargs)
return statuses
# Add the extension through a Proxy to work across procs
def extend(self, name, logic, *args, **kwargs):
self.extensions[name] = Proxy(logic).make(*args, **kwargs)
# The loop that handles distributing notifications to their procs
def run(self):
while not self.condition.is_set():
while not self.notifications.empty():
notification = self.notifications.safe_get()
print("Notification:", notification)
# We do not care about the proc's name here, only values needed
for name, info in
# The proc has been stopped, tell processor to spin it down
if info["condition"].is_set():
for event_name in info["listeners"]:
# name, data = notification
if event_name != notification[0]:
Shared(info["events"]).safe_put(notification, self.timeout)
# Clean up everything that needs to be stopped
def stop(self):
# Determine the max time procs will take to spin down
timeout = 0 if self.timeout is None else self.timeout
wait = timeout * len(self.procs)
# Spin down all of the procs, then sets the stop condition
# Give procs enough time to spin down
# Close the notification loop, return all of the entries not processed
return Shared(self.notifications).safe_close()
# Informs the processor of the proc, does not start it
def register(self, proc, name=None, simple=False):
if name is None:
# Class-to-String helper function, extracts name of class
name = ctos(proc)
if name in self.procs:
self._error("events/Processor.register", name)
return None
proc_info = dict()
proc_info["logic"] = proc
proc_info["simple"] = simple
self.procs[name] = proc_info
return True
# Starts the proc and loads into into
def spinup(self, name, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Spinning up {name}")
proc, active = self._check_process(name)
if not proc or active:
return None
simple = proc.get("simple", False)
logic = proc.get("logic", None)
if logic is None:
self._error("events/Processor.start", name)
return None
# These are defined here so that proc objects do not need to be shared
listeners = self.manager.list()
condition = self.manager.Event()
events = self.manager.Queue()
exports = self.exports.copy()
exports["proc"] = name
exports["listeners"] = listeners
exports["condition"] = condition
exports["events"] = events
if timeout is not None:
exports["timeout"] = timeout
proxy_args = (name, logic, exports, *args)
if simple:
# procedure = Proxy(SimpleProc).make(*proxy_args, **kwargs)
procedure = SimpleProc(*proxy_args, **kwargs)
# procedure = Proxy(Proc).make(*proxy_args, **kwargs)
procedure = Proc(*proxy_args, **kwargs)
active_info = dict()
active_info["listeners"] = listeners
active_info["condition"] = condition
active_info["events"] = events
print(active_info)[name] = active_info
return True
# Stops the proc and removes it from
def spindown(self, name):
print(f"Spinning down {name}")
proc, active = self._check_process(name)
if not proc or not active:
return None
condition = active.get("condition", None)
if condition is None:
self._error("events/Processor.spindown", active)
return True
# Start all of the procs
def spinup_all(self, **kwargs):
return self._all("spinup", **kwargs)
# Stop all of the procs
def spindown_all(self, **kwargs):
return self._all("spindown", **kwargs)

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
This is used to act as a proxy for sending classes / objects between other
processes, ideally without running into race conditions.
from abots.helpers import ctos
from re import compile as regex
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
class ProxyManager(BaseManager):
class Proxy:
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module = ctos(self.module)
# Gets the module as-is, which should be a class to be called
def get(self):
return getattr(self._proxy_manager,, None)
# Makes the proxy module into a proxy object
def make(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.get()(*args, **kwargs)
def _create_proxy_manager(self):
ProxyManager.register(, self.module)
proxy_manager = ProxyManager()
self._proxy_manager = proxy_manager

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
This is a simple wrapper around the multiprocessing manager queue for safe
usage of its functions when considering dangling entries during closing or
empty/full events preventing getting / putting entries.
from queue import Empty, Full
from multiprocessing import get_context
class Shared:
def __init__(self, queue):
self.queue = queue
def empty(self):
return self.queue.empty()
def done(self):
return self.queue.task_done()
def safe_get(self, timeout=None):
if timeout is None:
return self.queue.get(block=False)
return self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except Empty:
return None
def safe_put(self, entry, timeout=None):
self.queue.put(entry, block=False, timeout=timeout)
return True
except Full:
return False
def safe_apply(self, action, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs):
entry = self.safe_get(timeout)
result = action(entry, *args, **kwargs)
return result
def gather(self, timeout=None):
while not self.queue.empty():
# Use yield to allow generators to gather entries with timeouts
yield self.queue.safe_get(timeout)
def safe_close(self):
# Gather all leftover messages still in the queue
gathered = (entry for entry in self.gather())
# self.queue.join()
return gathered