from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from email.mime.text import MIMEText from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.error import HTTPError from json import loads def get_iden(devices, device_name): for device in devices: if device.get("nickname", "") == device_name: return device.get("iden", "") def push_note(bot, title, body): api_url = "" extra_settings = bot.settings.get("extras", dict()) pb_settings = extra_settings.get("pushbullet", dict()) api_key = pb_settings.get("api", "") device_name = pb_settings.get("device", "") list_devices = Request("{}/devices".format(api_url)) list_devices.add_header("Access-Token", api_key) try: data = loads(urlopen(list_devices).read()) except HTTPError: return devices = data.get("devices", list()) iden = get_iden(devices, device_name) params = { "device_iden": iden, "type": "note", "title": title, "body": body } post_params = urlencode(params).encode() pushes = Request("{}/pushes".format(api_url), post_params) pushes.add_header("Access-Token", api_key) try: response = loads(urlopen(pushes).read()) except HTTPError as e: return def summon(self, name, source, response): botnick = author = user, reason = response.split("!summon ")[1].split(" ", 1) email = "{}" subject = "You have been summoned!" text = " ".join([ "My bot, {}, received a summoning request for you".format(botnick), "from {} in channel {} for reason: {}".format(name, source, reason) ]) message = MIMEText(text) message["From"] = email.format(botnick) message["To"] = email.format(user) message["Subject"] = subject command = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi".split(" ") p = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) p.communicate(message.as_string()) if user == author: push_note(, subject, text) confirmation = "{}: You have summoned {}".format(name, user), confirmation) def whois(self, name, source, response): botnick = domain = response.split("!whois ")[1] api_url = "" api_key ="extras", dict()).get("jsonwhoisapi", "") req = Request("{}?identifier={}".format(api_url, domain)) req.add_header("Authorization", api_key) try: data = loads(urlopen(req).read()) except HTTPError:, "{} cannot exist".format(domain)) return registered = data.get("registered", None) if registered is not None: nameservers = len(data.get("nameservers", "")) registrar = data.get("registrar", dict()) is_registered = "id" in registrar or nameservers > 0 status = "registered" if is_registered else "available", "{} is '{}'".format(domain, status)) else:, "{} might be available".format(domain))